Inside Crime Scene
Why do parents kill? What happens when black magic is practiced to deceive and what if one fabricates evidences to misled from the truth? Because of greed, how are swindlers brought to justice? Living in Singapore is relatively safe with low crime rates, but this doesn’t mean there is no crime. Inside Crime Scene, a docudrama series, returns with Season 2, where we revisit some of these heinous crimes, from the 1980s to the more recent. 父母为何弑杀亲生骨肉?利用巫术行骗有什么下场?伪造证据可以掩盖真相吗?如何能将贪婪的诈骗分子绳之以法? 新加坡是个犯罪率低且相对安全的宜居城市。然而,犯罪率低并不意味着没有罪案:罪案虽少,仍要警惕。第二季的《狮城奇案之罪案现场》纪录剧情片系列重新审视了从 1980 年代到近年发生的一些让人反思的严重罪案。
- Oldest First
- Newest First
Why do parents kill? What happens when black magic is practiced to deceive and what if one fabricates evidences to misled from the truth? Because of greed, how are swindlers brought to justice? Living in Singapore is relatively safe with low crime rates, but this doesn’t mean there is no crime. Inside Crime Scene, a docudrama series, returns with Season 2, where we revisit some of these heinous crimes, from the 1980s to the more recent. 父母为何弑杀亲生骨肉?利用巫术行骗有什么下场?伪造证据可以掩盖真相吗?如何能将贪婪的诈骗分子绳之以法?新加坡是个犯罪率低且相对安全的宜居城市。然而,犯罪率低并不意味着没有罪案:罪案虽少,仍要警惕。第二季的《狮城奇案之罪案现场》纪录剧情片系列重新审视了从 1980 年代到近年发生的一些让人反思的严重罪案。
Two crimes – 24 years apart, two 8-year-old girls, each brutally murdered. Both cases have very different outcomes, one remains a cold case, with her murderer has yet to be caught and is among us. Huang Na was smoldered by a man she called “uncle”, was Goh Beng Choo also killed by someone she knew well? 两起相距24年的命案,遇害者同是8岁的女童,她们都被残忍杀害。其中一起是未解冷案,凶手还没落网,作案者可能并非陌生人。已结案的黄娜案件,遇害的女童则是被一个她称作“叔叔”的男子给活活闷死。难道未破的女童吴明珠命案,也是熟人所为?
Two crimes – 24 years apart, two 8-year-old girls, each brutally murdered. Both cases have very different outcomes, one remains a cold case, with her murderer has yet to be caught and is among us. Huang Na was smoldered by a man she called “uncle”, was Goh Beng Choo also killed by someone she knew well? 两起相距24年的命案,遇害者同是8岁的女童,她们都被残忍杀害。其中一起是未解冷案,凶手还没落网,作案者可能并非陌生人。已结案的黄娜案件,遇害的女童则是被一个她称作“叔叔”的男子给活活闷死。难道未破的女童吴明珠命案,也是熟人所为?
What happens when the equation is reversed - when our promising youth wield a knife and become mindless killers - stabbing a parent to death, or slashing random women on the street? Is it an innate psychological issue, or is it a condition compounded negatively by inappropriate environmental exposure? 青少年也会成为冷血的杀人犯?本该是有为的年轻人,变成挥刀的杀人者,刺死了自己的父母;又或是在路上随机砍杀陌生女子的青年——杀人犯青年是不是患有与生俱来的心理问题,还是长期置身不利的生活环境而加剧了负面情绪?
What happens when the equation is reversed - when our promising youth wield a knife and become mindless killers - stabbing a parent to death, or slashing random women on the street? Is it an innate psychological issue, or is it a condition compounded negatively by inappropriate environmental exposure? 青少年也会成为冷血的杀人犯?本该是有为的年轻人,变成挥刀的杀人者,刺死了自己的父母;又或是在路上随机砍杀陌生女子的青年——杀人犯青年是不是患有与生俱来的心理问题,还是长期置身不利的生活环境而加剧了负面情绪?
This episode revisits the infamous Toa Payoh child-killer, Adrian Lim, who claimed to have great "healing powers", together while another man whom he claimed to have flung his wife from 13 floors because he was under the influence of "black magic". 本集重温轰动一时的大巴窑杀童案,解读臭名昭著,自称有超强“治愈能力”的变态杀童凶手林宝龙的精神状态。此外,另一名杀妻凶手也声称被巫术控制,而把妻子从13楼抛下活活摔死。凶手的辩词在法庭能否成立?
This episode revisits the infamous Toa Payoh child-killer, Adrian Lim, who claimed to have great "healing powers", together while another man whom he claimed to have flung his wife from 13 floors because he was under the influence of "black magic". 本集重温轰动一时的大巴窑杀童案,解读臭名昭著,自称有超强“治愈能力”的变态杀童凶手林宝龙的精神状态。此外,另一名杀妻凶手也声称被巫术控制,而把妻子从13楼抛下活活摔死。凶手的辩词在法庭能否成立?
All around the world, filicide - the killing of a child by the parent - account for 10-15% of homicide rates. In Singapore, thankfully, our numbers are much lower, though we're also not an exception. What drives parents to kill their precious children? Is altruism an acceptable defense? 全球父母杀害子女的案件占凶杀率的 10至15%。新加坡尽管无法避免这类案件的发生,但庆幸的是这类案例相对较低。究竟父母杀害他们宝贝孩子的原因是什么?以爱为名的杀子理由能用作辩护吗?
All around the world, filicide - the killing of a child by the parent - account for 10-15% of homicide rates. In Singapore, thankfully, our numbers are much lower, though we're also not an exception. What drives parents to kill their precious children? Is altruism an acceptable defense? 全球父母杀害子女的案件占凶杀率的 10至15%。新加坡尽管无法避免这类案件的发生,但庆幸的是这类案例相对较低。究竟父母杀害他们宝贝孩子的原因是什么?以爱为名的杀子理由能用作辩护吗?
It has been said that money is the root of all evil. Swindlers thrive on, and take advantage of, the inflated egos of their victims. Scammers are quick to prey on man's greed for more money, which is why sleights of hand and ponzi schemes succeed. What if the conman is in a profession our society holds in high esteem - a lawyer, for example? 有人说,金钱是万恶之源。诈骗者利用受害者自我膨胀作祟的心理,成功牟利。骗子掌握了人们想拥有更多钱财的致富贪念,花招百出设骗局引人上钩。若布局的骗子是专业人士如律师,会有什么不同下场?
It has been said that money is the root of all evil. Swindlers thrive on, and take advantage of, the inflated egos of their victims. Scammers are quick to prey on man's greed for more money, which is why sleights of hand and ponzi schemes succeed. What if the conman is in a profession our society holds in high esteem - a lawyer, for example? 有人说,金钱是万恶之源。诈骗者利用受害者自我膨胀作祟的心理,成功牟利。骗子掌握了人们想拥有更多钱财的致富贪念,花招百出设骗局引人上钩。若布局的骗子是专业人士如律师,会有什么不同下场?
Investigators on the ground rely on forensic evidence and interrogations to construct a case - but what if the perpetuators outsmart the law by lying or resorting to fabricating the evidence when this can make a difference between life and death sentence, or a 13-year escape from prosecution. Will the truth of what really happened ever come to light? 现场查案人员凭借法证和盘问来重组案情,然而,作案者为逃避法律制裁,或者会以撒谎或捏造证据来企图影响判决;最终的判决可能是死刑、终身监禁,或是躲避刑事追诉13年。真相最终能水落石出吗?
Investigators on the ground rely on forensic evidence and interrogations to construct a case - but what if the perpetuators outsmart the law by lying or resorting to fabricating the evidence when this can make a difference between life and death sentence, or a 13-year escape from prosecution. Will the truth of what really happened ever come to light? 现场查案人员凭借法证和盘问来重组案情,然而,作案者为逃避法律制裁,或者会以撒谎或捏造证据来企图影响判决;最终的判决可能是死刑、终身监禁,或是躲避刑事追诉13年。真相最终能水落石出吗?
Additional Information
Premiered | 2023 |
Genres | info-ed |
Seasons | 2 |