HDB Tai Tai

HDB 太太

"HDB Tai Tai" is a 2006 Mediacorp production programme.

Cast & Crew

The 2 HDB tai tai - Chen Li Ping as Chen Tai & Kym Ng as Wong Tai - continue to source for good lobangs in heartlands! All the good, trendy, budget savvy, unique, useful products, fun things to do, food and services, you name it, we'll find it! In addition, the program would also feature beautiful HDB properties around Singapore! 阔别10年,黄太和陈太这两位HDB太太又聚在一起咯!来自香港的黄太爱美爱逛也爱炫耀,连同本土典型的auntie代表陈太,又要继续搜刮狮城组屋区的好康好料!凡是流行、划算、特别、实用、好玩、好吃、好用的都是她们的目标。此外,两位太太也将寻找近年来新兴的居家生意,还会带观众看一些装修得独具匠心的组屋!

Ep 1
23 mins

Wong Tai and Chen Tai are finally meeting up again after 10 years! In this first episode, they are going to try out an authentic Taiwan Stone Hotpot. They are also going to a plant nursery and visit a homebased "Tang Shui" (Dessert Soup) business! Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 阔别10年,黄太和陈太再次相聚!她俩首先来到一家正宗的台湾石头火锅店。接着,到花圃逛一圈后,拜访了一个用料十足,滋补养颜的居家糖水生意。记得看节目,一起搜刮狮城组屋区的好康好料!

Ep 1

Wong Tai and Chen Tai are finally meeting up again after 10 years! In this first episode, they are going to try out an authentic Taiwan Stone Hotpot. They are also going to a plant nursery and visit a homebased "Tang Shui" (Dessert Soup) business! Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 阔别10年,黄太和陈太再次相聚!她俩首先来到一家正宗的台湾石头火锅店。接着,到花圃逛一圈后,拜访了一个用料十足,滋补养颜的居家糖水生意。记得看节目,一起搜刮狮城组屋区的好康好料!

Ep 2
22 mins

In this episode, Wong Tai and Chen Tai unexpectedly had an affordable Yakiniku (Japanese grilled meats) meal in a coffee shop! In this new series of <HDB Tai Tai 4.0>, they also visit some tastefully designed HDB for inspiration. They are also going to shop for quirky lifestyle products that reminds them of childhood memories. Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 这一集,黄太和陈太在咖啡店品尝了意想不到的上等烤肉!新系列的《HDB太太 4.0》中,他们为了寻找室内装修的灵感,决定拜访一些设计独特的组屋。。。

Ep 2

In this episode, Wong Tai and Chen Tai unexpectedly had an affordable Yakiniku (Japanese grilled meats) meal in a coffee shop! In this new series of <HDB Tai Tai 4.0>, they also visit some tastefully designed HDB for inspiration. They are also going to shop for quirky lifestyle products that reminds them of childhood memories. Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 这一集,黄太和陈太在咖啡店品尝了意想不到的上等烤肉!新系列的《HDB太太 4.0》中,他们为了寻找室内装修的灵感,决定拜访一些设计独特的组屋。。。

Ep 3
22 mins

In this episode, the two tai tais attended a Amigurumi (Japanese crocheted yarn stuffed toy) workshop. They also explored the unusual baguette shop that offers bakes filled with a variety of lava fillings. Finally, they found furniture shop that sells clearance furniture at great bargain prices. Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 这一集,两位太太上了一堂课,亲手制作日本钩针娃娃。他们也将带观众,品尝各种熔岩内馅的法式面包。需要买家具的观众更可以跟着她俩,以物超所值的价格购买清仓家具!记得看节目,一起搜刮狮城组屋区的好康好料!

Ep 3

In this episode, the two tai tais attended a Amigurumi (Japanese crocheted yarn stuffed toy) workshop. They also explored the unusual baguette shop that offers bakes filled with a variety of lava fillings. Finally, they found furniture shop that sells clearance furniture at great bargain prices. Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 这一集,两位太太上了一堂课,亲手制作日本钩针娃娃。他们也将带观众,品尝各种熔岩内馅的法式面包。需要买家具的观众更可以跟着她俩,以物超所值的价格购买清仓家具!记得看节目,一起搜刮狮城组屋区的好康好料!

Ep 4
22 mins

Wong Tai and Chen Tai get a taste of France in a French dessert cafe nestled under a HDB block in Jurong this time round! They also attended a sewing class in a Japanese-style inspired handmade bags and pouches homebased workshop. Lastly, they visited a HDB with a touch of Rustic Resort style for inspiration. Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 这一次,黄太和陈太在裕廊组屋区的一家法式甜点店品尝到法国的味道。他们还结伴到一家专做日式包包的居家缝纫课学习缝纫。最后,他们拜访了一间以乡村度假风为设计元素的组屋,继续寻找灵感!记得看节目...

Ep 4

Wong Tai and Chen Tai get a taste of France in a French dessert cafe nestled under a HDB block in Jurong this time round! They also attended a sewing class in a Japanese-style inspired handmade bags and pouches homebased workshop. Lastly, they visited a HDB with a touch of Rustic Resort style for inspiration. Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 这一次,黄太和陈太在裕廊组屋区的一家法式甜点店品尝到法国的味道。他们还结伴到一家专做日式包包的居家缝纫课学习缝纫。最后,他们拜访了一间以乡村度假风为设计元素的组屋,继续寻找灵感!记得看节目...

Ep 5
22 mins

Do you know there is a restaurant that serves breakfast, brunch, and a diverse offering of African cuisine all day in Singapore? Have you ever wondered you can buy lifelike craft florals that never die? Do you also know that there is a dog water park in Singapore? Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 你知不知道你在新加坡也能找到正宗的非洲餐厅?你有没有想过,下一次你可以送或买一棵栩栩如生且“长生不老”的纸花?你又知不知道本地其实有一个狗狗水上乐园?记得看节目,和黄太、陈太一起搜刮狮城组屋区的好康好料!

Ep 5

Do you know there is a restaurant that serves breakfast, brunch, and a diverse offering of African cuisine all day in Singapore? Have you ever wondered you can buy lifelike craft florals that never die? Do you also know that there is a dog water park in Singapore? Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 你知不知道你在新加坡也能找到正宗的非洲餐厅?你有没有想过,下一次你可以送或买一棵栩栩如生且“长生不老”的纸花?你又知不知道本地其实有一个狗狗水上乐园?记得看节目,和黄太、陈太一起搜刮狮城组屋区的好康好料!

Ep 6
22 mins

In this episode, the two tai tais are going to visit a Modern Industrial style HDB. They are going to visit a nail parlor nestled in a HDB home too. Finally, come get stunned by the artisan floral Jelly cheesecakes introduced by the tai tais! Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 这一集,两位太太拜访一间以现代工业风为设计主题的组屋,也亲身体验居家美甲生意的专业服务。最后,他们将带大家前去品尝令人惊艳的花卉果冻蛋糕!记得看节目,一起搜刮狮城组屋区的好康好料!

Ep 6

In this episode, the two tai tais are going to visit a Modern Industrial style HDB. They are going to visit a nail parlor nestled in a HDB home too. Finally, come get stunned by the artisan floral Jelly cheesecakes introduced by the tai tais! Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 这一集,两位太太拜访一间以现代工业风为设计主题的组屋,也亲身体验居家美甲生意的专业服务。最后,他们将带大家前去品尝令人惊艳的花卉果冻蛋糕!记得看节目,一起搜刮狮城组屋区的好康好料!

Ep 7
22 mins

Wong Tai and Chen Tai are going to experience the new pool-based pole-dancing fitness craze. They are also going to visit an astonishing homebased handmade soap business. Then they will settle their meal in a vegetarian caf which serves Japanese fusion food. Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 这一次,黄太和陈太将尝试一项崭新的水中运动 – 水中钢管。他们也将拜访售卖精致高档手作香皂的居家生意。最后,他们到一家素食日式餐厅果腹,享受舌尖上的惊喜!记得看节目,一起搜刮狮城组屋区的好康好料!

Ep 7

Wong Tai and Chen Tai are going to experience the new pool-based pole-dancing fitness craze. They are also going to visit an astonishing homebased handmade soap business. Then they will settle their meal in a vegetarian caf which serves Japanese fusion food. Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 这一次,黄太和陈太将尝试一项崭新的水中运动 – 水中钢管。他们也将拜访售卖精致高档手作香皂的居家生意。最后,他们到一家素食日式餐厅果腹,享受舌尖上的惊喜!记得看节目,一起搜刮狮城组屋区的好康好料!

Ep 8
22 mins

In this episode, Wong Tai and Chen Tai are going to visit a Mid Century Modern style HDB. They will also be visiting a lifestyle goods shop showcasing locally crafted porcelain and souvenirs. Then, they will enjoy their snack time at the first and only tutu kueh stall that offers more than 90 flavors! Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 这一集,黄太和陈太将拜访一间以中世纪现代风为设计的组屋。他们也会带领观众,到一家售卖本地设计,独具狮城特色的瓷器纪念品商店逛逛。接着,他们会去本地第一也是唯一一家售卖超过90种口味的嘟嘟糕专卖店品尝这个本地小吃...

Ep 8

In this episode, Wong Tai and Chen Tai are going to visit a Mid Century Modern style HDB. They will also be visiting a lifestyle goods shop showcasing locally crafted porcelain and souvenirs. Then, they will enjoy their snack time at the first and only tutu kueh stall that offers more than 90 flavors! Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 这一集,黄太和陈太将拜访一间以中世纪现代风为设计的组屋。他们也会带领观众,到一家售卖本地设计,独具狮城特色的瓷器纪念品商店逛逛。接着,他们会去本地第一也是唯一一家售卖超过90种口味的嘟嘟糕专卖店品尝这个本地小吃...

Ep 9
22 mins

Have you tried premium scones that comes with unique flavors? Have you ever wondered how crochet can be handmade into bespoke jewellery? Lastly, the tai tais visited a very well-equipped homebased hair salon. Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 司康饼你肯定吃过,但是特别口味的司康饼,你品尝过吗?钩针不稀奇,但是以钩针做成的首饰绝对别出心裁!最后,太太们来到一间居家理发院,以平民化的价格享受专业无比的服务。记得看节目,一起搜刮狮城组屋区的好康好料!

Ep 9

Have you tried premium scones that comes with unique flavors? Have you ever wondered how crochet can be handmade into bespoke jewellery? Lastly, the tai tais visited a very well-equipped homebased hair salon. Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 司康饼你肯定吃过,但是特别口味的司康饼,你品尝过吗?钩针不稀奇,但是以钩针做成的首饰绝对别出心裁!最后,太太们来到一间居家理发院,以平民化的价格享受专业无比的服务。记得看节目,一起搜刮狮城组屋区的好康好料!

Ep 10
22 mins

Acrylic Pour Art has been a hip, and would you like to give it a try with the Tai Tais? Then, they explored a beverage shop that sell bubble tea but in Keto style. Lastly, join them to have a look at a HDB that is designed with Nanyang Retro Theme! Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 流体彩绘是近年来很受欢迎的手作艺术,何不和太太们一起尝试动手?接着,他们带大家去享用生酮泡泡茶。最后,一起去拜访以南洋复古风设计的住家!记得看节目,一起搜刮狮城组屋区的好康好料!

Ep 10

Acrylic Pour Art has been a hip, and would you like to give it a try with the Tai Tais? Then, they explored a beverage shop that sell bubble tea but in Keto style. Lastly, join them to have a look at a HDB that is designed with Nanyang Retro Theme! Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 流体彩绘是近年来很受欢迎的手作艺术,何不和太太们一起尝试动手?接着,他们带大家去享用生酮泡泡茶。最后,一起去拜访以南洋复古风设计的住家!记得看节目,一起搜刮狮城组屋区的好康好料!

Ep 11
22 mins

This week, Wong Tai and Chen Tai are going to learn how to make novelty Man Tou. Besides, they are going to shop refined handmade polymer clay earrings. Lastly, they visit a stall that sells exclusive authentic Thai flavor seafood. Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 这个星期,黄太和陈太除了亲手学做造型馒头,还亲自上门拜访售卖精致软陶首饰的居家生意。最后,他们将带大家去专门卖泰式口味海鲜的店,大饱口福!记得看节目,一起搜刮狮城组屋区的好康好料!

Ep 11

This week, Wong Tai and Chen Tai are going to learn how to make novelty Man Tou. Besides, they are going to shop refined handmade polymer clay earrings. Lastly, they visit a stall that sells exclusive authentic Thai flavor seafood. Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 这个星期,黄太和陈太除了亲手学做造型馒头,还亲自上门拜访售卖精致软陶首饰的居家生意。最后,他们将带大家去专门卖泰式口味海鲜的店,大饱口福!记得看节目,一起搜刮狮城组屋区的好康好料!

Ep 12
22 mins

In this episode, the tai tais are going to shop curated tableware and vintage finds from Japan and around the Asian region. Then, they are going to enjoy their hightea at a caf managed by a team of senior volunteers. Lastly, they visited a HDB home designed in Bohemian style. Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 这一集,两位太太带大家一起逛逛有趣的餐具店,为餐桌增添色彩!接着,他们到一间由乐龄义工经营的咖啡厅享受下午茶。最后,和他们一起拜访以波西米亚风为设计主题的住家!记得看节目,一起搜刮狮城组屋区的好康好料!

Ep 12

In this episode, the tai tais are going to shop curated tableware and vintage finds from Japan and around the Asian region. Then, they are going to enjoy their hightea at a caf managed by a team of senior volunteers. Lastly, they visited a HDB home designed in Bohemian style. Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 这一集,两位太太带大家一起逛逛有趣的餐具店,为餐桌增添色彩!接着,他们到一间由乐龄义工经营的咖啡厅享受下午茶。最后,和他们一起拜访以波西米亚风为设计主题的住家!记得看节目,一起搜刮狮城组屋区的好康好料!

Ep 13
22 mins

In this last episode, Wong Tai and Chen Tai had a sumptuous earth-friendly vegan meal. Then, they make their shopping experience meaningful by visiting a social enterprise that showcase the talents of artists with special needs. Lastly, they head for an interesting agar agar cake class before they bring the program to a perfect ending. Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 最后一集中,黄太和陈太来到一家环境清幽的素食餐厅享用美食。接着,他们到专卖特需人士设计商品的店逛逛,让购物别具意义。最后...

Ep 13

In this last episode, Wong Tai and Chen Tai had a sumptuous earth-friendly vegan meal. Then, they make their shopping experience meaningful by visiting a social enterprise that showcase the talents of artists with special needs. Lastly, they head for an interesting agar agar cake class before they bring the program to a perfect ending. Stay tune for good lobangs around HDB! 最后一集中,黄太和陈太来到一家环境清幽的素食餐厅享用美食。接着,他们到专卖特需人士设计商品的店逛逛,让购物别具意义。最后...


Additional Information

Suitable For All Ages