
Amartyan is a superhero series which tells the stories of ordinary people who discover that they have superhuman abilities and how these abilities take effect in the characters' lives as they work together to fight against evil.

Amartyan is a superhero series which tells the stories of ordinary people who discover that they have superhuman abilities and how these abilities take effect in the characters' lives as they work together to fight against evil.

Ep 1
26 mins

Amartyan is a superhero series which tells the stories of ordinary people who discover that they have superhuman abilities and how these abilities take effect in the characters' lives as they work together to fight against evil.

Ep 1

Amartyan is a superhero series which tells the stories of ordinary people who discover that they have superhuman abilities and how these abilities take effect in the characters' lives as they work together to fight against evil.

Ep 2
30 mins

Amartyan is a superhero series which tells the stories of ordinary people who discover that they have superhuman abilities and how these abilities take effect in the characters' lives as they work together to fight against evil.

Ep 2

Amartyan is a superhero series which tells the stories of ordinary people who discover that they have superhuman abilities and how these abilities take effect in the characters' lives as they work together to fight against evil.

Additional Information

Mature Themes