How Are You Today?


An aspiring news-caster Xi Xi, walks us through the episodes of life stories revolving around her. Going through an emotional roller coaster and to understand the importance of kinship, friendship and love. With that, it gives us courage, confidence and warmth. 不忘初心,牢记使命的汐汐,总会把握每一次直播的机会,带给大家周遭的实事新闻以及社会话题。与此同时,传达亲情,友情与爱情在我们的一生中如影随形。用真心灌溉的情谊,会让我们的人生充满勇气,信心和温暖。

An aspiring news-caster Xi Xi, walks us through the episodes of life stories revolving around her. Going through an emotional roller coaster and to understand the importance of kinship, friendship and love. With that, it gives us courage, confidence and warmth. 不忘初心,牢记使命的汐汐,总会把握每一次直播的机会,带给大家周遭的实事新闻以及社会话题。与此同时,传达亲情,友情与爱情在我们的一生中如影随形。用真心灌溉的情谊,会让我们的人生充满勇气,信心和温暖。

Ep 1
10 mins

With her father's frugality, Xi Xi completed college and became an online newscaster. Her younger brother, Hao, lives with her with minimal communication. One day, Xi Xi is on a live webcast, a timely news message was inserted. Xi Xi's father met a fatal car accident. Their father’s departure, made the siblings began to take notice of each other. 凭借着白手起家的父亲,汐汐顺利完成了大学学业。毕业后,朝着自己的梦想当上了网络主播。从小到大忙于自己生活的汐汐,与弟弟(豪豪)的关系有些生疏。某天,汐汐在进行网路直播时,插播了一则及时新闻。祸夺走了汐汐

Ep 1

With her father's frugality, Xi Xi completed college and became an online newscaster. Her younger brother, Hao, lives with her with minimal communication. One day, Xi Xi is on a live webcast, a timely news message was inserted. Xi Xi's father met a fatal car accident. Their father’s departure, made the siblings began to take notice of each other. 凭借着白手起家的父亲,汐汐顺利完成了大学学业。毕业后,朝着自己的梦想当上了网络主播。从小到大忙于自己生活的汐汐,与弟弟(豪豪)的关系有些生疏。某天,汐汐在进行网路直播时,插播了一则及时新闻。祸夺走了汐汐

Ep 2
10 mins

Ever since the passing of their father, Hao isolates himself and exhibit no interest his studies. Xi Xi broke her silence over Hao’s careless attitude towards life and had an intense argument. At school, the Class Rep (Xie Le) encourage the class to sign their names on a card. Hao, as usual, ignored them. One day, Hao found a card on his table. 父亲骤然离世,豪豪渐渐封闭自己,无心向学决定退学。班长(谢乐)希望大家能在最后学期里互相鼓励,写上对彼此的祝福。汐汐打破沉默,针对豪豪消极的态度,表示极大不满。一气之下,豪豪亲手把父亲的杯子给摔了。虽然争吵

Ep 2

Ever since the passing of their father, Hao isolates himself and exhibit no interest his studies. Xi Xi broke her silence over Hao’s careless attitude towards life and had an intense argument. At school, the Class Rep (Xie Le) encourage the class to sign their names on a card. Hao, as usual, ignored them. One day, Hao found a card on his table. 父亲骤然离世,豪豪渐渐封闭自己,无心向学决定退学。班长(谢乐)希望大家能在最后学期里互相鼓励,写上对彼此的祝福。汐汐打破沉默,针对豪豪消极的态度,表示极大不满。一气之下,豪豪亲手把父亲的杯子给摔了。虽然争吵

Ep 3
10 mins

After an intense argument, Xi Xi realized the mug Hao broke was a gift to their father from Hao. Xi Xi apologized for her hurtful words and Hao exclaimed that he merely wants his sister to be around. The absence of their father knit them closer. Thereafter, Hao became a changed person. Kinship and friendship embraced him through this tough time. 姐弟两争吵后,有了对彼此另一层的了解。汐汐发现豪豪打碎的杯子是他送给父亲的礼物。汐汐主动问豪豪为何有退学的念头。姐弟两沟通后,关系有了改善。亲情很微妙,豪豪仿佛好像被施了魔法,变了一个人。除了亲情,友情

Ep 3

After an intense argument, Xi Xi realized the mug Hao broke was a gift to their father from Hao. Xi Xi apologized for her hurtful words and Hao exclaimed that he merely wants his sister to be around. The absence of their father knit them closer. Thereafter, Hao became a changed person. Kinship and friendship embraced him through this tough time. 姐弟两争吵后,有了对彼此另一层的了解。汐汐发现豪豪打碎的杯子是他送给父亲的礼物。汐汐主动问豪豪为何有退学的念头。姐弟两沟通后,关系有了改善。亲情很微妙,豪豪仿佛好像被施了魔法,变了一个人。除了亲情,友情

Ep 4
13 mins

Famous Celebrity Mei Qi was invited to Xi Xi’s Live show, due to her record breaking topping the music chart and her mysterious look. The netizens have speculated on her looks, but little do they know that behind the controversial glamourous mask stood a dark secret that she has kept close to heart. Mei Qi mustered her courage and revealed the true story. 当红女歌手美琪受邀上汐汐的网络直播。红透半边天的她,网络搜寻人气指数居高不下,半边脸的宣传方式被网友爆料是因毁了容,还与支持美琪的网友形成了一波骂战。殊不知那光鲜亮丽的面具底下隐藏了美

Ep 4

Famous Celebrity Mei Qi was invited to Xi Xi’s Live show, due to her record breaking topping the music chart and her mysterious look. The netizens have speculated on her looks, but little do they know that behind the controversial glamourous mask stood a dark secret that she has kept close to heart. Mei Qi mustered her courage and revealed the true story. 当红女歌手美琪受邀上汐汐的网络直播。红透半边天的她,网络搜寻人气指数居高不下,半边脸的宣传方式被网友爆料是因毁了容,还与支持美琪的网友形成了一波骂战。殊不知那光鲜亮丽的面具底下隐藏了美

Ep 5
10 mins

Ah-Hang a passionate Assistant Producer, who is capable of delivering enticing topics each time when he is tasked. One day, Ah-Hang was preparing for a tasked episode on Dementia for the next broadcast, received a call from his dad. Ah-Hang shared with Xi Xi that he was troubled by his father's recent strange actions. And that reminds Ah-Hang of his grandfather. 阿航是位出色的助导,每一次到手的专题报道必定能在网路上得到出色的回响。这一次《失智症》的专题报道,上头指定由阿航编写。经责的阿航忙碌于工作时,接了一通爸爸的来电。挂了电话

Ep 5

Ah-Hang a passionate Assistant Producer, who is capable of delivering enticing topics each time when he is tasked. One day, Ah-Hang was preparing for a tasked episode on Dementia for the next broadcast, received a call from his dad. Ah-Hang shared with Xi Xi that he was troubled by his father's recent strange actions. And that reminds Ah-Hang of his grandfather. 阿航是位出色的助导,每一次到手的专题报道必定能在网路上得到出色的回响。这一次《失智症》的专题报道,上头指定由阿航编写。经责的阿航忙碌于工作时,接了一通爸爸的来电。挂了电话

Additional Information

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