Mark Your Calendar


Do you know the traditions behind Lichun and the reason for long queues outside banks on Chinese New Year? Have you joined the celebrations for Holi and Depavali before? Is Hari Raya Puasa just the Muslim New Year to you? Mark Your Calendar! explores the different ethnic traditions and festivals celebrated in Singapore to understand the underlying reasons behind these events. 你可知道日历上的“立春”是什么特别的日子?为什么当天,银行外会出现长长的人龙?你可参加过印度族五彩缤纷的“色彩节”?你知道韩国人如何庆祝中秋节吗?你是否了解回教徒在“斋戒月”斋戒的意义? 《历历在目!》探讨新加坡每一个月份里特别有趣的节日,从中了解生活在这里的各大民族所庆祝的各种重要节日,以及其背后的意义与有趣的习俗。

Do you know the traditions behind Lichun and the reason for long queues outside banks on Chinese New Year? Have you joined the celebrations for Holi and Depavali before? Is Hari Raya Puasa just the Muslim New Year to you? Mark Your Calendar! explores the different ethnic traditions and festivals celebrated in Singapore to understand the underlying reasons behind these events. 你可知道日历上的“立春”是什么特别的日子?为什么当天,银行外会出现长长的人龙?你可参加过印度族五彩缤纷的“色彩节”?你知道韩国人如何庆祝中秋节吗?你是否了解回教徒在“斋戒月”斋戒的意义? 《历历在目!》探讨新加坡每一个月份里特别有趣的节日,从中了解生活在这里的各大民族所庆祝的各种重要节日,以及其背后的意义与有趣的习俗。

Ep 1
23 mins

Have you wondered why we need to save up during ""Li Chun""? Or why we eat spring rolls? Why do Teochews eat ""seven types of vegetables""? What's the story behind the ""Prosperity Toss""? Explore Chinese traditions and how the dialect groups and immigrant community in Singapore celebrate Chinese New Year! ""立春""为什么要存钱?吃春饼?潮州人为什么要在农历初七吃""七样菜""?"" 福建人为什么在农历初九拜""天公""?""人日""吃鱼生有什么典故?这一集,跟随主持人的脚步,一起去了解农历新年的种种有趣故事,了解本地不同籍贯和新移民庆祝春节的方式!"

Ep 1

Have you wondered why we need to save up during ""Li Chun""? Or why we eat spring rolls? Why do Teochews eat ""seven types of vegetables""? What's the story behind the ""Prosperity Toss""? Explore Chinese traditions and how the dialect groups and immigrant community in Singapore celebrate Chinese New Year! ""立春""为什么要存钱?吃春饼?潮州人为什么要在农历初七吃""七样菜""?"" 福建人为什么在农历初九拜""天公""?""人日""吃鱼生有什么典故?这一集,跟随主持人的脚步,一起去了解农历新年的种种有趣故事,了解本地不同籍贯和新移民庆祝春节的方式!"

Ep 2
22 mins

Holi is a Hindu spring festival, originating from India. On this day, people put on coloured powder, dance together and have a bonfire ceremony to celebrate the coming of spring. This episode explores the story of the demoness Holika, and how Indians celebrate this colourful festival! "Holi颜色之节"也称色彩节,洒红节、是印度的传统节日之一。人们在这一天互相涂抹颜料、载歌载舞,迎接春天的到来。Holi颜色之节的另一重头戏是篝火仪式,据说与传说故事中的女妖Holika 有关。这一集,一起去了解 "Holi之色彩节!"背后的故事。

Ep 2

Holi is a Hindu spring festival, originating from India. On this day, people put on coloured powder, dance together and have a bonfire ceremony to celebrate the coming of spring. This episode explores the story of the demoness Holika, and how Indians celebrate this colourful festival! "Holi颜色之节"也称色彩节,洒红节、是印度的传统节日之一。人们在这一天互相涂抹颜料、载歌载舞,迎接春天的到来。Holi颜色之节的另一重头戏是篝火仪式,据说与传说故事中的女妖Holika 有关。这一集,一起去了解 "Holi之色彩节!"背后的故事。

Ep 3
22 mins

Saint Patrick's Day is an important festival for the Irish. In Singapore, the Irish community often gather in green to sing and dance in a parade. In this episode, find out what's unique about the Irish dance and the Scottish highland bagpipe, as well as how to whip up an Irish stew! 圣帕特里克节"是爱尔兰人非常重要的节日。在新加坡每年会有爱尔兰人穿着绿色衣服参加游行队伍,还有舞蹈和音乐表演。爱尔兰人的传统舞蹈以及独特的"肘风琴"有什么特色? 节日传统美食爱尔兰羊肉炖如何烹制?这一集,一起参与精彩万分的"圣帕特里克节"嘉年华!

Ep 3

Saint Patrick's Day is an important festival for the Irish. In Singapore, the Irish community often gather in green to sing and dance in a parade. In this episode, find out what's unique about the Irish dance and the Scottish highland bagpipe, as well as how to whip up an Irish stew! 圣帕特里克节"是爱尔兰人非常重要的节日。在新加坡每年会有爱尔兰人穿着绿色衣服参加游行队伍,还有舞蹈和音乐表演。爱尔兰人的传统舞蹈以及独特的"肘风琴"有什么特色? 节日传统美食爱尔兰羊肉炖如何烹制?这一集,一起参与精彩万分的"圣帕特里克节"嘉年华!

Ep 4
22 mins

Hari Raya Puasa is sometimes perceived as the Muslim New Year, however it actually marks the end of Ramadan, and is an important event for Muslims. Join our hosts as they explore different celebratory activities and understand the traditions behind Hari Raya Puasa and fasting! 有人以为开斋节是马来人的新年,但其实开斋节是回教徒一个非常重要的节日,是伊斯兰教中斋戒结束时的庆祝活动。这一集,一起去了解有关开斋节的传说,回教徒在斋戒月禁食的意义,以及欢庆开斋节的种种活动。

Ep 4

Hari Raya Puasa is sometimes perceived as the Muslim New Year, however it actually marks the end of Ramadan, and is an important event for Muslims. Join our hosts as they explore different celebratory activities and understand the traditions behind Hari Raya Puasa and fasting! 有人以为开斋节是马来人的新年,但其实开斋节是回教徒一个非常重要的节日,是伊斯兰教中斋戒结束时的庆祝活动。这一集,一起去了解有关开斋节的传说,回教徒在斋戒月禁食的意义,以及欢庆开斋节的种种活动。

Ep 5
22 mins

Have you ever wonder about the origins of the Dragon Boat Festival and the legend behind it? In Singapore, there's even a Dragon Boat race conducted on land! Learn about the stories and fun facts of this traditional Chinese Festival in this episode. 你可知道端午节的由来?有什么传说?端午节吃粽子有些什么有趣的说法?赛龙舟和端午节又有什么关系?除了水上龙舟,新加坡还有有趣的旱龙舟活动,这是怎么一回事?这一集,一起去了解华族传统节日"端午节"背后的故事。

Ep 5

Have you ever wonder about the origins of the Dragon Boat Festival and the legend behind it? In Singapore, there's even a Dragon Boat race conducted on land! Learn about the stories and fun facts of this traditional Chinese Festival in this episode. 你可知道端午节的由来?有什么传说?端午节吃粽子有些什么有趣的说法?赛龙舟和端午节又有什么关系?除了水上龙舟,新加坡还有有趣的旱龙舟活动,这是怎么一回事?这一集,一起去了解华族传统节日"端午节"背后的故事。

Ep 6
22 mins

NatsuMatusri is an important summer festival celebrated in Japan. Find out how the Japanese in Singapore participate in the festival locally - where it's summer all year round! Natsu Matusri夏日祭是夏日举行的祭祀。是日本重要的民俗节庆。在日本,大家会穿着和服,逛庙会,观赏精彩的烟花。那么在四季皆夏的新加坡,旅居本地的日本人又会怎样庆祝呢?

Ep 6

NatsuMatusri is an important summer festival celebrated in Japan. Find out how the Japanese in Singapore participate in the festival locally - where it's summer all year round! Natsu Matusri夏日祭是夏日举行的祭祀。是日本重要的民俗节庆。在日本,大家会穿着和服,逛庙会,观赏精彩的烟花。那么在四季皆夏的新加坡,旅居本地的日本人又会怎样庆祝呢?

Ep 7
22 mins

Hari Raya Haji is one of the most important festivals in Islam. What is the significance behind the practice of Hajj and Korban? Join our Host in learning the meanings behind these ancient customs! 哈芝节是回教徒的重要节日之一。除了朝圣,还有Korban献牲仪式。朝圣对回教徒有什么特别意义?献牲仪式有什么传说?这一集,跟随主持人一同探索哈芝节背后的传统意义和习俗!

Ep 7

Hari Raya Haji is one of the most important festivals in Islam. What is the significance behind the practice of Hajj and Korban? Join our Host in learning the meanings behind these ancient customs! 哈芝节是回教徒的重要节日之一。除了朝圣,还有Korban献牲仪式。朝圣对回教徒有什么特别意义?献牲仪式有什么传说?这一集,跟随主持人一同探索哈芝节背后的传统意义和习俗!

Ep 8
22 mins

The Mid-Autumn festival may be a tradition that originated from China, but did you know that Koreans celebrate it too? Watch how our Host picks up the art of making mooncakes and explore how the Korean community in Singapore celebrate this festival.

Ep 8

The Mid-Autumn festival may be a tradition that originated from China, but did you know that Koreans celebrate it too? Watch how our Host picks up the art of making mooncakes and explore how the Korean community in Singapore celebrate this festival.

Ep 9
21 mins

The Chinese believe that the Gates of Hell are opened during the Seventh Lunar Month so that ghosts can visit the land of the living. Discover the customs and activities associated with this traditional festival and how filial piety is an underlying theme. 你是否相信农历七月时,"鬼门关"会打开,让阴间的鬼魂可以到阳间活动?其实中元节祭拜活动是华人传统文化之一,是纪念先祖和宣扬孝道的节日。这一集揭开七月鬼节的神秘面纱,了解中元节的传统习俗和节庆活动。

Ep 9

The Chinese believe that the Gates of Hell are opened during the Seventh Lunar Month so that ghosts can visit the land of the living. Discover the customs and activities associated with this traditional festival and how filial piety is an underlying theme. 你是否相信农历七月时,"鬼门关"会打开,让阴间的鬼魂可以到阳间活动?其实中元节祭拜活动是华人传统文化之一,是纪念先祖和宣扬孝道的节日。这一集揭开七月鬼节的神秘面纱,了解中元节的传统习俗和节庆活动。

Ep 10
22 mins

Beyond the fun and thrills of Halloween, is an intriguing origin. Join our Hosts in an annual Halloween parade, and a Trick or Treat party in Singapore, as they explore the traditions behind this festival! 万圣节Halloween的由来是什么?为什么有Trick or treat 不给糖就捣蛋的活动?南瓜灯背后又有什么有趣的故事?这一集,一起参加刺激好玩的万圣节活动,了解异国的文化和习俗!

Ep 10

Beyond the fun and thrills of Halloween, is an intriguing origin. Join our Hosts in an annual Halloween parade, and a Trick or Treat party in Singapore, as they explore the traditions behind this festival! 万圣节Halloween的由来是什么?为什么有Trick or treat 不给糖就捣蛋的活动?南瓜灯背后又有什么有趣的故事?这一集,一起参加刺激好玩的万圣节活动,了解异国的文化和习俗!

Ep 11
22 mins

Every Deepavali, places will be lit with stunning decorations. People will light up lamps to signify that "light has conquered darkness". Discover different traditions related to Deepavali, like henna, Hindu temple practices and our local Deepavali Festival Village. 屠妖节是兴都教徒重要的传统节日,也称排灯节。每年的屠妖节,兴都教徒都会在家里点燃油灯,象征印度教里的"光明征服黑暗"。 从汉娜手绘、庙里祈福到逛市集,这一集,跟随主持人一同探索屠妖节背后的传统意义和习俗!

Ep 11

Every Deepavali, places will be lit with stunning decorations. People will light up lamps to signify that "light has conquered darkness". Discover different traditions related to Deepavali, like henna, Hindu temple practices and our local Deepavali Festival Village. 屠妖节是兴都教徒重要的传统节日,也称排灯节。每年的屠妖节,兴都教徒都会在家里点燃油灯,象征印度教里的"光明征服黑暗"。 从汉娜手绘、庙里祈福到逛市集,这一集,跟随主持人一同探索屠妖节背后的传统意义和习俗!

Ep 12
23 mins

Eating rice dumplings during Winter Solstice is a long-held tradition, originating from China. This episode, our host will explore activities like making tang-yuan , brewing Chinese herbs, and how the Hong Kong community celebrates the festival. 说到冬至,就想到汤圆,你知道为什么要庆祝冬至吗?虽然新加坡没有冬天,不过冬至还是华人在冬天最重要的团圆日子 ,因此这传统也流传到新加坡。通过做汤圆、煮中药和做盆菜,探索冬至的由来和意义,以及不同庆祝冬至的文化和习俗!

Ep 12

Eating rice dumplings during Winter Solstice is a long-held tradition, originating from China. This episode, our host will explore activities like making tang-yuan , brewing Chinese herbs, and how the Hong Kong community celebrates the festival. 说到冬至,就想到汤圆,你知道为什么要庆祝冬至吗?虽然新加坡没有冬天,不过冬至还是华人在冬天最重要的团圆日子 ,因此这传统也流传到新加坡。通过做汤圆、煮中药和做盆菜,探索冬至的由来和意义,以及不同庆祝冬至的文化和习俗!

Ep 13
22 mins

Christmas is a religious festival but since the advent of Santa-Claus and Christmas trees, it has become a festival celebrated worldwide. This episode explores Christmas traditions such as writing letters to Santa, logcake making and church mass services! 圣诞节原本是基督教徒的节日,但因为圣诞老人、圣诞树的流传,圣诞节已经是世界各地人们重视的节日之一。想知道圣诞老人、圣诞树和圣诞袜子背后的故事吗?这一集,和主持人一起学做树桐蛋糕,参观圣诞节弥撒,了解圣诞节的传说和庆祝活动背后的意义。

Ep 13

Christmas is a religious festival but since the advent of Santa-Claus and Christmas trees, it has become a festival celebrated worldwide. This episode explores Christmas traditions such as writing letters to Santa, logcake making and church mass services! 圣诞节原本是基督教徒的节日,但因为圣诞老人、圣诞树的流传,圣诞节已经是世界各地人们重视的节日之一。想知道圣诞老人、圣诞树和圣诞袜子背后的故事吗?这一集,和主持人一起学做树桐蛋糕,参观圣诞节弥撒,了解圣诞节的传说和庆祝活动背后的意义。

Additional Information

Genreschildren and family, older kids (7-12)
Suitable For All Ages