Mister Flower


Chen Datian, Xiao S, He Zhongting and Chen Xueli grew up together in an orphanage. Datian and Xueli are siblings, but being the eldest among the four, Datian takes good care of Zhongting and Xiao S. The biggest problem with Datian is his inherent prejudice against women, and believing that women are in all ways inferior to men. Datian brings his siblings together to set up a bubble tea shop, and business is doing well. Unfortunately, their business is soon sabotaged by their landlord Gao Yufei, in an attempt to reclaim the unit to redevelop the entire area for a new project. Datian gets drunk after drinking the concoction made by a mysterious bartender. When he wakes up, he is horrified to find that he has transformed into a woman, and is supernaturally forced to address himself as “Chen Huahua”. Datian is freaked out, but with the help of girlfriend Xiaoman, Huahua enters Gao Yufei’s company in order to take revenge. Not knowing that Huahua is Datian, Xueli becomes super jealous that Huahua gets all of Yufei’s attention. She insults Huahua on her looks and even slaps her! But no matter what she does, Yufei chooses Huahua over her. Who exactly is this “Huahua”? What is her relationship with the three characters who has mysteriously transformed into her? 陈大天和何中霆、小S、陈雪莉在同一所儿童院长大,年纪最大的陈大天和雪莉是亲兄妹,但对中霆和小S有情有义,唯一的缺点是对女人有成见,认为女人是花瓶。四人用辛苦积蓄投资了一家泡泡茶店,却遭人称“高公子”的业主高宇飞逼迁不成,使用奸计让泡泡店倒闭,大天沮丧不已,在酒吧买醉,醉倒后醒来,发现自己莫名其妙变成一个女人“陈花花”!惊恐、慌张之余,陈花花在晓曼(陈大天女友)的帮助下,潜伏在高公子身边开始了复仇计划。与此同时,一向喜欢高公子的雪莉不知道陈花花是大天,视陈花花为竞争对手,并出言羞辱陈花花,结果反而遭高公子唾弃。神秘的“花花”到底是什么身份?她跟这三个人究竟存在着什么样的纠结和渊源呢?

Chen Datian, Xiao S, He Zhongting and Chen Xueli grew up together in an orphanage. Datian and Xueli are siblings, but being the eldest among the four, Datian takes good care of Zhongting and Xiao S. The biggest problem with Datian is his inherent prejudice against women, and believing that women are in all ways inferior to men. Datian brings his siblings together to set up a bubble tea shop, and business is doing well. Unfortunately, their business is soon sabotaged by their landlord Gao Yufei, in an attempt to reclaim the unit to redevelop the entire area for a new project. Datian gets drunk after drinking the concoction made by a mysterious bartender. When he wakes up, he is horrified to find that he has transformed into a woman, and is supernaturally forced to address himself as “Chen Huahua”. Datian is freaked out, but with the help of girlfriend Xiaoman, Huahua enters Gao Yufei’s company in order to take revenge. Not knowing that Huahua is Datian, Xueli becomes super jealous that Huahua gets all of Yufei’s attention. She insults Huahua on her looks and even slaps her! But no matter what she does, Yufei chooses Huahua over her. Who exactly is this “Huahua”? What is her relationship with the three characters who has mysteriously transformed into her? 陈大天和何中霆、小S、陈雪莉在同一所儿童院长大,年纪最大的陈大天和雪莉是亲兄妹,但对中霆和小S有情有义,唯一的缺点是对女人有成见,认为女人是花瓶。四人用辛苦积蓄投资了一家泡泡茶店,却遭人称“高公子”的业主高宇飞逼迁不成,使用奸计让泡泡店倒闭,大天沮丧不已,在酒吧买醉,醉倒后醒来,发现自己莫名其妙变成一个女人“陈花花”!惊恐、慌张之余,陈花花在晓曼(陈大天女友)的帮助下,潜伏在高公子身边开始了复仇计划。与此同时,一向喜欢高公子的雪莉不知道陈花花是大天,视陈花花为竞争对手,并出言羞辱陈花花,结果反而遭高公子唾弃。神秘的“花花”到底是什么身份?她跟这三个人究竟存在着什么样的纠结和渊源呢?

Ep 1
46 mins

The Chen siblings, Da Tian and Xue Li, along with He Zhong Ting and Xiao S grew up in an orphanage. Four of them share close ties and they run a bubble tea shop, 4Tea, which has thriving business. Unexpectedly at an event, a food poisoning incident occurs and 4Tea needs to temporarily terminate its operations. It turns out that this is the landlord, Gao Yu Fei's scheme as he fails to evict them. 陈大天、陈雪莉两兄妹跟何中霆及小S在儿童院长大,四人情同手足,合力经营4Tea泡泡茶店,生意红火。不料

Ep 1

The Chen siblings, Da Tian and Xue Li, along with He Zhong Ting and Xiao S grew up in an orphanage. Four of them share close ties and they run a bubble tea shop, 4Tea, which has thriving business. Unexpectedly at an event, a food poisoning incident occurs and 4Tea needs to temporarily terminate its operations. It turns out that this is the landlord, Gao Yu Fei's scheme as he fails to evict them. 陈大天、陈雪莉两兄妹跟何中霆及小S在儿童院长大,四人情同手足,合力经营4Tea泡泡茶店,生意红火。不料

Ep 2
46 mins

Da Tian wakes up from a hangover and realises that he has transformed into a woman, Chen Hua Hua. This is the 99th task that Da Shen from the spirit world has for Hui Ling: To change Da Tian's prejudiced mindset towards women. Only when she completes her 100th task can she reincarnate. During Da Tian's time as a woman, he hears discriminatory insults from men and he started to empathize deeply with women. 大天醉后醒来,发现自己竟变成一个女人陈花花!原来这是灵界大神要冤死的慧玲完成的第9

Ep 2

Da Tian wakes up from a hangover and realises that he has transformed into a woman, Chen Hua Hua. This is the 99th task that Da Shen from the spirit world has for Hui Ling: To change Da Tian's prejudiced mindset towards women. Only when she completes her 100th task can she reincarnate. During Da Tian's time as a woman, he hears discriminatory insults from men and he started to empathize deeply with women. 大天醉后醒来,发现自己竟变成一个女人陈花花!原来这是灵界大神要冤死的慧玲完成的第9

Ep 3
46 mins

Hua Hua waits for Xiao Man at her house. Hua Hua sees Mister Gao sending Xiao Man home and he even kissed her hand. Hua Hua uncontrollably dashes out and punches Mister Gao, leaving him dumbfounded. Hua Hua does not know how to explain her identity and Xiao Man mistakes her for her cousin from Malaysia. Hua Hua decides to go along with it and settles into Xiao Man's home. 花花到晓曼家去等她,见到高公子送晓曼回来,还亲吻晓曼的手背,花花忍无可忍冲出来,揍了高公子一拳。高公子感错愕,问花花是谁,花花不知如何回答,晓曼以为花

Ep 3

Hua Hua waits for Xiao Man at her house. Hua Hua sees Mister Gao sending Xiao Man home and he even kissed her hand. Hua Hua uncontrollably dashes out and punches Mister Gao, leaving him dumbfounded. Hua Hua does not know how to explain her identity and Xiao Man mistakes her for her cousin from Malaysia. Hua Hua decides to go along with it and settles into Xiao Man's home. 花花到晓曼家去等她,见到高公子送晓曼回来,还亲吻晓曼的手背,花花忍无可忍冲出来,揍了高公子一拳。高公子感错愕,问花花是谁,花花不知如何回答,晓曼以为花

Ep 4
46 mins

Hua Hua recounts her experience to Xiao Man, leaving her in disbelief. Xiao Man decides to help her explain her situation to her siblings. When Hua Hua visits her siblings, the debt collector appears and seeks repayment. Everyone thinks that Da Tian left home to escape his debt. Hua Hua feels ashamed to face her siblings and leaves silently. 花花把自己的经历告诉晓曼,晓曼难以置信,表示要帮他向弟妹们解释。不料花花即将上门之际,借贷公司的员工却上门来讨债,大天欠债的事终于曝光。大家以为大天是为了避债,才远走他乡,花花顿感无颜面对弟妹,悄然离去。

Ep 4

Hua Hua recounts her experience to Xiao Man, leaving her in disbelief. Xiao Man decides to help her explain her situation to her siblings. When Hua Hua visits her siblings, the debt collector appears and seeks repayment. Everyone thinks that Da Tian left home to escape his debt. Hua Hua feels ashamed to face her siblings and leaves silently. 花花把自己的经历告诉晓曼,晓曼难以置信,表示要帮他向弟妹们解释。不料花花即将上门之际,借贷公司的员工却上门来讨债,大天欠债的事终于曝光。大家以为大天是为了避债,才远走他乡,花花顿感无颜面对弟妹,悄然离去。

Ep 5
46 mins

To take her revenge on Mister Gao, Hua Hua asks Xiao Man to help forge her resume for her to join KYF Organisation. Mister Gao recognises her as the one who punched him, and is unwilling to employ her. Hua Hua then tries to gain favour with him and succeeds. Mister Gao finds Xue Li drugged in a hotel and tries to rescue her, which makes Xue Li believe he has feelings for her. 花花为了找机会报复高公子,让晓曼为她假造履历,混入KYF集团。高公子认出花花就是打他一拳的女人,原本不想用她,花花讨好高公子,大拍马屁,高公子

Ep 5

To take her revenge on Mister Gao, Hua Hua asks Xiao Man to help forge her resume for her to join KYF Organisation. Mister Gao recognises her as the one who punched him, and is unwilling to employ her. Hua Hua then tries to gain favour with him and succeeds. Mister Gao finds Xue Li drugged in a hotel and tries to rescue her, which makes Xue Li believe he has feelings for her. 花花为了找机会报复高公子,让晓曼为她假造履历,混入KYF集团。高公子认出花花就是打他一拳的女人,原本不想用她,花花讨好高公子,大拍马屁,高公子

Ep 6
46 mins

Hua Hua found out that KYF used illegal means to get rid of the previous tenant. She sends an anonymous email to Mister Gao, asking him to make a public apology to 4Tea or she will expose the matter. Unexpectedly, Mister Gao calls for a press conference and gets Xue Li to testify for him, She claims that KYF has nothing to do with the rat found at 4Tea, leaving Hua Hua in shock. 花花得知KYF之前为了赶走另一个租户喜记,也采用了不法手段。于是用匿名向高公子发出电邮,要他向4Tea当众道歉,否则就要抖出这件事。不料

Ep 6

Hua Hua found out that KYF used illegal means to get rid of the previous tenant. She sends an anonymous email to Mister Gao, asking him to make a public apology to 4Tea or she will expose the matter. Unexpectedly, Mister Gao calls for a press conference and gets Xue Li to testify for him, She claims that KYF has nothing to do with the rat found at 4Tea, leaving Hua Hua in shock. 花花得知KYF之前为了赶走另一个租户喜记,也采用了不法手段。于是用匿名向高公子发出电邮,要他向4Tea当众道歉,否则就要抖出这件事。不料

Ep 7
46 mins

Chloe sees Zhong Ting staring blankly at Xue Li's portrait sketch in a cafe and realises his feelings for her. She encourages him to confess. Her handbag gets snatched and Zhong Ting chases after the robber, during which he loses his custom made shoes. She finds out that he is disabled even prior the car accident. She thinks that he deceived her and leaves in disappointment. 中霆在咖啡座看着雪莉的素描发呆,被Chloe发现,看穿他喜欢素描中的女孩,鼓励他向对方表白。Chloe的手提袋被一男子抢走,中霆帮她追赶,途中掉

Ep 7

Chloe sees Zhong Ting staring blankly at Xue Li's portrait sketch in a cafe and realises his feelings for her. She encourages him to confess. Her handbag gets snatched and Zhong Ting chases after the robber, during which he loses his custom made shoes. She finds out that he is disabled even prior the car accident. She thinks that he deceived her and leaves in disappointment. 中霆在咖啡座看着雪莉的素描发呆,被Chloe发现,看穿他喜欢素描中的女孩,鼓励他向对方表白。Chloe的手提袋被一男子抢走,中霆帮她追赶,途中掉

Ep 8
46 mins

Mister Gao realises that he does not hiccup after he kissed Hua Hua by accident. He is shocked and Hua Hua immediately escapes. Mister Gao reminisces about a scene from his childhood when he bumped into a pretty girl. This time, he is finally able to get a clear look at her face. She looks exactly like Hua Hua! He suspects that Hua Hua can help him break his curse.

Ep 8

Mister Gao realises that he does not hiccup after he kissed Hua Hua by accident. He is shocked and Hua Hua immediately escapes. Mister Gao reminisces about a scene from his childhood when he bumped into a pretty girl. This time, he is finally able to get a clear look at her face. She looks exactly like Hua Hua! He suspects that Hua Hua can help him break his curse.

Ep 9
46 mins

Hua Hua sees a lady crying and she tells her she has been putting up with her husband's unreasonable behaviour for years. She can no longer bear with him and is filing for divorce. This reminds Hua Hua of Xiao Man. She realises that Xiao Man has been tolerating Da Tian all this time. She decides to salvage their relationship and asks to meet with Xiao Man. Xiao Man is hesitant about going.

Ep 9

Hua Hua sees a lady crying and she tells her she has been putting up with her husband's unreasonable behaviour for years. She can no longer bear with him and is filing for divorce. This reminds Hua Hua of Xiao Man. She realises that Xiao Man has been tolerating Da Tian all this time. She decides to salvage their relationship and asks to meet with Xiao Man. Xiao Man is hesitant about going.

Ep 10
46 mins

Mister Gao plans for a romantic wedding proposal for Hua Hua. To recover from the loss incurred from the bubble tea shop, she asks for a huge dowry. He readily agrees and brings her wedding gowns and jewellery shops. Being treated like a queen, she starts to feel guilty. Mister Gao's eyes lit up when he sees her in a wedding gown. 高公子高调浪漫地向花花求婚,花花为了拿回泡泡茶店的损失,狮子开大口要聘金,高公子爽快答应。高公子带花花去试婚纱和选购首饰,还转了大笔聘金给她,花花感觉自己像女王一样被服侍着,开始内疚。高公子看着穿上婚纱的花花,眼前一亮。

Ep 10

Mister Gao plans for a romantic wedding proposal for Hua Hua. To recover from the loss incurred from the bubble tea shop, she asks for a huge dowry. He readily agrees and brings her wedding gowns and jewellery shops. Being treated like a queen, she starts to feel guilty. Mister Gao's eyes lit up when he sees her in a wedding gown. 高公子高调浪漫地向花花求婚,花花为了拿回泡泡茶店的损失,狮子开大口要聘金,高公子爽快答应。高公子带花花去试婚纱和选购首饰,还转了大笔聘金给她,花花感觉自己像女王一样被服侍着,开始内疚。高公子看着穿上婚纱的花花,眼前一亮。

Ep 11
46 mins

A car knocks Hua Hua down and Hui Ling leaves Da Tian's body. At the hospital, resuscitation fails and Da Tian passes away with severe injuries. It saddens Hui Ling to see his corpse. Her tears fall on Da Tian's face and his wounds gradually heal. Da Tian wakes up and leaves the hospital. He realises that he is back to his original self and is surprised!

Ep 11

A car knocks Hua Hua down and Hui Ling leaves Da Tian's body. At the hospital, resuscitation fails and Da Tian passes away with severe injuries. It saddens Hui Ling to see his corpse. Her tears fall on Da Tian's face and his wounds gradually heal. Da Tian wakes up and leaves the hospital. He realises that he is back to his original self and is surprised!

Ep 12
46 mins

Mister Gao visits Chloe at the hospital but she vents her frustration on him. Xue Li secretly follows Mister Gao and sees him caring for Chloe. She gets jealous. Seeing the scar on Chloe's face, she gives her a disgusted look and hurls unpleasant words at her, making Chloe feel worse. Mister Gao chases Xue Li away. 高公子到医院探望Chloe,后者因破相,迁怒与高公子,对他不理睬。雪莉跟踪而来,见高公子对Chloe关怀备至,醋意顿生。她见Chloe脸上有疤痕,露出恶心的表情,对Chloe说出难听的话,Chloe更感难受,高公子将雪莉赶走。

Ep 12

Mister Gao visits Chloe at the hospital but she vents her frustration on him. Xue Li secretly follows Mister Gao and sees him caring for Chloe. She gets jealous. Seeing the scar on Chloe's face, she gives her a disgusted look and hurls unpleasant words at her, making Chloe feel worse. Mister Gao chases Xue Li away. 高公子到医院探望Chloe,后者因破相,迁怒与高公子,对他不理睬。雪莉跟踪而来,见高公子对Chloe关怀备至,醋意顿生。她见Chloe脸上有疤痕,露出恶心的表情,对Chloe说出难听的话,Chloe更感难受,高公子将雪莉赶走。

Ep 13
46 mins

Da Tian buys spicy mala hotpot home, in an attempt to coax Xue Li. Unexpectedly, Hua Hua shows up. He thinks that she wants to possess his body again so he chases her away. However, he realises that Hua Hua is now Xueli, but with a huge birthmark on her face. She is at a complete loss and cries, not wanting to live anymore. 大天买了麻辣香锅回家,想要哄回雪莉,谁知竟看到花花出现在家里。大天以为花花又想上自己的身,要把她赶出去,后来发现花花就是雪莉,震惊无比!雪莉发现自己变成另外一个人,脸上还有一块大胎记,惊慌失措,哭着说自己不想活了!

Ep 13

Da Tian buys spicy mala hotpot home, in an attempt to coax Xue Li. Unexpectedly, Hua Hua shows up. He thinks that she wants to possess his body again so he chases her away. However, he realises that Hua Hua is now Xueli, but with a huge birthmark on her face. She is at a complete loss and cries, not wanting to live anymore. 大天买了麻辣香锅回家,想要哄回雪莉,谁知竟看到花花出现在家里。大天以为花花又想上自己的身,要把她赶出去,后来发现花花就是雪莉,震惊无比!雪莉发现自己变成另外一个人,脸上还有一块大胎记,惊慌失措,哭着说自己不想活了!

Ep 14
46 mins

Xiao S sees Hua Hua trying to perform an exorcism on herself and lies to her that he knows of an exorcist, Brother Yao. He brings her to him. Brother Yao asks for $2000 and Hua Hua steals the money that Da Tian has given Xiao S. Brother Yap makes her drink a cup of "Holy Water". She instantly feels drowsy and weak. 花花为自己驱魔,小S见状,谎称认识一驱魔师,还带她往见“驱魔师”耀哥。耀哥开价2千元,花花为无钱烦恼,见大天给了小S一笔钱,于是偷走了钱,往找耀哥帮她驱魔。耀哥对花花心存歹念,骗她喝下“圣水”,花花顿感头昏无力……。

Ep 14

Xiao S sees Hua Hua trying to perform an exorcism on herself and lies to her that he knows of an exorcist, Brother Yao. He brings her to him. Brother Yao asks for $2000 and Hua Hua steals the money that Da Tian has given Xiao S. Brother Yap makes her drink a cup of "Holy Water". She instantly feels drowsy and weak. 花花为自己驱魔,小S见状,谎称认识一驱魔师,还带她往见“驱魔师”耀哥。耀哥开价2千元,花花为无钱烦恼,见大天给了小S一笔钱,于是偷走了钱,往找耀哥帮她驱魔。耀哥对花花心存歹念,骗她喝下“圣水”,花花顿感头昏无力……。

Ep 15
46 mins

Hua Hua plans to commit suicide. Da Tian stops her in time. To encourage her to continue living, he brings her to see Mister Gao. Mister Gao is surprised to see his dream girl and they hit it off immediately. With the help of his siblings, Da Tian holds a birthday party for Xiao Man. He plans to propose to her, attempting to salvage their relationship. However, something surprising happens...

Ep 15

Hua Hua plans to commit suicide. Da Tian stops her in time. To encourage her to continue living, he brings her to see Mister Gao. Mister Gao is surprised to see his dream girl and they hit it off immediately. With the help of his siblings, Da Tian holds a birthday party for Xiao Man. He plans to propose to her, attempting to salvage their relationship. However, something surprising happens...

Ep 16
46 mins

Hua Hua and Mister Gao are having a meal at the restaurant. Da Shen disguises as a waitress and purposely spills water on Hua Hua, in an attempt to test her. Hua Hua lashes at her. Da Shen realises that Hua Hua is still as judgemental, and in fact, even worse from before. She decides to double her punishment. Hui Ling tries to plead for her but to no avail.

Ep 16

Hua Hua and Mister Gao are having a meal at the restaurant. Da Shen disguises as a waitress and purposely spills water on Hua Hua, in an attempt to test her. Hua Hua lashes at her. Da Shen realises that Hua Hua is still as judgemental, and in fact, even worse from before. She decides to double her punishment. Hui Ling tries to plead for her but to no avail.

Ep 17
46 mins

Le Le Organisation sends out a legal letter, claiming that KYF spreads fake investment news and plans to sue them. This gives Guo Dong a chance to team up with other directors to pressurise Mister Gao to take responsibility and step down. Guo Dong then becomes the new CEO. He realises that he has fallen into Guo Dong's and Andy's trap. 乐乐集团突然发律师信,指KYF散播投资假消息,准备提告,高公子被诈骗导致公司蒙受损失的事终于曝光。国栋以手上的股份,联合董事们迫使高公子负起责任,令他下台,国栋则当上新总裁。高公子才知道上了国栋和Andy的当,震惊不已。

Ep 17

Le Le Organisation sends out a legal letter, claiming that KYF spreads fake investment news and plans to sue them. This gives Guo Dong a chance to team up with other directors to pressurise Mister Gao to take responsibility and step down. Guo Dong then becomes the new CEO. He realises that he has fallen into Guo Dong's and Andy's trap. 乐乐集团突然发律师信,指KYF散播投资假消息,准备提告,高公子被诈骗导致公司蒙受损失的事终于曝光。国栋以手上的股份,联合董事们迫使高公子负起责任,令他下台,国栋则当上新总裁。高公子才知道上了国栋和Andy的当,震惊不已。

Ep 18
46 mins

Xue Li returns to her original self but Mister Gao does not remember their past. She heads home dispiritedly and realises that Da Tian and Zhong Ting also do not have any memory of Hua Hua. She tries to tell them that she is Hua Hua but suddenly feels dizzy. She breaks down thinking about how she can no longer be in a relationship with Mister Gao. 雪莉变回原来的样子,但高公子却不记得跟花花经历的一切。雪莉懊恼,垂头丧气地回家,发现大天、中霆也忘了花花。雪莉想要说出自己就是花花,却突然头昏脑胀,想起以后不能和高公子在一起,雪莉伤心大哭。

Ep 18

Xue Li returns to her original self but Mister Gao does not remember their past. She heads home dispiritedly and realises that Da Tian and Zhong Ting also do not have any memory of Hua Hua. She tries to tell them that she is Hua Hua but suddenly feels dizzy. She breaks down thinking about how she can no longer be in a relationship with Mister Gao. 雪莉变回原来的样子,但高公子却不记得跟花花经历的一切。雪莉懊恼,垂头丧气地回家,发现大天、中霆也忘了花花。雪莉想要说出自己就是花花,却突然头昏脑胀,想起以后不能和高公子在一起,雪莉伤心大哭。

Ep 19
46 mins

Guo Dong sends someone to abduct Mister Gao and Hui Ling. Da Tian and Xue Li witnesses the scene and tails them. They arrive at an abandoned house and find Guo Dong attempting to blackmail Mei Zhen. Da Tian tries to save them but his condition relapses and was beaten up. At the critical moment, Hui Ling possesses Guo Dong's body and he turns into Hua Hua! 国栋派人捉走高公子和慧玲,大天和雪莉撞见,随后跟踪,来到一废屋。国栋命人殴打高公子,以此勒索美真。大天冲入废屋,欲救出高公子和慧玲,却突然病发,被流氓殴打。危急间,慧玲上了国栋的身..

Ep 19

Guo Dong sends someone to abduct Mister Gao and Hui Ling. Da Tian and Xue Li witnesses the scene and tails them. They arrive at an abandoned house and find Guo Dong attempting to blackmail Mei Zhen. Da Tian tries to save them but his condition relapses and was beaten up. At the critical moment, Hui Ling possesses Guo Dong's body and he turns into Hua Hua! 国栋派人捉走高公子和慧玲,大天和雪莉撞见,随后跟踪,来到一废屋。国栋命人殴打高公子,以此勒索美真。大天冲入废屋,欲救出高公子和慧玲,却突然病发,被流氓殴打。危急间,慧玲上了国栋的身..

Ep 20
46 mins

Da Tian faints and finds out that his days are numbered, causing everyone to breakdown. Mister Gao tries to stop Hui Ling from leaving but to no avail. It turns out that Hui Ling promised Da Shen to use her opportunity to reincarnate to exchange for Da Tian's life but by doing so, she will instantly vanish. Will she vanish? Will she be able to continue her relationship with Mister Gao? 大天昏倒,医生表示他已时日无多,众人崩溃!慧玲决定悄悄离开,高公子阻止不果,悲恸不已。。。

Ep 20

Da Tian faints and finds out that his days are numbered, causing everyone to breakdown. Mister Gao tries to stop Hui Ling from leaving but to no avail. It turns out that Hui Ling promised Da Shen to use her opportunity to reincarnate to exchange for Da Tian's life but by doing so, she will instantly vanish. Will she vanish? Will she be able to continue her relationship with Mister Gao? 大天昏倒,医生表示他已时日无多,众人崩溃!慧玲决定悄悄离开,高公子阻止不果,悲恸不已。。。

Additional Information

Parental guidance advised for young children