Fena: Pirate Princess


Fena goes on a boat trip with her father and they are attacked by pirates. Only Fena survives and drifts to Shangri-La. 在18世纪的大西洋,与父亲旅行的菲娜·霍特曼坐的船遭袭击,使她漂流到娼妓之岛。 10年后成长为美人的菲娜试图逃离岛屿,被身穿赤红铠甲、头戴鹿角头盔的雪丸救下,而他正是当年承诺要来找她的少年。菲娜为了解开父亲提到的伊甸之谜,与伙伴乘船出行。

Fena goes on a boat trip with her father and they are attacked by pirates. Only Fena survives and drifts to Shangri-La. 在18世纪的大西洋,与父亲旅行的菲娜·霍特曼坐的船遭袭击,使她漂流到娼妓之岛。 10年后成长为美人的菲娜试图逃离岛屿,被身穿赤红铠甲、头戴鹿角头盔的雪丸救下,而他正是当年承诺要来找她的少年。菲娜为了解开父亲提到的伊甸之谜,与伙伴乘船出行。

Ep 1 Memories
24 mins

A ship's on fire in the ocean. Young Fena's rescued by Yukimaru and drifts to Shangri-La alone. She then grows up there. 在幽暗月光的映照下,有艘船在海上被赤红火焰吞噬……年幼的菲娜在雪丸的帮助下脱险,孤独地漂流到「香格里拉」。 10年后她成长为被称作岸边白花的美丽少女。菲娜忘不了在小时候救了自己的雪丸,于是在迎来初夜之际打算趁乱逃出这座岛。

Ep 1 Memories

A ship's on fire in the ocean. Young Fena's rescued by Yukimaru and drifts to Shangri-La alone. She then grows up there. 在幽暗月光的映照下,有艘船在海上被赤红火焰吞噬……年幼的菲娜在雪丸的帮助下脱险,孤独地漂流到「香格里拉」。 10年后她成长为被称作岸边白花的美丽少女。菲娜忘不了在小时候救了自己的雪丸,于是在迎来初夜之际打算趁乱逃出这座岛。

Ep 2 An Inherited Journey
24 mins

Fena gets on a small boat with Otto and Salman who help her escape from Shangri-La and arrives in Goblin Island. 菲娜醒来时发现自己乘坐在漂浮于大西洋的小船中。帮助她逃离岛屿的是侍奉于霍特曼家的骑士奥托与萨尔曼,两人接着将她带到被雾气围绕的「哥布林岛」。菲娜在此遇见佛兰兹的老友幸久,幸久请她解开父亲留下的石头谜团。

Ep 2 An Inherited Journey

Fena gets on a small boat with Otto and Salman who help her escape from Shangri-La and arrives in Goblin Island. 菲娜醒来时发现自己乘坐在漂浮于大西洋的小船中。帮助她逃离岛屿的是侍奉于霍特曼家的骑士奥托与萨尔曼,两人接着将她带到被雾气围绕的「哥布林岛」。菲娜在此遇见佛兰兹的老友幸久,幸久请她解开父亲留下的石头谜团。

Ep 3 Bar-Baral
24 mins

Inheriting her father's journey, Fena embarks from Goblin Island with Yukimaru and others to the free town, Bar-Baral. 菲娜决定代替父亲踏上尚未结束的旅程,与雪丸一行人从哥布林岛启程。众人为了做足准备,停靠自由都市巴尔巴拉尔 。菲娜找到一件商品,酷似父亲遗留的石头。但此时追兵却上前阻挠。

Ep 3 Bar-Baral

Inheriting her father's journey, Fena embarks from Goblin Island with Yukimaru and others to the free town, Bar-Baral. 菲娜决定代替父亲踏上尚未结束的旅程,与雪丸一行人从哥布林岛启程。众人为了做足准备,停靠自由都市巴尔巴拉尔 。菲娜找到一件商品,酷似父亲遗留的石头。但此时追兵却上前阻挠。

Ep 4 The Mystery Of The Stone
24 mins

After escaping from their pursuers, Fena heads to Libar-Oberstein, where stones are made and decide to train herself. 从追兵手下脱逃的菲娜一行人前往石头的制造地「利巴尔奥伯施泰因」。菲娜害雪丸受伤后对此感到懊悔。她向伙伴商量,希望他们能教授战斗方式。武士们一开始拒绝这项提议,但渐渐被她想帮雪丸的心意感化……

Ep 4 The Mystery Of The Stone

After escaping from their pursuers, Fena heads to Libar-Oberstein, where stones are made and decide to train herself. 从追兵手下脱逃的菲娜一行人前往石头的制造地「利巴尔奥伯施泰因」。菲娜害雪丸受伤后对此感到懊悔。她向伙伴商量,希望他们能教授战斗方式。武士们一开始拒绝这项提议,但渐渐被她想帮雪丸的心意感化……

Ep 5 Coordinates
24 mins

Based on the info they get in Liar-Oberstein, Fena and others arrive at Orleans, where the mysterious stone was mined. 透过在利巴尔奥伯施泰因得到的情报,一行人抵达神秘石头采掘地「奥尔良」。菲娜在迷宫般的采掘场受陌生记忆的引导,往深处前行。面对氛围变化极大的她,雪丸虽然感到疑惑但仍跟了上去。此时众人以为有在巴尔巴拉尔甩掉的海贼团却从他们身后悄悄逼近。

Ep 5 Coordinates

Based on the info they get in Liar-Oberstein, Fena and others arrive at Orleans, where the mysterious stone was mined. 透过在利巴尔奥伯施泰因得到的情报,一行人抵达神秘石头采掘地「奥尔良」。菲娜在迷宫般的采掘场受陌生记忆的引导,往深处前行。面对氛围变化极大的她,雪丸虽然感到疑惑但仍跟了上去。此时众人以为有在巴尔巴拉尔甩掉的海贼团却从他们身后悄悄逼近。

Ep 6 Mutiny On The Blue Giant
24 mins

Trapped in the mine, Yukimaru and others plan to escape to go after Fena who is kidnapped by Rumble Rose. 被关在采掘场的雪丸等人试图逃脱,追上遭火爆玫瑰抓住的菲娜。而菲娜被带往阿贝尔率领的英国海兵队军船。阿贝尔将她带到客房后讲述了哥布林剑士以及菲娜母亲的事,她同时也得知武士们真正的目的。

Ep 6 Mutiny On The Blue Giant

Trapped in the mine, Yukimaru and others plan to escape to go after Fena who is kidnapped by Rumble Rose. 被关在采掘场的雪丸等人试图逃脱,追上遭火爆玫瑰抓住的菲娜。而菲娜被带往阿贝尔率领的英国海兵队军船。阿贝尔将她带到客房后讲述了哥布林剑士以及菲娜母亲的事,她同时也得知武士们真正的目的。

Ep 7 The Burning Sea
24 mins

To save Fena, Yukimaru leaves Bonito No.2 alone. The Samurai are wavering between saving Fena and following the rules. 为了救出菲娜,雪丸只身一人从鲣鱼2号离开。武士们苦于在岛屿纪律和菲娜之间做出抉择,犹豫该从命返航回岛上或打破纪律,作为海贼活下去。此时火爆玫瑰袭击蓝巨灵,冉冉升起的黑烟唤醒了菲娜本已忘却的记忆。

Ep 7 The Burning Sea

To save Fena, Yukimaru leaves Bonito No.2 alone. The Samurai are wavering between saving Fena and following the rules. 为了救出菲娜,雪丸只身一人从鲣鱼2号离开。武士们苦于在岛屿纪律和菲娜之间做出抉择,犹豫该从命返航回岛上或打破纪律,作为海贼活下去。此时火爆玫瑰袭击蓝巨灵,冉冉升起的黑烟唤醒了菲娜本已忘却的记忆。

Ep 8 A Knight's Vow
24 mins

Samurai bring back Fena from the Blue Giant while Yukimaru's seriously injured. They take him to be treated on a street. 武士们将菲娜从蓝巨灵成功带回来,雪丸却在过程中受了重伤,为了治疗他的伤势,一行人在纱富弯街稍作停留。紫檀将菲娜称作魔女后便离开。菲娜看到伙伴因自己而互相对立,开始烦恼是否该继续旅行。

Ep 8 A Knight's Vow

Samurai bring back Fena from the Blue Giant while Yukimaru's seriously injured. They take him to be treated on a street. 武士们将菲娜从蓝巨灵成功带回来,雪丸却在过程中受了重伤,为了治疗他的伤势,一行人在纱富弯街稍作停留。紫檀将菲娜称作魔女后便离开。菲娜看到伙伴因自己而互相对立,开始烦恼是否该继续旅行。

Ep 9 Vice Versa
24 mins

Abel recalls his young days. Being the youngest in the family, he was ignored. One day, he met a mysterious girl. 阿贝尔回想着少年时期的回忆。他那时因王族末弟的身分被周遭冷眼相待,低调过活。某天他在庭园遇见不可思议的少女海伦娜。随着共度越多美好时光,虽然深厚的爱情在两人间慢慢滋长……。此刻菲娜与伤势好转的雪丸思考着从石头得知的神秘座标之谜。

Ep 9 Vice Versa

Abel recalls his young days. Being the youngest in the family, he was ignored. One day, he met a mysterious girl. 阿贝尔回想着少年时期的回忆。他那时因王族末弟的身分被周遭冷眼相待,低调过活。某天他在庭园遇见不可思议的少女海伦娜。随着共度越多美好时光,虽然深厚的爱情在两人间慢慢滋长……。此刻菲娜与伤势好转的雪丸思考着从石头得知的神秘座标之谜。

Ep 10 The Curtain Rises On The Climax
24 mins

Fena and others solve the mystery of the stone and manage to locate where Eden is to find out the truth of herself. 菲娜一行人顺利解开石头之谜,找出伊甸所在地。她为了面对自身与佛兰兹留下的谜团,抵达座标标示的无人岛。从未见过的神秘景色让一行人叹为观止。这里是否就是约定之地伊甸?

Ep 10 The Curtain Rises On The Climax

Fena and others solve the mystery of the stone and manage to locate where Eden is to find out the truth of herself. 菲娜一行人顺利解开石头之谜,找出伊甸所在地。她为了面对自身与佛兰兹留下的谜团,抵达座标标示的无人岛。从未见过的神秘景色让一行人叹为观止。这里是否就是约定之地伊甸?

Ep 11 At Mission's End
24 mins

Fena and others arrive at the place filled with treasure. But they are attacked by the Navy commanded by Abel. 一行人到达宝藏沉眠的场所。阿贝尔带领海兵队登陆,袭击武士们。雪丸为了保护菲娜、替佛兰兹报仇,拔刀与阿贝尔对峙。

Ep 11 At Mission's End

Fena and others arrive at the place filled with treasure. But they are attacked by the Navy commanded by Abel. 一行人到达宝藏沉眠的场所。阿贝尔带领海兵队登陆,袭击武士们。雪丸为了保护菲娜、替佛兰兹报仇,拔刀与阿贝尔对峙。

Ep 12 The Chosen Maiden
25 mins

Frantz leaves Fena on a mission. Fena has to face a painful choice that has persecuted all shrine maidens in Eden. 佛兰兹留给菲娜的是她作为巫女的使命。在伊甸的悲痛抉择长年在少女间传承,而菲娜也不例外地面临窘境。她一心想着雪丸与伙伴并做出影响命运的选择──!

Ep 12 The Chosen Maiden

Frantz leaves Fena on a mission. Fena has to face a painful choice that has persecuted all shrine maidens in Eden. 佛兰兹留给菲娜的是她作为巫女的使命。在伊甸的悲痛抉择长年在少女间传承,而菲娜也不例外地面临窘境。她一心想着雪丸与伙伴并做出影响命运的选择──!

Additional Information

Genresaction and adventure, anime
Some Violence