Mob Psycho 100

路人超能 100

Mob is a certain young boy who will “explode” when something reaches 100. While he has a very average look, he is actually an extremely powerful psychic. He helps his master, the fraud psychic Arataka Reigen, whenever he gets some troublesome client requests. Will Mob's wish for a normal youth life actually come true? The psychic power is going to run wild powered by youth! The world's long-awaited third season is finally coming!当某种数值来到「100」时,就会爆发的少年——路人。他的外表极为普通,却是个强悍的超能力者。他在神棍师父——灵幻新隆经营的灵能咨询所帮忙处理麻烦的委托,在这样的日子中,他希望的安稳日子会到来吗?然而超能力却会以青春为原动力失控!世界引领期盼的系列动画第三季!

Mob is a certain young boy who will “explode” when something reaches 100. While he has a very average look, he is actually an extremely powerful psychic. He helps his master, the fraud psychic Arataka Reigen, whenever he gets some troublesome client requests. Will Mob's wish for a normal youth life actually come true? The psychic power is going to run wild powered by youth! The world's long-awaited third season is finally coming!当某种数值来到「100」时,就会爆发的少年——路人。他的外表极为普通,却是个强悍的超能力者。他在神棍师父——灵幻新隆经营的灵能咨询所帮忙处理麻烦的委托,在这样的日子中,他希望的安稳日子会到来吗?然而超能力却会以青春为原动力失控!世界引领期盼的系列动画第三季!

Ep 1 The Future ~Career Aspirations~
24 mins

It is that time of the year in Salt Mid High School to start asking their students about their future career aspirations. While many have their own dreams and hope, Mob is distressed as he couldn't think of anything for his future. 调味市的正中央,耸立着一颗青花菜神树。盐国中正值提交升学志愿的季节,学生们各有不同的想法。在众人畅谈梦想与希望时,路人却烦恼自己根本毫无想法。这时候前来委托除灵的委托人说出自己大半辈子的故事,路人和芹泽听了,总觉得与自己很相像,不禁感到不安。最后委托人的怨念蔓延到镇上,生灵巨大化,到处破坏房子。路人和芹泽看着除灵已经得心应手的灵幻,陷进不安的漩涡中……

Ep 1 The Future ~Career Aspirations~

It is that time of the year in Salt Mid High School to start asking their students about their future career aspirations. While many have their own dreams and hope, Mob is distressed as he couldn't think of anything for his future. 调味市的正中央,耸立着一颗青花菜神树。盐国中正值提交升学志愿的季节,学生们各有不同的想法。在众人畅谈梦想与希望时,路人却烦恼自己根本毫无想法。这时候前来委托除灵的委托人说出自己大半辈子的故事,路人和芹泽听了,总觉得与自己很相像,不禁感到不安。最后委托人的怨念蔓延到镇上,生灵巨大化,到处破坏房子。路人和芹泽看着除灵已经得心应手的灵幻,陷进不安的漩涡中……

Ep 2 Yokai Hunter Haruaki Amakusa appears! ~The Threat of Hyakki! ~
24 mins

Mob is busy preparing for the cultural festival coming in two weeks, while Serizawa made his resolve and thinking of attending a night school. Meanwhile, a self-proclaimed yokai hunter appears at the Spirits and Such Consultation Office, asking for help in exterminating a group of demons. 路人正忙着准备两周后即将登场的文化祭。另一方面,芹泽下定决心,要开始上夜间部念书。这时候,有个男人出现在灵能咨询所。他自称妖怪猎人天草晴明。他希望灵幻能助他打败栖息于世间的魔物与百鬼。灵幻觉得这个人的打扮和言语完全不可信,但一听到天草说出的谢礼金额,脸色大变,决定与他一同降魔除妖。灵幻虽半信半疑,他们抵达的废弃大楼却…

Ep 2 Yokai Hunter Haruaki Amakusa appears! ~The Threat of Hyakki! ~

Mob is busy preparing for the cultural festival coming in two weeks, while Serizawa made his resolve and thinking of attending a night school. Meanwhile, a self-proclaimed yokai hunter appears at the Spirits and Such Consultation Office, asking for help in exterminating a group of demons. 路人正忙着准备两周后即将登场的文化祭。另一方面,芹泽下定决心,要开始上夜间部念书。这时候,有个男人出现在灵能咨询所。他自称妖怪猎人天草晴明。他希望灵幻能助他打败栖息于世间的魔物与百鬼。灵幻觉得这个人的打扮和言语完全不可信,但一听到天草说出的谢礼金额,脸色大变,决定与他一同降魔除妖。灵幻虽半信半疑,他们抵达的废弃大楼却…

Ep 3 Getting Carried Away ~100%~
24 mins

Mob started to feel that girls are looking at him, and this causes him to think that he is starting to become popular. Dimple believes that it's just a misunderstanding and asked Mob to become the founder of the Psycho Helmet Cult, but Mob coldly refuses. 路人隔了许久,终于和小蕾说到话,心情大好。走在街上,一旁的女生也释出热情的视线……难道是桃花期到了吗……酒窝见路人得意忘形,告诫他是想太多,并提议去当教祖,路人的回答却很冷淡。酒窝从此消声匿迹,此时灵幻发现超能安全帽教的会员人数非比寻常,劝路人去当教祖。于是路人带着以军事资金之名发给他的奖金,和阿辉前往镇上买一套最好的衣服。买完东西后,路人来到跟米里等人约好的地点,但约好的时间到了,…

Ep 3 Getting Carried Away ~100%~

Mob started to feel that girls are looking at him, and this causes him to think that he is starting to become popular. Dimple believes that it's just a misunderstanding and asked Mob to become the founder of the Psycho Helmet Cult, but Mob coldly refuses. 路人隔了许久,终于和小蕾说到话,心情大好。走在街上,一旁的女生也释出热情的视线……难道是桃花期到了吗……酒窝见路人得意忘形,告诫他是想太多,并提议去当教祖,路人的回答却很冷淡。酒窝从此消声匿迹,此时灵幻发现超能安全帽教的会员人数非比寻常,劝路人去当教祖。于是路人带着以军事资金之名发给他的奖金,和阿辉前往镇上买一套最好的衣服。买完东西后,路人来到跟米里等人约好的地点,但约好的时间到了,…

Ep 4 Divine Tree 1 ~ The Founder Appears~
24 mins

As if coinciding with the appearance of the Psycho Helmet, plants started taking root throughout the city. Sensing the danger, Reigen and Ritsu go with Mob to destroy the divine tree, but Reigen and Ritsu somehow got brainwashed along the way. 超能安全帽出现的同时,植物的根不断在镇上增殖。灵幻感觉到危险,与路人、律一起前往破坏神树。然而就像镇上的人已经被超能安全帽教拢络一样,律和灵幻也接连被洗脑。这时候,阿辉发现神树就是让城镇产生变异的原因,单枪匹马闯进青花菜内部,但现身在他眼前的超能安全帽却拥有极大的能力。路人与灵幻分道扬镳,在米里、小留以及其他信徒的目送下,一个人前往神树。

Ep 4 Divine Tree 1 ~ The Founder Appears~

As if coinciding with the appearance of the Psycho Helmet, plants started taking root throughout the city. Sensing the danger, Reigen and Ritsu go with Mob to destroy the divine tree, but Reigen and Ritsu somehow got brainwashed along the way. 超能安全帽出现的同时,植物的根不断在镇上增殖。灵幻感觉到危险,与路人、律一起前往破坏神树。然而就像镇上的人已经被超能安全帽教拢络一样,律和灵幻也接连被洗脑。这时候,阿辉发现神树就是让城镇产生变异的原因,单枪匹马闯进青花菜内部,但现身在他眼前的超能安全帽却拥有极大的能力。路人与灵幻分道扬镳,在米里、小留以及其他信徒的目送下,一个人前往神树。

Ep 5 Divine Tree 2 ~Peace~
24 mins

As Mob enters the Divine Tree, a completely brainwashed Teru stands in his way. After that, the Psycho Helmet himself shows up, and it's none other than Dimple himself. 路人进入神树内部,辉哥却出现并挡在他面前。辉哥已经完全遭到超能安全帽洗脑,成为他的手下,路人别无他法,只能打败辉哥。超能安全帽终于现身,他的真实身分不是别人,正是小酒窝。他身上寄宿着神树的力量,就这么对上路人。在激烈的战斗当中,小酒窝能量全开的一击击中路人。看到路人的学生服破碎,小酒窝喊出的冲击性言语是――! ?

Ep 5 Divine Tree 2 ~Peace~

As Mob enters the Divine Tree, a completely brainwashed Teru stands in his way. After that, the Psycho Helmet himself shows up, and it's none other than Dimple himself. 路人进入神树内部,辉哥却出现并挡在他面前。辉哥已经完全遭到超能安全帽洗脑,成为他的手下,路人别无他法,只能打败辉哥。超能安全帽终于现身,他的真实身分不是别人,正是小酒窝。他身上寄宿着神树的力量,就这么对上路人。在激烈的战斗当中,小酒窝能量全开的一击击中路人。看到路人的学生服破碎,小酒窝喊出的冲击性言语是――! ?

Ep 6 Divine Tree 3 ~Dimple is~
24 mins

Mob's behavior completely changed after Dimple said something to him. Mob apologizes for getting conceited and not listening to him. The two talked about their true intentions. Now, a fierce battle for true friendship begins. 因为小酒窝的一句话,路人的模样骤变。他向小酒窝道歉,说他以为桃花期到来而喜上眉梢,在得意忘形之下,不听小酒窝的劝。他们彼此说出真心话,最后终于和解。路人过度使用能力,结果昏倒,小酒窝于是背着他回家,却被眼前众多的超能安全帽堵住去路。面对想夺走路人的超能安全帽,小酒窝拼死抵抗。当下,赌上真正友情的壮烈战斗就这么展开。

Ep 6 Divine Tree 3 ~Dimple is~

Mob's behavior completely changed after Dimple said something to him. Mob apologizes for getting conceited and not listening to him. The two talked about their true intentions. Now, a fierce battle for true friendship begins. 因为小酒窝的一句话,路人的模样骤变。他向小酒窝道歉,说他以为桃花期到来而喜上眉梢,在得意忘形之下,不听小酒窝的劝。他们彼此说出真心话,最后终于和解。路人过度使用能力,结果昏倒,小酒窝于是背着他回家,却被眼前众多的超能安全帽堵住去路。面对想夺走路人的超能安全帽,小酒窝拼死抵抗。当下,赌上真正友情的壮烈战斗就这么展开。

Ep 7 Communicating 1 ~Winter Break~
24 mins

Tome Asakura dreams of communicating with space beings through telepathy, but she announces that the Brainwave Club will be disbanded just before graduation, near the winter holiday. As the members know that Tome is holding back her tears, they asked Mob and Ritsu to look for a telepathist. 暗田留一直梦想用心电感应跟宇宙进行交流,在毕业前夕,她趁着学期进入寒假之际,宣布解散脑感电波社。看见她为了无法实现的梦想落泪,明白她的心思的犬川等人,借用路人、律还有白鸟兄弟的力量,开始寻找心电感应者。在寻找途中,他们得知过去退社的竹中就是心电感应者。时间来到除夕,一行人借着寻找UFO,把心不甘情不愿的小留拉出来…

Ep 7 Communicating 1 ~Winter Break~

Tome Asakura dreams of communicating with space beings through telepathy, but she announces that the Brainwave Club will be disbanded just before graduation, near the winter holiday. As the members know that Tome is holding back her tears, they asked Mob and Ritsu to look for a telepathist. 暗田留一直梦想用心电感应跟宇宙进行交流,在毕业前夕,她趁着学期进入寒假之际,宣布解散脑感电波社。看见她为了无法实现的梦想落泪,明白她的心思的犬川等人,借用路人、律还有白鸟兄弟的力量,开始寻找心电感应者。在寻找途中,他们得知过去退社的竹中就是心电感应者。时间来到除夕,一行人借着寻找UFO,把心不甘情不愿的小留拉出来…

Ep 8 Communicating 2 ~Encountering the Unknown~
24 mins

In a desperate attempt, the Brainwave Club reached the summit of Mud Boat Mountain. With the help of Takenaka, they sent telepathic messages to space with a united mind to seemingly no avail. As they were about to give up, dazzling lights shines above their head. 一行人拼死拼活,好不容易抵达泥船山的山顶。竹中彻夜研读所有UFO文献,脑感电波社的成员以他为中心,利用心电感应,将合而为一的思绪传向宇宙,但UFO却迟迟没有现身的迹象。不行吗……就在众人即将放弃的时候,一道耀眼的光芒照着所有人的头。脑感电波社第一次也是最后一次的第三类接触,结果究竟会如何――! ?

Ep 8 Communicating 2 ~Encountering the Unknown~

In a desperate attempt, the Brainwave Club reached the summit of Mud Boat Mountain. With the help of Takenaka, they sent telepathic messages to space with a united mind to seemingly no avail. As they were about to give up, dazzling lights shines above their head. 一行人拼死拼活,好不容易抵达泥船山的山顶。竹中彻夜研读所有UFO文献,脑感电波社的成员以他为中心,利用心电感应,将合而为一的思绪传向宇宙,但UFO却迟迟没有现身的迹象。不行吗……就在众人即将放弃的时候,一道耀眼的光芒照着所有人的头。脑感电波社第一次也是最后一次的第三类接触,结果究竟会如何――! ?

Ep 9 Mob 1 ~Moving~
24 mins

After the winter break, Mob is hit by the shocking news that Tsubomi will be moving to a new school next month. Mob finally decides to confess his feelings to Tsubomi, and arranged a meeting alone with Tsubomi. However, on the way there, with a bouquet in hand, tragedy strikes unexpectedly. 寒假刚结束,路人便碰上突如其来的打击。原来小蕾下个月月中就要转学了。看着对小蕾告白的男生一个接着一个出现,路人下定决心,要向小蕾告白。路人在旁人给予诸多建议之下,和小蕾约好两人单独见面。告白那天,路人手里拿着花束,准备前往约好的公园。没想到却有一件意外的悲剧袭向路人。

Ep 9 Mob 1 ~Moving~

After the winter break, Mob is hit by the shocking news that Tsubomi will be moving to a new school next month. Mob finally decides to confess his feelings to Tsubomi, and arranged a meeting alone with Tsubomi. However, on the way there, with a bouquet in hand, tragedy strikes unexpectedly. 寒假刚结束,路人便碰上突如其来的打击。原来小蕾下个月月中就要转学了。看着对小蕾告白的男生一个接着一个出现,路人下定决心,要向小蕾告白。路人在旁人给予诸多建议之下,和小蕾约好两人单独见面。告白那天,路人手里拿着花束,准备前往约好的公园。没想到却有一件意外的悲剧袭向路人。

Ep 10 Mob 2 ~Rival~
24 mins

While trying to save a child, Mob is hit by a car. After a moment of silence, Mob wakes up, but started walking while losing control of his powers, destroying roads and buildings along the way. In the midst of the disaster, Teru, who considers himself as Mob's rival, tries to stop him. 路人为了救小孩,被车子撞倒。四周乱成一团,路人一动也不动……然而当路人起身,却进入失控状态,所到之处,恣意破坏道路和建筑物。路人一下子化为灾厄中心,此时阿辉挡住他的去路。阿辉身为过去的敌手,倾出自己所有能力,却被压倒性的力量差距打败。正当市中心陷入一片混乱,小蕾却深信路人会来,一直在公园里等待……

Ep 10 Mob 2 ~Rival~

While trying to save a child, Mob is hit by a car. After a moment of silence, Mob wakes up, but started walking while losing control of his powers, destroying roads and buildings along the way. In the midst of the disaster, Teru, who considers himself as Mob's rival, tries to stop him. 路人为了救小孩,被车子撞倒。四周乱成一团,路人一动也不动……然而当路人起身,却进入失控状态,所到之处,恣意破坏道路和建筑物。路人一下子化为灾厄中心,此时阿辉挡住他的去路。阿辉身为过去的敌手,倾出自己所有能力,却被压倒性的力量差距打败。正当市中心陷入一片混乱,小蕾却深信路人会来,一直在公园里等待……

Ep 11 Mob 3 ~Trauma~
24 mins

Former members of Claw, Koyama, Sakurai, and its former leader Suzuki stands in Mob's way to stop his continuing rampage. Shou then also joins forces with his father, but they are forced to retreat. Meanwhile, inside Mob's mind, two entities are competing against each other. 路人破坏着街道,持续往前走,一心一意只想去找小蕾。为了阻止他,「爪」的前任干部夸山、樱威还有老大铃木都出面阻挡。铃木与儿子将同心协力对付路人,但在失控的路人面前,他们却束手无策,只能负伤撤退。在持续失控的肉体内侧,也就是在意识之中,有两名路人互相僵持。律因为心神不宁,感觉到哥哥产生异变,急忙赶往现场。他为了阻止路人,毫无保留说出心中所想……

Ep 11 Mob 3 ~Trauma~

Former members of Claw, Koyama, Sakurai, and its former leader Suzuki stands in Mob's way to stop his continuing rampage. Shou then also joins forces with his father, but they are forced to retreat. Meanwhile, inside Mob's mind, two entities are competing against each other. 路人破坏着街道,持续往前走,一心一意只想去找小蕾。为了阻止他,「爪」的前任干部夸山、樱威还有老大铃木都出面阻挡。铃木与儿子将同心协力对付路人,但在失控的路人面前,他们却束手无策,只能负伤撤退。在持续失控的肉体内侧,也就是在意识之中,有两名路人互相僵持。律因为心神不宁,感觉到哥哥产生异变,急忙赶往现场。他为了阻止路人,毫无保留说出心中所想……

Ep 12 Confession ~The Future~
24 mins

Mob continues his advance. Amidst the confusion, Reigen appears with Serizawa's help and tries to talk to Mob. Reigen confesses the truth that he never told Mob. Hearing those words, the two entities inside Mob becomes one. 路人不断往前。在破坏与混乱当中,灵幻借助芹泽的力量抵达现场,用尽全力与路人对话。 「路人,其实我有一件一直不敢告诉你的事。」灵幻说出了真相。听了那些话,两名路人在意识的内侧,合为一体――对小蕾的告白、爆发的青春,所有涌现的感情终于来到100%的系列作完结篇! !

Ep 12 Confession ~The Future~

Mob continues his advance. Amidst the confusion, Reigen appears with Serizawa's help and tries to talk to Mob. Reigen confesses the truth that he never told Mob. Hearing those words, the two entities inside Mob becomes one. 路人不断往前。在破坏与混乱当中,灵幻借助芹泽的力量抵达现场,用尽全力与路人对话。 「路人,其实我有一件一直不敢告诉你的事。」灵幻说出了真相。听了那些话,两名路人在意识的内侧,合为一体――对小蕾的告白、爆发的青春,所有涌现的感情终于来到100%的系列作完结篇! !

Additional Information

Genresanime, comedy
Some Violence