Here's to Health
In "Here's to Health 11", our host Lim Peifen will discuss various health issues and share how we can promote healthy living with probiotics. She will also shed light on the importance of prevention to encourage everyone to eat and live healthily. 《健康在于你11》新系列节目再次邀请主持人林佩芬和大家一起探讨各种健康课题,分享如何通过益生菌保健,展开健康生活,阐明预防胜于治疗与自我保健的重要性,希望大家都能吃得健康、活得健康。
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Yes 933FM DJ Lin Pei Fen continues to be the host for Season 9 of Here's to Health! In this new season, together with Mediacorp artistes Hong Hui Fang, Pan Ling Ling, Tay Peng Hui and Ben Yeo, they will talk to Specialist Doctors, Microbiology Professors, Nutritionists and TCM Experts. They will help us understand and be aware of some illnesses and diseases such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease IBD, Menopause, Antibiotics and Probiotics and Vaccinations and Health. Here to Health 9 will air on Channel 8 from 25 April 2017 onwards, every two months, on Tuesday 10.30 PM to 11 PM. 8频道节目全新系列的资讯节目“健康在于你”第九系列即将播映。933 电台主播林佩芬继续接棒,以主持人的身份,和四位新传媒艺人,洪慧芳,潘玲玲,郑斌辉和杨志龙全力合作。他们登门造访专科医生,微生物专家博士,资深营养学家,资深中医师等等,一起探讨大家关注的疾病和健康话题。
In this debut episode, host Lin Pei Fen & artiste Hong Hui Fang will explore the causes and symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases IBD. Dr Seow Jun, who specializes in Intestinal diseases, will explain the symptoms, possible causes, the types, the diagnosis, the care measures and advice for IBD. 这一集的节目,主持人林佩芬和嘉宾艺人洪慧芳将探讨IBD炎性肠病。慧芳热爱美食,享受生活,但却经常被腹泻以及胀风等肠胃问题困扰,即便如此,她对肠胃疾病,尤其是炎性肠病还是一知半解。肠胃专科医生萧俊在节目中为大家讲解炎性肠病的症状,可能形成的原因,种类,以及医生确诊的简单描述。
In this debut episode, host Lin Pei Fen & artiste Hong Hui Fang will explore the causes and symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases IBD. Dr Seow Jun, who specializes in Intestinal diseases, will explain the symptoms, possible causes, the types, the diagnosis, the care measures and advice for IBD. 这一集的节目,主持人林佩芬和嘉宾艺人洪慧芳将探讨IBD炎性肠病。慧芳热爱美食,享受生活,但却经常被腹泻以及胀风等肠胃问题困扰,即便如此,她对肠胃疾病,尤其是炎性肠病还是一知半解。肠胃专科医生萧俊在节目中为大家讲解炎性肠病的症状,可能形成的原因,种类,以及医生确诊的简单描述。
Menopause tends to happen sometime between the ages of 45 and 55. A change in the menstrual cycle is often one of the first signs that estrogen is beginning to wane. In this episode, Host Pei Fen and artiste Pan Ling Ling will explore the symptoms, the after-care measures and the treatment of menopause.更年期一般发生在45-55岁之间的妇女,是当体内的雌性荷尔蒙分泌骤降,月经逐渐减少至完全停经的阶段。在这一集的节目里,主持人佩芬和嘉宾艺人潘玲玲将探讨更年期。玲玲热爱运动,享受生活,即便即将步入更年期,她对更年期还是一知半解。经过专家的协助,她对更年期有更进一层的了解。
Menopause tends to happen sometime between the ages of 45 and 55. A change in the menstrual cycle is often one of the first signs that estrogen is beginning to wane. In this episode, Host Pei Fen and artiste Pan Ling Ling will explore the symptoms, the after-care measures and the treatment of menopause.更年期一般发生在45-55岁之间的妇女,是当体内的雌性荷尔蒙分泌骤降,月经逐渐减少至完全停经的阶段。在这一集的节目里,主持人佩芬和嘉宾艺人潘玲玲将探讨更年期。玲玲热爱运动,享受生活,即便即将步入更年期,她对更年期还是一知半解。经过专家的协助,她对更年期有更进一层的了解。
Why do we need Antibiotics? Why do we need Probiotics? How do these two work when we get a virus attack and fall sick? In this episode, Tay Ping Hui who is a fitness and health enthusiast and a group of Specialists will explore the appropriate usages of antibiotics and how probiotics play a crucial role before and after taking antibiotics. 在这一集的节目里,主持人佩芬和热爱健身,注重健康的嘉宾艺人郑斌辉,连同专家团一起破解服用抗生素的迷思,并阐明益生菌在我们服用抗生素前后,其在肠道内所扮演的重要角色。(如何帮助我们预防疾病以及在服用抗生素后,...
Why do we need Antibiotics? Why do we need Probiotics? How do these two work when we get a virus attack and fall sick? In this episode, Tay Ping Hui who is a fitness and health enthusiast and a group of Specialists will explore the appropriate usages of antibiotics and how probiotics play a crucial role before and after taking antibiotics. 在这一集的节目里,主持人佩芬和热爱健身,注重健康的嘉宾艺人郑斌辉,连同专家团一起破解服用抗生素的迷思,并阐明益生菌在我们服用抗生素前后,其在肠道内所扮演的重要角色。(如何帮助我们预防疾病以及在服用抗生素后,...
In this episode, Host Pei Fen accompanied by artiste, Ben Yao, who cares much about kid's health and loves to create kid's healthy food, and a group of specialists will explore the appropriate usages of vaccinations and how the intestinal immunity are stimulated by it and by the intake of probiotics. Thus, to strengthen our body immunity...在这一集的节目里,主持人佩芬和关心小孩健康又擅长烹调小孩营养餐的嘉宾艺人杨志龙,连同专家团一起探讨疫苗接种的种类,用途以及注射预防针时该注意的事项。同时阐明益生菌如何帮助我们激活肠道的免疫细胞,进而增强身体的免疫力。
In this episode, Host Pei Fen accompanied by artiste, Ben Yao, who cares much about kid's health and loves to create kid's healthy food, and a group of specialists will explore the appropriate usages of vaccinations and how the intestinal immunity are stimulated by it and by the intake of probiotics. Thus, to strengthen our body immunity...在这一集的节目里,主持人佩芬和关心小孩健康又擅长烹调小孩营养餐的嘉宾艺人杨志龙,连同专家团一起探讨疫苗接种的种类,用途以及注射预防针时该注意的事项。同时阐明益生菌如何帮助我们激活肠道的免疫细胞,进而增强身体的免疫力。