118 Reunion
118 大团圆
This drama revolves around the original cast of “118”, telling the story of love and kinship. Da Ming (Chew Chor Meng) dedicates most of his time helping the elderly in the neighborhood, thus neglecting his wife, Mei Mei (Pan Ling Ling). To spite Da Ming, Mei Mei joins a beauty pageant and eventually attracts the attention of a wealthy man! A fortune teller tells Shun Feng (Dennie Chew) to have a child by the end of this year, or he shall remain childless. To add on to his stress, he finds out that his wife, Mei Zhen ( Sora Ma), has been seeing Jian Guo( Zen Chong) behind his back! Ah Niang (Chen Han Wei ) is a first-time father and his overly cautious personality drives his wife, Shan Shan ( Sheila Sim), up the wall. She later becomes interested in rock climbing and forges a close friendship with her instructor, Arthur (Chen Yi Xi). In spite of all their personal problems, will Da Ming and his family embrace the upcoming New Year on a happy note? 故事围绕着长篇剧《118》的原班人马发展,发生了一些有趣、温馨的故事。达明(周初明)发挥“取之社会用之社会”精神,顾着关心社区贫困老人,引来老婆媚媚(潘玲玲)不快。媚媚去参加选美比赛,以证明自己风采依旧,还引来一中年大亨的注意,说她长得更自己失踪的太太一模一样。新年将到,顺风(周崇庆)因算命佬说他“狗年不当爸,无儿无女又不发”,倍感压力。顺风发现美珍(马艺瑄)常常与建国(章证翔)出去,怀疑妻子在他的背后搞外遇。阿娘(陈汉玮)初为人父,紧张兮兮,让妻子姗姗(沈琳宸)感到烦不胜烦。她后来爱上攀岩运动,认识了比她年轻的指导教练 Arthur(陈一熙)。新的一年即将来临,达明一家会是否可以开开心心地迎接新的狗年呢?
- Oldest First
- Newest First
This drama revolves around the original cast of “118”, telling the story of love and kinship. Da Ming (Chew Chor Meng) dedicates most of his time helping the elderly in the neighborhood, thus neglecting his wife, Mei Mei (Pan Ling Ling). To spite Da Ming, Mei Mei joins a beauty pageant and eventually attracts the attention of a wealthy man! A fortune teller tells Shun Feng (Dennie Chew) to have a child by the end of this year, or he shall remain childless. To add on to his stress, he finds out that his wife, Mei Zhen ( Sora Ma), has been seeing Jian Guo( Zen Chong) behind his back! Ah Niang (Chen Han Wei ) is a first-time father and his overly cautious personality drives his wife, Shan Shan ( Sheila Sim), up the wall. She later becomes interested in rock climbing and forges a close friendship with her instructor, Arthur (Chen Yi Xi). In spite of all their personal problems, will Da Ming and his family embrace the upcoming New Year on a happy note? 故事围绕着长篇剧《118》的原班人马发展,发生了一些有趣、温馨的故事。达明(周初明)发挥“取之社会用之社会”精神,顾着关心社区贫困老人,引来老婆媚媚(潘玲玲)不快。媚媚去参加选美比赛,以证明自己风采依旧,还引来一中年大亨的注意,说她长得更自己失踪的太太一模一样。新年将到,顺风(周崇庆)因算命佬说他“狗年不当爸,无儿无女又不发”,倍感压力。顺风发现美珍(马艺瑄)常常与建国(章证翔)出去,怀疑妻子在他的背后搞外遇。阿娘(陈汉玮)初为人父,紧张兮兮,让妻子姗姗(沈琳宸)感到烦不胜烦。她后来爱上攀岩运动,认识了比她年轻的指导教练 Arthur(陈一熙)。新的一年即将来临,达明一家会是否可以开开心心地迎接新的狗年呢?
Shun Feng and Mei Zhen are involved in the daily operations of 118. Business is booming and Da Ming is extremely happy and is busy preparing to welcome the New Year. 要要发总店由顺风坐镇,分店则由美珍主掌大局,两间店的生意都很旺,达明心情大好,准备迎接新年到来。玉叶在家里当网络直播主播,把家中大小事都直播出去,但粉丝寥寥无几,打赏少得可怜,有个叫"鲁蛇1号"的甚至讥讽她。
Shun Feng and Mei Zhen are involved in the daily operations of 118. Business is booming and Da Ming is extremely happy and is busy preparing to welcome the New Year. 要要发总店由顺风坐镇,分店则由美珍主掌大局,两间店的生意都很旺,达明心情大好,准备迎接新年到来。玉叶在家里当网络直播主播,把家中大小事都直播出去,但粉丝寥寥无几,打赏少得可怜,有个叫"鲁蛇1号"的甚至讥讽她。
A woman of unsound mind sings in the rain in the middle of the night, waking the 118 family up. She introduces herself as Lady Gao Gao.夜半三更,楼下忽然传来一女声在高歌,把达明等人吵醒,原来有个失常的女人在雨中又跳又唱。次日,丁丁遇见这个女人,对方自称是歌星,叫Lady Gao Gao,向她打听女儿的下落。丁丁知她精神有异,同情心大起。
A woman of unsound mind sings in the rain in the middle of the night, waking the 118 family up. She introduces herself as Lady Gao Gao.夜半三更,楼下忽然传来一女声在高歌,把达明等人吵醒,原来有个失常的女人在雨中又跳又唱。次日,丁丁遇见这个女人,对方自称是歌星,叫Lady Gao Gao,向她打听女儿的下落。丁丁知她精神有异,同情心大起。
Jian Guo doesn't think that Shun Feng is good enough for Mei Zhen. He forces himself on her but is pushed aside. Meanwhile, Lady Gao Gao is heard crying loudly, alarming the residents of 118. 建国认为笨头笨脑的顺风配不上美珍,替她叫屈,甚至还强吻她。美珍把建国推开,建国为自己情不自禁向她道歉。Lady Gao Gao在楼下大哭,再次惊动达明等人。媚媚怀疑对方是以前歌台认识的一个熟人。
Jian Guo doesn't think that Shun Feng is good enough for Mei Zhen. He forces himself on her but is pushed aside. Meanwhile, Lady Gao Gao is heard crying loudly, alarming the residents of 118. 建国认为笨头笨脑的顺风配不上美珍,替她叫屈,甚至还强吻她。美珍把建国推开,建国为自己情不自禁向她道歉。Lady Gao Gao在楼下大哭,再次惊动达明等人。媚媚怀疑对方是以前歌台认识的一个熟人。
Jin Zhi returns from New York with Chou Xiao Zi. Mei Mei is relieved after seeing him walking with ease. Ding Ding gives Lady Gao Gao a makeover and is surprised to find how good she looks. 金枝和臭小子自纽约回新,媚媚见臭小子装上义肢后行走自如,放下心头大石。丁丁帮Lady Gao Gao擦抹干净,意外发现她长得很漂亮。丁丁将她打扮一番后让她离开,不料Lady Gao Gao被一不怀好意的男人盯上,想要骗她,幸好被阿火阻止。
Jin Zhi returns from New York with Chou Xiao Zi. Mei Mei is relieved after seeing him walking with ease. Ding Ding gives Lady Gao Gao a makeover and is surprised to find how good she looks. 金枝和臭小子自纽约回新,媚媚见臭小子装上义肢后行走自如,放下心头大石。丁丁帮Lady Gao Gao擦抹干净,意外发现她长得很漂亮。丁丁将她打扮一番后让她离开,不料Lady Gao Gao被一不怀好意的男人盯上,想要骗她,幸好被阿火阻止。
Ah Chun and his wife mistake Lady Gao Gao for Ah Huo's wife. Shun Feng receives a picture of his wife kissing a mystery man and flies into a rage. 阿火不知如何安置Lady Gao Gao,唯有把她带到父亲阿春伯家暂住,阿春伯夫妻认定Lady Gao Gao是阿火的老婆。顺风忽然接到一神秘短信,附上一张美珍和神秘男人接吻的照片。顺风顿时如晴天霹雳,后来又自我安慰一番。
Ah Chun and his wife mistake Lady Gao Gao for Ah Huo's wife. Shun Feng receives a picture of his wife kissing a mystery man and flies into a rage. 阿火不知如何安置Lady Gao Gao,唯有把她带到父亲阿春伯家暂住,阿春伯夫妻认定Lady Gao Gao是阿火的老婆。顺风忽然接到一神秘短信,附上一张美珍和神秘男人接吻的照片。顺风顿时如晴天霹雳,后来又自我安慰一番。
A weird young man shows up at 118. He claims to have just arrived to Singapore. He refers to Da Ming as his father and Shun Feng as his brother, much to the bewilderment of everyone. 要要发忽然来了一个奇怪的年轻人杨威,他自称第一次来新加坡,但是却能如数家珍地指出要要发众人的名字和关系,还认起亲戚来,叫达明老爸、顺风大哥等等,搞到大家莫名其妙。
A weird young man shows up at 118. He claims to have just arrived to Singapore. He refers to Da Ming as his father and Shun Feng as his brother, much to the bewilderment of everyone. 要要发忽然来了一个奇怪的年轻人杨威,他自称第一次来新加坡,但是却能如数家珍地指出要要发众人的名字和关系,还认起亲戚来,叫达明老爸、顺风大哥等等,搞到大家莫名其妙。
Yang Wei shows up at 118 once again, and calls Mei Mei his mother. He offers to sleep in the Hong family's house for a night, in exchange for his own presidential suite. 杨威又出现在要要发,冲着媚媚叫老妈。当大家知道他住的是一晚1万2的总统套房时,无不瞠目结舌。媚媚猜想他可能是"鲁蛇1号",杨威承认,说他此行是为了"找寻家的感觉",提议交换房间,以自己的总统套房交换他到洪家过一夜。
Yang Wei shows up at 118 once again, and calls Mei Mei his mother. He offers to sleep in the Hong family's house for a night, in exchange for his own presidential suite. 杨威又出现在要要发,冲着媚媚叫老妈。当大家知道他住的是一晚1万2的总统套房时,无不瞠目结舌。媚媚猜想他可能是"鲁蛇1号",杨威承认,说他此行是为了"找寻家的感觉",提议交换房间,以自己的总统套房交换他到洪家过一夜。
Yu Ye looks for 'Number One Loser'. He wants her to join him in his presidential suite but Yu Ye rejects him. 玉叶从姗姗和阿娘口中得知"鲁蛇1号"出现,并且出手阔绰,住的还是万元一天的总统套房,气急败坏地赶去找他。杨威要玉叶跟他回酒店房,玉叶找借口推拒,杨威讥笑她是只无胆的鲁蛇。
Yu Ye looks for 'Number One Loser'. He wants her to join him in his presidential suite but Yu Ye rejects him. 玉叶从姗姗和阿娘口中得知"鲁蛇1号"出现,并且出手阔绰,住的还是万元一天的总统套房,气急败坏地赶去找他。杨威要玉叶跟他回酒店房,玉叶找借口推拒,杨威讥笑她是只无胆的鲁蛇。
Yu Ye brings Yang Wei home. Mei Mei agrees to let him stay till Chinese New Year. Hong Family looks forward to Jin Zhi and Chou Xiao Zi's wedding. 玉叶把杨威带回家,美其名是让他感觉家的温暖,其实是贪图那一天一万二的租金。媚媚看在诱人的租金份上,答应让杨威住到过年。洪家上下怀着兴奋的心情准备见证金枝和臭小子的婚礼,岂料金枝忽然闹失踪!
Yu Ye brings Yang Wei home. Mei Mei agrees to let him stay till Chinese New Year. Hong Family looks forward to Jin Zhi and Chou Xiao Zi's wedding. 玉叶把杨威带回家,美其名是让他感觉家的温暖,其实是贪图那一天一万二的租金。媚媚看在诱人的租金份上,答应让杨威住到过年。洪家上下怀着兴奋的心情准备见证金枝和臭小子的婚礼,岂料金枝忽然闹失踪!
Chou Xiao Zi goes shopping with Mei Mei and meets a middle-aged man who refers to Mei Mei as his long-lost wife. 臭小子陪媚媚办年货,遇到一个自称林安东尼的中年男,冲着媚媚叫"亲爱的"。媚媚又怕又气,臭小子上前追究。对方赶忙解释他在寻找失踪多年的妻子,说媚媚跟她长得很相似。他还出示照片,媚媚发现对方果然和自己长得很像。
Chou Xiao Zi goes shopping with Mei Mei and meets a middle-aged man who refers to Mei Mei as his long-lost wife. 臭小子陪媚媚办年货,遇到一个自称林安东尼的中年男,冲着媚媚叫"亲爱的"。媚媚又怕又气,臭小子上前追究。对方赶忙解释他在寻找失踪多年的妻子,说媚媚跟她长得很相似。他还出示照片,媚媚发现对方果然和自己长得很像。
Lady Gao Gao compliments Ah Niang's son, much to his delight. He lets her carry his son. Ah Niang and Shan Shan return home and to their horror, they realise that they have left the baby behind. 阿娘听Lady Gao Gao猛赞自己的儿子长得可爱,开心不已,便把儿子交给她抱一抱。他见姗姗和丁丁窃窃私语,担心两人说他坏话,于是也去凑热闹。过后夫妻俩回到家里,才惊觉没有把儿子抱回来,急忙冲下楼去,但Lady Gao Gao已经不知所踪!
Lady Gao Gao compliments Ah Niang's son, much to his delight. He lets her carry his son. Ah Niang and Shan Shan return home and to their horror, they realise that they have left the baby behind. 阿娘听Lady Gao Gao猛赞自己的儿子长得可爱,开心不已,便把儿子交给她抱一抱。他见姗姗和丁丁窃窃私语,担心两人说他坏话,于是也去凑热闹。过后夫妻俩回到家里,才惊觉没有把儿子抱回来,急忙冲下楼去,但Lady Gao Gao已经不知所踪!
Zi Kang realises that he has forgotten to check on the lottery numbers for Auntie Ling. He then finds out that the numbers he bought on her behalf are indeed winning numbers! 丁丁帮子康洗衣服时,在他裤袋里发现一张"多多"票据,子康这才想起忘记帮玲姨对奖。他万万没想到,这张票据竟然中了7万块的奖金。子康顿起贪念,打算悄悄去领奖,神不知鬼不觉。
Zi Kang realises that he has forgotten to check on the lottery numbers for Auntie Ling. He then finds out that the numbers he bought on her behalf are indeed winning numbers! 丁丁帮子康洗衣服时,在他裤袋里发现一张"多多"票据,子康这才想起忘记帮玲姨对奖。他万万没想到,这张票据竟然中了7万块的奖金。子康顿起贪念,打算悄悄去领奖,神不知鬼不觉。
Jian Guo threatens Mei Zhen, telling her if she does not agree to see him behind Shun Feng's back, he will seize control over 118 and wreak havoc. 建国威胁美珍背着顺风跟他维持关系,否则如果她还不了贷款的钱,"要要发"分店被他接收的话,事情就会东窗事发,届时她和顺风的婚姻也保不住。美珍苦恼不已。
Jian Guo threatens Mei Zhen, telling her if she does not agree to see him behind Shun Feng's back, he will seize control over 118 and wreak havoc. 建国威胁美珍背着顺风跟他维持关系,否则如果她还不了贷款的钱,"要要发"分店被他接收的话,事情就会东窗事发,届时她和顺风的婚姻也保不住。美珍苦恼不已。
Shan Shan is upset over the lack of concern and care from Ah Niang. In a fit of anger, she goes out on a date with Ah De. 姗姗出门,阿娘竟然一反常态,连个电话也没有,摆明是在跟她斗气。阿娘终于发来一则短信,姗姗一看,更是火上加油,原来阿娘又是提醒她回去喂奶!姗姗一气之下,决定和阿德去约会。
Shan Shan is upset over the lack of concern and care from Ah Niang. In a fit of anger, she goes out on a date with Ah De. 姗姗出门,阿娘竟然一反常态,连个电话也没有,摆明是在跟她斗气。阿娘终于发来一则短信,姗姗一看,更是火上加油,原来阿娘又是提醒她回去喂奶!姗姗一气之下,决定和阿德去约会。
Shun Feng sees his wife together with Jian Guo and falls into depression. Jian Guo wants Mei Zhen to go on a holiday with him. 顺风特地打包了美珍爱吃的食物,想要给她一个惊喜,不料却看见她和建国在一起,心情顿时跌入谷底。建国要美珍新年假期陪他出国度假,美珍受威胁,苦恼不已。顺风闷闷不乐,找纹纹倾诉,不料却被美珍看见。
Shun Feng sees his wife together with Jian Guo and falls into depression. Jian Guo wants Mei Zhen to go on a holiday with him. 顺风特地打包了美珍爱吃的食物,想要给她一个惊喜,不料却看见她和建国在一起,心情顿时跌入谷底。建国要美珍新年假期陪他出国度假,美珍受威胁,苦恼不已。顺风闷闷不乐,找纹纹倾诉,不料却被美珍看见。
Chou Xiao Zi is over the moon after hearing news that Jin Zhi is pregnant. However, the doctors warn her to discontinue her anti-depressant medications as it might have harmful effects on the baby. 金枝证实怀孕,臭小子高兴之余,医生却告诉他金枝怀孕后很多药不能吃,需要靠自身和家人的努力帮她克服精神上的问题,否则如果她情绪不稳,比如过度焦虑或不安的话,恐会影响胎儿的发育,臭小子为此感到不安。
Chou Xiao Zi is over the moon after hearing news that Jin Zhi is pregnant. However, the doctors warn her to discontinue her anti-depressant medications as it might have harmful effects on the baby. 金枝证实怀孕,臭小子高兴之余,医生却告诉他金枝怀孕后很多药不能吃,需要靠自身和家人的努力帮她克服精神上的问题,否则如果她情绪不稳,比如过度焦虑或不安的话,恐会影响胎儿的发育,臭小子为此感到不安。
Yang Wei's father Yang Yong looks for his son at 118. To his horror, he finds out that his son has been sleeping on the floor of the coffee shop. 玉叶猜想杨威的父母也许真的想跟他吃团圆饭,才要他回去。杨威不以为然,在玉叶的追问下,他回忆起幼年时曾和父母在香港度过一个印象中快乐的新年,吃过最开心的一次团圆饭。杨威的父亲杨勇找到"要要发"来,当他知道杨威竟然在客厅打地铺后,惊讶不已。
Yang Wei's father Yang Yong looks for his son at 118. To his horror, he finds out that his son has been sleeping on the floor of the coffee shop. 玉叶猜想杨威的父母也许真的想跟他吃团圆饭,才要他回去。杨威不以为然,在玉叶的追问下,他回忆起幼年时曾和父母在香港度过一个印象中快乐的新年,吃过最开心的一次团圆饭。杨威的父亲杨勇找到"要要发"来,当他知道杨威竟然在客厅打地铺后,惊讶不已。
Lady Gao Gao's ex-husband appears at 118 with their daughter. He explains to everyone the real reason why their marriage failed. Lady Gao Gao的前夫George带着女儿恩恩出现在"要要发",把他们夫妻离婚的原因告诉大家。他说离婚时给了Lady Gao Gao一大笔钱,足够她过无忧无虑的生活,后来辗转得知她跟一个好赌的男人在一起,可能因此败光了所有的钱,才落得现在的惨况,大家感叹不已。
Lady Gao Gao's ex-husband appears at 118 with their daughter. He explains to everyone the real reason why their marriage failed. Lady Gao Gao的前夫George带着女儿恩恩出现在"要要发",把他们夫妻离婚的原因告诉大家。他说离婚时给了Lady Gao Gao一大笔钱,足够她过无忧无虑的生活,后来辗转得知她跟一个好赌的男人在一起,可能因此败光了所有的钱,才落得现在的惨况,大家感叹不已。
Using Lady Gao Gao's favourite song, everyone finally manage to lure her out. Thinking that she still is the singer in her heyday, Lady Gao Gao continues to sing... 大家遍寻不获Lady Gao Gao,臭小子想了个办法,让张没友沿着巷子唱Lady Gao Gao的拿手好歌,终于把她给引了出来。Lady Gao Gao还把张没友手上的麦克风抢过来,感觉自己就像当年站在舞台上一样,投入地唱起了歌曲。
Using Lady Gao Gao's favourite song, everyone finally manage to lure her out. Thinking that she still is the singer in her heyday, Lady Gao Gao continues to sing... 大家遍寻不获Lady Gao Gao,臭小子想了个办法,让张没友沿着巷子唱Lady Gao Gao的拿手好歌,终于把她给引了出来。Lady Gao Gao还把张没友手上的麦克风抢过来,感觉自己就像当年站在舞台上一样,投入地唱起了歌曲。
Da Ming feels guilty for neglecting his wife. He apologises to her and supports her wholeheartedly in her competition. 达明得知媚媚参加选美赛的原因后,感到非常歉疚。他自认是个好老公,但并没有真正去关心和体恤媚媚,对媚媚参加选美赛其实很不以为然,没有去理解她。他向媚媚道歉,并鼓励她不要放弃,一定要把奖座赢回来。
Da Ming feels guilty for neglecting his wife. He apologises to her and supports her wholeheartedly in her competition. 达明得知媚媚参加选美赛的原因后,感到非常歉疚。他自认是个好老公,但并没有真正去关心和体恤媚媚,对媚媚参加选美赛其实很不以为然,没有去理解她。他向媚媚道歉,并鼓励她不要放弃,一定要把奖座赢回来。
Mei Zhen finally reveals to Shun Feng that she has been under Jian Guo's threat all along. Shun Feng is extremely angry and demands that she get help from the 118 family. 美珍终于把自己受建国威胁的事告诉顺风。顺风听后怒火中烧,要美珍向家人求助。美珍担心家人会对她失去信心,不肯答应。她也担心事情如果闹上法庭,"要要发"会被牵连,所以选择委曲求全。
Mei Zhen finally reveals to Shun Feng that she has been under Jian Guo's threat all along. Shun Feng is extremely angry and demands that she get help from the 118 family. 美珍终于把自己受建国威胁的事告诉顺风。顺风听后怒火中烧,要美珍向家人求助。美珍担心家人会对她失去信心,不肯答应。她也担心事情如果闹上法庭,"要要发"会被牵连,所以选择委曲求全。
Yang Wei's parents are going through a divorce and would like to have one last reunion dinner with him. They look for him at 118. 杨威父母决定离婚,来到"要要发"要跟杨威吃最后一顿团圆饭。杨勇要求以金枝的云吞面作为他们三人的团圆饭,玉叶曾听杨威提起他们在香港吃云吞面当团圆饭的往事,有所领会。只见三人默默地吃着,似乎在回味香港的那个除夕夜。
Yang Wei's parents are going through a divorce and would like to have one last reunion dinner with him. They look for him at 118. 杨威父母决定离婚,来到"要要发"要跟杨威吃最后一顿团圆饭。杨勇要求以金枝的云吞面作为他们三人的团圆饭,玉叶曾听杨威提起他们在香港吃云吞面当团圆饭的往事,有所领会。只见三人默默地吃着,似乎在回味香港的那个除夕夜。
It is Lunar New Year's Eve. Shun Shui and Ke Ai show up and announce their plans to get married. Mei Zhen also shares news that Shun Feng is going to be a father. Shun Feng is over the moon after hearing the news. 除夕夜,大家忙碌地准备着团圆饭。顺水和可爱突然出现,宣布婚事,令大家又惊又喜;美珍证实有喜,顺风当爸爸的愿望得以实现;臭小子找到一份投资顾问的工作,金枝病情稳定,人也变得愈来愈坚强;姗姗终于减肥成功,但似乎又怀了第二胎。
It is Lunar New Year's Eve. Shun Shui and Ke Ai show up and announce their plans to get married. Mei Zhen also shares news that Shun Feng is going to be a father. Shun Feng is over the moon after hearing the news. 除夕夜,大家忙碌地准备着团圆饭。顺水和可爱突然出现,宣布婚事,令大家又惊又喜;美珍证实有喜,顺风当爸爸的愿望得以实现;臭小子找到一份投资顾问的工作,金枝病情稳定,人也变得愈来愈坚强;姗姗终于减肥成功,但似乎又怀了第二胎。
Additional Information
Premiered | 2018 |
Genres | drama |
Seasons | 1 |