Business As Usual
Can money buy everything? From hair, manure to time, if someone sees its value, anything can be a commodity. "Business As Usual" explores the unique trades of the world, uncovering why they have emerged and revealing how they closely intertwine with societal changes and human nature. 是不是只要有钱,什么都买得到?无论是头发、粪便、时间或尊严,只要有需求,就有市场,一切都可以交易。《买卖》节目探讨各地奇特的买卖与交易链。买卖双方如何进行交易?为什么市场上会出现如此奇异的需求?这又突显了现代社会怎么样奇特的社会现像、文化习俗与人性?
- Oldest First
- Newest First
Can money buy everything? From hair, manure to time, if someone sees its value, anything can be a commodity. "Business As Usual" explores the unique trades of the world, uncovering why they have emerged and revealing how they closely intertwine with societal changes and human nature. 是不是只要有钱,什么都买得到?无论是头发、粪便、时间或尊严,只要有需求,就有市场,一切都可以交易。《买卖》节目探讨各地奇特的买卖与交易链。买卖双方如何进行交易?为什么市场上会出现如此奇异的需求?这又突显了现代社会怎么样奇特的社会现像、文化习俗与人性?
In an environment without resources, slum residents come up with unimaginable businesses to survive. From leftover meat (Pagpag), slum tours, recycled garbage to street performances, this episode shows you extreme poverty and how it creates different kinds of commodities in the slums of Manila. 贫民窟向来是资源缺乏的地方,在这样的困难环境底下,为了生存而衍生了各式各样意想不到的买卖。从回收肉pagpag, 贫民窟观光,垃圾回收,以及训练小狗街头卖艺,看看极度的贫穷,如何催生出马尼拉贫民窟的各种另类买卖。
In an environment without resources, slum residents come up with unimaginable businesses to survive. From leftover meat (Pagpag), slum tours, recycled garbage to street performances, this episode shows you extreme poverty and how it creates different kinds of commodities in the slums of Manila. 贫民窟向来是资源缺乏的地方,在这样的困难环境底下,为了生存而衍生了各式各样意想不到的买卖。从回收肉pagpag, 贫民窟观光,垃圾回收,以及训练小狗街头卖艺,看看极度的贫穷,如何催生出马尼拉贫民窟的各种另类买卖。
With intense competition and long working hours in South Korea, ways to relieve stress have become new businesses. More people are now willing to pay for quirky ways to de-stress. This episode will explore new businesses like ASMR, "eating broadcast", oxygen capsule cafes and hiring homemakers. 韩国社会竞争大、工作时间长, 如何纾解压力正在发展成为韩国新兴行业!越来越多人愿意付钱消费各种奇特方法,换来一次情绪和压力的解放,本集将深入吃播镜头背后的生活和故事、观看者心态,以及整理师通过整理房子舒缓屋主忧郁不安情绪等交易,探讨韩国各种不同的"纾压"买卖。
With intense competition and long working hours in South Korea, ways to relieve stress have become new businesses. More people are now willing to pay for quirky ways to de-stress. This episode will explore new businesses like ASMR, "eating broadcast", oxygen capsule cafes and hiring homemakers. 韩国社会竞争大、工作时间长, 如何纾解压力正在发展成为韩国新兴行业!越来越多人愿意付钱消费各种奇特方法,换来一次情绪和压力的解放,本集将深入吃播镜头背后的生活和故事、观看者心态,以及整理师通过整理房子舒缓屋主忧郁不安情绪等交易,探讨韩国各种不同的"纾压"买卖。
In China, you can find any kind of "customised services" online, from running an errand for you, to proposing to your girlfriend on your behalf. These new services have improved consumers' quality of life and opened up a new market. How will these services impact our lives in the future? 中国电子商务从销售实际商品,到推出各种"客制化服务",不管是跑腿代办,代人告白求分手,还是私厨登门煮饭。这些新兴服务提升客户的生活品质,并开创崭新的经济市场。这些服务将对你我未来的生活造成哪些冲击呢?
In China, you can find any kind of "customised services" online, from running an errand for you, to proposing to your girlfriend on your behalf. These new services have improved consumers' quality of life and opened up a new market. How will these services impact our lives in the future? 中国电子商务从销售实际商品,到推出各种"客制化服务",不管是跑腿代办,代人告白求分手,还是私厨登门煮饭。这些新兴服务提升客户的生活品质,并开创崭新的经济市场。这些服务将对你我未来的生活造成哪些冲击呢?
In Japan's highly stressful environment, people lead lonely yet appearance-based lives, and this has created a demand for a "human rental" company. These professional actors can play as a client's family member, a friend and even a sleeping partner. What's the deal behind these rental services? 日本生活压力大,孤独寂寞又注重面子,在生活上有许多不能忍受的空缺与遗憾。因此,衍生了一种"租人"公司,提供各种职业演员,扮演客户生活中的任何角色,从租妻到家中来煮饭聊天到不涉及性服务的陪睡伴侣,纯粹帮寂寞的都市人排遣孤寂无助。租赁情感服务,究竟是怎么样的奇特买卖?
In Japan's highly stressful environment, people lead lonely yet appearance-based lives, and this has created a demand for a "human rental" company. These professional actors can play as a client's family member, a friend and even a sleeping partner. What's the deal behind these rental services? 日本生活压力大,孤独寂寞又注重面子,在生活上有许多不能忍受的空缺与遗憾。因此,衍生了一种"租人"公司,提供各种职业演员,扮演客户生活中的任何角色,从租妻到家中来煮饭聊天到不涉及性服务的陪睡伴侣,纯粹帮寂寞的都市人排遣孤寂无助。租赁情感服务,究竟是怎么样的奇特买卖?
In China, there are businessmen who can turn a panda's faeces, cockroaches, maggots and insects into highly valuable items. These astute businessmen can suss out a profit opportunity in things that are normally deemed repulsive. 如果你能将原本无价值的东西,转换成可挣钱的商品。那你绝对是这宗买卖的赢家! 在中国有商人将熊猫的粪便,蟑螂、蝇蛆和害虫经加工后,成为高经济价值的商品。原来在商家的眼里只有利益,恶心与否根本不重要!
In China, there are businessmen who can turn a panda's faeces, cockroaches, maggots and insects into highly valuable items. These astute businessmen can suss out a profit opportunity in things that are normally deemed repulsive. 如果你能将原本无价值的东西,转换成可挣钱的商品。那你绝对是这宗买卖的赢家! 在中国有商人将熊猫的粪便,蟑螂、蝇蛆和害虫经加工后,成为高经济价值的商品。原来在商家的眼里只有利益,恶心与否根本不重要!
The exacerbating housing woes in Hong Kong have spawned innovative business models. There's a market now for housing guided tours, cremated ashes hotels, Murder House trading, niches to green funerals. The enterprising minds of the Hong Kong people have also sussed out business opportunities in the buying and selling of animal furs of pets and expired products. 从住屋导览、骨灰酒店、凶宅买卖、骨灰龛场到绿色殡葬等,均透视着香港房屋问题所衍生出的各种另类买卖活动,此外,宠物毛发、临期商品也让有创新思维的香港人看到商机...
The exacerbating housing woes in Hong Kong have spawned innovative business models. There's a market now for housing guided tours, cremated ashes hotels, Murder House trading, niches to green funerals. The enterprising minds of the Hong Kong people have also sussed out business opportunities in the buying and selling of animal furs of pets and expired products. 从住屋导览、骨灰酒店、凶宅买卖、骨灰龛场到绿色殡葬等,均透视着香港房屋问题所衍生出的各种另类买卖活动,此外,宠物毛发、临期商品也让有创新思维的香港人看到商机...
Additional Information
Premiered | 2018 |
Genres | info-ed |
Seasons | 1 |