I'm Actor Ah De

Earnest and goofy “Ah De” is a Z-list actress who dreams of stardom, trouble is… he can’t act! However, the plucky but unfiltered and clumsy Ah De will not let this get him down as he shows that sometimes the best way to stardom is “being yourself”. 真诚又搞怪的“阿德”是一个总在幻想自己可以一夜成名的Z-list演员,但问题是……他不会演戏!阿德终于得到梦寐以求的机会,但是很快却发现他在电视上看到的艺人也有他们在这个行业面对的难题与挑战。勇敢无畏的阿德才没有那么容易被打倒,因为有时要成为一颗闪耀的星星,就是“做自己”。

Earnest and goofy “Ah De” is a Z-list actress who dreams of stardom, trouble is… he can’t act! However, the plucky but unfiltered and clumsy Ah De will not let this get him down as he shows that sometimes the best way to stardom is “being yourself”. 真诚又搞怪的“阿德”是一个总在幻想自己可以一夜成名的Z-list演员,但问题是……他不会演戏!阿德终于得到梦寐以求的机会,但是很快却发现他在电视上看到的艺人也有他们在这个行业面对的难题与挑战。勇敢无畏的阿德才没有那么容易被打倒,因为有时要成为一颗闪耀的星星,就是“做自己”。

7 mins

Ah De, whose dream is to become an actor, visits the 2023 Lunar New Year Music video filming site. He attempts to save the day by trying to fit in the bunny mascot costume but fails due to his long hands and legs. Straightforward and candid, Ah De offends the Director and causes a scene... 梦想成为一名演员的阿德,来到拍摄2023年新年歌MV的片场。他救场想要当那只12年出现一次的兔子,但是手长脚长的他塞不进套装里。性格直率的他,看到什么就发表意见吐糟,没想到杠上导演,闹出了笑话……


Ah De, whose dream is to become an actor, visits the 2023 Lunar New Year Music video filming site. He attempts to save the day by trying to fit in the bunny mascot costume but fails due to his long hands and legs. Straightforward and candid, Ah De offends the Director and causes a scene... 梦想成为一名演员的阿德,来到拍摄2023年新年歌MV的片场。他救场想要当那只12年出现一次的兔子,但是手长脚长的他塞不进套装里。性格直率的他,看到什么就发表意见吐糟,没想到杠上导演,闹出了笑话……

黄金 Rapper
6 mins

Ah De lands a role on the drama ‘Strike Gold’ where he has a scene with celebrity actor Desmond Tan. To prepare for his role, Ah De creates background stories to build his character, but his over-enthusiasm, coupled with his acting skills, turns out to be chaos on the film set! 阿德来到《黄金巨塔》的拍摄现场,这一次他将饰演OA,与陈泂江Desmond Tan对戏。为了演好角色,阿德特地为角色设计背景,然而他的热情和出乎意料的演技,给现场和他对戏的演员和导演带来了种种状况!

黄金 Rapper

Ah De lands a role on the drama ‘Strike Gold’ where he has a scene with celebrity actor Desmond Tan. To prepare for his role, Ah De creates background stories to build his character, but his over-enthusiasm, coupled with his acting skills, turns out to be chaos on the film set! 阿德来到《黄金巨塔》的拍摄现场,这一次他将饰演OA,与陈泂江Desmond Tan对戏。为了演好角色,阿德特地为角色设计背景,然而他的热情和出乎意料的演技,给现场和他对戏的演员和导演带来了种种状况!

5 mins

Ah De has a new hairdresser role, he made up a name ‘Ka-Tow-Mo老师’ for this character. Ah De and Kui Neng overheard the conversation between Ah Jie, May and Make-up artist Lucas gossiping. Everyone on set witnesses the rivalry between two Ah Jies and uncover a secret of the Director. 阿德接到新的角色——理发师,他自己塑造‘Ka Ta-o Mo老师’。阿德和Kui Neng无意间听到阿姐May正在跟化妆师Lucas八卦一些事情。拍摄时,众人目睹了两位当红阿姐的竞争,还无意间发现了导演的秘密。


Ah De has a new hairdresser role, he made up a name ‘Ka-Tow-Mo老师’ for this character. Ah De and Kui Neng overheard the conversation between Ah Jie, May and Make-up artist Lucas gossiping. Everyone on set witnesses the rivalry between two Ah Jies and uncover a secret of the Director. 阿德接到新的角色——理发师,他自己塑造‘Ka Ta-o Mo老师’。阿德和Kui Neng无意间听到阿姐May正在跟化妆师Lucas八卦一些事情。拍摄时,众人目睹了两位当红阿姐的竞争,还无意间发现了导演的秘密。

HST, 3P大乱斗!
6 mins

Earnest and goofy "Ah De" is a Z-list actress who dreams of stardom, trouble is... he can't act! However, the plucky but unfiltered and clumsy Ah De will not let this get him down as he shows that sometimes the best way to stardom is "being yourself".

HST, 3P大乱斗!

Earnest and goofy "Ah De" is a Z-list actress who dreams of stardom, trouble is... he can't act! However, the plucky but unfiltered and clumsy Ah De will not let this get him down as he shows that sometimes the best way to stardom is "being yourself".

5 mins

Ah De acts in ‘Fix My Life’ and feels stressed for the first time. Kui Neng and Tunggu state that Ah De has issues while acting as he acts with an inflatable doll. Ah De is reluctant to throw his ‘acting partner’ away but did not expect to meet Fan She De acted by James Seah in his dreams! 阿德得到《整你的人生》的演出机会,这是他第一次感到演出压力,Kui Neng和Tunggu点出阿德的毛病是因为阿德只跟充气娃娃练习演戏,阿德面对要丢掉坏毛病的烦恼,竟然和剧中人物凡舍得(谢俊峰饰演)在梦中相遇!


Ah De acts in ‘Fix My Life’ and feels stressed for the first time. Kui Neng and Tunggu state that Ah De has issues while acting as he acts with an inflatable doll. Ah De is reluctant to throw his ‘acting partner’ away but did not expect to meet Fan She De acted by James Seah in his dreams! 阿德得到《整你的人生》的演出机会,这是他第一次感到演出压力,Kui Neng和Tunggu点出阿德的毛病是因为阿德只跟充气娃娃练习演戏,阿德面对要丢掉坏毛病的烦恼,竟然和剧中人物凡舍得(谢俊峰饰演)在梦中相遇!

7 mins

Ah De auditions the role of ‘Su Sa Kong’ in ‘Road To Riches’ and acts with ‘Jia Hui’ acted by He Ying Ying. During the audition, Ah De helps Ying Ying as she has a wardrobe malfunction and gets scolded by the Producer. Ah De thought that Ying Ying likes him and he makes a show of himself. 阿德要Laksa姐帮忙争取《金色大道》的演出。阿德如愿获得《金色大道》饰演泰国人苏薩空的Audition,和何盈莹饰演的家慧有感情戏。阿德看到盈莹走光,急中生计用衣服帮她遮住,被监制责骂。盈莹为此特地买了饮料答谢阿德,阿德受宠若惊误以为盈莹喜欢她,闹出笑话。


Ah De auditions the role of ‘Su Sa Kong’ in ‘Road To Riches’ and acts with ‘Jia Hui’ acted by He Ying Ying. During the audition, Ah De helps Ying Ying as she has a wardrobe malfunction and gets scolded by the Producer. Ah De thought that Ying Ying likes him and he makes a show of himself. 阿德要Laksa姐帮忙争取《金色大道》的演出。阿德如愿获得《金色大道》饰演泰国人苏薩空的Audition,和何盈莹饰演的家慧有感情戏。阿德看到盈莹走光,急中生计用衣服帮她遮住,被监制责骂。盈莹为此特地买了饮料答谢阿德,阿德受宠若惊误以为盈莹喜欢她,闹出笑话。

6 mins

Ah De films vlog and meet Farick and his fiancee Nadia on Valentine’s Day. Ah De lies that he is waiting for his girlfriend. Farick suggests they have dinner together. Ah De calls Tunggu to act as his girlfriend but Tunggu ‘over’ dresses. Ah De comes up with ways to get back to Farick. 情人节这天,单身狗阿德在街上拍视频时巧遇朋友Farick和他的未婚妻Nadia,因为不满Farick看不起和挑衅,也说自己在等女朋友。Farick提议一起吃饭,阿德无奈叫Tunggu来假扮自己的女朋友。Tunggu打扮过头,结果闹出了一些笑话。阿德想出一些点子对付回Farick.


Ah De films vlog and meet Farick and his fiancee Nadia on Valentine’s Day. Ah De lies that he is waiting for his girlfriend. Farick suggests they have dinner together. Ah De calls Tunggu to act as his girlfriend but Tunggu ‘over’ dresses. Ah De comes up with ways to get back to Farick. 情人节这天,单身狗阿德在街上拍视频时巧遇朋友Farick和他的未婚妻Nadia,因为不满Farick看不起和挑衅,也说自己在等女朋友。Farick提议一起吃饭,阿德无奈叫Tunggu来假扮自己的女朋友。Tunggu打扮过头,结果闹出了一些笑话。阿德想出一些点子对付回Farick.

6 mins

Yuri used to be a ‘Ah Jie’. Kui Neng is surprised to know that she is Ah De’s Aunt. Laska and Yuri are good sisters. Ah De exposes that Yuri left the industry as she was broken-hearted and betrayed by her best friend. Ah De bad-mouthed the ‘best friend’, not realising that she is close at hand! 阿德原来是曾经的阿姐Yuri的侄儿,Kui Neng得知后不敢置信。Laksa和Yuri是好姐妹,才会特别照顾阿德,帮他争取机会。阿德爆出Yuri之所以会暂别演艺圈是因为失恋,还提到她被好姐妹背叛,尽情地说对方的坏话。没料到其实这个人远在天边,近在眼前!


Yuri used to be a ‘Ah Jie’. Kui Neng is surprised to know that she is Ah De’s Aunt. Laska and Yuri are good sisters. Ah De exposes that Yuri left the industry as she was broken-hearted and betrayed by her best friend. Ah De bad-mouthed the ‘best friend’, not realising that she is close at hand! 阿德原来是曾经的阿姐Yuri的侄儿,Kui Neng得知后不敢置信。Laksa和Yuri是好姐妹,才会特别照顾阿德,帮他争取机会。阿德爆出Yuri之所以会暂别演艺圈是因为失恋,还提到她被好姐妹背叛,尽情地说对方的坏话。没料到其实这个人远在天边,近在眼前!

8 mins

Ah De acts in Channel 5 drama ‘Sunny Side Up’ with ‘Heng’ acted by Wang Yu Qing and ‘Geradine’ acted by ‘Ling Ying’. Ah De uses different accents while acting and makes a fool out of himself. Ah De realises that his scene is being edited out and pranks Yuri and Laksa. Yuri then pranks back… 阿德出演5频道的长寿剧‘Sunny Side Up’的‘Aik Tong’一角,与剧中的Heng和Geradine对戏。在Wayne导演的引导下,阿德用不同国家的口音演绎这个角色,闹出了一些笑话。阿德、Laksa和Yuri看戏时,发现阿德的戏被剪掉了。阿德假装自己要去复仇,恶搞Yuri,见她一个变脸临场发挥让两人佩


Ah De acts in Channel 5 drama ‘Sunny Side Up’ with ‘Heng’ acted by Wang Yu Qing and ‘Geradine’ acted by ‘Ling Ying’. Ah De uses different accents while acting and makes a fool out of himself. Ah De realises that his scene is being edited out and pranks Yuri and Laksa. Yuri then pranks back… 阿德出演5频道的长寿剧‘Sunny Side Up’的‘Aik Tong’一角,与剧中的Heng和Geradine对戏。在Wayne导演的引导下,阿德用不同国家的口音演绎这个角色,闹出了一些笑话。阿德、Laksa和Yuri看戏时,发现阿德的戏被剪掉了。阿德假装自己要去复仇,恶搞Yuri,见她一个变脸临场发挥让两人佩

9 mins

To crossover to variety, Ah De becomes Jeremy’s personal assistant. Ah De assists Jeremy while he is filming for ‘The Star Athlete’. Ah De over prepares and even wants to share his fitness techniques with Jeremy. However, he messes up as he gets overly excited for Jeremy to win the competition. 为了将来跨界综艺,在Laksa的安排下,阿德当Jeremy在《星牌运动员》的一日助理。阿德陪Jeremy练习,积极地表现,甚至做了很多功课,要传授Jeremy运动技巧。但在节目拍摄时,在一旁拍Vlog记录的阿德因过度兴奋,给Jeremy带来更大的麻烦。


To crossover to variety, Ah De becomes Jeremy’s personal assistant. Ah De assists Jeremy while he is filming for ‘The Star Athlete’. Ah De over prepares and even wants to share his fitness techniques with Jeremy. However, he messes up as he gets overly excited for Jeremy to win the competition. 为了将来跨界综艺,在Laksa的安排下,阿德当Jeremy在《星牌运动员》的一日助理。阿德陪Jeremy练习,积极地表现,甚至做了很多功课,要传授Jeremy运动技巧。但在节目拍摄时,在一旁拍Vlog记录的阿德因过度兴奋,给Jeremy带来更大的麻烦。

6 mins

Ah De acts in Mr Zhou's Ghost Stories @ Job Haunting 2'. When Dennis Chew and the crews are filming, Ah De tries to add in some effects to enhance the scene. The whole team thought that they have encountered a ghost! 阿德来当《周公讲鬼@行行又见鬼》的临演,百无禁忌的他频频提到鬼,身旁的人一直提醒他,但阿德根本不信这一套。Laksa劝阿德不要一直把鬼挂在嘴边,免得被鬼看中,以为他们是同类人,把他抓走,阿德不以为然。阿德在崇庆拍摄时,觉得他们现场的气氛不够恐怖,于是帮他们加效果,让工作人员误以为真的撞鬼了!


Ah De acts in Mr Zhou's Ghost Stories @ Job Haunting 2'. When Dennis Chew and the crews are filming, Ah De tries to add in some effects to enhance the scene. The whole team thought that they have encountered a ghost! 阿德来当《周公讲鬼@行行又见鬼》的临演,百无禁忌的他频频提到鬼,身旁的人一直提醒他,但阿德根本不信这一套。Laksa劝阿德不要一直把鬼挂在嘴边,免得被鬼看中,以为他们是同类人,把他抓走,阿德不以为然。阿德在崇庆拍摄时,觉得他们现场的气氛不够恐怖,于是帮他们加效果,让工作人员误以为真的撞鬼了!

7 mins

Ah De acts in Whatever will be, will be', Tunggu teaches him Hokkien. Tunggu imagines that she meets Hu Nan Shan' acted by Richard Low, buys a lottery ticket from him and wins first prize. Tunggu fulfills her dream but the director wakes her up to reality... 阿德为《天公疼憨人》福建发音请教马导,马导要他去问Tunggu,阿德一直念错被Tunggu取笑。Tunggu幻想遇到《天公疼憨人》卖大彩的胡南山,还跟他买大彩。没想到中了首奖,Tunggu欣喜若狂,终于可以完成自己的导演梦。正当Tunggu沉浸在美梦时,马导的喝斥声把Tunggu拉回现实。Tunggu不爽美梦破碎用福建话向刘谦益投诉马导,以为马导听不懂,没想到马导的福建话比她讲得


Ah De acts in Whatever will be, will be', Tunggu teaches him Hokkien. Tunggu imagines that she meets Hu Nan Shan' acted by Richard Low, buys a lottery ticket from him and wins first prize. Tunggu fulfills her dream but the director wakes her up to reality... 阿德为《天公疼憨人》福建发音请教马导,马导要他去问Tunggu,阿德一直念错被Tunggu取笑。Tunggu幻想遇到《天公疼憨人》卖大彩的胡南山,还跟他买大彩。没想到中了首奖,Tunggu欣喜若狂,终于可以完成自己的导演梦。正当Tunggu沉浸在美梦时,马导的喝斥声把Tunggu拉回现实。Tunggu不爽美梦破碎用福建话向刘谦益投诉马导,以为马导听不懂,没想到马导的福建话比她讲得

5 mins

Ah De accompanies Yuri on set as she is making a comeback. Yuri appears on ‘Just Swipe lah’ for an interview and tries to introduce Ah De to the Host, Seow Sin Nee and make a scene. Yuri复出客串拍戏,,阿德陪Yuri来片场。Yuri接受《刷一刷》萧歆霓的采访,Yuri利用节目向歆霓介绍阿德,过程中闹出笑话。


Ah De accompanies Yuri on set as she is making a comeback. Yuri appears on ‘Just Swipe lah’ for an interview and tries to introduce Ah De to the Host, Seow Sin Nee and make a scene. Yuri复出客串拍戏,,阿德陪Yuri来片场。Yuri接受《刷一刷》萧歆霓的采访,Yuri利用节目向歆霓介绍阿德,过程中闹出笑话。

7 mins

Ah De acts as an illegal immigrant but was forgotten by Kui Neng who keeps looking at his phone. Tunggu realises that Ah De is missing but realises that Kui Neng and her are also lost in the jungle. Tunggu heard some weird noises. Police officers then appear, mistaking them for illegal immigrants. 阿德饰演偷渡犯,却被用手机追戏的Kui Neng遗忘落下。另一边,Tunggu发现阿德不见,想打给阿德却没有讯号,转身找导演帮忙,又发现他们走丢了。在没有手机信号,无法求救的情况下,他们在森林乱走。由于整个早上没有吃早餐,Tunggu又急又饿。警察突然出现,误以为他们是偷渡客。


Ah De acts as an illegal immigrant but was forgotten by Kui Neng who keeps looking at his phone. Tunggu realises that Ah De is missing but realises that Kui Neng and her are also lost in the jungle. Tunggu heard some weird noises. Police officers then appear, mistaking them for illegal immigrants. 阿德饰演偷渡犯,却被用手机追戏的Kui Neng遗忘落下。另一边,Tunggu发现阿德不见,想打给阿德却没有讯号,转身找导演帮忙,又发现他们走丢了。在没有手机信号,无法求救的情况下,他们在森林乱走。由于整个早上没有吃早餐,Tunggu又急又饿。警察突然出现,误以为他们是偷渡客。

7 mins

Ah De acts in a Vasantham drama and is required to ‘force a smile’. Yuri visits the set and tries to guide Ah De along, however, he still cannot act well. Not sure what Ah De did, but out of the sudden, his acting enlightened everybody. 阿德参演Vasantham的戏剧,演出“强颜欢笑”,却被导演嫌弃像“起笑”。Yuri来探班,传授几招给阿德,阿德依旧浮夸,让Yuri默默地也摇头。临门一脚,阿德仿佛开窍,让人惊艳。


Ah De acts in a Vasantham drama and is required to ‘force a smile’. Yuri visits the set and tries to guide Ah De along, however, he still cannot act well. Not sure what Ah De did, but out of the sudden, his acting enlightened everybody. 阿德参演Vasantham的戏剧,演出“强颜欢笑”,却被导演嫌弃像“起笑”。Yuri来探班,传授几招给阿德,阿德依旧浮夸,让Yuri默默地也摇头。临门一脚,阿德仿佛开窍,让人惊艳。

7 mins

Ah De has a romance scene for the first time and he will be acting with Denise Camilia Tan in ‘Family Ties’. To practise for the role, Ah De helps Denise to tie her hair but unknowingly Ah De is too immersed in his role and makes a breakthrough. 阿德第一次接到有感情戏的角色,他将与《家人之间》的女主角陈楚寰演出分手戏,为了让阿德入戏,阿德帮楚寰绑了头发,不知不觉中阿德更投入角色,入戏太深,演技第一次有了突破。


Ah De has a romance scene for the first time and he will be acting with Denise Camilia Tan in ‘Family Ties’. To practise for the role, Ah De helps Denise to tie her hair but unknowingly Ah De is too immersed in his role and makes a breakthrough. 阿德第一次接到有感情戏的角色,他将与《家人之间》的女主角陈楚寰演出分手戏,为了让阿德入戏,阿德帮楚寰绑了头发,不知不觉中阿德更投入角色,入戏太深,演技第一次有了突破。

7 mins

Ah De shares with Kui Neng and Tunggu that he has a new scammer role. Tunggu welcomes Joanna on set. In the meantime, Kui Neng receives a call, Joanna overheard it and helps Kui Neng to confront the scammer. The scammer expresses his frustration and Kui Neng finds it weird to hear a familiar mantra. 阿德接到一个Scammer的角色,跟Tunggu和Kui Neng分享。片场,Kui Neng无所事事,阿德不知道跑到哪里去。Tunggu迎接Joanna,交代化妆师她的造型。Kui Neng接到一通电话,Joanna觉得不对劲,怀疑是诈骗电话,出面帮Kui Neng拆穿对方的真面目。Joanna


Ah De shares with Kui Neng and Tunggu that he has a new scammer role. Tunggu welcomes Joanna on set. In the meantime, Kui Neng receives a call, Joanna overheard it and helps Kui Neng to confront the scammer. The scammer expresses his frustration and Kui Neng finds it weird to hear a familiar mantra. 阿德接到一个Scammer的角色,跟Tunggu和Kui Neng分享。片场,Kui Neng无所事事,阿德不知道跑到哪里去。Tunggu迎接Joanna,交代化妆师她的造型。Kui Neng接到一通电话,Joanna觉得不对劲,怀疑是诈骗电话,出面帮Kui Neng拆穿对方的真面目。Joanna

6 mins

Laksa’s boyfriend, Jacky proposes to her. Laksa rejects his proposal and Yuri tries to patch them back, but they have numerous complaints about each other. After getting Yuri’s hint, Jacky surprises Laksa and the two reconcile. But Yuri is unable to stand them… Laksa被男友Jacky告白,阿德和Yuri替Laksa感到开心,怎知Jacky连戒指都忘了,Yuri帮忙提醒,但Laksa还是拒绝了求婚。Yuri充当和事佬要劝他们复合,两人一人一句,抱怨不断,Jacky后来在Yuri的提醒下,给了Laksa意想不到的安全感。


Laksa’s boyfriend, Jacky proposes to her. Laksa rejects his proposal and Yuri tries to patch them back, but they have numerous complaints about each other. After getting Yuri’s hint, Jacky surprises Laksa and the two reconcile. But Yuri is unable to stand them… Laksa被男友Jacky告白,阿德和Yuri替Laksa感到开心,怎知Jacky连戒指都忘了,Yuri帮忙提醒,但Laksa还是拒绝了求婚。Yuri充当和事佬要劝他们复合,两人一人一句,抱怨不断,Jacky后来在Yuri的提醒下,给了Laksa意想不到的安全感。

8 mins

Ah De joins RBKD fan club, films vlog and interviews Rui En. Ah De asks Rui En about her favourite role and acts out all the classic roles of her. Rui En is impressed as she acts along with him. They have great interactions and Ah De even gets a surprise at the end of the day. 阿德来到RBKD的粉丝后援会,众人为了庆祝瑞恩出道21周年,准备到老人院当义工。阿德送了一副素描画给瑞恩,瑞恩以为他找别人画,没想到却是阿德亲手画的。阿德访问瑞恩出道以来最喜爱的角色,正当瑞恩陷入思考时,阿德开始演绎瑞恩历年的经典角色,瑞恩还配合他的演出,两人互动开心,阿德还有意想不到的收获。


Ah De joins RBKD fan club, films vlog and interviews Rui En. Ah De asks Rui En about her favourite role and acts out all the classic roles of her. Rui En is impressed as she acts along with him. They have great interactions and Ah De even gets a surprise at the end of the day. 阿德来到RBKD的粉丝后援会,众人为了庆祝瑞恩出道21周年,准备到老人院当义工。阿德送了一副素描画给瑞恩,瑞恩以为他找别人画,没想到却是阿德亲手画的。阿德访问瑞恩出道以来最喜爱的角色,正当瑞恩陷入思考时,阿德开始演绎瑞恩历年的经典角色,瑞恩还配合他的演出,两人互动开心,阿德还有意想不到的收获。

8 mins

Ah De accompanies Yuri for fitting and meets Rebecca and Felicia, he nearly makes a scene but manages to defuse the crisis. Ah De is envious that Yuri has devoted fans. A fan encourages Ah De and motivates him to become a better actor. He then gets praised by the Producer who despised him. 阿德陪Yuri为红星大奖试装,阿德为可以参加红星大奖的颁奖典礼感兴奋。阿德巧遇林慧玲和陈凤玲,阿德和两位女星互动差点又惹祸,但这一次阿德却机智化解危机。阿德羡慕Yuri有粉丝而自己没有,怎知突然有粉丝主动找上阿德。阿德受到粉丝的鼓舞后更用心演戏,还得到之前数落自己的监制的夸奖。


Ah De accompanies Yuri for fitting and meets Rebecca and Felicia, he nearly makes a scene but manages to defuse the crisis. Ah De is envious that Yuri has devoted fans. A fan encourages Ah De and motivates him to become a better actor. He then gets praised by the Producer who despised him. 阿德陪Yuri为红星大奖试装,阿德为可以参加红星大奖的颁奖典礼感兴奋。阿德巧遇林慧玲和陈凤玲,阿德和两位女星互动差点又惹祸,但这一次阿德却机智化解危机。阿德羡慕Yuri有粉丝而自己没有,怎知突然有粉丝主动找上阿德。阿德受到粉丝的鼓舞后更用心演戏,还得到之前数落自己的监制的夸奖。

Additional Information

Parental guidance advised for young children