LNX x Hawkers

星 • 料理

Passionate foodie Li Nanxing will be embarking on a unique culinary journey with local hawkers to create and showcase crossover flavour pairings in "LNX x Hawkers". By bringing together street food with his own secret recipes, Li Nanxing will be creating eight new local crossover dining offerings to tantalise viewers' taste buds. 在《星.料理》节目中,本地阿哥李南星将善用自己的私房秘方,与本地小贩美食巧妙融合,创造出新颖的限量版融合新美食 !李南星将游走新加坡大街小巷的小贩与美食中心,与摊贩和厨师们分享料理心得,切磋厨艺。最后他会将不同区域、不同口味的烹调方式和既定卖相串联融合,创作出八道色香味俱全的崭新融合《星.料理》!

Cast & Crew

Passionate foodie Li Nanxing will be embarking on a unique culinary journey with local hawkers to create and showcase crossover flavour pairings in "LNX x Hawkers". By bringing together street food with his own secret recipes, Li Nanxing will be creating eight new local crossover dining offerings to tantalise viewers' taste buds. 在《星.料理》节目中,本地阿哥李南星将善用自己的私房秘方,与本地小贩美食巧妙融合,创造出新颖的限量版融合新美食 !李南星将游走新加坡大街小巷的小贩与美食中心,与摊贩和厨师们分享料理心得,切磋厨艺。最后他会将不同区域、不同口味的烹调方式和既定卖相串联融合,创作出八道色香味俱全的崭新融合《星.料理》!

Ep 1 Seafood Pancake X Carrot Cake
44 mins

LNX works together with the owners of a traditional carrot cake store to create a new dish which combines the seafood pancake and carrot cake. Together with the father and daughter duo who owns the store, LNX combined the two cooking methods of deep frying and pan frying, creating a crispy yet tender mouthfeel and successfully garnering Chef Eric's approval upon tasting. 在第一集里,李南星与传统菜头粿店老板合作,制作了全新的一道菜 – 海鲜菜头粿。在老板和他女儿的协助之下,李南星不仅融合了海鲜饼和菜头粿...

Ep 1 Seafood Pancake X Carrot Cake

LNX works together with the owners of a traditional carrot cake store to create a new dish which combines the seafood pancake and carrot cake. Together with the father and daughter duo who owns the store, LNX combined the two cooking methods of deep frying and pan frying, creating a crispy yet tender mouthfeel and successfully garnering Chef Eric's approval upon tasting. 在第一集里,李南星与传统菜头粿店老板合作,制作了全新的一道菜 – 海鲜菜头粿。在老板和他女儿的协助之下,李南星不仅融合了海鲜饼和菜头粿...

Ep 2 Soy Sauce Crab X Minced Meat Noodles
45 mins

LNX works together with the famous Minced Meat Noodle Store, Tai Wah, to create a new dish which combines his signature Soy Sauce Crab with Minced Meat Noodles. The owner of Tai Wah poses LNX a challenge before agreeing to the collaboration - to successfully cook a bowl of his famous noodles. LNX successfully cooked the minced meat noodles and created the cross-over food together with Tai Wah! 李南星与著名肉脞面店大华的老板合作,创作了全新的 - 螃蟹肉脞面。。。

Ep 2 Soy Sauce Crab X Minced Meat Noodles

LNX works together with the famous Minced Meat Noodle Store, Tai Wah, to create a new dish which combines his signature Soy Sauce Crab with Minced Meat Noodles. The owner of Tai Wah poses LNX a challenge before agreeing to the collaboration - to successfully cook a bowl of his famous noodles. LNX successfully cooked the minced meat noodles and created the cross-over food together with Tai Wah! 李南星与著名肉脞面店大华的老板合作,创作了全新的 - 螃蟹肉脞面。。。

Ep 3 Squid Ink X Hor Fun
44 mins

LNX collaborates with the owner of a Hor Fun Store and creates a new dish which fuses squid ink with Hor Fun, whilst bearing in mind the theme of the episode -- "Black and White". This fusion extracts the essence of each dish, and creatively creates an entirely new dish from scratch which taps on the unique flavours of both the squid ink and hor fun. 阿哥李南星与河粉店老板合作,以黑白配的主题制作了全新的一道菜 - 墨鱼黄布捞河粉。在李南星与老板的尽心研究之下,成功地抓住了这两道菜的精髓与特点。从基本着手,他们以墨鱼汁干炒河粉...

Ep 3 Squid Ink X Hor Fun

LNX collaborates with the owner of a Hor Fun Store and creates a new dish which fuses squid ink with Hor Fun, whilst bearing in mind the theme of the episode -- "Black and White". This fusion extracts the essence of each dish, and creatively creates an entirely new dish from scratch which taps on the unique flavours of both the squid ink and hor fun. 阿哥李南星与河粉店老板合作,以黑白配的主题制作了全新的一道菜 - 墨鱼黄布捞河粉。在李南星与老板的尽心研究之下,成功地抓住了这两道菜的精髓与特点。从基本着手,他们以墨鱼汁干炒河粉...

Ep 4 Sesame Oil Chicken X Pizza
44 mins

LNX collaborates with the owner of a pizza stall, and creates a new dish which combines the Chinese-style sesame oil chicken with Western Pizza. In combining the oriental and western styles, LNX and the pizza stall owner created an international dish -- Sesame Oil Chicken pizza. 李南星与披萨店老板合作,创造了全新的佳肴 - 麻油鸡披萨。两人完美融合了西与中式佳肴之中口味极其强烈的麻油和乳酪,成功制作了一道口味相融,口感独特的崭新菜肴。

Ep 4 Sesame Oil Chicken X Pizza

LNX collaborates with the owner of a pizza stall, and creates a new dish which combines the Chinese-style sesame oil chicken with Western Pizza. In combining the oriental and western styles, LNX and the pizza stall owner created an international dish -- Sesame Oil Chicken pizza. 李南星与披萨店老板合作,创造了全新的佳肴 - 麻油鸡披萨。两人完美融合了西与中式佳肴之中口味极其强烈的麻油和乳酪,成功制作了一道口味相融,口感独特的崭新菜肴。

Ep 5 Fish Fried Rice X Chwee Kueh
45 mins

LNX collaborates with veteran Chwee Kueh Store owners of ages 71 and 82, to create a new dish which combines the traditional chwee kueh with his signature double fish fried rice. With the help of the store owners, LNX added chye poh into fried rice while cooking it with pork lard, and explored using a larger kueh base, created a crossover dish named “Double Fish Chwee Kueh”. 李南星与水粿店七十一岁及八十二岁的两位老板合作,创作了全新的一道菜。这道菜结合了传统水粿和李南星的招牌双鱼海鲜炒饭。。。

Ep 5 Fish Fried Rice X Chwee Kueh

LNX collaborates with veteran Chwee Kueh Store owners of ages 71 and 82, to create a new dish which combines the traditional chwee kueh with his signature double fish fried rice. With the help of the store owners, LNX added chye poh into fried rice while cooking it with pork lard, and explored using a larger kueh base, created a crossover dish named “Double Fish Chwee Kueh”. 李南星与水粿店七十一岁及八十二岁的两位老板合作,创作了全新的一道菜。这道菜结合了传统水粿和李南星的招牌双鱼海鲜炒饭。。。

Ep 6 Assam Fish X Fish & Chip
43 mins

LNX collaborates with the owner of a Fish and Chips hawker stall, and combines the Western Fish and Chips with his signature assam fish to create an entirely new crossover dish --"Assam fish & mashed potatoes". In this dish, assam sauce and spices were smeared onto the fish, then rolled up before deep frying. The usual chips were replaced with mashed potato with assam sauce. 李南星与炸鱼薯条店老板合作,创造了全新的佳肴 - 亚叁酸辣炸鱼薯泥。这道菜结合了李南星擅长的酸辣鱼以及炸鱼薯条。。。

Ep 6 Assam Fish X Fish & Chip

LNX collaborates with the owner of a Fish and Chips hawker stall, and combines the Western Fish and Chips with his signature assam fish to create an entirely new crossover dish --"Assam fish & mashed potatoes". In this dish, assam sauce and spices were smeared onto the fish, then rolled up before deep frying. The usual chips were replaced with mashed potato with assam sauce. 李南星与炸鱼薯条店老板合作,创造了全新的佳肴 - 亚叁酸辣炸鱼薯泥。这道菜结合了李南星擅长的酸辣鱼以及炸鱼薯条。。。

Ep 7 Clam Bee Hun X Xiao Long Bao
43 mins

LNX collaborates with the owner of a Xiao Long Bao stall, and combines the Xiao Long Bao dish with his signature clam bee hoon. Together with the owner of the stall, LNX combined the original filling of the xiao long bao together with the ingredients of his clam bee hoon to create an original and new filling to be placed inside a larger dumpling skin, naming the crossover dish "Clam Xiao Long Bao". 李南星与小笼包店老板合作,创造了全新的佳肴 - 蛤蜊大笼包。。。

Ep 7 Clam Bee Hun X Xiao Long Bao

LNX collaborates with the owner of a Xiao Long Bao stall, and combines the Xiao Long Bao dish with his signature clam bee hoon. Together with the owner of the stall, LNX combined the original filling of the xiao long bao together with the ingredients of his clam bee hoon to create an original and new filling to be placed inside a larger dumpling skin, naming the crossover dish "Clam Xiao Long Bao". 李南星与小笼包店老板合作,创造了全新的佳肴 - 蛤蜊大笼包。。。

Ep 8 Curry Chicken X Braised Duck
42 mins

LNX collaborates with the owner of a braised duck stall, and combines the curry chicken and braised duck to form a dish named Curry Chicken Braised Duck Dried Toufu. Though LNX faced multiple difficulties in trying to achieve the best combination possible, he persisted and managed to complete all 8 dishes from the first episode to the last. 最后一集,李南星与卤鸭店老板挑战传统,让不被看好的鸡鸭合拼,相信鸡同鸭讲,是行得通的。他们完美结合了咖喱鸡与卤鸭,让味道独特的咖喱鸡和传统古早味的卤鸭能够一起包在豆干卜里,创造了一道咖哩鸡卤鸭豆干卜。。。

Ep 8 Curry Chicken X Braised Duck

LNX collaborates with the owner of a braised duck stall, and combines the curry chicken and braised duck to form a dish named Curry Chicken Braised Duck Dried Toufu. Though LNX faced multiple difficulties in trying to achieve the best combination possible, he persisted and managed to complete all 8 dishes from the first episode to the last. 最后一集,李南星与卤鸭店老板挑战传统,让不被看好的鸡鸭合拼,相信鸡同鸭讲,是行得通的。他们完美结合了咖喱鸡与卤鸭,让味道独特的咖喱鸡和传统古早味的卤鸭能够一起包在豆干卜里,创造了一道咖哩鸡卤鸭豆干卜。。。

Additional Information

Genresfood, variety
Suitable For All Ages