Spicy Hot
"Spicy Hot!" is a brand new series to discover the ABCs of Chilli around the globe. A profitable crop, Chili originates from Mexico, but India has since surpassed her as the world's largest exporter. How do we measure spiciness? Which country uses chili to beat the heat? Sssss... Just how "HOT" can it get? 《火辣辣》热辣出击!顾名思义,这是个和辣椒文化有关的崭新资讯节目!主持人将带领大家走访世界各地寻找并探讨与"辣椒"相关的美食和文化。墨西哥是辣椒发源地而印度则是辣椒出口量最大的国家!辣椒除了是烹调材料,原来还有其他用途!中国四川和重庆一共有一亿人嗜辣!而各地区谣传的独门"偏方"是如何使用辣椒?辛辣程度是怎么测试的?
- Oldest First
- Newest First
"Spicy Hot!" is a brand new series to discover the ABCs of Chilli around the globe. A profitable crop, Chili originates from Mexico, but India has since surpassed her as the world's largest exporter. How do we measure spiciness? Which country uses chili to beat the heat? Sssss... Just how "HOT" can it get? 《火辣辣》热辣出击!顾名思义,这是个和辣椒文化有关的崭新资讯节目!主持人将带领大家走访世界各地寻找并探讨与"辣椒"相关的美食和文化。墨西哥是辣椒发源地而印度则是辣椒出口量最大的国家!辣椒除了是烹调材料,原来还有其他用途!中国四川和重庆一共有一亿人嗜辣!而各地区谣传的独门"偏方"是如何使用辣椒?辛辣程度是怎么测试的?
"Spicy Hot" heads to Australia! Jiafa experiences the biggest ever "Chilli Festival" and braves the spiciest chilli in the world - the Carolina Reaper! He signs up for a chilli-eating competition, but can this self-proclaimed foodie handle the challenge? 《火辣辣》热力出发,首站到澳大利亚的珀斯参与"辣椒节"!这个空前盛大的节庆迎来了世界上许多著名的辣椒!家发这次将参加一个"吃辣椒"比赛,品尝了世界第一辣的辣椒;究竟家发和参赛者能否抵挡这么辣的辣椒呢?
"Spicy Hot" heads to Australia! Jiafa experiences the biggest ever "Chilli Festival" and braves the spiciest chilli in the world - the Carolina Reaper! He signs up for a chilli-eating competition, but can this self-proclaimed foodie handle the challenge? 《火辣辣》热力出发,首站到澳大利亚的珀斯参与"辣椒节"!这个空前盛大的节庆迎来了世界上许多著名的辣椒!家发这次将参加一个"吃辣椒"比赛,品尝了世界第一辣的辣椒;究竟家发和参赛者能否抵挡这么辣的辣椒呢?
Ian Fang joins the spicy search! He heads to Korea to hunt out street food that best represents the local food culture. He also visits a famous spicy noodles factory and learns to make spicy sauce infused with the essence of nature! 方伟杰也加入了火辣辣行列出发到韩国寻辣去!辛辣的小吃最能体现当地的饮食文化。伟杰也会走访著名辣椒泡面的制作工厂,同时也会学习制作集合了大自然精华的辣酱!盛大的泡菜节也将让大家一睹当地人齐做泡菜的盛况!
Ian Fang joins the spicy search! He heads to Korea to hunt out street food that best represents the local food culture. He also visits a famous spicy noodles factory and learns to make spicy sauce infused with the essence of nature! 方伟杰也加入了火辣辣行列出发到韩国寻辣去!辛辣的小吃最能体现当地的饮食文化。伟杰也会走访著名辣椒泡面的制作工厂,同时也会学习制作集合了大自然精华的辣酱!盛大的泡菜节也将让大家一睹当地人齐做泡菜的盛况!
Jiafa travels to Okinawa, Japan and where their spiciest chilli, Shima Tougarashi, is usually combined with wine as a dipping sauce. He samples the spiciest ramen and a fiery burger and the lovely "Penguin Couple" invite him to taste their special home-made chilli sauce!日本冲绳岛最辣的辣椒"岛唐幸子"常被浸泡在清酒中成为地道的蘸酱。家发也将挑战最辣的拉面和美式汉堡!当地著名的"边银夫妻"制作的辣椒酱深受当地人喜爱,到底魅力何在?家发也发现这里有一种特别的辣椒品种哦!
Jiafa travels to Okinawa, Japan and where their spiciest chilli, Shima Tougarashi, is usually combined with wine as a dipping sauce. He samples the spiciest ramen and a fiery burger and the lovely "Penguin Couple" invite him to taste their special home-made chilli sauce!日本冲绳岛最辣的辣椒"岛唐幸子"常被浸泡在清酒中成为地道的蘸酱。家发也将挑战最辣的拉面和美式汉堡!当地著名的"边银夫妻"制作的辣椒酱深受当地人喜爱,到底魅力何在?家发也发现这里有一种特别的辣椒品种哦!
Hunan is known to be the province with the spiciest food in China and Shane Pow is on the hunt for spicy snacks. Calling on famous restaurant owners, he learns how to whip up a hot dish or two. Being the hometown of Mao Ze Dong, Shane has the honour of trying out Mao's favourite spicy meals too!湖南是中国最会吃辣的省份,因此爱吃辣的包勋平到此找辣绝对没错!他到当地找最接地气的辣味小吃,还到著名餐馆学习制作当地受落的辣美味!湖南是伟人毛泽东的故乡。他将走访"毛家饭店",品尝毛主席爱吃的辣味!
Hunan is known to be the province with the spiciest food in China and Shane Pow is on the hunt for spicy snacks. Calling on famous restaurant owners, he learns how to whip up a hot dish or two. Being the hometown of Mao Ze Dong, Shane has the honour of trying out Mao's favourite spicy meals too!湖南是中国最会吃辣的省份,因此爱吃辣的包勋平到此找辣绝对没错!他到当地找最接地气的辣味小吃,还到著名餐馆学习制作当地受落的辣美味!湖南是伟人毛泽东的故乡。他将走访"毛家饭店",品尝毛主席爱吃的辣味!
The Bicol Region in the Philippines is famous for its spicy dishes and widely renowned homegrown Siling Labuyo. They even like to put chilli in their desserts! Jiafa tries out the famous spicy dishes and competes for the "Chilli King" title. 菲律宾的比科尔区有许多爱吃辣的人民,也有许多地道辣食值得大家去品尝。他们热爱当地种植的小米椒;居然连甜品也是以辣椒做食材!家发这趟也有幸品尝了两道当地最辣的美食,还参加比赛要问鼎"辣椒王"宝座!
The Bicol Region in the Philippines is famous for its spicy dishes and widely renowned homegrown Siling Labuyo. They even like to put chilli in their desserts! Jiafa tries out the famous spicy dishes and competes for the "Chilli King" title. 菲律宾的比科尔区有许多爱吃辣的人民,也有许多地道辣食值得大家去品尝。他们热爱当地种植的小米椒;居然连甜品也是以辣椒做食材!家发这趟也有幸品尝了两道当地最辣的美食,还参加比赛要问鼎"辣椒王"宝座!
China's spiciest chilli, "Shuan Shuan La", is here to traumatise Shane's taste buds! Can he withstand its fiery heat? The only province in China to use flowers in their dishes, Yunnan is also famous for its flower dishes, tinged with varying levels of spiciness. Shane tries them all out!享有"中国第一辣"美誉的涮涮辣登场了!涮涮辣是撒撇不能缺少的食材,包勋平能否抵抗涮涮辣的辣味呢?此外,云南是中国唯一吃花料理的省份。以花入菜已经很有特色,但都以辣为主;勋平这次真是个称职的火辣辣主持!
China's spiciest chilli, "Shuan Shuan La", is here to traumatise Shane's taste buds! Can he withstand its fiery heat? The only province in China to use flowers in their dishes, Yunnan is also famous for its flower dishes, tinged with varying levels of spiciness. Shane tries them all out!享有"中国第一辣"美誉的涮涮辣登场了!涮涮辣是撒撇不能缺少的食材,包勋平能否抵抗涮涮辣的辣味呢?此外,云南是中国唯一吃花料理的省份。以花入菜已经很有特色,但都以辣为主;勋平这次真是个称职的火辣辣主持!
Jiafa goes to Manado, Indonesia to explore different spicy cuisine, as well as the locals' favourite chilli - Cabe Rawit! He meets two entrepreneurial sisters who have created their own chilli sauce to satisfy their raging taste buds! He also visits an exotic food market to witness the locals' love for spicy food!美那多是印度尼西亚最能吃辣的地区,当地人最喜爱的辣椒是Cabe Rawit,家发与当地看准商机的一对辣椒姐妹花碰面,品尝了她们制作的驰名辣蘸酱,以及和辣酱绝配的道地美食,也到访了著名的野味市场,了解当地人对辣椒的狂爱!
Jiafa goes to Manado, Indonesia to explore different spicy cuisine, as well as the locals' favourite chilli - Cabe Rawit! He meets two entrepreneurial sisters who have created their own chilli sauce to satisfy their raging taste buds! He also visits an exotic food market to witness the locals' love for spicy food!美那多是印度尼西亚最能吃辣的地区,当地人最喜爱的辣椒是Cabe Rawit,家发与当地看准商机的一对辣椒姐妹花碰面,品尝了她们制作的驰名辣蘸酱,以及和辣酱绝配的道地美食,也到访了著名的野味市场,了解当地人对辣椒的狂爱!
Thailand is a food haven but today, Teddy's priority is the spicy food! He tries the most popular spicy dish in town and visits the local chilli market, getting up close with Thailand's Mr Chilli Man! Teddy also tries the amazing "Chilli Paste from Hell". Is he able to withstand the scorching heat, or is it truly Hell?Teddy来到美食天堂泰国品尝最受欢迎且最新颖的辣食!他也走访当地的菜市场了解辣椒对泰国人的重要性!Teddy和"辣椒人"有近距离互动!"地狱辣椒酱"的炽热火辣是否能让Teddy心服口服呢?
Thailand is a food haven but today, Teddy's priority is the spicy food! He tries the most popular spicy dish in town and visits the local chilli market, getting up close with Thailand's Mr Chilli Man! Teddy also tries the amazing "Chilli Paste from Hell". Is he able to withstand the scorching heat, or is it truly Hell?Teddy来到美食天堂泰国品尝最受欢迎且最新颖的辣食!他也走访当地的菜市场了解辣椒对泰国人的重要性!Teddy和"辣椒人"有近距离互动!"地狱辣椒酱"的炽热火辣是否能让Teddy心服口服呢?
The aboriginals of Sarawak in Malaysia have their own traditional spicy food! Teddy goes to East Malaysia to learn about their food culture. Spicy Porridge and Sarawak Laksa are on his list. He also helps to make white and black pepper!马来西亚沙捞越的原住民有属于自己的辣味美食!Teddy这次将深入了解马来西亚的东马辣食文化。当地人也有许多美味辣食,其中有辣粥和沙捞越叻沙。沙捞越古晋是胡椒的盛产地,究竟当地人是如何制作黑白胡椒的呢?
The aboriginals of Sarawak in Malaysia have their own traditional spicy food! Teddy goes to East Malaysia to learn about their food culture. Spicy Porridge and Sarawak Laksa are on his list. He also helps to make white and black pepper!马来西亚沙捞越的原住民有属于自己的辣味美食!Teddy这次将深入了解马来西亚的东马辣食文化。当地人也有许多美味辣食,其中有辣粥和沙捞越叻沙。沙捞越古晋是胡椒的盛产地,究竟当地人是如何制作黑白胡椒的呢?
India is the last stop on this Spicy Hot journey. Guntur Sannam is the spiciest chilli in India and it's popular! On average, 28 tons per annum of this extraordinarily HOT chilli is harvested. How will Teddy fare after he tastes India's chutney and famous spicy dishes? Will he win or lose the SPICY battle? 火辣辣之旅来到最后一站—印度!以辣美食闻名的国度究竟有哪些恐怖辣椒呢?印度最辣的辣椒Guntur Sannam产量高达28万吨!Teddy也将品尝地道的辣蘸酱和美食,吃得火辣辣的Teddy会被打倒吗?
India is the last stop on this Spicy Hot journey. Guntur Sannam is the spiciest chilli in India and it's popular! On average, 28 tons per annum of this extraordinarily HOT chilli is harvested. How will Teddy fare after he tastes India's chutney and famous spicy dishes? Will he win or lose the SPICY battle? 火辣辣之旅来到最后一站—印度!以辣美食闻名的国度究竟有哪些恐怖辣椒呢?印度最辣的辣椒Guntur Sannam产量高达28万吨!Teddy也将品尝地道的辣蘸酱和美食,吃得火辣辣的Teddy会被打倒吗?