

Fixer is a group of righteous people who helps to uphold social justice, exposing the truth of reality and create social awareness. Through their reporting power and intervention, the people and issues involved can get the right attention and assistance. Thus, revealing the truth and hidden stories.线人,一群维护社会公平正义,揭露事实真相的义士,借助他们采访社会议题的力量,透过他们的介入,引起社会的关注,让事件中的人与事得到重视和关注,进而得到合理解决,让人们了解事件的真相,揭发不为人知的内幕。

Fixer is a group of righteous people who helps to uphold social justice, exposing the truth of reality and create social awareness. Through their reporting power and intervention, the people and issues involved can get the right attention and assistance. Thus, revealing the truth and hidden stories. 线人,一群维护社会公平正义,揭露事实真相的义士,借助他们采访社会议题的力量,透过他们的介入,引起社会的关注,让事件中的人与事得到重视和关注,进而得到合理解决,让人们了解事件的真相,揭发不为人知的内幕。

Ep 1
47 mins

Mindanao has always been a hotbed for terrorist activities in Philippines. Rebels use money as bait to recruit kids and train them to kill. The social turmoil, changes in family structure and poverty have resulted in kids being sold to the rebel groups by their families and were forced to join war. 棉兰老岛一直是菲律宾恐怖主义活动的温床。叛军以金钱作为诱饵,招募孩童加以训练,无知的童年记忆,沉浸在杀戮中。社会动荡时刻,家庭结构发生变革、破裂,贫困,导致一票孩童被家人卖到组织里,迫于投身战事中。

Ep 1

Mindanao has always been a hotbed for terrorist activities in Philippines. Rebels use money as bait to recruit kids and train them to kill. The social turmoil, changes in family structure and poverty have resulted in kids being sold to the rebel groups by their families and were forced to join war. 棉兰老岛一直是菲律宾恐怖主义活动的温床。叛军以金钱作为诱饵,招募孩童加以训练,无知的童年记忆,沉浸在杀戮中。社会动荡时刻,家庭结构发生变革、破裂,贫困,导致一票孩童被家人卖到组织里,迫于投身战事中。

Ep 2
45 mins

The Rohingya is a stateless ethnic minority. The ethnic cleansing has resulted in their homes being destroyed and millions of people fleeing away amid a frenzy of massacre. 罗兴亚人,是一种没有身份的背叛轻离。一场民族清洗,百万人落荒而逃,家园被毁,无情被杀。到底罗兴亚人该往哪里去?回去家乡,就是否意味着能回归平静的生活?遭遇生离死别,一颗颠沛流离的心,又该何处安放呢?

Ep 2

The Rohingya is a stateless ethnic minority. The ethnic cleansing has resulted in their homes being destroyed and millions of people fleeing away amid a frenzy of massacre. 罗兴亚人,是一种没有身份的背叛轻离。一场民族清洗,百万人落荒而逃,家园被毁,无情被杀。到底罗兴亚人该往哪里去?回去家乡,就是否意味着能回归平静的生活?遭遇生离死别,一颗颠沛流离的心,又该何处安放呢?

Ep 3
46 mins

Prato, a wholesale centre and manufacturer of women's clothing and also a city with the largest Chinese population in Europe. Local Chinese depends on Prato to survive and Prato tap on their dilignence to prosper. To the younger generation, do they consider Prato or the never known China their home? 普拉托是欧洲女装加工和批发中心,也是华人最集中的城市。当地华人靠普拉托生存和拓展;普拉托却借助华人的勤奋重整旗鼓,强化往日欧洲服装强国的地位。对年轻一代来说,这里是归宿,还是素未谋面的中国,才是家园?

Ep 3

Prato, a wholesale centre and manufacturer of women's clothing and also a city with the largest Chinese population in Europe. Local Chinese depends on Prato to survive and Prato tap on their dilignence to prosper. To the younger generation, do they consider Prato or the never known China their home? 普拉托是欧洲女装加工和批发中心,也是华人最集中的城市。当地华人靠普拉托生存和拓展;普拉托却借助华人的勤奋重整旗鼓,强化往日欧洲服装强国的地位。对年轻一代来说,这里是归宿,还是素未谋面的中国,才是家园?

Ep 4
45 mins

Osaka is the second largest city in Japan but behind the bustling neon lights and vibrancy of the city, there is the existence of a little known slum. These abandoned slum dewellers receive free meals in the park, sleep rough and wander in the streets. Lets follow Yifeng and fixer to find out more. 大阪是日本第二大城市,繁华璀璨,霓虹闪亮的背后,有谁会知道大阪有个鲜为人知的贫民窟,公园领膳食,风餐露宿,流浪街头无人关问,落难当头被人弃。让权怡凤带大家跟随着线人的脚步前往一探究竟。

Ep 4

Osaka is the second largest city in Japan but behind the bustling neon lights and vibrancy of the city, there is the existence of a little known slum. These abandoned slum dewellers receive free meals in the park, sleep rough and wander in the streets. Lets follow Yifeng and fixer to find out more. 大阪是日本第二大城市,繁华璀璨,霓虹闪亮的背后,有谁会知道大阪有个鲜为人知的贫民窟,公园领膳食,风餐露宿,流浪街头无人关问,落难当头被人弃。让权怡凤带大家跟随着线人的脚步前往一探究竟。

Ep 5
46 mins

There was a shortage of 15,000 newborns and 1800 infant deaths in Taiwan last year. In remote villages, a kid's birth marks the start of a life battle. The imperfect medical system has left parents in helplessness and misery. Should the government have a serious take on the infant medical issues? 去年,台湾少了15000个新生儿,却有1800个孩子死亡,生得少,死得多。在偏乡,孩子从出生开始,就是一场人生战役。坑坑洞洞的儿童医疗网,让家长无奈孩子无法控诉,政府是否该正视儿童医疗资源不均的问题?

Ep 5

There was a shortage of 15,000 newborns and 1800 infant deaths in Taiwan last year. In remote villages, a kid's birth marks the start of a life battle. The imperfect medical system has left parents in helplessness and misery. Should the government have a serious take on the infant medical issues? 去年,台湾少了15000个新生儿,却有1800个孩子死亡,生得少,死得多。在偏乡,孩子从出生开始,就是一场人生战役。坑坑洞洞的儿童医疗网,让家长无奈孩子无法控诉,政府是否该正视儿童医疗资源不均的问题?

Ep 6
47 mins

The low social status of Indian women, low judiciary efficiency, weak law enforcement, the patriarchal social structure, male supremacy and caste system have resulted in female rape victims not able to seek justice. How can these women be rescued and reborn under this neglected and unequal system? 印度女性社会地位低下、司法界效率低、执法力度弱、父权制社会结构、男尊女卑、种姓制度的陋习,导致印度妇女在遭受强奸侵害后,无法得到伸张正义。面对泼强酸事件,她们要如何在被忽视、不平等的制度下获救和重生?

Ep 6

The low social status of Indian women, low judiciary efficiency, weak law enforcement, the patriarchal social structure, male supremacy and caste system have resulted in female rape victims not able to seek justice. How can these women be rescued and reborn under this neglected and unequal system? 印度女性社会地位低下、司法界效率低、执法力度弱、父权制社会结构、男尊女卑、种姓制度的陋习,导致印度妇女在遭受强奸侵害后,无法得到伸张正义。面对泼强酸事件,她们要如何在被忽视、不平等的制度下获救和重生?

Ep 7
47 mins

Fortune is everywhere in Raub of Pahang, Malaysia and everyone is a millionaire there. The economic benfits are brought about by the Mao Shan Wang durians and durian farm owners in Sungai Klau have admitted that they have hit the jackpot. How can durian indulgence develop into a national industry? 马来西亚彭亨州的劳勿县仿佛遍地黄金,拿块石头随便丢,都可以砸到一个百万富翁。说的是榴梿猫山王带来的经济效益。双溪吉流的榴梿园主都自认押对了宝,吃榴梿从纯味蕾享受发展至国民产业,到底是怎样的一番风雨路?

Ep 7

Fortune is everywhere in Raub of Pahang, Malaysia and everyone is a millionaire there. The economic benfits are brought about by the Mao Shan Wang durians and durian farm owners in Sungai Klau have admitted that they have hit the jackpot. How can durian indulgence develop into a national industry? 马来西亚彭亨州的劳勿县仿佛遍地黄金,拿块石头随便丢,都可以砸到一个百万富翁。说的是榴梿猫山王带来的经济效益。双溪吉流的榴梿园主都自认押对了宝,吃榴梿从纯味蕾享受发展至国民产业,到底是怎样的一番风雨路?

Ep 8
45 mins

The Ganges River assumes many past and present lives. The Hindus believe that the river is flown out of Shiva's hair and it's a sacred place which can wash away sins, cleanse souls and redeem for rebirth. Life is full of sins and atonement and Indians have their own views on life and death. 印度恒河承载着人们的前世今生。兴都徒相信恒河是由湿婆的头发流出来的,它可洗去身上所有罪孽,视之为洗涤灵魂不洁的净身圣地,给思维轮回带来救赎。人生罪恶苦难当,一生一世赎罪忙。印度人的生死观自有一番见解。

Ep 8

The Ganges River assumes many past and present lives. The Hindus believe that the river is flown out of Shiva's hair and it's a sacred place which can wash away sins, cleanse souls and redeem for rebirth. Life is full of sins and atonement and Indians have their own views on life and death. 印度恒河承载着人们的前世今生。兴都徒相信恒河是由湿婆的头发流出来的,它可洗去身上所有罪孽,视之为洗涤灵魂不洁的净身圣地,给思维轮回带来救赎。人生罪恶苦难当,一生一世赎罪忙。印度人的生死观自有一番见解。

Ep 9
45 mins

The Citarium River in Indonesia is one of the dirtiest rivers in the world. The pollution issue has become a public health hazard. The villagers are the innocent victims who have no where to lodge complaints. Will their grievences be heard by the authority and improve on the detoriating condition? 印度尼西亚的芝塔龙河,是全世界最肮脏的河流之一。河流的污染问题已演变成公共健康危。村民是殃及池鱼的无辜者,无处可投诉的苦楚,日复一日的恶性循环,哪一天才会得到妥善的处理,他们的心声执政者听得到吗?

Ep 9

The Citarium River in Indonesia is one of the dirtiest rivers in the world. The pollution issue has become a public health hazard. The villagers are the innocent victims who have no where to lodge complaints. Will their grievences be heard by the authority and improve on the detoriating condition? 印度尼西亚的芝塔龙河,是全世界最肮脏的河流之一。河流的污染问题已演变成公共健康危。村民是殃及池鱼的无辜者,无处可投诉的苦楚,日复一日的恶性循环,哪一天才会得到妥善的处理,他们的心声执政者听得到吗?

Ep 10
45 mins

A group of people in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, who speaks the ancient Shaanxi and Gansu dialects, called themselves the Dungan. They have settled down in the foreign land and influenced by the fortright nature of the horse-backed nation. Let's us take a look at the culture and life of the Dungan. 在哈萨克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦,有一族群自称为东干人。说的是古老的陕西和甘肃话。来到异乡,马背民族的豪爽天性,感染了离乡背井的东干人,风霜雨露,落地生根。让我们跟着线人一起了解东干人的文化和目前生活状况。

Ep 10

A group of people in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, who speaks the ancient Shaanxi and Gansu dialects, called themselves the Dungan. They have settled down in the foreign land and influenced by the fortright nature of the horse-backed nation. Let's us take a look at the culture and life of the Dungan. 在哈萨克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦,有一族群自称为东干人。说的是古老的陕西和甘肃话。来到异乡,马背民族的豪爽天性,感染了离乡背井的东干人,风霜雨露,落地生根。让我们跟着线人一起了解东干人的文化和目前生活状况。

Ep 11
46 mins

Malta is known as the heart of the Mediterranean and a transiting centre for African and Middle Eastern refugees who were desperately fleeding to Europe in early years. Malta has accepted these refugees since 2002. Let's follow the fixer to find out about these refugees and listen to their stories. 有地中海心脏之称的马耳他,是欧洲游客的度假胜地。早年曾是非洲和中东难民越洋出逃,汲汲登陆欧洲的中转站。自零二年开始,马尔他就接受这一批批的难民,让我们随线人准备踏上这条难民课题的列车,聆听他们的故事。

Ep 11

Malta is known as the heart of the Mediterranean and a transiting centre for African and Middle Eastern refugees who were desperately fleeding to Europe in early years. Malta has accepted these refugees since 2002. Let's follow the fixer to find out about these refugees and listen to their stories. 有地中海心脏之称的马耳他,是欧洲游客的度假胜地。早年曾是非洲和中东难民越洋出逃,汲汲登陆欧洲的中转站。自零二年开始,马尔他就接受这一批批的难民,让我们随线人准备踏上这条难民课题的列车,聆听他们的故事。

Ep 12
46 mins

Medical insurance only provides treatment coverage but not happiness. The greatest challenge for nursing homes in Japan is how to make the elderly live happily. The nursing homes in Nagoya have special services to attract the elderly. Let's follow the fixer to uncover the truth about these homes. 医疗保险通常只是提供治疗保障,不考虑幸福感的需求,如何让老人快乐地活下去,是日本托老所面临的最大挑战。名古屋的老人院就有奇招,贴心服务,老人家争相前来。这一集就让线人为我们揭开托老所的真实现状。

Ep 12

Medical insurance only provides treatment coverage but not happiness. The greatest challenge for nursing homes in Japan is how to make the elderly live happily. The nursing homes in Nagoya have special services to attract the elderly. Let's follow the fixer to uncover the truth about these homes. 医疗保险通常只是提供治疗保障,不考虑幸福感的需求,如何让老人快乐地活下去,是日本托老所面临的最大挑战。名古屋的老人院就有奇招,贴心服务,老人家争相前来。这一集就让线人为我们揭开托老所的真实现状。

Ep 13
46 mins

Palawan, a diving and snorkeling paradise, is the last ecological land in Philippines. Due to economic interests and no environmental awareness, the forests are cash cows and illegal logging is rampant. Let's follow fixer to the forest to track down illegal loggers and learn about illegal logging. 巴拉望岛是潜水和浮潜的乐园,也是菲律宾最后一块生态净土,因为经济利益的关系,环保意识的不普及,将森林视为摇钱树,非法砍伐活动猖獗。让我们跟随线人走进森林,追踪非法伐木者, 了解当地非法砍伐的问题。

Ep 13

Palawan, a diving and snorkeling paradise, is the last ecological land in Philippines. Due to economic interests and no environmental awareness, the forests are cash cows and illegal logging is rampant. Let's follow fixer to the forest to track down illegal loggers and learn about illegal logging. 巴拉望岛是潜水和浮潜的乐园,也是菲律宾最后一块生态净土,因为经济利益的关系,环保意识的不普及,将森林视为摇钱树,非法砍伐活动猖獗。让我们跟随线人走进森林,追踪非法伐木者, 了解当地非法砍伐的问题。

Additional Information

Parental guidance advised for young children