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In 2010, a secret operation headed by CHEUK HOI (Michael Miu) from the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) in Bangkok takes a disastrous turn where all his undercover officers die in a fire. Meanwhile, CHEUK HOI’s best friend, Senior Inspector LAI SHUI-KUEN (Eddie Cheung), is mysteriously murdered, leaving behind a rookie undercover cop CHENG SUK-MUI (Priscilla Wong). 2010年,刑事情報科的卓凱(苗僑偉)在泰國曼谷秘密行動,手下臥底全部葬身火海。與此同時,卓凱好友兼高級督察黎瑞權(張兆輝)亦離奇被殺害,留給他一個還未正式成為臥底的女警鄭淑梅(黃翠如),卓凱為尋真相要迅速找回瑞權屬下的失蹤臥底。另方面,香港最大社團發生內鬥,龍頭魏德信(陳豪)進行剿滅行動,覃歡喜(許紹雄)逃過一劫卻失去愛妻,歡喜決定徹徹底底地淪為黑道中人並自立門戶,與德信勢不兩立。卓凱與淑梅合力調查德信的組織,期間不單認識了樂少鋒(周柏豪)和徐天堂(袁偉豪),更遇到專替德信處理黑錢生意的施嘉莉(宣萱)。
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Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of society. Determined to locate the undercover officers' whereabouts, CHEUK HOI eventually manages to contact one of them, DING SIU-KA (Charmaine Sheh), who is the lady boss of a foot spa. 丁小嘉(佘詩曼飾)成長於聲色犬馬的砵蘭街,被三個妓女撫養長大,養成一身江湖習氣。小嘉投考警察後,被刑事情報科的康道行委派做專責收集情報的卧底,並在砵蘭街經營沐足店作為掩飾。道行因查出警隊內部的害羣之馬而被殺人滅口,而出事之前他為了保護查出關鍵的卧底,將包括小嘉在內的五個卧底資料全部刪除。正當小嘉惶惶不可終日之時,刑事情報科總督察卓凱(苗僑偉飾)以新接頭人的身份聯絡小嘉,希望她協助尋回其他四名下落不明的卧底。
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Following the sudden death of his co-worker and best friend, Chief Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) CHEUK HOI (Michael Mui) discovers that they have lost contact with all five of their undercover officers who have been in connection with the deceased. All five of the undercover officers are in possession of highly confidential information concerning the safety of the central figure of the police force and even the whole of ...
Additional Information
Premiered | 2014 |
Genres | drama |
Seasons | 1 |