Greener Pastures
"Greener Pastures" explores the people who have left home to find better opportunities in a new country. Why did they want to go? Is it worth leaving everything behind? What challenges do they face? How will their hopes, dreams and realities come together?有人为了追求更好的生活,有人为了寻找更宽阔的天空,每一个离家的人,都有他们出走的原因。为了美好的憧憬,他们离家出走到另一个国家生活,他们放弃了什么?而在新的起点,他们又面对了什么挑战?所付出的代价是否值得?梦想和现实,是否挂钩?
- Oldest First
- Newest First
"Greener Pastures" explores the people who have left home to find better opportunities in a new country. Why did they want to go? Is it worth leaving everything behind? What challenges do they face? How will their hopes, dreams and realities come together?有人为了追求更好的生活,有人为了寻找更宽阔的天空,每一个离家的人,都有他们出走的原因。为了美好的憧憬,他们离家出走到另一个国家生活,他们放弃了什么?而在新的起点,他们又面对了什么挑战?所付出的代价是否值得?梦想和现实,是否挂钩?
Hong Kong's current situation has frustrated its people, prompting many to flee the country. Taiwan has become the first choice for many Hong Kong's citizens because of less stressful environment. Meanwhile, there are also those who have "returned" to Hong Kong after migrating. 香港时局纷扰,催促许多港人纷纷离家,出走他乡。台湾因为地理相近、就业与生活压力较小,成为港人移民首选。与此同时,却也有许多97移民第二代回流香港,踏上寻根之路,重新回到当年父母离开的地方。
Hong Kong's current situation has frustrated its people, prompting many to flee the country. Taiwan has become the first choice for many Hong Kong's citizens because of less stressful environment. Meanwhile, there are also those who have "returned" to Hong Kong after migrating. 香港时局纷扰,催促许多港人纷纷离家,出走他乡。台湾因为地理相近、就业与生活压力较小,成为港人移民首选。与此同时,却也有许多97移民第二代回流香港,踏上寻根之路,重新回到当年父母离开的地方。
Today, there are more than 20 million refugees worldwide and they are forced to seek temporary shelter in different countries. In Malaysia, there are more than 90,000 refugees in Selangor and KL alone. They are barely surviving despite their best efforts to eke out an existence in a foreign land.由于战乱和冲突,每天有将近3万人逃离家园,沦为难民。如今,全球共有超过两千万难民。他们被迫在不同的国境中漂泊、离散,无处安身。在马来西亚,仅仅在雪兰莪和吉隆坡地区,就有超过9万名难民。他们在离家很远的地方,用加倍的努力,去抵御生活中的百般滋味。
Today, there are more than 20 million refugees worldwide and they are forced to seek temporary shelter in different countries. In Malaysia, there are more than 90,000 refugees in Selangor and KL alone. They are barely surviving despite their best efforts to eke out an existence in a foreign land.由于战乱和冲突,每天有将近3万人逃离家园,沦为难民。如今,全球共有超过两千万难民。他们被迫在不同的国境中漂泊、离散,无处安身。在马来西亚,仅仅在雪兰莪和吉隆坡地区,就有超过9万名难民。他们在离家很远的地方,用加倍的努力,去抵御生活中的百般滋味。
A survey shows that 80% of Taiwan's working population wants to work overseas and Singapore is their most popular destination. Singapore is chosen not only for the higher wages, but also for the opportunity to study English, broaden their horizons and a chance to become more independent.为了摆脱台币22K低薪,台湾人正在成为全球最新一波的低阶移工。调查显示,8成台湾上班族想出走海外。新加坡是最热门的目的地。选择新加坡,除了薪水,有些人则是因为想学英语、希望开拓视野、学习独立。他们带着勇气、梦想和挣扎离家,在新的起点开始起跑。
A survey shows that 80% of Taiwan's working population wants to work overseas and Singapore is their most popular destination. Singapore is chosen not only for the higher wages, but also for the opportunity to study English, broaden their horizons and a chance to become more independent.为了摆脱台币22K低薪,台湾人正在成为全球最新一波的低阶移工。调查显示,8成台湾上班族想出走海外。新加坡是最热门的目的地。选择新加坡,除了薪水,有些人则是因为想学英语、希望开拓视野、学习独立。他们带着勇气、梦想和挣扎离家,在新的起点开始起跑。
The coveted dream of being a K-pop star has prompted many young hopefuls to leave home for Korea, waiting for their big break. Beyond the glamour, what sacrifices do they pay for this dream?从素人到站上万众瞩目的舞台,韩国的流行神话,促使世界各地许多怀抱明星梦的年轻人,离家出走到韩国,等待一个华丽的转身。为了筑梦,他们付出了多少代价?在光鲜亮丽的外表底下,到底蕴藏了多少汗水、酸楚和无奈呢?
The coveted dream of being a K-pop star has prompted many young hopefuls to leave home for Korea, waiting for their big break. Beyond the glamour, what sacrifices do they pay for this dream?从素人到站上万众瞩目的舞台,韩国的流行神话,促使世界各地许多怀抱明星梦的年轻人,离家出走到韩国,等待一个华丽的转身。为了筑梦,他们付出了多少代价?在光鲜亮丽的外表底下,到底蕴藏了多少汗水、酸楚和无奈呢?
Increasingly, the Chinese have found romance and love with foreigners. When a foreigner enters a marriage with someone of another nationality, it's a new chapter in their lives. What kind of price can one expect to pay for such a seemingly romantic union? 中国实行对外开放政策后,为跨国婚姻打开了一道大门。在这道大门后,中国人与来自世界各地的人相遇,谱写出一个又一个的爱情故事。当离家的人走进跨国婚姻,也等于义无反顾地走进了另一个陌生国度,为自己的人生翻开了新的一页。在这些浪漫的跨国婚姻背后,他们又付出了什么代价呢?
Increasingly, the Chinese have found romance and love with foreigners. When a foreigner enters a marriage with someone of another nationality, it's a new chapter in their lives. What kind of price can one expect to pay for such a seemingly romantic union? 中国实行对外开放政策后,为跨国婚姻打开了一道大门。在这道大门后,中国人与来自世界各地的人相遇,谱写出一个又一个的爱情故事。当离家的人走进跨国婚姻,也等于义无反顾地走进了另一个陌生国度,为自己的人生翻开了新的一页。在这些浪漫的跨国婚姻背后,他们又付出了什么代价呢?
Chronic flooding in Bangladesh's Bhola Island has forced many residents to flee their homes. What lies ahead for these disaster-refugees? For many, life is often a gamble between surviving the high waters or a chance at a better tomorrow. 家园不停地被大水淹没、冲毁,一次又一次的被迫离家,对孟加拉波拉岛的许多岛民来说,只能默默地承受。这些气候难民过着怎样的生活?他们的命运能否改变?对于未来,他们已经无力去思考,因为他们永远不知道大水和明天,到底哪一个会先来?
Chronic flooding in Bangladesh's Bhola Island has forced many residents to flee their homes. What lies ahead for these disaster-refugees? For many, life is often a gamble between surviving the high waters or a chance at a better tomorrow. 家园不停地被大水淹没、冲毁,一次又一次的被迫离家,对孟加拉波拉岛的许多岛民来说,只能默默地承受。这些气候难民过着怎样的生活?他们的命运能否改变?对于未来,他们已经无力去思考,因为他们永远不知道大水和明天,到底哪一个会先来?
Volunteers often leave their creature comforts for unfamiliar environments. They seek to improve the lives of others, and in doing so, they unknowingly altered their lives, as well. What hardships do they face and are they mentally prepared for this journey? 为了改善别人的生活,许多义工不惜从舒适圈出走,去到陌生、落后的国度。很多人都没有想到,在改变别人以前,他们首先改变了自己的人生。当踌躇满志的义工踏上柬埔寨这片千疮百孔的土地传递温暖的时候,做了什么心理准备?又面对了什么挑战?
Volunteers often leave their creature comforts for unfamiliar environments. They seek to improve the lives of others, and in doing so, they unknowingly altered their lives, as well. What hardships do they face and are they mentally prepared for this journey? 为了改善别人的生活,许多义工不惜从舒适圈出走,去到陌生、落后的国度。很多人都没有想到,在改变别人以前,他们首先改变了自己的人生。当踌躇满志的义工踏上柬埔寨这片千疮百孔的土地传递温暖的时候,做了什么心理准备?又面对了什么挑战?
Many volunteers leave their comfort zones for unfamiliar territory. They seek to improve the lives of others, not knowing their lives will be changed too. What challenges do they face, and are they psychologically prepared? 为了改善别人的生活,许多义工不惜从舒适圈出走,去到陌生、落后的国度。很多人都没有想到,在改变别人以前,他们首先改变了自己的人生。当踌躇满志的义工踏上柬埔寨这片千疮百孔的土地传递温暖的时候,做了什么心理准备?又面对了什么挑战?
Many volunteers leave their comfort zones for unfamiliar territory. They seek to improve the lives of others, not knowing their lives will be changed too. What challenges do they face, and are they psychologically prepared? 为了改善别人的生活,许多义工不惜从舒适圈出走,去到陌生、落后的国度。很多人都没有想到,在改变别人以前,他们首先改变了自己的人生。当踌躇满志的义工踏上柬埔寨这片千疮百孔的土地传递温暖的时候,做了什么心理准备?又面对了什么挑战?
Barcelona, Spain. A city that celebrates the arts. Every corner is coloured with passion and originality. The city attracts many people who wish to pursue their artistic aspirations. These artists have made much quiet sacrifices. On this path to success, what trials do they go through? 拥有两千年历史的巴塞罗那,是西班牙的艺术重镇,每一个角落都充满了色彩、激情和创意,吸引不少追求艺术梦想的人到那里生活。为了追求艺术,离乡背井的艺术家,有太多不为人知的付出和牺牲。在功成名就以前,他们到底需要克服多少离愁?承受多少寂寞呢?
Barcelona, Spain. A city that celebrates the arts. Every corner is coloured with passion and originality. The city attracts many people who wish to pursue their artistic aspirations. These artists have made much quiet sacrifices. On this path to success, what trials do they go through? 拥有两千年历史的巴塞罗那,是西班牙的艺术重镇,每一个角落都充满了色彩、激情和创意,吸引不少追求艺术梦想的人到那里生活。为了追求艺术,离乡背井的艺术家,有太多不为人知的付出和牺牲。在功成名就以前,他们到底需要克服多少离愁?承受多少寂寞呢?
Additional Information
Premiered | 2018 |
Genres | info-ed |
Seasons | 1 |