

The story begins in 1967 where Singapore has just gained independence, in the downtown area along a bustling street, 6 families cramped into 3 houses. It is also here where 6 aspiring youths dreamed about their future…

The story begins in 1967 where Singapore has just gained independence, in the downtown area along a bustling street, 6 families cramped into 3 houses. It is also here where 6 aspiring youths dreamed about their future…

Ep 1
46 mins

It is the 1960s. In an old building sits three shops on the first floor: a coffee shop, a fruit-cum-incense paper vendor and atailor. 有3家店铺,即咖啡店、水果金银纸店以及洋服店。

Ep 1

It is the 1960s. In an old building sits three shops on the first floor: a coffee shop, a fruit-cum-incense paper vendor and atailor. 有3家店铺,即咖啡店、水果金银纸店以及洋服店。

Ep 2
46 mins

Jinhao make Wuji pay her $10 for her ruined eyelashes. 金好不甘心自己的假睫毛被剑虹踩走,去书报摊找无忌要求赔偿,硬拿走了无忌10块钱。

Ep 2

Jinhao make Wuji pay her $10 for her ruined eyelashes. 金好不甘心自己的假睫毛被剑虹踩走,去书报摊找无忌要求赔偿,硬拿走了无忌10块钱。

Ep 3
46 mins

Maomao and Lucy fight till they are both injured. 毛毛找露西算账,两人一言不合,大打出手。

Ep 3

Maomao and Lucy fight till they are both injured. 毛毛找露西算账,两人一言不合,大打出手。

Ep 4
46 mins

Maomao and Lucy fight till they are both injured. 原来这个人是剑虹的表哥德华,德华警告大黑痣一番,大黑痣急忙离去。

Ep 4

Maomao and Lucy fight till they are both injured. 原来这个人是剑虹的表哥德华,德华警告大黑痣一番,大黑痣急忙离去。

Ep 5
46 mins

Xiaobei and Taishan stuff bananas into Dehua exhaust pipes and cause the motorbike to stall. 小杯和泰山使计,在德华的摩托车排烟管里塞进了香蕉。

Ep 5

Xiaobei and Taishan stuff bananas into Dehua exhaust pipes and cause the motorbike to stall. 小杯和泰山使计,在德华的摩托车排烟管里塞进了香蕉。

Ep 6
46 mins

Xiaobei drags Wuji along to give Jinhao moral support during the pageant. 剑虹担心无忌将来会一事无成,劝他出外找工作,但无忌安于现状,找借口推拒,剑虹无可奈何。

Ep 6

Xiaobei drags Wuji along to give Jinhao moral support during the pageant. 剑虹担心无忌将来会一事无成,劝他出外找工作,但无忌安于现状,找借口推拒,剑虹无可奈何。

Ep 7
46 mins

Jianhong begs Dehua to let Huimin off. 小杯看准日本情欲片势必引起轰动,于是把握赚钱良机。

Ep 7

Jianhong begs Dehua to let Huimin off. 小杯看准日本情欲片势必引起轰动,于是把握赚钱良机。

Ep 8
46 mins

Jinhao calls Wuji a pervert after seeing the latter trying to walk in heels. 无忌为了赚快钱,去找大黑痣。

Ep 8

Jinhao calls Wuji a pervert after seeing the latter trying to walk in heels. 无忌为了赚快钱,去找大黑痣。

Ep 9
45 mins

Maomao and Xianglin give Lucy a big treat. 毛毛和秦相林宴请露西和大狗杨,毛毛见露西大吃燕窝藏在鸡肚的“凤吞燕”,只能把气往肚子里吞。

Ep 9

Maomao and Xianglin give Lucy a big treat. 毛毛和秦相林宴请露西和大狗杨,毛毛见露西大吃燕窝藏在鸡肚的“凤吞燕”,只能把气往肚子里吞。

Ep 10
46 mins

Jianhong decides to sever her friendship with Xiaobei and Taishan. 无忌穿了女装,脚踩高跟鞋,被大黑痣的手下带到白沙浮去。

Ep 10

Jianhong decides to sever her friendship with Xiaobei and Taishan. 无忌穿了女装,脚踩高跟鞋,被大黑痣的手下带到白沙浮去。

Ep 11
46 mins

Jianhong decides to sever her friendship with Xiaobei and Taishan. 有一家唱片公司正在征求歌星,金好发歌星梦,拉了小杯陪她去唱片公司试音。

Ep 11

Jianhong decides to sever her friendship with Xiaobei and Taishan. 有一家唱片公司正在征求歌星,金好发歌星梦,拉了小杯陪她去唱片公司试音。

Ep 12
46 mins

Jianhong decides to sever her friendship with Xiaobei and Taishan. 电视台拉队前来采访,毛毛和秦相林兴奋不已,何娇也想趁机沾一点光,把自己打扮漂亮,希望电视台也能拍到她。

Ep 12

Jianhong decides to sever her friendship with Xiaobei and Taishan. 电视台拉队前来采访,毛毛和秦相林兴奋不已,何娇也想趁机沾一点光,把自己打扮漂亮,希望电视台也能拍到她。

Ep 13
46 mins

Jinhao changes her mind about spending the night with Manager Niu. 牛经理借口要捧金好为唱片红星,想要占她便宜。

Ep 13

Jinhao changes her mind about spending the night with Manager Niu. 牛经理借口要捧金好为唱片红星,想要占她便宜。

Ep 14
46 mins

Jinhao changes her mind about spending the night with Manager Niu. 区裕明被剑虹所吸引,得知她是为清还父债才来当舞女,对她更是同情。

Ep 14

Jinhao changes her mind about spending the night with Manager Niu. 区裕明被剑虹所吸引,得知她是为清还父债才来当舞女,对她更是同情。

Ep 15
46 mins

Taishan fails to nab the guy with counterfeit money, but picks up a huge stack of notes the guy leaves behind. 泰山发现了那使用伪钞骗他的男子,要将对方捉住,但被他溜走,却掉下了一大叠50元伪钞。

Ep 15

Taishan fails to nab the guy with counterfeit money, but picks up a huge stack of notes the guy leaves behind. 泰山发现了那使用伪钞骗他的男子,要将对方捉住,但被他溜走,却掉下了一大叠50元伪钞。

Ep 16
46 mins

Xiaobei refuses to tell Huimin what has gone on between him and Jianhong. 慧敏察觉到剑虹和小杯之间好像有问题,追问小杯发生了什么事,小杯却轻描淡写地扯开话题

Ep 16

Xiaobei refuses to tell Huimin what has gone on between him and Jianhong. 慧敏察觉到剑虹和小杯之间好像有问题,追问小杯发生了什么事,小杯却轻描淡写地扯开话题

Ep 17
46 mins

As promised, Huimin makes Jianhong her sworn sister. 慧敏履行之前的诺言,与剑虹正式结义为姐妹。

Ep 17

As promised, Huimin makes Jianhong her sworn sister. 慧敏履行之前的诺言,与剑虹正式结义为姐妹。

Ep 18
46 mins

Huimin agrees to help when the compere does not turn up. 慧敏及时将金好带到赛场,小杯正因主持人临时缺席而紧张不已,要求慧敏留下来帮他主持。

Ep 18

Huimin agrees to help when the compere does not turn up. 慧敏及时将金好带到赛场,小杯正因主持人临时缺席而紧张不已,要求慧敏留下来帮他主持。

Ep 19
46 mins

He Jiao is happy Jinhao has found a rich man. 富少爷罗密欧载金好上班,何娇很高兴金好找到一个金龟婿。

Ep 19

He Jiao is happy Jinhao has found a rich man. 富少爷罗密欧载金好上班,何娇很高兴金好找到一个金龟婿。

Ep 20
46 mins

Taishan manages to win the match. 泰山果然扭转局势,战胜了对手。其实小杯安排的是假摔跤,泰山脸上的血也是假的。

Ep 20

Taishan manages to win the match. 泰山果然扭转局势,战胜了对手。其实小杯安排的是假摔跤,泰山脸上的血也是假的。

Ep 21
46 mins

Jianhong is packing her things to leave with Xiaobei when Wuji turns up and confronts her for making Jinhao so miserable that she has turned to the bottle. 剑虹不知道该不该与小杯远走高飞,她最后决定听从慧敏的建议,跟着小杯离开。

Ep 21

Jianhong is packing her things to leave with Xiaobei when Wuji turns up and confronts her for making Jinhao so miserable that she has turned to the bottle. 剑虹不知道该不该与小杯远走高飞,她最后决定听从慧敏的建议,跟着小杯离开。

Ep 22
46 mins

Wang Yanxia, daughter of Wuji's boss at the shipping company, likes Wuji and hints that she will promote him to supervisor. 无忌上班的船务公司经理王艳霞非常赏识他,艳霞是老板的女儿,样貌普通,30岁了还没结婚。

Ep 22

Wang Yanxia, daughter of Wuji's boss at the shipping company, likes Wuji and hints that she will promote him to supervisor. 无忌上班的船务公司经理王艳霞非常赏识他,艳霞是老板的女儿,样貌普通,30岁了还没结婚。

Ep 23
46 mins

Jianhong is concerned about Taishan. 为了准备与山狼之战,泰山不断苦练,剑虹担心他的安危,劝小杯别主办摔跤赛。

Ep 23

Jianhong is concerned about Taishan. 为了准备与山狼之战,泰山不断苦练,剑虹担心他的安危,劝小杯别主办摔跤赛。

Ep 24
46 mins

Jianhong consoles Taishan. She also tells him Xiaobei is too ashamed to visit him. 剑虹劝泰山冷静,不管碰到什么事,都要好好地活下去。

Ep 24

Jianhong consoles Taishan. She also tells him Xiaobei is too ashamed to visit him. 剑虹劝泰山冷静,不管碰到什么事,都要好好地活下去。

Additional Information

Parental guidance advised for young children