Star Search 2024 - First Look At The Stars

才华横溢出新秀2024 - 20 强简介

Get to know the Top 20 contestants of Star Search 2024!

Get to know the Top 20 contestants of Star Search 2024!

Amy Ang
1 min

Amy is a content strategist and content creator with extensive experience in voice-over and short video projects. As a dedicated fan of period dramas, she hopes to transform her passion for the genre into actual acting experience by securing roles in such productions. 洪依嬣是内容策略师,同时也是一位社交媒体内容创作者,制作了多部短视频作品。作为一名忠实的“古装剧迷”,她希望有机会参演古装剧,将对这一领域的热情转化为实际的演艺经验。

Amy Ang

Amy is a content strategist and content creator with extensive experience in voice-over and short video projects. As a dedicated fan of period dramas, she hopes to transform her passion for the genre into actual acting experience by securing roles in such productions. 洪依嬣是内容策略师,同时也是一位社交媒体内容创作者,制作了多部短视频作品。作为一名忠实的“古装剧迷”,她希望有机会参演古装剧,将对这一领域的热情转化为实际的演艺经验。

Gladys Bay
1 min

Gladys Bay is taking part in Star Search alongside her husband, Marcus Sim. Not only is she a multimedia host, she has also represented Singapore in three ranking competitions in an attempt to earn a spot in Breaking at the Olympic Qualifier Series. Adventurous and daring, yet introspective and health-conscious, she is now here to chase a dream she has always been too hesitant to pursue. 马䲰娗与丈夫沈伟洋携手参赛。她不仅是一位多媒体主持人,还曾代表新加坡三次参加霹雳舞奥运积分赛。虽然她性格随性...

Gladys Bay

Gladys Bay is taking part in Star Search alongside her husband, Marcus Sim. Not only is she a multimedia host, she has also represented Singapore in three ranking competitions in an attempt to earn a spot in Breaking at the Olympic Qualifier Series. Adventurous and daring, yet introspective and health-conscious, she is now here to chase a dream she has always been too hesitant to pursue. 马䲰娗与丈夫沈伟洋携手参赛。她不仅是一位多媒体主持人,还曾代表新加坡三次参加霹雳舞奥运积分赛。虽然她性格随性...

Tiffany Ho
1 min

At 14, Tiffany left her hometown to study in Singapore. Now a student, she is both charmingly lively and mature in thought. Passionate about dancing, she enjoys a cup of bubble tea every day, yet has the enviable ability to stay slim. She aspires to become a household name and live up to her family’s expectations and support. 14岁背井离乡来到新加坡念书的何睿烔,性格可爱活泼,思想却略显成熟。她热爱跳舞,每天必喝一杯珍珠奶茶,还拥有让人羡慕的吃不胖体质。她希望能成为一个名字一提就能立刻让人想起的人,同时不辜负家人的期望与支持。

Tiffany Ho

At 14, Tiffany left her hometown to study in Singapore. Now a student, she is both charmingly lively and mature in thought. Passionate about dancing, she enjoys a cup of bubble tea every day, yet has the enviable ability to stay slim. She aspires to become a household name and live up to her family’s expectations and support. 14岁背井离乡来到新加坡念书的何睿烔,性格可爱活泼,思想却略显成熟。她热爱跳舞,每天必喝一杯珍珠奶茶,还拥有让人羡慕的吃不胖体质。她希望能成为一个名字一提就能立刻让人想起的人,同时不辜负家人的期望与支持。

Koh Boon Wun
1 min

Known for her lively, cheerful personality and a quirky sense of humour, Boon Wun’s greatest aspiration is to bring joy and laughter to those around her. She is never without her guitar and has recently taken up Muay Thai. Having showcased her fearlessness at the Star Search campus scouting and open auditions, she is determined to face new challenges with courage and determination. 性格活泼开朗的许文恩,总能用她独特的无厘头风格让周围的人捧腹大笑。她希望通过这个方式将快乐带给大家。吉他是她的随身伙伴...

Koh Boon Wun

Known for her lively, cheerful personality and a quirky sense of humour, Boon Wun’s greatest aspiration is to bring joy and laughter to those around her. She is never without her guitar and has recently taken up Muay Thai. Having showcased her fearlessness at the Star Search campus scouting and open auditions, she is determined to face new challenges with courage and determination. 性格活泼开朗的许文恩,总能用她独特的无厘头风格让周围的人捧腹大笑。她希望通过这个方式将快乐带给大家。吉他是她的随身伙伴...

Lee Ting Xuan
1 min

Previously a member of her school basketball team, Ting Xuan finds joy and stress relief in the sport. Having made her first-ever stage performance at the Star Search auditions, she is eager to build her confidence while conquering her shyness and stage fright in future performances. 喜欢打篮球,也曾是校队成员,这是李亭萱缓解压力的方式。《才华横溢出新秀2024》是她首次尝试的舞台,她期待在未来能够更加自信地面对观众,克服内向,摆脱怯场。

Lee Ting Xuan

Previously a member of her school basketball team, Ting Xuan finds joy and stress relief in the sport. Having made her first-ever stage performance at the Star Search auditions, she is eager to build her confidence while conquering her shyness and stage fright in future performances. 喜欢打篮球,也曾是校队成员,这是李亭萱缓解压力的方式。《才华横溢出新秀2024》是她首次尝试的舞台,她期待在未来能够更加自信地面对观众,克服内向,摆脱怯场。

Ler Ka Ying
1 min

Ka Ying refers to herself as “The Eccentric Goddess”, and describes her personality as quirky yet introverted. She enjoys listening to music and journaling in her spare time, and has recently taken a keen interest in improving her fitness. Despite the long and solitary journey of pursuing her dreams, she remains steadfast and hopes to one day win a Golden Horse Award. 吕佳颖自称为“女·神·经”。她爱不按牌理出牌,但本质上内向,平时喜欢听音乐和写日记,近年来也开始学习健身。尽管追梦的道路漫长且孤单,她依然坚定不移...

Ler Ka Ying

Ka Ying refers to herself as “The Eccentric Goddess”, and describes her personality as quirky yet introverted. She enjoys listening to music and journaling in her spare time, and has recently taken a keen interest in improving her fitness. Despite the long and solitary journey of pursuing her dreams, she remains steadfast and hopes to one day win a Golden Horse Award. 吕佳颖自称为“女·神·经”。她爱不按牌理出牌,但本质上内向,平时喜欢听音乐和写日记,近年来也开始学习健身。尽管追梦的道路漫长且孤单,她依然坚定不移...

Gladys Ng
1 min

A student of Thai-Chinese heritage and an avid fan of Mediacorp artistes and dramas, Gladys Ng is fluent in Thai and Mandarin. Her smile is her secret weapon. This time, she is courageously stepping out of her comfort zone, aiming to reach the finals and fulfill her long-held dream. 现为学生的黄慧燕是有着泰国血统的华人,说着一口流利的泰语和中文,也是新传媒艺人和戏剧的忠实支持者。笑容是她的必杀技。这次,她勇敢地跳出舒适圈,力求走上决赛的舞台,实现自己一直以来的梦想。

Gladys Ng

A student of Thai-Chinese heritage and an avid fan of Mediacorp artistes and dramas, Gladys Ng is fluent in Thai and Mandarin. Her smile is her secret weapon. This time, she is courageously stepping out of her comfort zone, aiming to reach the finals and fulfill her long-held dream. 现为学生的黄慧燕是有着泰国血统的华人,说着一口流利的泰语和中文,也是新传媒艺人和戏剧的忠实支持者。笑容是她的必杀技。这次,她勇敢地跳出舒适圈,力求走上决赛的舞台,实现自己一直以来的梦想。

Sufeia Azura Sunir
1 min

With a seemingly quiet yet vibrant personality, student Sufeia loves meeting new people and has been playing football since she was 11. As an Indian-Chinese, she speaks four languages: Chinese, English, Malay, and Tamil. Since childhood, she has dreamed of becoming an actress and a radio DJ, aspiring to one day be in a position to help others. 表面文静却充满活力的李思萱,热爱结交新朋友,自11岁起更喜欢上踢足球。身为印度华人混血儿的她会说中文、英文、马来文和淡米尔文四种语言。从小她就梦想成为演员和电台DJ,并希望未来能够帮助他人。

Sufeia Azura Sunir

With a seemingly quiet yet vibrant personality, student Sufeia loves meeting new people and has been playing football since she was 11. As an Indian-Chinese, she speaks four languages: Chinese, English, Malay, and Tamil. Since childhood, she has dreamed of becoming an actress and a radio DJ, aspiring to one day be in a position to help others. 表面文静却充满活力的李思萱,热爱结交新朋友,自11岁起更喜欢上踢足球。身为印度华人混血儿的她会说中文、英文、马来文和淡米尔文四种语言。从小她就梦想成为演员和电台DJ,并希望未来能够帮助他人。

Alina Tan
1 min

From a young age, art has been an integral part of Alina’s life. Not only is she skilled in painting, she also excels in singing. Despite still being a student, her years of theatre experience have empowered her to shine confidently on stage. Working out is central to her life philosophy and she is dedicated to spreading positive energy through her optimistic attitude, hoping to leave a lasting impression on everyone. 从小到大,陈致嘉的生活不乏艺术的熏陶。她不仅擅长绘画..

Alina Tan

From a young age, art has been an integral part of Alina’s life. Not only is she skilled in painting, she also excels in singing. Despite still being a student, her years of theatre experience have empowered her to shine confidently on stage. Working out is central to her life philosophy and she is dedicated to spreading positive energy through her optimistic attitude, hoping to leave a lasting impression on everyone. 从小到大,陈致嘉的生活不乏艺术的熏陶。她不仅擅长绘画..

June Tan
1 min

June is a student majoring in Broadcasting and Hosting. Her passion for languages and cultures was sparked by traveling to seven countries with her father from a young age. Proficient in English, Chinese and French, she aims for long-term success in the entertainment industry and aspires to excel in both hosting and acting. 陈瑞敏就读于广播主持专业,自幼随父亲周游七个国家,因此对语言和文化产生了浓厚的兴趣,掌握中英双语,并精通法语。她希望在演艺圈实现长远发展,并渴望在主持和表演领域都取得突破。

June Tan

June is a student majoring in Broadcasting and Hosting. Her passion for languages and cultures was sparked by traveling to seven countries with her father from a young age. Proficient in English, Chinese and French, she aims for long-term success in the entertainment industry and aspires to excel in both hosting and acting. 陈瑞敏就读于广播主持专业,自幼随父亲周游七个国家,因此对语言和文化产生了浓厚的兴趣,掌握中英双语,并精通法语。她希望在演艺圈实现长远发展,并渴望在主持和表演领域都取得突破。

Chua Seng Jin
1 min

Seng Jin is a freelancer. His lively and outgoing personality never fails to inspire those around him. Describing himself with the words “mysterious”, “outgoing”, and “life”, he believes that he can learn from everyone he meets. Seng Jin aspires to become an outstanding performer. 蔡承峻是一名自由工作者。他活泼外向的性格总能感染身边的人。他的三个关键词是神秘、外向和生活。他相信任何人都可以成为他的学习对象,因此期望未来能成为一名出色的表演者。

Chua Seng Jin

Seng Jin is a freelancer. His lively and outgoing personality never fails to inspire those around him. Describing himself with the words “mysterious”, “outgoing”, and “life”, he believes that he can learn from everyone he meets. Seng Jin aspires to become an outstanding performer. 蔡承峻是一名自由工作者。他活泼外向的性格总能感染身边的人。他的三个关键词是神秘、外向和生活。他相信任何人都可以成为他的学习对象,因此期望未来能成为一名出色的表演者。

Jona Chung
1 min

Jona is passionate about creativity and self-expression, and welcomes creative projects that range from music to film. He dreams of becoming a versatile artiste, and in so doing, fulfill his mother’s dreams. With licenses in badminton refereeing and swimming coaching, he is committed to enhancing his physical fitness. In his spare time, he enjoys surfing, filming stunts and action scenes, and has a keen interest in cosplay and crocheting.

Jona Chung

Jona is passionate about creativity and self-expression, and welcomes creative projects that range from music to film. He dreams of becoming a versatile artiste, and in so doing, fulfill his mother’s dreams. With licenses in badminton refereeing and swimming coaching, he is committed to enhancing his physical fitness. In his spare time, he enjoys surfing, filming stunts and action scenes, and has a keen interest in cosplay and crocheting.

Heng Jee Kuan
1 min

Jee Kuan is an outgoing and sociable individual who thrives on meeting new people and engaging in social activities. He is currently a university student and a part-time model. In his free time, he channels his energy into playing soccer and pole vaulting, for which he had won a bronze medal at the Southeast Asian Youth Athletics Championships. Dedicated and enthusiastic, Jee Kuan dreams of participating in Mediacorp’s programmes in the future.

Heng Jee Kuan

Jee Kuan is an outgoing and sociable individual who thrives on meeting new people and engaging in social activities. He is currently a university student and a part-time model. In his free time, he channels his energy into playing soccer and pole vaulting, for which he had won a bronze medal at the Southeast Asian Youth Athletics Championships. Dedicated and enthusiastic, Jee Kuan dreams of participating in Mediacorp’s programmes in the future.

Jadon Lim
1 min

Currently a university student, Jadon also works as a part-time model. He enjoys dancing to express his emotions and pursues his passion for baking in his free time. Aspiring to achieve fame, he aims to connect with industry peers and support his family and himself. 林义豪目前是一名大学生,也是一位兼职模特。他喜欢通过舞蹈表达内心情感,私下里还热爱烘焙,展现了他的多面性。他希望未来能够成名,结识更多志同道合的人,并让家人过上更好的生活。

Jadon Lim

Currently a university student, Jadon also works as a part-time model. He enjoys dancing to express his emotions and pursues his passion for baking in his free time. Aspiring to achieve fame, he aims to connect with industry peers and support his family and himself. 林义豪目前是一名大学生,也是一位兼职模特。他喜欢通过舞蹈表达内心情感,私下里还热爱烘焙,展现了他的多面性。他希望未来能够成名,结识更多志同道合的人,并让家人过上更好的生活。

Mitchell Lim
1 min

Beneath his fashionable exterior, Mitchell has an old soul. Not only is he skilled in the traditional art of the 24 Festive Drums, he also has a deep love for Teochew opera and enjoys tea tasting in his spare time. A long-time fan of Mediacorp Channel 8 programmes, Mitchell is eager to make the leap from viewer to appearing on-screen, and is determined to embrace this opportunity to continue pursuing his long-held dreams. 时尚外表下,林铭轩的内心其实住着一个老灵魂...

Mitchell Lim

Beneath his fashionable exterior, Mitchell has an old soul. Not only is he skilled in the traditional art of the 24 Festive Drums, he also has a deep love for Teochew opera and enjoys tea tasting in his spare time. A long-time fan of Mediacorp Channel 8 programmes, Mitchell is eager to make the leap from viewer to appearing on-screen, and is determined to embrace this opportunity to continue pursuing his long-held dreams. 时尚外表下,林铭轩的内心其实住着一个老灵魂...

Christopher Ng
1 min

With his deep-set eyes and distinct features, Christopher is often mistaken for having mixed heritage. A freelancer by profession, he is outgoing and passionate about outdoor activities. Through this competition, he hopes to gain a deeper understanding of various types of performances, explore new fields, and push himself to go further. 拥有深邃眼睛的吴剑宏经常被误认为混血儿。目前是一名自由工作者。他性格开朗,热爱户外活动。通过这次比赛,他希望能够深入了解镜头前的各种表演,探索全新的领域,并尽全力走得更远。

Christopher Ng

With his deep-set eyes and distinct features, Christopher is often mistaken for having mixed heritage. A freelancer by profession, he is outgoing and passionate about outdoor activities. Through this competition, he hopes to gain a deeper understanding of various types of performances, explore new fields, and push himself to go further. 拥有深邃眼睛的吴剑宏经常被误认为混血儿。目前是一名自由工作者。他性格开朗,热爱户外活动。通过这次比赛,他希望能够深入了解镜头前的各种表演,探索全新的领域,并尽全力走得更远。

Marcus Sim
1 min

Marcus describes himself as humorous, witty, and innovative. Having entered the workforce directly after graduating from polytechnic, he is always eager to embrace new challenges and opportunities. Outside of work, he is also a breakdancer like his wife, Gladys Bay. He is passionate about art and creativity and hopes to realise his potential and inspire others. 幽默、机智、创新,是沈伟洋赋予自己的关键词。与其过着一成不变的生活,他选择在理工学院毕业后迅速融入社会,这体现了他勇于挑战未知的个性。他与妻子马䲰娗一样是一位霹雳舞者...

Marcus Sim

Marcus describes himself as humorous, witty, and innovative. Having entered the workforce directly after graduating from polytechnic, he is always eager to embrace new challenges and opportunities. Outside of work, he is also a breakdancer like his wife, Gladys Bay. He is passionate about art and creativity and hopes to realise his potential and inspire others. 幽默、机智、创新,是沈伟洋赋予自己的关键词。与其过着一成不变的生活,他选择在理工学院毕业后迅速融入社会,这体现了他勇于挑战未知的个性。他与妻子马䲰娗一样是一位霹雳舞者...

Tan Zi Sheng
1 min

With an outgoing personality, Zi Sheng is always eager to strike up conversations with strangers and engage in lively dialogue. Beyond excelling academically, he also has a passion for sports. He aims to refine his acting and hosting skills through Star Search and strives to continuously improve himself in both his personal life and professional endeavors. 性格外向的子盛, 善于主动与陌生人交谈,打开话匣子。学习成绩优异的他,喜欢球类运动。他希望通过这个比赛来磨练自己在演技和主持方面的技巧,并努力在生活和工作中不断提升自我。

Tan Zi Sheng

With an outgoing personality, Zi Sheng is always eager to strike up conversations with strangers and engage in lively dialogue. Beyond excelling academically, he also has a passion for sports. He aims to refine his acting and hosting skills through Star Search and strives to continuously improve himself in both his personal life and professional endeavors. 性格外向的子盛, 善于主动与陌生人交谈,打开话匣子。学习成绩优异的他,喜欢球类运动。他希望通过这个比赛来磨练自己在演技和主持方面的技巧,并努力在生活和工作中不断提升自我。

Gino Wong
1 min

Gino describes himself as courageous, versatile, and confident. He excels in dancing, acting, and hosting. In his daily routine, he enjoys cleaning as a way to clear away negative emotions, reflecting his dynamic yet calm personality. Driven by a desire for success, he works hard and is determined to seize every opportunity that comes his way. 王贤耀将勇敢、全能、自信作为自己的关键词。他擅长跳舞、演戏和主持,生活中则喜欢打扫,并以此扫除所有坏情绪,可见他动静皆宜的性格。他渴望成功,因此始终努力,并抓住每一个机会。

Gino Wong

Gino describes himself as courageous, versatile, and confident. He excels in dancing, acting, and hosting. In his daily routine, he enjoys cleaning as a way to clear away negative emotions, reflecting his dynamic yet calm personality. Driven by a desire for success, he works hard and is determined to seize every opportunity that comes his way. 王贤耀将勇敢、全能、自信作为自己的关键词。他擅长跳舞、演戏和主持,生活中则喜欢打扫,并以此扫除所有坏情绪,可见他动静皆宜的性格。他渴望成功,因此始终努力,并抓住每一个机会。

Clement Yeo
1 min

Clement began his acting journey after being invited by a childhood friend. Now a university student, he works part-time as an actor in drama and theater. Recently, he has also taken up juggling. His dream is to showcase local works on the international stage. 杨岳翰因小学同学的一次邀约,对表演产生了浓厚的兴趣。如今,他在大学求学的同时,也从事戏剧和舞台剧表演,并且近期学会了杂耍。他的梦想是将本地作品推向国际舞台。

Clement Yeo

Clement began his acting journey after being invited by a childhood friend. Now a university student, he works part-time as an actor in drama and theater. Recently, he has also taken up juggling. His dream is to showcase local works on the international stage. 杨岳翰因小学同学的一次邀约,对表演产生了浓厚的兴趣。如今,他在大学求学的同时,也从事戏剧和舞台剧表演,并且近期学会了杂耍。他的梦想是将本地作品推向国际舞台。

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