Singapore True Crimes - An Animation Series
Unsolved crimes loom in the city, but what is the truth? Want to find out more about the mysterious cases that happened in Singapore? Tune in to ‘ Singapore True Crimes - An Animation Series’ and uncover the truth behind these unbelievable cases with LOVE 972 DJ Kenneth Jianwen and He Ying, a former senior deputy director of news interview. Decipher and decode the mysteries with us! 社会上有许多谜底尚未解开的悬案,但,你所知道的真相,究竟是什么?想知道新加坡所发生过的神秘案件,锁定 《狮城奇案之画说罪案》,让 LOVE 972 DJ 坚文和q资深报人何盈为你抽丝剥茧,一一探讨这些令人匪夷所思的社会案件。
Cast & Crew
Director | Stan Tan |
Cast | Kenneth Kong JianwenHe Ying |
Producer | Matt Chia |
- Oldest First
- Newest First
Unsolved crimes loom in the city, but what is the truth? Want to find out more about the mysterious cases that happened in Singapore? Tune in to ‘ Singapore True Crimes - An Animation Series’ and uncover the truth behind these unbelievable cases with LOVE 972 DJ Kenneth Jianwen and He Ying, a former senior deputy director of news interview. Decipher and decode the mysteries with us! 社会上有许多谜底尚未解开的悬案,但,你所知道的真相,究竟是什么?想知道新加坡所发生过的神秘案件,锁定 《狮城奇案之画说罪案》,让 LOVE 972 DJ 坚文和q资深报人何盈为你抽丝剥茧,一一探讨这些令人匪夷所思的社会案件。
Low crime, doesn't mean no crime. Singapore may have very small amount of murder cases, but cases such as this 'human curry' case can makes you wonder if it is a true case. Follow LOVE 972 DJ Kenneth Jianwen and He Ying as they scoop out and uncover this case. 在80、90年代,新加坡的谋杀率大致是每10万人,就有两人被谋杀。《狮城奇案之画说罪案》LOVE 972 DJ坚文将和资深报人何盈,和你分享当年一起非比寻常的谋杀案。弃尸地点,就在如今车水马龙的乌节路!
Low crime, doesn't mean no crime. Singapore may have very small amount of murder cases, but cases such as this 'human curry' case can makes you wonder if it is a true case. Follow LOVE 972 DJ Kenneth Jianwen and He Ying as they scoop out and uncover this case. 在80、90年代,新加坡的谋杀率大致是每10万人,就有两人被谋杀。《狮城奇案之画说罪案》LOVE 972 DJ坚文将和资深报人何盈,和你分享当年一起非比寻常的谋杀案。弃尸地点,就在如今车水马龙的乌节路!
Love can be a wonderful thing, love can also be mysterious. Follow LOVE 972 DJ Kenneth Jianwen and He Ying as they uncover a case where 2 ladies and 1 man were tangled up in a mysterious relationship case as their death has left behind many burning questions. 问世间情为何物?直教人生死相许。世间痴男怨女为了爱情神魂颠倒,追求理想中的崇高爱情,甚至可以走上绝路。《狮城奇案之画说罪案》要回到上世纪70年代,一起去解一个“男女三角习题”,同时,也是一起 “三命焚尸案”。
Love can be a wonderful thing, love can also be mysterious. Follow LOVE 972 DJ Kenneth Jianwen and He Ying as they uncover a case where 2 ladies and 1 man were tangled up in a mysterious relationship case as their death has left behind many burning questions. 问世间情为何物?直教人生死相许。世间痴男怨女为了爱情神魂颠倒,追求理想中的崇高爱情,甚至可以走上绝路。《狮城奇案之画说罪案》要回到上世纪70年代,一起去解一个“男女三角习题”,同时,也是一起 “三命焚尸案”。
In this case, LOVE 972 DJ Kenneth Jianwen and He Ying share a shocking cold manslaughter where several teenagers led a young teen to meet the end of his road. 生命就像一列火车,徐徐开向生命的尽头。这一期的《狮城奇案之画说罪案》,LOVE 972 DJ坚文将和资深报章前采访主任何盈,回溯一起生命被遗忘在冰冷铁轨上的谋杀案。更令人凉透心扉的是,受害人和加害人,都是一群青少年。
In this case, LOVE 972 DJ Kenneth Jianwen and He Ying share a shocking cold manslaughter where several teenagers led a young teen to meet the end of his road. 生命就像一列火车,徐徐开向生命的尽头。这一期的《狮城奇案之画说罪案》,LOVE 972 DJ坚文将和资深报章前采访主任何盈,回溯一起生命被遗忘在冰冷铁轨上的谋杀案。更令人凉透心扉的是,受害人和加害人,都是一群青少年。
Ah Xi's mom has buttflies in her stomach when she found out her daughter has gone missing. A supposedly happy chapter in her daughter's and fiancé's lifes have turned sour. Follow LOVE 972 DJ Kenneth Jianwen and He Ying as they uncover this mysterious case. 上个世纪60年代,幽暗的杨厝港路,一名年轻人飞快的骑着电单车。年轻人叫阿益,是个鸭饭小贩。他与相识一年多的阿喜即将成亲,本应该幸福喜悦。但是在1968年8月20日,阿益和阿喜相约看电影,过后阿喜竟失了踪。《狮城奇案之画说罪案》LOVE 972 DJ 坚文与资深报人何盈,将和你一起回忆当年这一起案件。
Ah Xi's mom has buttflies in her stomach when she found out her daughter has gone missing. A supposedly happy chapter in her daughter's and fiancé's lifes have turned sour. Follow LOVE 972 DJ Kenneth Jianwen and He Ying as they uncover this mysterious case. 上个世纪60年代,幽暗的杨厝港路,一名年轻人飞快的骑着电单车。年轻人叫阿益,是个鸭饭小贩。他与相识一年多的阿喜即将成亲,本应该幸福喜悦。但是在1968年8月20日,阿益和阿喜相约看电影,过后阿喜竟失了踪。《狮城奇案之画说罪案》LOVE 972 DJ 坚文与资深报人何盈,将和你一起回忆当年这一起案件。
In this case, LOVE 972 DJ Kenneth Jianwen and He Ying share a case where the investigators have to deep dive to get answers from the suspect to solve this sinking car case. 1975年8月18日清晨,大群码头工人与菜贩鱼贩在三巴旺的军港渡头上,等待货船靠岸。突然有人高喊:汽车撞进大海了!只见一个男子正向岸边拼命游过来,边喊着他的老婆还在车里。LOVE 972 DJ 坚文在这一期的《狮城奇案之画说罪案》,将和资深报人何盈一起回溯这惊心动魄的坠海案件。
In this case, LOVE 972 DJ Kenneth Jianwen and He Ying share a case where the investigators have to deep dive to get answers from the suspect to solve this sinking car case. 1975年8月18日清晨,大群码头工人与菜贩鱼贩在三巴旺的军港渡头上,等待货船靠岸。突然有人高喊:汽车撞进大海了!只见一个男子正向岸边拼命游过来,边喊着他的老婆还在车里。LOVE 972 DJ 坚文在这一期的《狮城奇案之画说罪案》,将和资深报人何盈一起回溯这惊心动魄的坠海案件。
In this mysterious case, the investigators have a hard time trying to solve it as all their deductions have met with a roadblock. With little evidence and their only possible witness is their victims' parrot, how will the investigators be able to get the parrot to tell the truth? 有只雌性鹦鹉,白色的腹部,红色的羽毛,主人給她取了名字叫 Lucky。Lucky 平日喜欢呀呀学语,有时高兴起来甚至会发出笑声。这一期《狮城奇案之画说罪案》的案件内容和 Lucky 有着什么样的关系呢?一起和LOVE 972 DJ 坚文及资深报人何盈回到上世纪70年代。
In this mysterious case, the investigators have a hard time trying to solve it as all their deductions have met with a roadblock. With little evidence and their only possible witness is their victims' parrot, how will the investigators be able to get the parrot to tell the truth? 有只雌性鹦鹉,白色的腹部,红色的羽毛,主人給她取了名字叫 Lucky。Lucky 平日喜欢呀呀学语,有时高兴起来甚至会发出笑声。这一期《狮城奇案之画说罪案》的案件内容和 Lucky 有着什么样的关系呢?一起和LOVE 972 DJ 坚文及资深报人何盈回到上世纪70年代。
In this interesting and unusual robbery case, 3 thieves managed to get away with a huge sum of money right under the securities' noses, and on the same day, the police were informed of someone distributing money. Watch this episode to undercover the unexpected truth. 这是一起银行大劫案。被抢的金额之巨,前所未有之外;此案最令人津津乐道的是:匪徒劫款之后,竟然在偏僻的小巷内“派钱”。在这一期的《狮城奇案之画说罪案》,LOVE 972 DJ 坚文和资深报人何盈一起告诉我们这高潮迭起的劫案。
In this interesting and unusual robbery case, 3 thieves managed to get away with a huge sum of money right under the securities' noses, and on the same day, the police were informed of someone distributing money. Watch this episode to undercover the unexpected truth. 这是一起银行大劫案。被抢的金额之巨,前所未有之外;此案最令人津津乐道的是:匪徒劫款之后,竟然在偏僻的小巷内“派钱”。在这一期的《狮城奇案之画说罪案》,LOVE 972 DJ 坚文和资深报人何盈一起告诉我们这高潮迭起的劫案。
In this case, LOVE 972 DJ Kenneth Jianwen and He Ying share a case where a con man informed the police that his girlfriend has committed suicide or is he trying to misdirect them? “我的女朋友跌下楼死了!” 23岁的理查打电话给警方报案。死者是22岁的阿燕。究竟发生了什么事?这一期的《狮城奇案之画说罪案》,LOVE 972 DJ 坚文和资深报人何盈将一起叙说这一起痴女冤案。
In this case, LOVE 972 DJ Kenneth Jianwen and He Ying share a case where a con man informed the police that his girlfriend has committed suicide or is he trying to misdirect them? “我的女朋友跌下楼死了!” 23岁的理查打电话给警方报案。死者是22岁的阿燕。究竟发生了什么事?这一期的《狮城奇案之画说罪案》,LOVE 972 DJ 坚文和资深报人何盈将一起叙说这一起痴女冤案。
Additional Information
Premiered | 2023 |
Genres | info-ed |
Seasons | 1 |