Celeb's Curated Collections
<<Celeb’s Curated Collections>> is a brand new charity show. Celebrities spread their love by donating some of the items they no longer use. These items may not be very posh but each of them has a special meaning to the celebrities. Join host Quan Yi Fong and Ben Yeo as they walk into the homes of the celebrities on a search for treasured items. 《名人心货》一个全新的公益节目,广邀名人和艺人一起发挥善心,捐出他们已经不再用的一些物品,物品价值不一定高,件件却是名人的心头爱,有着特别意义,主持怡凤和志龙走进名人的住家挖宝、发掘宝物背后的故事和观众分享。 搜罗到的物品在一次大型义卖会上义卖,艺人名人将出席招徕顾客,为宝物重新找新主人,即环保又可让宝物重生,善举多得! 不同的物品说着不同的故事,承载的却是相同的热心。《名人心货》为慈善,我们愿意。
Cast & Crew
- Oldest First
- Newest First
<<Celeb’s Curated Collections>> is a brand new charity show. Celebrities spread their love by donating some of the items they no longer use. These items may not be very posh but each of them has a special meaning to the celebrities. Join host Quan Yi Fong and Ben Yeo as they walk into the homes of the celebrities on a search for treasured items. 《名人心货》一个全新的公益节目,广邀名人和艺人一起发挥善心,捐出他们已经不再用的一些物品,物品价值不一定高,件件却是名人的心头爱,有着特别意义,主持怡凤和志龙走进名人的住家挖宝、发掘宝物背后的故事和观众分享。 搜罗到的物品在一次大型义卖会上义卖,艺人名人将出席招徕顾客,为宝物重新找新主人,即环保又可让宝物重生,善举多得! 不同的物品说着不同的故事,承载的却是相同的热心。《名人心货》为慈善,我们愿意。
In this first episode, Yi Fong and Addy Lee generously donate their precious items. Yi Fong donates an antique make-up box she received for her 21st birthday. Addy donates the first scissors he bought with his first payroll. 由怡凤和明星美发师Addy打头阵,他们慷慨捐出可是曾经收藏很久的宝物!就比如怡凤捐出21岁生日时好友送她的名牌古董化妆箱,守着的是一段珍贵不变的情谊;此外,从昂贵的劳力士表道出不为人知的心酸,一个伟大母亲的动人篇章。Addy把为他赚了第一桶金的剪刀捐出,激励有志者、事竟成!走进名人的住家挖心货,意外发现他们的私密哦!
In this first episode, Yi Fong and Addy Lee generously donate their precious items. Yi Fong donates an antique make-up box she received for her 21st birthday. Addy donates the first scissors he bought with his first payroll. 由怡凤和明星美发师Addy打头阵,他们慷慨捐出可是曾经收藏很久的宝物!就比如怡凤捐出21岁生日时好友送她的名牌古董化妆箱,守着的是一段珍贵不变的情谊;此外,从昂贵的劳力士表道出不为人知的心酸,一个伟大母亲的动人篇章。Addy把为他赚了第一桶金的剪刀捐出,激励有志者、事竟成!走进名人的住家挖心货,意外发现他们的私密哦!
Xiang Yun and Edmund Chen share their stories and donate their precious creations. Famous fashion designer Keith donates his limited edition fashion goods. Jeffrey Xu shares about his teenage life and donates the first pair of jeans he bought when he was 16. 名人分享心货分享心事,陈之财,向云夫妇娓娓而谈,没有设防!精彩!夫妻的心货有看头:之财呕心沥血的创作:丝绸特制四季锦鯉图、儿童绘本等等;向云把人生中美丽的记录捐赠,时光走廊里说有趣的过去、夫妻的相处之道; 著名造型师Keith捐的是时尚好货,有些可是限量版,以及他下足心思设计、已买不到的服装等。徐鸣杰分享青涩时期的点滴,捐出16岁赶潮流买的第一条牛仔裤。
Xiang Yun and Edmund Chen share their stories and donate their precious creations. Famous fashion designer Keith donates his limited edition fashion goods. Jeffrey Xu shares about his teenage life and donates the first pair of jeans he bought when he was 16. 名人分享心货分享心事,陈之财,向云夫妇娓娓而谈,没有设防!精彩!夫妻的心货有看头:之财呕心沥血的创作:丝绸特制四季锦鯉图、儿童绘本等等;向云把人生中美丽的记录捐赠,时光走廊里说有趣的过去、夫妻的相处之道; 著名造型师Keith捐的是时尚好货,有些可是限量版,以及他下足心思设计、已买不到的服装等。徐鸣杰分享青涩时期的点滴,捐出16岁赶潮流买的第一条牛仔裤。
Local socialite Jamie opens her mansion for the first time for charity, generously donating her branded luxury goods and collectibles. Host Ben Yeo donates his most precious collectible for charity too. Find out what it is in this episode! Hint: football fans, get ready! 心货看到名人的爱心,也揭开名人神秘面纱; 大家好奇的话题人物:社交名媛Jamie为慈善敞开豪宅, 打破网络冷冰的奢华印象,慷慨捐名贵私房货的同时,更让观众大开眼界是豪爽的Jamie公开闺房价值不菲的H字母名牌收藏!目不暇接.主持人Ben为慈善不落人后,年轻好爸爸捐的心货用心,把最最最珍贵的收藏捐出,到底是什么?暗示:足球迷们,准备好手脚要快!
Local socialite Jamie opens her mansion for the first time for charity, generously donating her branded luxury goods and collectibles. Host Ben Yeo donates his most precious collectible for charity too. Find out what it is in this episode! Hint: football fans, get ready! 心货看到名人的爱心,也揭开名人神秘面纱; 大家好奇的话题人物:社交名媛Jamie为慈善敞开豪宅, 打破网络冷冰的奢华印象,慷慨捐名贵私房货的同时,更让观众大开眼界是豪爽的Jamie公开闺房价值不菲的H字母名牌收藏!目不暇接.主持人Ben为慈善不落人后,年轻好爸爸捐的心货用心,把最最最珍贵的收藏捐出,到底是什么?暗示:足球迷们,准备好手脚要快!
Do you want to know who Kym Ng's best friend is? Are you curious what items Kym Ng will be donating? Find out in this episode as Kym talks about her best friend. Chef Eric and his wife generously donate their branded watches and bags as well as a pressure cooker designed by chef Eric. Local socialite Jamie opens her mansion for the first time for charity, generously donating her branded luxury goods and collectibles...
Do you want to know who Kym Ng's best friend is? Are you curious what items Kym Ng will be donating? Find out in this episode as Kym talks about her best friend. Chef Eric and his wife generously donate their branded watches and bags as well as a pressure cooker designed by chef Eric. Local socialite Jamie opens her mansion for the first time for charity, generously donating her branded luxury goods and collectibles...
Julie Tan used to be a rebellious girl? Find out in this episode as Julie talks about an important person to her who changes her life. David Gan generously donates many of his branded goods to charity too. 看名人心货同时也了解艺人的心路历程:原来陈欣淇曾经叛逆、感性分享改变了她人生的一个重要人物;她也喜欢用摄影记录人生,成熟的;大家知道的时尚名人David Gan与名牌是等号;也许不知道他平时乐善好施,这次义不容辞捐出无以计数的名牌货,一种生活的姿态心货,让我们从新的角度看名人。
Julie Tan used to be a rebellious girl? Find out in this episode as Julie talks about an important person to her who changes her life. David Gan generously donates many of his branded goods to charity too. 看名人心货同时也了解艺人的心路历程:原来陈欣淇曾经叛逆、感性分享改变了她人生的一个重要人物;她也喜欢用摄影记录人生,成熟的;大家知道的时尚名人David Gan与名牌是等号;也许不知道他平时乐善好施,这次义不容辞捐出无以计数的名牌货,一种生活的姿态心货,让我们从新的角度看名人。
Romeo Tan has this habit of buying a souvenir from every country he visits. Fans of Romeo keep a lookout as he will be generously donating all these souvenirs he has collected. From a model to an actress, Sheila Sim shares about her experiences and donates an item designed and handmade by her. Lee Wei Song shares about his favourite songs and memories.
Romeo Tan has this habit of buying a souvenir from every country he visits. Fans of Romeo keep a lookout as he will be generously donating all these souvenirs he has collected. From a model to an actress, Sheila Sim shares about her experiences and donates an item designed and handmade by her. Lee Wei Song shares about his favourite songs and memories.
Desmond Tan donates his precious guitar. Hao Hao loves Mickey Mouse but he is more than happy to give his favourite toy away. Hong Hui Fang donates a big teapot which has a special meaning behind it - the happiness one feels does not come from how much one owns but comes from one's magnanimity. 艺人送心货,观众读心事:八公子陈泂江把年少的梦想-吉他送出.百变王子皓皓喜欢米奇老鼠,乐意捐出心爱宝贝,也坦然分享自己人生的不如意,走出一片天。慧芳捐赠的大茶壶里,隐藏精辟的人生真谛,让心货发出芳香!原来一个人的快乐,不是因为他拥有的多,而是因为他计较的少。
Desmond Tan donates his precious guitar. Hao Hao loves Mickey Mouse but he is more than happy to give his favourite toy away. Hong Hui Fang donates a big teapot which has a special meaning behind it - the happiness one feels does not come from how much one owns but comes from one's magnanimity. 艺人送心货,观众读心事:八公子陈泂江把年少的梦想-吉他送出.百变王子皓皓喜欢米奇老鼠,乐意捐出心爱宝贝,也坦然分享自己人生的不如意,走出一片天。慧芳捐赠的大茶壶里,隐藏精辟的人生真谛,让心货发出芳香!原来一个人的快乐,不是因为他拥有的多,而是因为他计较的少。
Lee Teng and Vivian Lai open their homes for charity! Check out what special items Vivian donates in this hilarious episode. Lee Teng will be donating the first cap he bought in Hong Kong ten years ago. But his most priceless donation is something that has to do with Jay Chou! 李腾和怡伶为慈善家居公开!简单温暖的家藏有心货,但,赖大妈的捐赠却险些过不了主持关卡,笑料百出!钻石王老五李腾家中珍藏多,捐出他人生中的第一顶帽子,那是10年前到香港买的,那也是他认识潮流的开始;不过他无价的心货可是和周董有关,有兴趣的周董迷可要留意了!大家的一份用心,为弱视的一群缔造了幸福!
Lee Teng and Vivian Lai open their homes for charity! Check out what special items Vivian donates in this hilarious episode. Lee Teng will be donating the first cap he bought in Hong Kong ten years ago. But his most priceless donation is something that has to do with Jay Chou! 李腾和怡伶为慈善家居公开!简单温暖的家藏有心货,但,赖大妈的捐赠却险些过不了主持关卡,笑料百出!钻石王老五李腾家中珍藏多,捐出他人生中的第一顶帽子,那是10年前到香港买的,那也是他认识潮流的开始;不过他无价的心货可是和周董有关,有兴趣的周董迷可要留意了!大家的一份用心,为弱视的一群缔造了幸福!
This episode we enter the home of Jin Yin Ji as she donates a very interesting item. Elvin Ng donates his book as well as his limited edition shoes and shades. 这一期有机会走进金姐古色古香的特色家居,她送出心货趣味高于价值,也抖落无间断的幽默; 黄俊雄在台上常讲一些人家听不懂的话,所以出书代表说话,这次也把书捐出了;除此,还有限量版的鞋子、眼镜等等,他用诚意说故事,我们也看到改变中的黄阿哥。
This episode we enter the home of Jin Yin Ji as she donates a very interesting item. Elvin Ng donates his book as well as his limited edition shoes and shades. 这一期有机会走进金姐古色古香的特色家居,她送出心货趣味高于价值,也抖落无间断的幽默; 黄俊雄在台上常讲一些人家听不懂的话,所以出书代表说话,这次也把书捐出了;除此,还有限量版的鞋子、眼镜等等,他用诚意说故事,我们也看到改变中的黄阿哥。
Zhang Zhen Huan donates his treasured items and shares interesting things about Lee Teng and Pornsak. Chen Xiu Huan and her family donate limited edition items. Shane Pow shares about his growing up process and donates his precious bicycle – a present he bought for himself for his 21st birthday. 张振寰用心掏宝,也坦诚爆出好友哥们李腾、Ponsak的趣事; 久违的陈秀环打开欧陆风格的厅堂,谈女儿经同时也发动老公女儿献爱心,有些物品已经绝迹、有些限量品; 八公子之一的Shane滔滔不绝,分享自己成长,他送出的心货之一是:脚踏车,那是21岁生日自己送自己的礼物,背后有难忘的经历和回忆。
Zhang Zhen Huan donates his treasured items and shares interesting things about Lee Teng and Pornsak. Chen Xiu Huan and her family donate limited edition items. Shane Pow shares about his growing up process and donates his precious bicycle – a present he bought for himself for his 21st birthday. 张振寰用心掏宝,也坦诚爆出好友哥们李腾、Ponsak的趣事; 久违的陈秀环打开欧陆风格的厅堂,谈女儿经同时也发动老公女儿献爱心,有些物品已经绝迹、有些限量品; 八公子之一的Shane滔滔不绝,分享自己成长,他送出的心货之一是:脚踏车,那是21岁生日自己送自己的礼物,背后有难忘的经历和回忆。
Taiwanese hairstylist Wu Yi Lin donates the precious branded heels Pauline Lan gave to her. Cheryl Wee donates very practical items. It’s the thought that counts that is of more importance. Zheng Ge Ping donates a very special item which he got from an auction. 台湾明星发型师吴依霖远道而来,为何舍得把好友蓝心湄送她的名牌高跟鞋割爱,听她道出姐妹淘情深和隐含的心意; 黄馨慧虽是富二代,但不盲从名牌,捐的非常实在; 各评大哥的心货各具特色,爱打高尔夫球的他把难得拍卖标得的特别球杆分享。
Taiwanese hairstylist Wu Yi Lin donates the precious branded heels Pauline Lan gave to her. Cheryl Wee donates very practical items. It’s the thought that counts that is of more importance. Zheng Ge Ping donates a very special item which he got from an auction. 台湾明星发型师吴依霖远道而来,为何舍得把好友蓝心湄送她的名牌高跟鞋割爱,听她道出姐妹淘情深和隐含的心意; 黄馨慧虽是富二代,但不盲从名牌,捐的非常实在; 各评大哥的心货各具特色,爱打高尔夫球的他把难得拍卖标得的特别球杆分享。
Priscelia Chan donates her valuable handmade artwork which she has kept for 16 years. Renowned fashion designer Max Tan donates motivational books which have inspired him and clothes that he designed. Annie donates her precious wine glasses. Cheryl Wee donates very practical items. It's the thought that counts that is of more importance.
Priscelia Chan donates her valuable handmade artwork which she has kept for 16 years. Renowned fashion designer Max Tan donates motivational books which have inspired him and clothes that he designed. Annie donates her precious wine glasses. Cheryl Wee donates very practical items. It's the thought that counts that is of more importance.
Dr Wong Seng Weng donates numerous valuable items such as high grade wine and tea. 黄醒荣医生的心货可是价值不菲,美酒名茶名笔等,医生热爱中国传统文化,传递不同品味的人生。
Dr Wong Seng Weng donates numerous valuable items such as high grade wine and tea. 黄醒荣医生的心货可是价值不菲,美酒名茶名笔等,医生热爱中国传统文化,传递不同品味的人生。
Additional Information
Premiered | 2014 |
Genres | variety |
Seasons | 1 |