Four Little Scholars
Despite their parents' wishes, the Four Little Scholars dislike learning Mandarin. Through a Chinese enrichment class, they soon learn to appreciate the culture. However, many incidents start occurring and they suspect Zhu Ning, the new transfer student. But things are more than what they seem.中国古代有"江南四大才子",如今在新加坡也出现了"江南四小才子"- 唐博浒,祝芝杉,文争鸣和徐真清。原来他们的父母在为孩子取名时,希望孩子可以像古代的四大才子一样,精通书画,出口成章,然而,四小才子却觉得华文很难!为了鼓励孩子学好华文,四小才子的父母费尽苦心安排四人参加学校的"中华文化熏陶班"。四人起初想方设法逃避,后来在指导老师的悉心引导下,通过琴、棋、书、画的学习,渐渐体会中华文化的美好,开始喜欢华文。这趟学习道路充满了挑战!四小才子怀疑是班上的插班生朱甯所为,但事情却不是大家想象的那么简单!虽然遇到不少挫折,四人在学习过程中所经历的种种体悟,不仅让四小才子从中成长,也更增进了彼此的友谊。
- Oldest First
- Newest First
Despite their parents' wishes, the Four Little Scholars dislike learning Mandarin. Through a Chinese enrichment class, they soon learn to appreciate the culture. However, many incidents start occurring and they suspect Zhu Ning, the new transfer student. But things are more than what they seem.中国古代有"江南四大才子",如今在新加坡也出现了"江南四小才子"- 唐博浒,祝芝杉,文争鸣和徐真清。原来他们的父母在为孩子取名时,希望孩子可以像古代的四大才子一样,精通书画,出口成章,然而,四小才子却觉得华文很难!为了鼓励孩子学好华文,四小才子的父母费尽苦心安排四人参加学校的"中华文化熏陶班"。四人起初想方设法逃避,后来在指导老师的悉心引导下,通过琴、棋、书、画的学习,渐渐体会中华文化的美好,开始喜欢华文。这趟学习道路充满了挑战!四小才子怀疑是班上的插班生朱甯所为,但事情却不是大家想象的那么简单!虽然遇到不少挫折,四人在学习过程中所经历的种种体悟,不仅让四小才子从中成长,也更增进了彼此的友谊。
Like China's "Four Scholars of Jiangnan", Singapore has "Four Little Scholars" - Tang Bo Hu, Zhu Zhi Shan, Wen Zheng Ming and Xu Zhen Qing. It's a new year! They promise their parents that they will improve their Chinese. Behind their backs, the parents and teachers set up a "Chinese Cultural Club".中国古代有"江南四大才子",如今新加坡也出现了"江南四小才子"—唐博浒,祝芝杉,文争鸣和徐真清。四人答应父母在新的学年努力学习华文,却不知父母们已经和校方安排了他们参加"中华传统文化熏陶班"。
Like China's "Four Scholars of Jiangnan", Singapore has "Four Little Scholars" - Tang Bo Hu, Zhu Zhi Shan, Wen Zheng Ming and Xu Zhen Qing. It's a new year! They promise their parents that they will improve their Chinese. Behind their backs, the parents and teachers set up a "Chinese Cultural Club".中国古代有"江南四大才子",如今新加坡也出现了"江南四小才子"—唐博浒,祝芝杉,文争鸣和徐真清。四人答应父母在新的学年努力学习华文,却不知父母们已经和校方安排了他们参加"中华传统文化熏陶班"。
During the first club meet, the "Four Little Scholars" are restless and fidgety. At the parents' cafe, Papa Tang and Mama Xu make a slip of the tongue which reveals both their friendship with Mr Li and Mrs Fan, and the setting up of the cultural club. The four children are upset by this revelation.四小才子上第一堂熏陶班,只觉得其闷无比,连打哈欠。下课后四人回到江南小吃,唐爸爸和徐妈妈言语间,不小心吐露了他们和李老师、范老师的朋友关系以及他们和学校暗地里安排熏陶班的事。四小才子不满被骗。
During the first club meet, the "Four Little Scholars" are restless and fidgety. At the parents' cafe, Papa Tang and Mama Xu make a slip of the tongue which reveals both their friendship with Mr Li and Mrs Fan, and the setting up of the cultural club. The four children are upset by this revelation.四小才子上第一堂熏陶班,只觉得其闷无比,连打哈欠。下课后四人回到江南小吃,唐爸爸和徐妈妈言语间,不小心吐露了他们和李老师、范老师的朋友关系以及他们和学校暗地里安排熏陶班的事。四小才子不满被骗。
In school, Zhu Zhi Shan almost injured her classmate, Qiu Xiang but fails to recognise her. She then bumps into her new classmate, Zhu Ning. Misunderstandings follow. Zhu Ning excels in class. After school, the "Four Little Scholars" discuss to persuade her to join the cultural club.在学校,祝芝杉险些误伤班上同学,邱湘。糊涂的祝芝杉却又不认得邱湘。接着,祝芝杉碰到新同学,朱甯,阴差阳错的引起一连串的误会。朱甯在班上表现出色。放学后,四小才子竟想游说朱甯加入熏陶班。
In school, Zhu Zhi Shan almost injured her classmate, Qiu Xiang but fails to recognise her. She then bumps into her new classmate, Zhu Ning. Misunderstandings follow. Zhu Ning excels in class. After school, the "Four Little Scholars" discuss to persuade her to join the cultural club.在学校,祝芝杉险些误伤班上同学,邱湘。糊涂的祝芝杉却又不认得邱湘。接着,祝芝杉碰到新同学,朱甯,阴差阳错的引起一连串的误会。朱甯在班上表现出色。放学后,四小才子竟想游说朱甯加入熏陶班。
To the annoyance of the "Four Little Scholars", Mrs Fan introduces Zhu Ning as the club's "little teacher". They refuse to accept her instructions. Zhu Ning teases them for making a big fuss. Agitated, Tang Bo Hu and Zhu Zhi Shan go against her. The four friends plot again to skip club meet.范老师安排朱甯当熏陶班的小老师。四小才子均不服气。四人言语间对朱甯不客气,更不听朱甯的教导。朱甯嘲笑他们娇生惯养,唐博浒和祝芝杉气愤不已,决定和朱甯势不两立。为了逃避熏陶班,四人又想出了逃课的坏主意。
To the annoyance of the "Four Little Scholars", Mrs Fan introduces Zhu Ning as the club's "little teacher". They refuse to accept her instructions. Zhu Ning teases them for making a big fuss. Agitated, Tang Bo Hu and Zhu Zhi Shan go against her. The four friends plot again to skip club meet.范老师安排朱甯当熏陶班的小老师。四小才子均不服气。四人言语间对朱甯不客气,更不听朱甯的教导。朱甯嘲笑他们娇生惯养,唐博浒和祝芝杉气愤不已,决定和朱甯势不两立。为了逃避熏陶班,四人又想出了逃课的坏主意。
In the morning, Tang Bo Hu lays a curse on the clubroom, wishing it to be wrecked. Alas, it comes true! And just as he imagined! The teachers question the "Four Little Scholars" and learn that they left the clubroom unlocked the day before. The four are punished by being made to clean up the mess.清早,唐博浒诅咒熏陶班被破坏。岂料一语成签,熏陶班真的遭人破坏。情形就如唐博浒所说的一样。范老师和李老师寻根究底,发现事故原因是因为四人忘了锁熏陶班的门就回家,决定惩罚他们把熏陶班打扫干净。
In the morning, Tang Bo Hu lays a curse on the clubroom, wishing it to be wrecked. Alas, it comes true! And just as he imagined! The teachers question the "Four Little Scholars" and learn that they left the clubroom unlocked the day before. The four are punished by being made to clean up the mess.清早,唐博浒诅咒熏陶班被破坏。岂料一语成签,熏陶班真的遭人破坏。情形就如唐博浒所说的一样。范老师和李老师寻根究底,发现事故原因是因为四人忘了锁熏陶班的门就回家,决定惩罚他们把熏陶班打扫干净。
Papa Tang and Mama Zhu meet Grandma Zhang and Zhu Ning at their cafe, and are amazed by Zhu Ning's Chinese proficiency. The "Four Little Scholars" return from school. Annoyed that Zhu Ning visited and said she learn three idioms daily, Tang Bo Hu boasts that they'll learn four. The others disapprove.唐爸爸和祝妈妈在江南小吃偶然认识了张婆婆和朱甯,惊叹朱甯的华文程度。两人之后向四小才子提起朱甯每天要背三个成语。唐博浒不服,夸下海口说他们每天可以背四个成语,其他三人气极。
Papa Tang and Mama Zhu meet Grandma Zhang and Zhu Ning at their cafe, and are amazed by Zhu Ning's Chinese proficiency. The "Four Little Scholars" return from school. Annoyed that Zhu Ning visited and said she learn three idioms daily, Tang Bo Hu boasts that they'll learn four. The others disapprove.唐爸爸和祝妈妈在江南小吃偶然认识了张婆婆和朱甯,惊叹朱甯的华文程度。两人之后向四小才子提起朱甯每天要背三个成语。唐博浒不服,夸下海口说他们每天可以背四个成语,其他三人气极。
The "Four Little Scholars" try to withdraw from the Cultural Club, but their parents see through their ploy. The two boys are sabotaged in school, and feel misunderstood by their classmates and even the girls. Zhu Ning praises Zhu Zhi Shan's artistic potential. Maybe Zhu Ning isn't so bad after all!四小才子想尽办法退出熏陶班,均被父母识破。唐博浒和文争鸣在学校接二连三的被神秘人栽赃嫁祸。两人不只被同学误会,连祝芝杉和徐真清也怀疑他们了。熏陶班里,朱甯称赞祝芝杉的画有潜质。祝芝杉开始对朱甯有好感。
The "Four Little Scholars" try to withdraw from the Cultural Club, but their parents see through their ploy. The two boys are sabotaged in school, and feel misunderstood by their classmates and even the girls. Zhu Ning praises Zhu Zhi Shan's artistic potential. Maybe Zhu Ning isn't so bad after all!四小才子想尽办法退出熏陶班,均被父母识破。唐博浒和文争鸣在学校接二连三的被神秘人栽赃嫁祸。两人不只被同学误会,连祝芝杉和徐真清也怀疑他们了。熏陶班里,朱甯称赞祝芝杉的画有潜质。祝芝杉开始对朱甯有好感。
Mrs Fan senses discord among the "Four Little Scholars". In an effort to make them realise they are each indispensable, she explains how vital each calligraphy writing tool is. Zhu Ning finds Qiu Xiang acting suspiciously outside the clubroom. She follows Qiu Xiang home, uncovering a secret of hers.四小才子友情发生变故,范老师在上书法课时为大家讲解文房四宝缺一不可的道理,撮合四人。朱甯在熏陶班外,发现同学邱湘鬼鬼祟祟的举动。于是,就跟踪邱湘回家,发现了邱湘不为人知的一面。
Mrs Fan senses discord among the "Four Little Scholars". In an effort to make them realise they are each indispensable, she explains how vital each calligraphy writing tool is. Zhu Ning finds Qiu Xiang acting suspiciously outside the clubroom. She follows Qiu Xiang home, uncovering a secret of hers.四小才子友情发生变故,范老师在上书法课时为大家讲解文房四宝缺一不可的道理,撮合四人。朱甯在熏陶班外,发现同学邱湘鬼鬼祟祟的举动。于是,就跟踪邱湘回家,发现了邱湘不为人知的一面。
Mrs Fan announces the upcoming "Cultural Club Exhibition". Tang Bo Hu and Xu Zhen Qing think it is just for Zhu Ning to show off, and they give up practising. Zhu Zhi Shan encourages them but is ignored. They even blame her for tipping off Mrs Fan. She leaves teary-eyed.范老师宣布即将举行《熏陶班展示会》,唐博浒和徐真清觉得这是老师故意安排让朱甯展现才艺的。唐、徐决定放弃练习他们的才艺,祝芝杉屡劝不听。两人以为是祝芝杉向范老师告密,揭穿他们的计划。祝芝杉哭着离开。
Mrs Fan announces the upcoming "Cultural Club Exhibition". Tang Bo Hu and Xu Zhen Qing think it is just for Zhu Ning to show off, and they give up practising. Zhu Zhi Shan encourages them but is ignored. They even blame her for tipping off Mrs Fan. She leaves teary-eyed.范老师宣布即将举行《熏陶班展示会》,唐博浒和徐真清觉得这是老师故意安排让朱甯展现才艺的。唐、徐决定放弃练习他们的才艺,祝芝杉屡劝不听。两人以为是祝芝杉向范老师告密,揭穿他们的计划。祝芝杉哭着离开。
Zhu Zhi Shan is outcast by the rest of the "Little Scholars". Zhu Ning consoles her, causing Tang Bo Hu and Xu Zhen Qing to label her a traitor. In school, all the scholars except Zhu Zhi Shan are pranked. The boys accuse Zhu Zhi Shan. She tries to clarify but only manages to complicate matters.祝芝杉被其他三小才子冷落,朱甯向前安慰,唐博浒和徐真清误会祝芝杉背叛了他们。在学校,三小才子分别被神秘人恶作剧。唐、徐更认定是祝芝杉搞鬼。朱甯替祝芝杉解围,反而让三人对祝的误会加深。
Zhu Zhi Shan is outcast by the rest of the "Little Scholars". Zhu Ning consoles her, causing Tang Bo Hu and Xu Zhen Qing to label her a traitor. In school, all the scholars except Zhu Zhi Shan are pranked. The boys accuse Zhu Zhi Shan. She tries to clarify but only manages to complicate matters.祝芝杉被其他三小才子冷落,朱甯向前安慰,唐博浒和徐真清误会祝芝杉背叛了他们。在学校,三小才子分别被神秘人恶作剧。唐、徐更认定是祝芝杉搞鬼。朱甯替祝芝杉解围,反而让三人对祝的误会加深。
Zhu Zhi Shan tries sharing Zhu Ning's findings with the rest of the "Little Scholars", but is ignored. Zhu Ning explains that Qiu Xiang might be the prankster, but the boys brush it off. They also believe that Zhu Zhi Shan are at odds with them when she asks Qiu Xiang to join the club.祝芝杉想告诉三小才子有关朱甯的发现,却完全被杯葛。尽管朱甯出面解释,邱湘可能就是搞破坏的神秘人,唐博浒和徐真清坚持不信。唐博浒和徐真清见祝芝杉拉邱湘加入熏陶班,更认为是故意针对他们的。
Zhu Zhi Shan tries sharing Zhu Ning's findings with the rest of the "Little Scholars", but is ignored. Zhu Ning explains that Qiu Xiang might be the prankster, but the boys brush it off. They also believe that Zhu Zhi Shan are at odds with them when she asks Qiu Xiang to join the club.祝芝杉想告诉三小才子有关朱甯的发现,却完全被杯葛。尽管朱甯出面解释,邱湘可能就是搞破坏的神秘人,唐博浒和徐真清坚持不信。唐博浒和徐真清见祝芝杉拉邱湘加入熏陶班,更认为是故意针对他们的。
Zhu Zhi Shan's team defeats Tang Bo Hu's team in the idiom challenge, and the penalty is to clean the clubroom. Feeling bad, Zhu Zhi Shan buys snacks for them and chips in to help, hoping to reconcile with her friends. She believes Qiu Xiang isn't malicious, but Tang Bo Hu and Xu Zhen Qing disagree.成语比赛结束,唐组输给祝组,并接受打扫课室的惩罚。祝芝杉不忍,买了点心去找三小才子。三人见祝芝杉回来帮他们,就前嫌尽释了。祝芝杉认为邱湘并不坏,唐博浒和徐真清却不以为然。四人又为邱湘的事再起争执。
Zhu Zhi Shan's team defeats Tang Bo Hu's team in the idiom challenge, and the penalty is to clean the clubroom. Feeling bad, Zhu Zhi Shan buys snacks for them and chips in to help, hoping to reconcile with her friends. She believes Qiu Xiang isn't malicious, but Tang Bo Hu and Xu Zhen Qing disagree.成语比赛结束,唐组输给祝组,并接受打扫课室的惩罚。祝芝杉不忍,买了点心去找三小才子。三人见祝芝杉回来帮他们,就前嫌尽释了。祝芝杉认为邱湘并不坏,唐博浒和徐真清却不以为然。四人又为邱湘的事再起争执。
Qiu Xiang finally musters up the courage to admit to all the pranks she has pulled on them. She apologises and everyone, except Tang Bo Hu, forgives her. Tang Bo Hu leaves his calligraphy practice sheets outside the restroom. When they go missing, he jumps to the conclusion that Qiu Xiang stole them.邱湘终于鼓起勇气,承认所有恶作剧都是她一个人做的。大家都原谅了她,可是唐博浒还是对她有所偏见。一天,唐博浒习字后,把习作留在厕所外,出来后,发现习作不见了,就认定是邱湘偷的。
Qiu Xiang finally musters up the courage to admit to all the pranks she has pulled on them. She apologises and everyone, except Tang Bo Hu, forgives her. Tang Bo Hu leaves his calligraphy practice sheets outside the restroom. When they go missing, he jumps to the conclusion that Qiu Xiang stole them.邱湘终于鼓起勇气,承认所有恶作剧都是她一个人做的。大家都原谅了她,可是唐博浒还是对她有所偏见。一天,唐博浒习字后,把习作留在厕所外,出来后,发现习作不见了,就认定是邱湘偷的。
Additional Information
Premiered | 2017 |
Genres | children and family, drama, older kids (7-12) |
Seasons | 1 |