Legends of Singapore Comedy


The documentary revisits how Singapore's comedy duo, Wang Sha and Ye Feng, rose from grassroots Getai talents to regional film stars, winning hearts nationwide and beyond with their hilarious dialect skits. As Wang Sha's centenary approaches, a team embarks on a journey to reunite them for laughter. 纪录片回顾王沙野峰从草根歌台跃升为喜剧泰斗,征服本地和海外市场的传奇。他们轻松逗趣的方言表演不仅成为文化符号,更对后代艺人影响至深。2024年适逢王沙百岁冥诞,制作组决定让双宝重返舞台,再次带来欢笑。

The documentary revisits how Singapore's comedy duo, Wang Sha and Ye Feng, rose from grassroots Getai talents to regional film stars, winning hearts nationwide and beyond with their hilarious dialect skits. As Wang Sha's centenary approaches, a team embarks on a journey to reunite them for laughter. 纪录片回顾王沙野峰从草根歌台跃升为喜剧泰斗,征服本地和海外市场的传奇。他们轻松逗趣的方言表演不仅成为文化符号,更对后代艺人影响至深。2024年适逢王沙百岁冥诞,制作组决定让双宝重返舞台,再次带来欢笑。

Ep 1
22 mins

Wang Sha and Ye Feng had a passion for performing since childhood. In 1961, they quickly rose to fame and began touring Southeast Asia after their first appearance on Getai. The advent of black-and-white TV brought their comedy to a wider audience, making them household names and a beloved duo. 从小就热爱表演的王沙、野峰,于1961年从歌台迅速崛起,并展开了巡回东南亚各地演出的跑码头生涯。同时随着黑白电视的出现和普及,也让他们的谐剧从小众逐渐走进大众的视野,并成为了家喻户晓的电视双宝。

Ep 1

Wang Sha and Ye Feng had a passion for performing since childhood. In 1961, they quickly rose to fame and began touring Southeast Asia after their first appearance on Getai. The advent of black-and-white TV brought their comedy to a wider audience, making them household names and a beloved duo. 从小就热爱表演的王沙、野峰,于1961年从歌台迅速崛起,并展开了巡回东南亚各地演出的跑码头生涯。同时随着黑白电视的出现和普及,也让他们的谐剧从小众逐渐走进大众的视野,并成为了家喻户晓的电视双宝。

Ep 2
22 mins

Wang Sha and Ye Feng's fame led to nearly 200,000 copies of their comedy records selling. Regularly invited to Hong Kong for variety shows, they became overnight sensations and broke into the Hong Kong market as movie stars. Unexpectedly, just as their careers peaked, news of their split emerged. 王沙、野峰的走红,不但让他们声名大噪,出版的谐剧唱片热销近20万张,还受邀前往香港参加综艺节目一夕爆红打开了香港市场,晋升大荧幕成为了电影明星。没想到就在两人事业如日中天的当儿,传来拆伙的消息。

Ep 2

Wang Sha and Ye Feng's fame led to nearly 200,000 copies of their comedy records selling. Regularly invited to Hong Kong for variety shows, they became overnight sensations and broke into the Hong Kong market as movie stars. Unexpectedly, just as their careers peaked, news of their split emerged. 王沙、野峰的走红,不但让他们声名大噪,出版的谐剧唱片热销近20万张,还受邀前往香港参加综艺节目一夕爆红打开了香港市场,晋升大荧幕成为了电影明星。没想到就在两人事业如日中天的当儿,传来拆伙的消息。

Ep 3
22 mins

After 13 years apart, Wang Sha and Ye Feng reunited in the 1980s, bringing laughter back to audiences. During their last performance, Wang Sha expressed a hope to meet the audience again in 30 years. With over a year of preparation and the aid of modern technology, we fulfilled this age-old promise. 80年代拆伙13年的王沙、野峰复合演出,继续为观众带来欢笑。在王沙、野峰最后一次同台表演的舞台上,王沙曾说30年后要再和大家见面。经过一年多的筹备和制作,我们透过现代科技实现30年前王沙和我们的约定。

Ep 3

After 13 years apart, Wang Sha and Ye Feng reunited in the 1980s, bringing laughter back to audiences. During their last performance, Wang Sha expressed a hope to meet the audience again in 30 years. With over a year of preparation and the aid of modern technology, we fulfilled this age-old promise. 80年代拆伙13年的王沙、野峰复合演出,继续为观众带来欢笑。在王沙、野峰最后一次同台表演的舞台上,王沙曾说30年后要再和大家见面。经过一年多的筹备和制作,我们透过现代科技实现30年前王沙和我们的约定。

Additional Information

Genresarts and heritage, documentary
Parental guidance advised for young children