House Everything?


Hectic life, lack of knowledge with organization, unable to dispose due to sentimental values; these are the most common excuses for having a messy and cluttered house. One gets frustrated when he is unsure with the ways to tidy up a cluttered dwelling space. A new home-transformation program hosted by Chen Han Wei, with the help of interior designers and declutter gurus, promise to share useful tips with the viewers. 生活忙碌、不懂收纳、舍不得丢,是现代人囤积杂物最常见的理由。你是不是也面对着家里杂物太多、空间太小的烦恼?全新家居改造节目,由陈汉玮主持,每集将有室内设计师、收纳达人教你如何用小小的空间打造舒适、整齐又实用的生活环境,实现“家简尘除”!

Cast & Crew

Are you facing difficulty in space management, having issues with decluttering stuffs that are not needed. Back by popular demand, "House Everything?" season 2, will still be hosted by Chen Hanwei, assisting him is "Star Search 2019" finalist, Jernelle Oh. With the help of interior designers and declutter gurus, see how the team transform a decluttered space into a dream home. 家里杂物太多、空间太小?生活忙碌、不懂收纳、舍不得丢,是现代人囤积杂物最常见的理由。徇众要求,新系列《家简尘除》强势回归!除了灵魂人物陈汉玮继续帮观众“排忧解难”,新晋主持胡煜诗也加入担任助理,每集联手室内设计师、收纳达人,教你打造舒服又实用的生活空间,实现“家简尘除,烦恼尽除”!

Ep 1
45 mins

The debut episode features a mother, an impulsive shopper who is always reluctant to dispose unwanted stuff, and her 1-year-old child who is confined to the crib most of the time. How bad would the living room be? What are the challenges faced by the experts in order to change her mindset? 活动空间对一个成长中的幼儿很重要,如果妈妈是个冲动型购物者,又不懂得取舍,客厅堆满杂物,孩子只能待在婴儿床上,该怎么办?她家客厅到底有多糟?

Ep 1

The debut episode features a mother, an impulsive shopper who is always reluctant to dispose unwanted stuff, and her 1-year-old child who is confined to the crib most of the time. How bad would the living room be? What are the challenges faced by the experts in order to change her mindset? 活动空间对一个成长中的幼儿很重要,如果妈妈是个冲动型购物者,又不懂得取舍,客厅堆满杂物,孩子只能待在婴儿床上,该怎么办?她家客厅到底有多糟?

Ep 2
45 mins

Sharon and her family have been bothered by the cluttered state of their living room. And this has also adversely affected their family cohesiveness. What does the living room look like? Stay tuned to find out how our experts help them improve their living conditions. 如果客厅杂乱无章,家人无法好好聚在一起,只能在自己的空间各过各的,肯定会影响一家人的凝聚力。这是Sharon一家一直以来的困扰。专家们会如何帮她们“家简尘除,烦恼尽除”?

Ep 2

Sharon and her family have been bothered by the cluttered state of their living room. And this has also adversely affected their family cohesiveness. What does the living room look like? Stay tuned to find out how our experts help them improve their living conditions. 如果客厅杂乱无章,家人无法好好聚在一起,只能在自己的空间各过各的,肯定会影响一家人的凝聚力。这是Sharon一家一直以来的困扰。专家们会如何帮她们“家简尘除,烦恼尽除”?

Ep 3
45 mins

One can never imagine how disastrous a bedroom of a retired office lady can be. She used to buy a lot of clothes, but she had no storage for them. Our experts are faced with great challenges in this week's episode. Stay tuned! 房间是给人睡觉的地方,可是有个妈妈却用它堆积衣服,数量之多,令人咋舌,她甚至好几年都无法在房里睡觉,究竟她房间的情况有多糟,又会给专家们带来什么难题?

Ep 3

One can never imagine how disastrous a bedroom of a retired office lady can be. She used to buy a lot of clothes, but she had no storage for them. Our experts are faced with great challenges in this week's episode. Stay tuned! 房间是给人睡觉的地方,可是有个妈妈却用它堆积衣服,数量之多,令人咋舌,她甚至好几年都无法在房里睡觉,究竟她房间的情况有多糟,又会给专家们带来什么难题?

Ep 4
45 mins

Owning a nice and practical kitchen is a dream of every homeowner. However, it requires great effort to maintain its tidiness. How messy will be a kitchen be when there is a thrifty owner in the house? Stay tuned to find out. 厨房,是最容易囤积杂物的地方,尤其是碰到勤俭持家的“一家之煮”,今天的主角就喜欢收东西,有没有用以后再说,让主持人和专家们头疼不已。这一集的挑战,到底有多棘手?

Ep 4

Owning a nice and practical kitchen is a dream of every homeowner. However, it requires great effort to maintain its tidiness. How messy will be a kitchen be when there is a thrifty owner in the house? Stay tuned to find out. 厨房,是最容易囤积杂物的地方,尤其是碰到勤俭持家的“一家之煮”,今天的主角就喜欢收东西,有没有用以后再说,让主持人和专家们头疼不已。这一集的挑战,到底有多棘手?

Ep 5
45 mins

This episode features Anita and her mother who always fails to declutter their living room due to sentimental reasons. How will their living room look like? Stay tuned to find out how our experienced team help them solve the problems. Anita家人口简单,照理说,家里不难打理才对,可是她却寻求“家简尘除”的帮助,原来Anita父亲早逝,妈妈保留了不少跟爸爸有关的物品,往往想收拾却不懂得如何取舍,怎么办?专家们将如何帮她们解决难题?

Ep 5

This episode features Anita and her mother who always fails to declutter their living room due to sentimental reasons. How will their living room look like? Stay tuned to find out how our experienced team help them solve the problems. Anita家人口简单,照理说,家里不难打理才对,可是她却寻求“家简尘除”的帮助,原来Anita父亲早逝,妈妈保留了不少跟爸爸有关的物品,往往想收拾却不懂得如何取舍,怎么办?专家们将如何帮她们解决难题?

Ep 6
45 mins

A university student, who spends most of her time on studies, has been facing huge difficulty in decluttering. One can never get to imagine what the state of her bedroom can be. Stay tuned to find out. 年长者较有囤物习惯,但年轻人不见得就懂得收纳。如果有个已经念大学却连自己房间都不懂得收拾的女儿,妈妈应该怎么办?这个房间的情况会有多糟?专家们又将如何见招拆招?

Ep 6

A university student, who spends most of her time on studies, has been facing huge difficulty in decluttering. One can never get to imagine what the state of her bedroom can be. Stay tuned to find out. 年长者较有囤物习惯,但年轻人不见得就懂得收纳。如果有个已经念大学却连自己房间都不懂得收拾的女儿,妈妈应该怎么办?这个房间的情况会有多糟?专家们又将如何见招拆招?

Ep 7
45 mins

A mother who loves to cook for her family, claims that she doesn't know how to tidy up her messy and cluttered kitchen. What is really the issue that she is facing? Is it due to limited storage space or having too many unnecessary stuffs? 一个家的厨房是个很有爱的地方,妈妈们不管多忙多累,都会坚持下厨给家人做饭,今天的主角也爱为家人下厨,但她的心愿却是改造厨房,为什么?专家们即将面临什么样的挑战?

Ep 7

A mother who loves to cook for her family, claims that she doesn't know how to tidy up her messy and cluttered kitchen. What is really the issue that she is facing? Is it due to limited storage space or having too many unnecessary stuffs? 一个家的厨房是个很有爱的地方,妈妈们不管多忙多累,都会坚持下厨给家人做饭,今天的主角也爱为家人下厨,但她的心愿却是改造厨房,为什么?专家们即将面临什么样的挑战?

Ep 8
45 mins

A living room is the main activity space of the family, and it also houses the family's belongings. The family this week has given all sorts of reasons for a cluttered house they have. Our experts encountered the most challenging problem in this finale episode. 客厅是一家人主要活动空间,也摆放了全家人的东西,如果没人带头收拾,就会你等我我等你,结果就是堆积如山。对于家里的杂乱情况,Carrisa和家人有着各式各样的理由。在这最后一集里,专家们会遇上多艰巨的最终挑战?

Ep 8

A living room is the main activity space of the family, and it also houses the family's belongings. The family this week has given all sorts of reasons for a cluttered house they have. Our experts encountered the most challenging problem in this finale episode. 客厅是一家人主要活动空间,也摆放了全家人的东西,如果没人带头收拾,就会你等我我等你,结果就是堆积如山。对于家里的杂乱情况,Carrisa和家人有着各式各样的理由。在这最后一集里,专家们会遇上多艰巨的最终挑战?

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