Inside Crime Scene
Why do parents kill? What happens when black magic is practiced to deceive and what if one fabricates evidences to misled from the truth? Because of greed, how are swindlers brought to justice? Living in Singapore is relatively safe with low crime rates, but this doesn’t mean there is no crime. Inside Crime Scene, a docudrama series, returns with Season 2, where we revisit some of these heinous crimes, from the 1980s to the more recent. 父母为何弑杀亲生骨肉?利用巫术行骗有什么下场?伪造证据可以掩盖真相吗?如何能将贪婪的诈骗分子绳之以法? 新加坡是个犯罪率低且相对安全的宜居城市。然而,犯罪率低并不意味着没有罪案:罪案虽少,仍要警惕。第二季的《狮城奇案之罪案现场》纪录剧情片系列重新审视了从 1980 年代到近年发生的一些让人反思的严重罪案。
- Oldest First
- Newest First
Singapore today is considered a relatively safe, low-crime place to live. But low crime doesn’t mean no crime. In the docudrama series Inside Crime Scene, we revisit some of these heinous crimes. Each is retold through expert interviews with former police investigators, forensics specialists, crime journalists, criminal psychologists, and legal practitioners. With intimate details surrounding the circumstances of each crime shared by witnesses and 3rd party accounts. Across five episodes you will encounter Sek Kim Wah, Singapore’s 19-year-old serial killer. In 1983, Sek brutally murdered 5 people. We use modern criminal profiling to try and understand “Why?” In 1979, the parents of 4 young children return home to a bloody scene. Their kids had been savagely slashed to death. Could today’s high-tech DNA lab provide viable answers to an unsolved murder? A cleaner at Kallang River Park stumbles upon a grisly find – the chopped-up body of a woman in 2005. More remains would soon be recovered across Singapore, all in an advanced state of decomposition. Discover how the murderer was caught using DNA technology. In 1963, Sunny Ang planned and executed the murder of his girlfriend. His trial was the first in Singapore to be heard in the absence of the victim’s body. The case against him was made on circumstantial evidence and testimony that laid out the motive. He received the death sentence. The trial of Sunny Ang is compared to a murder in 2016. Leslie Khoo killed his mistress, then disposed of her body by burning it. Find out how he was caught and found guilty also without the presence of a body, but he subsequently escaped the gallows. In the early 1970s, a gun-smuggling syndicate run by the notorious Hassan Brothers made the headlines in Singapore by pulling off a series of armed robberies, the shooting of a policeman, a daring escape and finally a violent end to their lives. Inside Crime Scene lays out the crimes that captured a nation’s attention, and examines the motives, means and minds of the perpetrators to better understand what makes a murderer…and the tools today’s criminal investigators use to bring them to justice. 今日的新加坡是个罪案率低和相对安全的宜居城市。然而,罪案率低并不意味没有罪案:罪案虽少,仍要警惕。这个全新的纪录剧情片《罪案现场》系列,重新审视了过去发生的多起严重罪案。 通过退役查案警官、法证专家、罪案专线记者、犯罪行为心理学家,刑事司法从业者等控辩专家们的访谈,以及案件搬演片段,剖析围绕每一起案件发生的来龙去脉,借由目击者和第三方的回述,分享他们所知的相关细节和针对罪案的精辟分享,让观众对这些震撼社会的案件有新的了解,警惕防范重大罪案的发生。 新系列播映的节目共有五集,探究了多位杀人犯的行为和心理。有年仅19岁的连环杀手薛金华,在1983年于短短不到一个月内,为何冷酷连杀五人;通过现代犯罪行为的分析,尝试揭开导致这名青年杀人的原因。 1979年的华人新年来临之前,一对经营校车生意的夫妇工作回家,竟目睹四个年幼孩子浴血家中,被凶徒乱刀砍死,冷血凶手逍遥法外,留下至今仍未破解的重重谜团。今天的高科技脱氧核糖核酸 (DNA) 等先进法证技术,能否为这悬而未解的杀人惨案迎来破案的曙光? 2005年,一名清洁工人在加冷河公园如常工作时,赫然发现一袋不完整的女子残肢!警方接到报案后,在现场和全岛多处展开紧密调查,寻获更多已呈高度腐烂状态的残肢体块。本集聚焦了解法证专家和查案人员如何紧密配合,争分夺秒的抽丝剥茧,通过脱氧核糖核酸(DNA) 技术等法证,找出了遇害者身份,并迅速逮捕凶手,将他绳之以法。 1963年,轰动新马的洪山尼杀害女友案开庭审讯,控方史无前例的在没有找到受害者尸体的情况下,以谋杀罪名提控被告。控方通过一个个的间接旁证和证人的供词,力证被告有预谋杀人的动机,洪山尼最终被判处死刑。 洪山尼案发生半个世纪后,另一起在2016年发生的情杀案,同样在没有找到受害者尸体的情况下,凶手遭提控后被判谋杀罪名成立,不同的是,此案凶手邱贵福在杀死情人崔雅...
In the 1983 Andrew Road murders, Sek Kim Wah broke into the home of a businessman. Sek killed 3 of the victims. He has also killed two others prior to the robbery. Can modern criminal profiling give us an insight into the mind of Singapore’s only serial killer. 1983年,安德烈路一栋洋房发生了抢劫杀人案。19岁的薛金华持来福枪入屋抢劫,杀害了屋主商人夫妇和女佣后逃走。洋房三尸命案震惊社会,案发后,警方迅速将他逮捕归案,并揭发了他也以同样手法干下了先前的另一起双尸案。一个月内连杀五人,薛金华被形容是我国唯一的连环杀手。通过现代罪犯心理和行为科学分析,能否揭开这个连环杀手少为人知的内心世界?
In the 1983 Andrew Road murders, Sek Kim Wah broke into the home of a businessman. Sek killed 3 of the victims. He has also killed two others prior to the robbery. Can modern criminal profiling give us an insight into the mind of Singapore’s only serial killer. 1983年,安德烈路一栋洋房发生了抢劫杀人案。19岁的薛金华持来福枪入屋抢劫,杀害了屋主商人夫妇和女佣后逃走。洋房三尸命案震惊社会,案发后,警方迅速将他逮捕归案,并揭发了他也以同样手法干下了先前的另一起双尸案。一个月内连杀五人,薛金华被形容是我国唯一的连环杀手。通过现代罪犯心理和行为科学分析,能否揭开这个连环杀手少为人知的内心世界?
6 January 1979, four children between the ages of 5 and 10 were found brutally slashed to death in their flat in Geylang Bahru. The case remains unsolved. Would modern day DNA and forensic testing be the key to solving this heinous crime. 1979年1月6日一大清早,四名5至10岁的孩童在芽笼峇鲁组屋住家内,总共被人狂砍超过80多刀,浴血惨死在窄小的厕所内。血案令人发指,尽管警方全力追查,盘问超过百名家属亲友和邻居,却始终无法找到可靠证据破案,冷血凶手至今仍逍遥法外。今日先进的脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)和法证检测技术,是否能为这起杀童案带来破案的曙光?
6 January 1979, four children between the ages of 5 and 10 were found brutally slashed to death in their flat in Geylang Bahru. The case remains unsolved. Would modern day DNA and forensic testing be the key to solving this heinous crime. 1979年1月6日一大清早,四名5至10岁的孩童在芽笼峇鲁组屋住家内,总共被人狂砍超过80多刀,浴血惨死在窄小的厕所内。血案令人发指,尽管警方全力追查,盘问超过百名家属亲友和邻居,却始终无法找到可靠证据破案,冷血凶手至今仍逍遥法外。今日先进的脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)和法证检测技术,是否能为这起杀童案带来破案的曙光?
In 2005, Liu Hong Mei was killed by her lover, who chopped up her body up into seven parts. In 1989, The body of a teenager was found in some bushes with her head found a metre away from the rest of the body. Can modern CSI and forensics techniques piece together to tell a crime process? 2005年,来自中国的工厂女工刘红梅惨遭情人砍成七段弃尸加冷河,被一名清洁工人发现而揭发了骇人听闻的命案。在更早的1989年,一名少女的尸体被进行军训的军人在一偏僻的草丛中发现,少女身首异处,头颅在离尸体一米附近被寻获。最先进的罪案现场调查和法证科学取证科技,能否协助查案人员更快更准的拼凑出碎尸案的案发经过?
In 2005, Liu Hong Mei was killed by her lover, who chopped up her body up into seven parts. In 1989, The body of a teenager was found in some bushes with her head found a metre away from the rest of the body. Can modern CSI and forensics techniques piece together to tell a crime process? 2005年,来自中国的工厂女工刘红梅惨遭情人砍成七段弃尸加冷河,被一名清洁工人发现而揭发了骇人听闻的命案。在更早的1989年,一名少女的尸体被进行军训的军人在一偏僻的草丛中发现,少女身首异处,头颅在离尸体一米附近被寻获。最先进的罪案现场调查和法证科学取证科技,能否协助查案人员更快更准的拼凑出碎尸案的案发经过?
53 years apart, two innocent young women were wooed by two men. But not for love, because both women would end up dead, leaving no trace of their bodies. Were these two diabolical crimes motivated by the same thing? Is circumstantial evidence enough to find someone guilty of murder? 两名芳华正茂的年轻女子,生长于不同的时代,却有着相似的命运:她们都被爱情所出卖,以短暂生命终结了人生。前后相距53年的两起命案,两女同样不幸的被最亲密的男友无情的用毁尸灭迹的方式杀害,落得尸骨无存。两名凶手的杀人动机是否相同?要在无法找到遇害者尸体的情况下提控被告,可否通过旁证或间接证据,就足以把真凶绳之以法?
53 years apart, two innocent young women were wooed by two men. But not for love, because both women would end up dead, leaving no trace of their bodies. Were these two diabolical crimes motivated by the same thing? Is circumstantial evidence enough to find someone guilty of murder? 两名芳华正茂的年轻女子,生长于不同的时代,却有着相似的命运:她们都被爱情所出卖,以短暂生命终结了人生。前后相距53年的两起命案,两女同样不幸的被最亲密的男友无情的用毁尸灭迹的方式杀害,落得尸骨无存。两名凶手的杀人动机是否相同?要在无法找到遇害者尸体的情况下提控被告,可否通过旁证或间接证据,就足以把真凶绳之以法?
In the 1920s, Singapore was likened to notorious Chicago, it topped the crime list in the Straits Settlements and Malaya. In 1972, a woman was shot on the streets, she never regained consciousness. Was this the catalyst of change and the end of gun crimes? 1920年代,新加坡在海峡殖民地和马来亚地区的罪案率高居榜首,甚至被媒体形容为堪比臭名昭著的芝加哥。六七十年代的私会党目无法纪,经常持枪抢劫,并不时同警方发生枪战。1972年,一名年轻女子在光天化日下,于街头遭枪弹射中胸部,紧急送院抢救无效。这起命案是否加速了政府在1973年出台的管制军火法令的步伐,将枪匪送上绞台,有效的打击了枪击案的发生?
In the 1920s, Singapore was likened to notorious Chicago, it topped the crime list in the Straits Settlements and Malaya. In 1972, a woman was shot on the streets, she never regained consciousness. Was this the catalyst of change and the end of gun crimes? 1920年代,新加坡在海峡殖民地和马来亚地区的罪案率高居榜首,甚至被媒体形容为堪比臭名昭著的芝加哥。六七十年代的私会党目无法纪,经常持枪抢劫,并不时同警方发生枪战。1972年,一名年轻女子在光天化日下,于街头遭枪弹射中胸部,紧急送院抢救无效。这起命案是否加速了政府在1973年出台的管制军火法令的步伐,将枪匪送上绞台,有效的打击了枪击案的发生?
Additional Information
Premiered | 2022 |
Genres | info-ed |
Seasons | 2 |