Spring Flower
The story begins during the 50s in Taiwan. An epic drama about to witness the changes in a family that has been through generatiosn and eras till the modern day. This drama stars popular Taiwanese casts which include Ye Huan, Fang Xin, Ni Qi Min, Jeff Wang 民国42年,西螺大桥正式通车,到底改变了多少人的人生?又影响了多少人的生活?在那一段台湾最美丽的年代,我们的爸爸妈妈,我们的阿公阿嬤,他们到底度过多少春秋年华?走过多少岁月沧桑?民视最大戏【春花望露】,细腻重建六十年前的台湾,深度刻画民国40年到70年的精彩时代故事。
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The story begins during the 50s in Taiwan. An epic drama about to witness the changes in a family that has been through generatiosn and eras till the modern day. This drama stars popular Taiwanese casts which include Ye Huan, Fang Xin, Ni Qi Min, Jeff Wang 民国42年,西螺大桥正式通车,到底改变了多少人的人生?又影响了多少人的生活?在那一段台湾最美丽的年代,我们的爸爸妈妈,我们的阿公阿嬤,他们到底度过多少春秋年华?走过多少岁月沧桑?民视最大戏【春花望露】,细腻重建六十年前的台湾,深度刻画民国40年到70年的精彩时代故事。
Tiangui and Tianzhu join the temple procession for the grand opening of the Xiluo Bridge. Midway through the celebration, Tiangui is informed that his son, Youtu, has fallen into a stream. It turns out that Youtu has accidentally fell into the stream when he tries to collect a watermelon for sale.添贵和天助在西螺大桥通车当天代表庙会去抬轿,添贵却突然接获通知指他的儿子有土落水了。原来,有土为了赚钱帮添贵还田租,本来打算捡西瓜去卖,却不小心跌入溪里。
Tiangui and Tianzhu join the temple procession for the grand opening of the Xiluo Bridge. Midway through the celebration, Tiangui is informed that his son, Youtu, has fallen into a stream. It turns out that Youtu has accidentally fell into the stream when he tries to collect a watermelon for sale.添贵和天助在西螺大桥通车当天代表庙会去抬轿,添贵却突然接获通知指他的儿子有土落水了。原来,有土为了赚钱帮添贵还田租,本来打算捡西瓜去卖,却不小心跌入溪里。
Xiunv finds out that Ah Tao is contemplating leaving her family to be Ah Ma's second wife in a bid to lead a better life. Tianzhu goes after Ah Tao, but she has already made up her mind to leave.秀女发现阿桃为了过好日子,打算不惜抛夫弃子,跟阿马仔离开并做他的小老婆。秀女急忙通知天助阻止阿桃离开,但阿桃去意已决。
Xiunv finds out that Ah Tao is contemplating leaving her family to be Ah Ma's second wife in a bid to lead a better life. Tianzhu goes after Ah Tao, but she has already made up her mind to leave.秀女发现阿桃为了过好日子,打算不惜抛夫弃子,跟阿马仔离开并做他的小老婆。秀女急忙通知天助阻止阿桃离开,但阿桃去意已决。
Junnan wants to marry the pregnant Qiuqin to continue the family's bloodline. Meihui does not agree. She threatens to blow things up unless Junnan gives her a satisfactory answer within three days. Tiangui gets into an accident when he replaces Tianzhu on a goods delivery trip.俊男为了传宗接代,打算娶已经怀孕的秋琴当小老婆。美惠不答应,要俊男在三天内给她一个交待,否则闹得鸡犬不宁。添贵代替酒醉的天助开卡车,却在中途发生车祸。
Junnan wants to marry the pregnant Qiuqin to continue the family's bloodline. Meihui does not agree. She threatens to blow things up unless Junnan gives her a satisfactory answer within three days. Tiangui gets into an accident when he replaces Tianzhu on a goods delivery trip.俊男为了传宗接代,打算娶已经怀孕的秋琴当小老婆。美惠不答应,要俊男在三天内给她一个交待,否则闹得鸡犬不宁。添贵代替酒醉的天助开卡车,却在中途发生车祸。
After learning that Qiuqin is pregnant with Junnan's child, Meihui forces Junnan to perform an abortion for Qiuqin. On the other hand, Xiunv gives birth to a baby girl named Youchun while Tiangui dies of serious injury.美惠得知秋琴怀有俊男的骨肉,即强迫俊男把秋琴的孩子拿掉。另一方面,秀女产下女婴有纯不久,添贵即伤重不治身亡。
After learning that Qiuqin is pregnant with Junnan's child, Meihui forces Junnan to perform an abortion for Qiuqin. On the other hand, Xiunv gives birth to a baby girl named Youchun while Tiangui dies of serious injury.美惠得知秋琴怀有俊男的骨肉,即强迫俊男把秋琴的孩子拿掉。另一方面,秀女产下女婴有纯不久,添贵即伤重不治身亡。
Tiangui helps with all the housework while Xiunv is in confinement. Xiunv is touched. Meanwhile, Meihui agrees to undergo artificial insemination as she wants to have a son for Junnan.天助在秀女坐月子时为她洗衣做饭,秀女感激。其间,美惠为了替俊男生个儿子,决定接受人工受孕。
Tiangui helps with all the housework while Xiunv is in confinement. Xiunv is touched. Meanwhile, Meihui agrees to undergo artificial insemination as she wants to have a son for Junnan.天助在秀女坐月子时为她洗衣做饭,秀女感激。其间,美惠为了替俊男生个儿子,决定接受人工受孕。
With the pedicab driver's help, Junnan is reunited with Qiuqin soon after. In the meantime, Youzhi accompanies Lifen to tail Junnan and finds Qiuqin's whereabouts. However, Junnan asked them to keep it a secret after he found them following him.俊男从三轮车夫的口中得知秋琴的去向,即偷偷与她复合。某日,有志陪伴丽芬跟踪俊男至秋琴住处,却被俊男发现,着二人保守秘密。
With the pedicab driver's help, Junnan is reunited with Qiuqin soon after. In the meantime, Youzhi accompanies Lifen to tail Junnan and finds Qiuqin's whereabouts. However, Junnan asked them to keep it a secret after he found them following him.俊男从三轮车夫的口中得知秋琴的去向,即偷偷与她复合。某日,有志陪伴丽芬跟踪俊男至秋琴住处,却被俊男发现,着二人保守秘密。
Yilang plans to pay Youzhi's school fee, but he is stopped by Shuangrui. On the other hand, Tian A-Tao clashes with A-Ma-Zai's wife, Hei Mao Que. They have a fight in the troupe's quarters. 一郎打算送钱让有志念初中,却双蕊阻止。另一方面,阿桃与阿马仔的妻子黑猫雀在戏班宿舍发生冲突,二人大打出手。
Yilang plans to pay Youzhi's school fee, but he is stopped by Shuangrui. On the other hand, Tian A-Tao clashes with A-Ma-Zai's wife, Hei Mao Que. They have a fight in the troupe's quarters. 一郎打算送钱让有志念初中,却双蕊阻止。另一方面,阿桃与阿马仔的妻子黑猫雀在戏班宿舍发生冲突,二人大打出手。
With the aim of taking care of Xiunv's family, Tianzhu asks Xiunv to marry him. However, Xiunv firmly refuses. Tianzhu later offers to pay Youzhi's school fees, but the latter also turns him down. 天助劝秀女再婚,以便照顾他一家四口,却遭秀女拒绝。天助愿出钱让有志念初中,但有志也不肯接受。
With the aim of taking care of Xiunv's family, Tianzhu asks Xiunv to marry him. However, Xiunv firmly refuses. Tianzhu later offers to pay Youzhi's school fees, but the latter also turns him down. 天助劝秀女再婚,以便照顾他一家四口,却遭秀女拒绝。天助愿出钱让有志念初中,但有志也不肯接受。
Junnan asks Xiunv to take care of Qiuqin and let her stay with Xiunvs family. Xiunv has no choice but to agree. Meanwhile, A-Tao falls out with A-Ma-Zai and becomes a singer in a hotel bar. 俊男要求秀女让秋琴暂住她来调养身体,秀女无奈答应。其间,阿桃与阿马仔闹翻,并转到小酒店当歌星。
Junnan asks Xiunv to take care of Qiuqin and let her stay with Xiunvs family. Xiunv has no choice but to agree. Meanwhile, A-Tao falls out with A-Ma-Zai and becomes a singer in a hotel bar. 俊男要求秀女让秋琴暂住她来调养身体,秀女无奈答应。其间,阿桃与阿马仔闹翻,并转到小酒店当歌星。
Junnan bumps into A-Tao at a hotel bar in Lugang. He later tells Tianzhu about A-Tao's situation. In the meantime, Shuangrui is charged with selling unlicensed cigarettes making Yilang very worried. 俊男到鹿港应酬时巧遇阿桃,稍后他把阿桃的情况转告天助。其间,双蕊因无牌卖烟而被捕,一郎十分担心。
Junnan bumps into A-Tao at a hotel bar in Lugang. He later tells Tianzhu about A-Tao's situation. In the meantime, Shuangrui is charged with selling unlicensed cigarettes making Yilang very worried. 俊男到鹿港应酬时巧遇阿桃,稍后他把阿桃的情况转告天助。其间,双蕊因无牌卖烟而被捕,一郎十分担心。
Tianzhu eventually meets up with A-Tao and asks her to return home. However, A-Tao does not oblige. On the other hand, Shuangrui is released because of Junnan's help. She also gains a license to sell cigarettes as well. 天助终于在鹿港找到阿桃,并劝她回家团聚,可是阿桃不肯妥协。另一方面,双蕊得俊男的帮助重获自由,更意外领得售卖香烟执照,因祸得福。
Tianzhu eventually meets up with A-Tao and asks her to return home. However, A-Tao does not oblige. On the other hand, Shuangrui is released because of Junnan's help. She also gains a license to sell cigarettes as well. 天助终于在鹿港找到阿桃,并劝她回家团聚,可是阿桃不肯妥协。另一方面,双蕊得俊男的帮助重获自由,更意外领得售卖香烟执照,因祸得福。
Lifen has a conflict with her new tutor. She later leaves home alone and meets up with Youzhi for a whole day. Meihui has no choice but to rehire Youzhi as Lifen's tutor. Lifen is relieved.丽芬与新来的补习老师发生冲突而离家出走,独自去找有志诉苦。美惠知情后只好答应让有志再当丽芬的家教,丽芬破涕为笑。
Lifen has a conflict with her new tutor. She later leaves home alone and meets up with Youzhi for a whole day. Meihui has no choice but to rehire Youzhi as Lifen's tutor. Lifen is relieved.丽芬与新来的补习老师发生冲突而离家出走,独自去找有志诉苦。美惠知情后只好答应让有志再当丽芬的家教,丽芬破涕为笑。
Tianzhu brings Chunsheng to Lugang to meet A-Tao, but in vain. Chunsheng is very upset. On the other hand, Meihui blames Xiunv for keeping Qiuqin in her house. Xiunv feels uneasy and guilty.天助带春生到鹿港找阿桃,但找不着,春生十分伤心。另一方面,美惠得知秋琴躲在秀女家中调养,即大兴问罪,秀女无词以对。
Tianzhu brings Chunsheng to Lugang to meet A-Tao, but in vain. Chunsheng is very upset. On the other hand, Meihui blames Xiunv for keeping Qiuqin in her house. Xiunv feels uneasy and guilty.天助带春生到鹿港找阿桃,但找不着,春生十分伤心。另一方面,美惠得知秋琴躲在秀女家中调养,即大兴问罪,秀女无词以对。
Junnan promises not to meet Xiuqin again when Meihui has a miscarriage. In the meantime, A-Ma-Zai divorces his wife and marries A-Tao instead. A-Tao is happy.俊男因美惠流产而感到歉疚,承诺不再与秋琴见面。其间,阿马仔正式与黑猫雀离婚,愿与阿桃双宿双栖,阿桃开怀。
Junnan promises not to meet Xiuqin again when Meihui has a miscarriage. In the meantime, A-Ma-Zai divorces his wife and marries A-Tao instead. A-Tao is happy.俊男因美惠流产而感到歉疚,承诺不再与秋琴见面。其间,阿马仔正式与黑猫雀离婚,愿与阿桃双宿双栖,阿桃开怀。
Junnan tells Qiuqin that he has to break up with her as he wants to fulfil his duty as a husband. He later makes an apology and gives a huge amount of money to her.俊男无奈与秋琴断绝关系,向她深表歉意,并留下一大笔金钱作偿。
Junnan tells Qiuqin that he has to break up with her as he wants to fulfil his duty as a husband. He later makes an apology and gives a huge amount of money to her.俊男无奈与秋琴断绝关系,向她深表歉意,并留下一大笔金钱作偿。
Time flies. All the children have grown up. Youzhi has become a doctor in a hospital. Youtu is an insurance sales representative while Chunsheng is an automotive repair technician.时光飞逝,有志,有土和春生已长大成人。有志当上驻院医生,有土是个保险业务员,春生则在一间车行里负责汽车维修,深受老板器重。
Time flies. All the children have grown up. Youzhi has become a doctor in a hospital. Youtu is an insurance sales representative while Chunsheng is an automotive repair technician.时光飞逝,有志,有土和春生已长大成人。有志当上驻院医生,有土是个保险业务员,春生则在一间车行里负责汽车维修,深受老板器重。
On the first day to work, Youchun bumps into Liang Jincheng outside a shopping mall. Meanwhile, Youzhi's promotion is dashed as he opposed the director's decision.有纯第一天上班时在购物中心外遇到总经理梁金城,二人留下印象。其间,有志因与医院院长意见相左而失去晋升外科主任的机会。
On the first day to work, Youchun bumps into Liang Jincheng outside a shopping mall. Meanwhile, Youzhi's promotion is dashed as he opposed the director's decision.有纯第一天上班时在购物中心外遇到总经理梁金城,二人留下印象。其间,有志因与医院院长意见相左而失去晋升外科主任的机会。
Youzhi plans to run a private clinic but he is short of capital. Both Tianzhu and Xiunv are willing to raise money for him. However, Youzhi turns them down and rather postpone his plan.有志打算自己开设私人诊所,但缺乏资金。天助和秀女都愿意为有志筹款,有志却不肯接受他们的好意,宁可把自立门户的计划延后。
Youzhi plans to run a private clinic but he is short of capital. Both Tianzhu and Xiunv are willing to raise money for him. However, Youzhi turns them down and rather postpone his plan.有志打算自己开设私人诊所,但缺乏资金。天助和秀女都愿意为有志筹款,有志却不肯接受他们的好意,宁可把自立门户的计划延后。
Chunsheng prepares a sumptuous meal for Youchun to celebrate her first day of work. Unexpectedly, Youchun does not take any as she had a heavy dinner with her colleague. Chunsheng is very disappointed.春生为有春准备了丰盛的夜宵来庆祝她第一天上班,可是有纯却因已饱餐一顿而没有品尝,春生大失所望。
Chunsheng prepares a sumptuous meal for Youchun to celebrate her first day of work. Unexpectedly, Youchun does not take any as she had a heavy dinner with her colleague. Chunsheng is very disappointed.春生为有春准备了丰盛的夜宵来庆祝她第一天上班,可是有纯却因已饱餐一顿而没有品尝,春生大失所望。
Lifen openly admits she is deeply in love with Youzhi but Meihui strongly objects. In the meantime, Junnan encourages Youzhi to develop his relationship with Lifen regardless of Meihui's objection.丽芬坦言深爱着有志,却遭美惠强烈反对。其间,俊男勉励有志争取与丽芬的感情,别管美惠的阻力。
Lifen openly admits she is deeply in love with Youzhi but Meihui strongly objects. In the meantime, Junnan encourages Youzhi to develop his relationship with Lifen regardless of Meihui's objection.丽芬坦言深爱着有志,却遭美惠强烈反对。其间,俊男勉励有志争取与丽芬的感情,别管美惠的阻力。
Lifen is overjoyed when Youzhi is appointed the chief surgeon in Junnan's hospital. On the other hand, Youchun is surprised to learn that Jincheng is the General Manager of the department store.有志受邀到俊男的医院当外科主任,丽芬惊喜万分。另一方面,有纯得知金城是百货公司的总经理,感到非常惊讶。
Lifen is overjoyed when Youzhi is appointed the chief surgeon in Junnan's hospital. On the other hand, Youchun is surprised to learn that Jincheng is the General Manager of the department store.有志受邀到俊男的医院当外科主任,丽芬惊喜万分。另一方面,有纯得知金城是百货公司的总经理,感到非常惊讶。
Youtu brings Lihua to Youzhi's office to promote medical products to him. However, Youzhi turns her down. Meanwhile, Youtu treats Chunsheng as a chauffeur on his dates with Lihua. 有土带丽华到有志的办公室推销她的药品,但遭拒绝。其间,有土在追求丽华时把春生当作司机使唤,令春生啼笑皆非。
Youtu brings Lihua to Youzhi's office to promote medical products to him. However, Youzhi turns her down. Meanwhile, Youtu treats Chunsheng as a chauffeur on his dates with Lihua. 有土带丽华到有志的办公室推销她的药品,但遭拒绝。其间,有土在追求丽华时把春生当作司机使唤,令春生啼笑皆非。
Yiteng Wuxiong is at Qiuqin's home alone when Jiahui visits her without prior notice. Qiuqin states that Jiahui is her foster child while Wuxiong questions her about their relationship. 家辉突然探访秋琴而遇上伊藤武雄,二人略有交谈。其后武雄查问秋琴与家辉的关系,秋琴声称是养子。
Yiteng Wuxiong is at Qiuqin's home alone when Jiahui visits her without prior notice. Qiuqin states that Jiahui is her foster child while Wuxiong questions her about their relationship. 家辉突然探访秋琴而遇上伊藤武雄,二人略有交谈。其后武雄查问秋琴与家辉的关系,秋琴声称是养子。
Chunsheng has a disagreement with Jincheng when he gives help to Youchun's newly opened fashion shop. On the other hand, Jiahui is appointed a houseman in Junnan's hospital. Junnan gives Jiahui a lecture regarding his first assignment. 有纯的时装店开始营业,春生前来帮忙,却与金城起了冲突。另一方面,家辉被分配到陈综合医院当实习医生,完成第一项任务后即被俊男教训一顿。
Chunsheng has a disagreement with Jincheng when he gives help to Youchun's newly opened fashion shop. On the other hand, Jiahui is appointed a houseman in Junnan's hospital. Junnan gives Jiahui a lecture regarding his first assignment. 有纯的时装店开始营业,春生前来帮忙,却与金城起了冲突。另一方面,家辉被分配到陈综合医院当实习医生,完成第一项任务后即被俊男教训一顿。
Additional Information
Premiered | 2018 |
Genres | drama, entertainment |
Seasons | 1 |