Mr Zhou's Ghost Stories @ Singapore Sightings
周公讲鬼, 哪里有鬼?
Believe it or not, some of us have experienced paranormal activities. In the depths of the night, Dennis Chew aka Mr Zhou invites his celebrity friends and fellow Singaporeans to share their true, firsthand local ghostly encounters, and they revisit the sites together to further investigate the supernatural entities that live among us. 有些人天生阴阳眼,比一般人更容易遇到无法解释的灵异事件。在夜深人静时,“周公”周崇庆将和这些体质特殊的艺人好友一起到户外探灵,畅谈他们曾经遇过的灵异事件。你可能会发现,“鬼”原来比你想象中的更贴近你!
Cast & Crew
- Oldest First
- Newest First
Believe it or not, some of us have experienced paranormal activities. In the depths of the night, Dennis Chew aka Mr Zhou invites his celebrity friends and fellow Singaporeans to share their true, firsthand local ghostly encounters, and they revisit the sites together to further investigate the supernatural entities that live among us. 有些人天生阴阳眼,比一般人更容易遇到无法解释的灵异事件。在夜深人静时,“周公”周崇庆将和这些体质特殊的艺人好友一起到户外探灵,畅谈他们曾经遇过的灵异事件。你可能会发现,“鬼”原来比你想象中的更贴近你!
Getai is a live entertainment for the spirits in the Hungry Ghost Month, and sure enough, some Singaporeans have experienced paranormal activities associated with the stage shows. Dennis Chew and three of his guests reveal some real-life encounters at the Getai happened during the lunar 7th month. 七月歌台是在农历七月时,专门为从鬼门关放出来的孤魂野鬼主办的现场娱乐节目。“周公”周崇庆和三位嘉宾将和大家分享他们在歌台表演时,所遇到的灵异事件。你会发现,到场观赏七月歌台的观众可能比你看到的还要多!
Getai is a live entertainment for the spirits in the Hungry Ghost Month, and sure enough, some Singaporeans have experienced paranormal activities associated with the stage shows. Dennis Chew and three of his guests reveal some real-life encounters at the Getai happened during the lunar 7th month. 七月歌台是在农历七月时,专门为从鬼门关放出来的孤魂野鬼主办的现场娱乐节目。“周公”周崇庆和三位嘉宾将和大家分享他们在歌台表演时,所遇到的灵异事件。你会发现,到场观赏七月歌台的观众可能比你看到的还要多!
Surrounding Singapore are some of these remote offshore islands, and some of them have become haunted over the years. Dennis Chew and three Singaporean guests travel to an offshore island and get more than what they bargain for when one of them gets possessed by the spirit. 新加坡环绕着不少外岛,看似荒芜一片,无人居住。不过,我们可能不知道,这些外岛当中有不少已经住着我们肉眼看不到的“居民”。这一集, “周公”周崇庆和三位嘉宾就在其中一个外岛上遇到鬼上身的灵异经历。
Surrounding Singapore are some of these remote offshore islands, and some of them have become haunted over the years. Dennis Chew and three Singaporean guests travel to an offshore island and get more than what they bargain for when one of them gets possessed by the spirit. 新加坡环绕着不少外岛,看似荒芜一片,无人居住。不过,我们可能不知道,这些外岛当中有不少已经住着我们肉眼看不到的“居民”。这一集, “周公”周崇庆和三位嘉宾就在其中一个外岛上遇到鬼上身的灵异经历。
Singapore is surrounded by water. In the day, these waterways look comforting, calm and peaceful. But in the night, these waters can turn scary. Dennis Chew and his guests visit a haunted pond in Singapore to investigate why water spirits are the most threatening of all. 水体一向给人一种平静,安详的感觉。但是到了夜里,平静的水体可能摇身一变,带给你无法想象的恐惧。这一集,“周公”周崇庆和三位嘉宾将带你来到一个闹鬼的池塘边,探讨为什么水鬼是所有鬼当中最可怕的。
Singapore is surrounded by water. In the day, these waterways look comforting, calm and peaceful. But in the night, these waters can turn scary. Dennis Chew and his guests visit a haunted pond in Singapore to investigate why water spirits are the most threatening of all. 水体一向给人一种平静,安详的感觉。但是到了夜里,平静的水体可能摇身一变,带给你无法想象的恐惧。这一集,“周公”周崇庆和三位嘉宾将带你来到一个闹鬼的池塘边,探讨为什么水鬼是所有鬼当中最可怕的。
As one of the most overworked societies, many of us work long hours in the office. An office in the dead of night can feel extra scary, especially when you're all alone. In this episode, Dennis Chew meets up with 3 guests to hear their spooky encounters in their workplaces. 为了生活,许多人朝九晚五在办公室勤劳的努力工作,有些甚至在办公室工作到三更半夜。夜深人静的办公室,都会让人感觉到额外的恐怖。今天的三位嘉宾,将会和“周公”周崇庆分享他们亲身经历的灵异办公室!
As one of the most overworked societies, many of us work long hours in the office. An office in the dead of night can feel extra scary, especially when you're all alone. In this episode, Dennis Chew meets up with 3 guests to hear their spooky encounters in their workplaces. 为了生活,许多人朝九晚五在办公室勤劳的努力工作,有些甚至在办公室工作到三更半夜。夜深人静的办公室,都会让人感觉到额外的恐怖。今天的三位嘉宾,将会和“周公”周崇庆分享他们亲身经历的灵异办公室!
Most of us avoid talking about deaths because the afterlife is one of the greatest mysteries of life. In this episode, Dennis Chew speaks to 3 guests who've had the supernatural encounters related to funerals or wakes. 说到“死亡”,可能很多人就会想到丧礼。因为对死亡的不了解,大家都会很忌讳谈及这个话题。这集邀请的三位嘉宾,都曾经在丧礼遇过一些不可思议的事件。
Most of us avoid talking about deaths because the afterlife is one of the greatest mysteries of life. In this episode, Dennis Chew speaks to 3 guests who've had the supernatural encounters related to funerals or wakes. 说到“死亡”,可能很多人就会想到丧礼。因为对死亡的不了解,大家都会很忌讳谈及这个话题。这集邀请的三位嘉宾,都曾经在丧礼遇过一些不可思议的事件。
The older a building is, the more likely it could be haunted. Joining Dennis Chew are 3 guests who bear witness to why some old buildings are more haunted than the others.
The older a building is, the more likely it could be haunted. Joining Dennis Chew are 3 guests who bear witness to why some old buildings are more haunted than the others.
Apparently, some of the most haunted spots in the world are hotels, chalets, and rented rooms. Dennis Chew meets up with 3 guests and learns that these hospitable places are more than meets the eye. 很多人曾经在租屋、酒店或度假屋这三种情况下碰到一些无从解释的灵异经历。这集的三位嘉宾从租屋、住酒店到度假屋都有类似的恐怖经验与主持人“周公”分享!
Apparently, some of the most haunted spots in the world are hotels, chalets, and rented rooms. Dennis Chew meets up with 3 guests and learns that these hospitable places are more than meets the eye. 很多人曾经在租屋、酒店或度假屋这三种情况下碰到一些无从解释的灵异经历。这集的三位嘉宾从租屋、住酒店到度假屋都有类似的恐怖经验与主持人“周公”分享!
With so many traffic accidents happening each year, it’s no surprise that some of the public roads have become haunted over the years. Dennis Chew meets up with 3 guests to share their haunted experiences relating to the public roads. 每年都有不少人因为交通意外而魂断公路。这些因车祸不幸丧命的冤魂,可能因此徘徊在意外现场。日累月积,成为马路上的幽魂。周崇庆请来了三位曾经在公路上撞鬼的朋友,听听他们的灵异经历。
With so many traffic accidents happening each year, it’s no surprise that some of the public roads have become haunted over the years. Dennis Chew meets up with 3 guests to share their haunted experiences relating to the public roads. 每年都有不少人因为交通意外而魂断公路。这些因车祸不幸丧命的冤魂,可能因此徘徊在意外现场。日累月积,成为马路上的幽魂。周崇庆请来了三位曾经在公路上撞鬼的朋友,听听他们的灵异经历。
Additional Information
Premiered | 2022 |
Genres | variety |
Seasons | 1 |