Curious City
小岛国 大发现
"Curious City" aims to explore and discover the interesting facts around Singapore that goes unnoticed by the public. Armed with unlimited curiosity for the undiscovered, our 3 vibrant and young hosts will lead audiences every week on a fun journey to explore and learn about the many unknown and quirky facts that are hidden everywhere inside our island country. 秉持“求知欲就是人类不断进步“的精神!《小岛国大发现》这个节目就要带大家探索和了解更多有关新加坡大小事物。3位脑洞大开的鬼马主持人对生活充满奇思妙想,绝对“三个臭皮匠,胜过一个诸葛亮“。每周1次引领观众分其道而思之,并带领大众往知识盲区前进!
Cast & Crew
- Oldest First
- Newest First
Do you know what underground projects are there in Singapore? Do you know the elite force that responds to security breaches in prison? Do you know how is the weather forecasted? "Curious City 2" explores and uncovers the lesser-known facts around Singapore! Follow us once a week as the hosts lead us on a whimsical journey, unravelling secrets as they delve into the unknown. 你知道新加坡地底下有哪些浩大工程吗?你知道新加坡哪支精英部队负责确保监狱的安全?你知道新加坡的天气预报是如何预测的吗?秉持“求知欲就是人类不断进步“的精神,《小岛国大发现》第二系列回来了!全新的系列,全新的主持搭档,每周1次带领大家探索与了解更多有关新加坡的大小事物,继续往知识盲区前进!
Three hosts with curiosity explore various interesting facts of Singapore. Online shopping has become a common habit among the locals. Do you know what happens behind the scenes of an online grocery store? Ever wondered what happens when a heavy vehicle overturns in the tunnel of an expressway? Have you heard of the WeCare Room hidden in the MRT stations? Stay tuned for the answers! 三位主持人带着满满地好奇心到处挖掘有关新加坡的大小事。网购已经成为国人的生活习惯之一,你是否知道网上超市是如何运作的...
Three hosts with curiosity explore various interesting facts of Singapore. Online shopping has become a common habit among the locals. Do you know what happens behind the scenes of an online grocery store? Ever wondered what happens when a heavy vehicle overturns in the tunnel of an expressway? Have you heard of the WeCare Room hidden in the MRT stations? Stay tuned for the answers! 三位主持人带着满满地好奇心到处挖掘有关新加坡的大小事。网购已经成为国人的生活习惯之一,你是否知道网上超市是如何运作的...
Pawnbroking industry has developed in Singapore for hundreds of years. Do you know what pawn shops do besides pawning? Have you ever wondered how long the flower changeover period is for the Flower Dome at Gardens by the Bay? What assistance does the highway rescue team provide when encountering a traffic accident or vehicle breakdown on the highway? 当店在新加坡已有上百年的历史,你是否知道当店除了典当金器还有哪些服务?当店的库房你见过吗?跟随主持人一起去找答案!滨海湾花园的花穹主题花展的换花期有多长呢?花宆里的植物都在哪儿进行培植...
Pawnbroking industry has developed in Singapore for hundreds of years. Do you know what pawn shops do besides pawning? Have you ever wondered how long the flower changeover period is for the Flower Dome at Gardens by the Bay? What assistance does the highway rescue team provide when encountering a traffic accident or vehicle breakdown on the highway? 当店在新加坡已有上百年的历史,你是否知道当店除了典当金器还有哪些服务?当店的库房你见过吗?跟随主持人一起去找答案!滨海湾花园的花穹主题花展的换花期有多长呢?花宆里的植物都在哪儿进行培植...
Have you heard of the SPEAR Force? How does this elite team help to keep Singapore's prisons safe and secure? Bloobin is everywhere around us. How long have the Bloobin been in Singapore? What challenges do Materials Recovery Facility face? How do we recycle right? Catch our hosts as they travel around Singapore to uncover the answers. 主持人来到了樟宜监狱找答案,监狱里的哪一支精英部队是囚犯闻风丧胆的呢?他们如何确保监狱里的安全?你知道在新加坡随处可见的蓝色回收箱已有多少年历史?到底有多少回收物能再循环使用?资源回收设施面对哪些棘手的问题...
Have you heard of the SPEAR Force? How does this elite team help to keep Singapore's prisons safe and secure? Bloobin is everywhere around us. How long have the Bloobin been in Singapore? What challenges do Materials Recovery Facility face? How do we recycle right? Catch our hosts as they travel around Singapore to uncover the answers. 主持人来到了樟宜监狱找答案,监狱里的哪一支精英部队是囚犯闻风丧胆的呢?他们如何确保监狱里的安全?你知道在新加坡随处可见的蓝色回收箱已有多少年历史?到底有多少回收物能再循环使用?资源回收设施面对哪些棘手的问题...
The hosts visited Home Team Academy to experience the training of the prison officers. What does the training involve? All MRT stations have platform screen doors for public safety. Do you know the consequences of obstructing platform screen doors? Ever wondered how does Singapore's only guide dog trainer train guide dogs for the visually impaired? 主持人到内政群英学院体验监狱官的训练,监狱官的培训有哪些?全岛的地铁站都装置了月台屏门保护公众的安全,你知道刻意阻碍地铁月台屏门关闭有什么后果吗?另外...
The hosts visited Home Team Academy to experience the training of the prison officers. What does the training involve? All MRT stations have platform screen doors for public safety. Do you know the consequences of obstructing platform screen doors? Ever wondered how does Singapore's only guide dog trainer train guide dogs for the visually impaired? 主持人到内政群英学院体验监狱官的训练,监狱官的培训有哪些?全岛的地铁站都装置了月台屏门保护公众的安全,你知道刻意阻碍地铁月台屏门关闭有什么后果吗?另外...
There's a Visual Arts Hub hidden in Changi Prison? Why is there a visual arts hub in the prison? Also, what kind of maintenance work happens behind the scenes at E-commerce logistic hub? Virtualisation technology is now all around us, do you know the differences between AR, VR, MR and XR in virtual technologies? Stay tuned to find out more! 主持人带你解锁樟宜监狱视觉艺术中心。为什么监狱里设有艺术中心?这是为谁而设的?物流中心每天处理成千上万的包裹,如何确保运作顺畅?一起跟随主持人了解幕后的维护工作!另外,在这科技爆炸的时代...
There's a Visual Arts Hub hidden in Changi Prison? Why is there a visual arts hub in the prison? Also, what kind of maintenance work happens behind the scenes at E-commerce logistic hub? Virtualisation technology is now all around us, do you know the differences between AR, VR, MR and XR in virtual technologies? Stay tuned to find out more! 主持人带你解锁樟宜监狱视觉艺术中心。为什么监狱里设有艺术中心?这是为谁而设的?物流中心每天处理成千上万的包裹,如何确保运作顺畅?一起跟随主持人了解幕后的维护工作!另外,在这科技爆炸的时代...
The locally made snack "salted egg fish skin" has gained popularity. What's the secret to its success? Curious about the number of checkpoints in Singapore? Join the hosts to explore the operations of the Tuas Checkpoint! Have you ever heard of the "Special Task Squadron" STSfrom Police Coast Guard? Discover how STS ensures the safety of Singapore's waters? 本地人气食品“咸蛋鱼皮”为什么会爆红?到底有什么秘密武器?新加坡享有最安全国家的美誉,守护国家海域和边境的天使功不可没。究竟全岛共有多少个关卡...
The locally made snack "salted egg fish skin" has gained popularity. What's the secret to its success? Curious about the number of checkpoints in Singapore? Join the hosts to explore the operations of the Tuas Checkpoint! Have you ever heard of the "Special Task Squadron" STSfrom Police Coast Guard? Discover how STS ensures the safety of Singapore's waters? 本地人气食品“咸蛋鱼皮”为什么会爆红?到底有什么秘密武器?新加坡享有最安全国家的美誉,守护国家海域和边境的天使功不可没。究竟全岛共有多少个关卡...
Learning to fly a private jet has become a local pastime. What are the requirements for obtaining a private pilot license? Have you heard of "letter quality checkers"? What is their job scope? Let's explore behind the scenes Asia's largest cruise ship with our hosts! How much food storage is required for a cruise journey? How do the large laundry rooms operate? 学驾驶私人飞机已成为本地人的嗜好之一,但要考获私人飞行执照需具备哪些条件?你是否见过“信箱质检员“?他们的工作职责究竟是什么?另外...
Learning to fly a private jet has become a local pastime. What are the requirements for obtaining a private pilot license? Have you heard of "letter quality checkers"? What is their job scope? Let's explore behind the scenes Asia's largest cruise ship with our hosts! How much food storage is required for a cruise journey? How do the large laundry rooms operate? 学驾驶私人飞机已成为本地人的嗜好之一,但要考获私人飞行执照需具备哪些条件?你是否见过“信箱质检员“?他们的工作职责究竟是什么?另外...
How to dispose of e-waste properly to achieve the goal of zero waste? Have you seen the cleaning process of ancient Chinese paintings? How to clean them without any damage? The use of equine-assisted therapy is on the rise. Do you know what role horses play in this healing process? Catch us in this episode to find out more! 迈向零废弃总蓝图目标,如何妥善处理电子垃圾?大型家电要如何回收?你见过古书画清洗的过程吗?如何清洗才能确保书画完好无损呢?另外,越来越多人接受马术心理疗法,马儿是如何成为人类的心灵伴侣帮助人类增强自信?哪些人士适合接受马术心理治疗呢...
How to dispose of e-waste properly to achieve the goal of zero waste? Have you seen the cleaning process of ancient Chinese paintings? How to clean them without any damage? The use of equine-assisted therapy is on the rise. Do you know what role horses play in this healing process? Catch us in this episode to find out more! 迈向零废弃总蓝图目标,如何妥善处理电子垃圾?大型家电要如何回收?你见过古书画清洗的过程吗?如何清洗才能确保书画完好无损呢?另外,越来越多人接受马术心理疗法,马儿是如何成为人类的心灵伴侣帮助人类增强自信?哪些人士适合接受马术心理治疗呢...
What materials are used to construct eco-friendly houses on Lazarus Island? The newly opened Punggol Regional Library is popular among young families. In addition to the toy library area, what other facilities are available? How does "Bird Paradise" ensure the well-being of the birds within the park? What advanced facilities are available at the Avian Healthcare Centre? 这一集我们来到来了拉扎鲁斯岛!岛上的环保小屋是由什么特别的建材打造而成?全新的榜鹅区域图书馆非常受年轻家庭欢迎,里面设有本地首个玩具图书馆...
What materials are used to construct eco-friendly houses on Lazarus Island? The newly opened Punggol Regional Library is popular among young families. In addition to the toy library area, what other facilities are available? How does "Bird Paradise" ensure the well-being of the birds within the park? What advanced facilities are available at the Avian Healthcare Centre? 这一集我们来到来了拉扎鲁斯岛!岛上的环保小屋是由什么特别的建材打造而成?全新的榜鹅区域图书馆非常受年轻家庭欢迎,里面设有本地首个玩具图书馆...
Have you ever wondered where the cable car cabins go after off service? What kind of maintenance work takes place behind the scenes for cable cars? Also, do you know how traditional rice wine is brewed? The brewing process is filled with knowledge. Have you noticed the yellow recycle bins around? What is their purpose? How can clothing recycling help reduce waste? 新加坡缆车伴随国人近半世纪,你可想过缆车夜间休班后会去哪里?缆车会进行怎样的定期检查?另外,你是否知道新加坡传统米酒由什么酿成?酿酒工序看似简单...
Have you ever wondered where the cable car cabins go after off service? What kind of maintenance work takes place behind the scenes for cable cars? Also, do you know how traditional rice wine is brewed? The brewing process is filled with knowledge. Have you noticed the yellow recycle bins around? What is their purpose? How can clothing recycling help reduce waste? 新加坡缆车伴随国人近半世纪,你可想过缆车夜间休班后会去哪里?缆车会进行怎样的定期检查?另外,你是否知道新加坡传统米酒由什么酿成?酿酒工序看似简单...
Strawberries can be grown in Singapore! Let's step into an indoor farm to learn about the cultivation process of "tropical strawberries"! Automated technology is widely used nowadays, how do robots serve the public in libraries? How does the Meteorological Service Singapore make accurate weather forecasts? How do weather balloons gather meteorological data? 夏日炎炎的小岛国竟然可培植出香甜草莓!一起走进室内农场了解热带草莓的培植过程。自动化科技在本地逐渐普及化,淡滨尼区域图书馆的智能机器人负责哪些工作...
Strawberries can be grown in Singapore! Let's step into an indoor farm to learn about the cultivation process of "tropical strawberries"! Automated technology is widely used nowadays, how do robots serve the public in libraries? How does the Meteorological Service Singapore make accurate weather forecasts? How do weather balloons gather meteorological data? 夏日炎炎的小岛国竟然可培植出香甜草莓!一起走进室内农场了解热带草莓的培植过程。自动化科技在本地逐渐普及化,淡滨尼区域图书馆的智能机器人负责哪些工作...
Paramedics strive to save lives every moment. What medical tools are available in an ambulance to assist paramedics in effectively treating patients? Besides Bloobin, have you heard of the "rebottle machine "? How does it work? The sharp senses of K9 police dogs aid in solving various cases. Are you aware that police dogs are categorized into 5 groups? What are their roles in law enforcement? 生命一线间,救护人员挽救生命分秒必争,救护车内有哪些医疗设备和功能能协助救护人员更有效地救治伤者...
Paramedics strive to save lives every moment. What medical tools are available in an ambulance to assist paramedics in effectively treating patients? Besides Bloobin, have you heard of the "rebottle machine "? How does it work? The sharp senses of K9 police dogs aid in solving various cases. Are you aware that police dogs are categorized into 5 groups? What are their roles in law enforcement? 生命一线间,救护人员挽救生命分秒必争,救护车内有哪些医疗设备和功能能协助救护人员更有效地救治伤者...
Join the hosts at Changi Airport's arrival hall to explore the digital technologies enhancing clearance efficiency at the border checkpoints. How do bird trainers at" Bird Paradise" train birds to follow their commands and perform in the show? Were you aware that Singapore has an underground cable tunnel network? What are some features found there? 最后一集,跟随主持人来到新加坡樟宜机场的入境大厅,边境关卡使用哪些数码科技来提升通关效率?亚洲最大的飞禽公园“鸟类天堂”的训鸟师是如何训练飞禽类听从指令,并在全新的表演场地进行表演...
Join the hosts at Changi Airport's arrival hall to explore the digital technologies enhancing clearance efficiency at the border checkpoints. How do bird trainers at" Bird Paradise" train birds to follow their commands and perform in the show? Were you aware that Singapore has an underground cable tunnel network? What are some features found there? 最后一集,跟随主持人来到新加坡樟宜机场的入境大厅,边境关卡使用哪些数码科技来提升通关效率?亚洲最大的飞禽公园“鸟类天堂”的训鸟师是如何训练飞禽类听从指令,并在全新的表演场地进行表演...
Additional Information
Premiered | 2023 |
Genres | variety |
Seasons | 2 |