Arts Guide
Art originates from our daily life! Viewers can see artists using their expertise to tell stories and also understand the different arts scene and local arts culture through different segments of each episode. Let's see how the hosts display their creativity and get involved in many art creations. 艺术,源于生活!每集节目将会介绍一个艺术主题。观众透过不同单元,将见识到艺术家如何利用专长来呈现故事、了解各个艺术领域的基本知识、认识本地的艺术文化。最后,看主持人如何发挥创意,亲身参与各种艺术创作。
Cast & Crew
Producer | Molby Low |
- Oldest First
- Newest First
Art originates from our daily life! Viewers can see artists using their expertise to tell stories and also understand the different arts scene and local arts culture through different segments of each episode. Let's see how the hosts display their creativity and get involved in many art creations. 艺术,源于生活!每集节目将会介绍一个艺术主题。观众透过不同单元,将见识到艺术家如何利用专长来呈现故事、了解各个艺术领域的基本知识、认识本地的艺术文化。最后,看主持人如何发挥创意,亲身参与各种艺术创作。
The topic is Western painting. A sand artist presents a story through sand art. Hosts talk to art lecturers to understand various schools of Western painting and mural artist on mural creation. A visit to the ArtScience Museum to experience art installation which combines painting with technology. 这集的主题是西方绘画。主持人请来沙画师,让他以沙画的形式呈现一段故事。他们也找了艺术学院讲师介绍西方绘画流派。主持人还拜访壁画家,了解壁画创作。最后走访艺术科学博物馆,体验结合了绘画与科技的艺术装置。
The topic is Western painting. A sand artist presents a story through sand art. Hosts talk to art lecturers to understand various schools of Western painting and mural artist on mural creation. A visit to the ArtScience Museum to experience art installation which combines painting with technology. 这集的主题是西方绘画。主持人请来沙画师,让他以沙画的形式呈现一段故事。他们也找了艺术学院讲师介绍西方绘画流派。主持人还拜访壁画家,了解壁画创作。最后走访艺术科学博物馆,体验结合了绘画与科技的艺术装置。
The topic is ink painting. Model building experts and host team up to tell the story of Qi Baishi. Local artists explain on the basic knowledge of ink painting. A visit to the National Art Museum to learn about the works of local pioneers and also demonstration on the unique artwork of watermarking. 这集的主题是水墨画。主持人邀请积木模型专家,和他联手讲述齐白石的故事。他们也请来本地水墨画家讲解水墨画的基本知识。接着走访国家美术馆,认识本地先驱画家的作品。他们还示范如何用浮水印法做出独特的艺术品。
The topic is ink painting. Model building experts and host team up to tell the story of Qi Baishi. Local artists explain on the basic knowledge of ink painting. A visit to the National Art Museum to learn about the works of local pioneers and also demonstration on the unique artwork of watermarking. 这集的主题是水墨画。主持人邀请积木模型专家,和他联手讲述齐白石的故事。他们也请来本地水墨画家讲解水墨画的基本知识。接着走访国家美术馆,认识本地先驱画家的作品。他们还示范如何用浮水印法做出独特的艺术品。
The topic is filmmaking. The experts use computer embroidery skills to tell the story of Charlie Chaplin. Art lecturer introduces the basic knowledge of films and a visit to Asian Film Archive to understand the importance of film archive. Hosts also demonstrate how to make DIY holographic projector. 这集的主题是电影。看专家如何利用电脑刺绣技艺,协助主持人讲述电影人物卓别林的故事!艺术学院讲师介绍电影的基本知识。接着,到亚洲电影资料馆了解电影保存的重要性。最后,主持人将示范如何自制全息投影仪。
The topic is filmmaking. The experts use computer embroidery skills to tell the story of Charlie Chaplin. Art lecturer introduces the basic knowledge of films and a visit to Asian Film Archive to understand the importance of film archive. Hosts also demonstrate how to make DIY holographic projector. 这集的主题是电影。看专家如何利用电脑刺绣技艺,协助主持人讲述电影人物卓别林的故事!艺术学院讲师介绍电影的基本知识。接着,到亚洲电影资料馆了解电影保存的重要性。最后,主持人将示范如何自制全息投影仪。
The topic is western dance! Graffiti expert paints up a story of a prominent ballet dancer for her contribution. A professional dance teacher is invited to share on ballet and modern dance. Local hip-hop culture is also featured and hosts learn Zumba, a fitness exercise which is evolved from dance.这集主题是西方舞蹈。涂鸦高手将会画出一位对芭蕾舞有着重要贡献的人物故事。主持人请来专业舞蹈老师,分享芭蕾舞和现代舞的资讯。他们会介绍本地的街舞文化。最后,学习Zumba,一项由舞蹈演变而成的健身运动。
The topic is western dance! Graffiti expert paints up a story of a prominent ballet dancer for her contribution. A professional dance teacher is invited to share on ballet and modern dance. Local hip-hop culture is also featured and hosts learn Zumba, a fitness exercise which is evolved from dance.这集主题是西方舞蹈。涂鸦高手将会画出一位对芭蕾舞有着重要贡献的人物故事。主持人请来专业舞蹈老师,分享芭蕾舞和现代舞的资讯。他们会介绍本地的街舞文化。最后,学习Zumba,一项由舞蹈演变而成的健身运动。
The topic is Chinese dance. Experts use paper circuit to create and present the story of Chinese dance history! Experts to share the basic knowledge of Chinese dance. Hosts also visit the lion dance coach to learn about this traditional Chinese folk dance. The hosts demonstrate how to make DIY fans.第五集的主题是华族舞蹈。专家将用纸质电路来创作,展示出华族舞蹈的历史故事!接着,主持人邀请专家分享华族舞蹈的基本资讯。他们也拜访舞狮教练,认识这项传统的汉族民间舞蹈。最后,主持人会教导如何制作扇子。
The topic is Chinese dance. Experts use paper circuit to create and present the story of Chinese dance history! Experts to share the basic knowledge of Chinese dance. Hosts also visit the lion dance coach to learn about this traditional Chinese folk dance. The hosts demonstrate how to make DIY fans.第五集的主题是华族舞蹈。专家将用纸质电路来创作,展示出华族舞蹈的历史故事!接着,主持人邀请专家分享华族舞蹈的基本资讯。他们也拜访舞狮教练,认识这项传统的汉族民间舞蹈。最后,主持人会教导如何制作扇子。
The topic is text design. Experts use the caricature painting style to tell story of the inventor of Chinese characters. Experts to share the basic knowledge of Chinese characters. Also featured is the gradually phased out traditional typography. Hosts demonstrate how we can design unique tote bags.这集的主题是文字设计。专家将用大头漫画的绘画风格,讲述汉字发明者的故事。主持人也请来专家分享汉字的基本知识。接着,他们将介绍一种逐渐淘汰的传统活版印刷技术。最后,他们会示范如何设计出独一无二的手提袋。
The topic is text design. Experts use the caricature painting style to tell story of the inventor of Chinese characters. Experts to share the basic knowledge of Chinese characters. Also featured is the gradually phased out traditional typography. Hosts demonstrate how we can design unique tote bags.这集的主题是文字设计。专家将用大头漫画的绘画风格,讲述汉字发明者的故事。主持人也请来专家分享汉字的基本知识。接着,他们将介绍一种逐渐淘汰的传统活版印刷技术。最后,他们会示范如何设计出独一无二的手提袋。
The topic of this episode is western music. A silhouette artist skilfully cuts out the portrait of famous musician, Beethoven. The hosts visit the local Kids' philharmonic@sg to learn more about symphonic band. They meet up a local acapella group and also demonstrate how to play the glass harmonica. 第七集的主题是西方音乐。人像剪影师将用巧手剪出著名音乐家贝多芬的人像。主持人走访本地少儿交响乐团,了解交响乐团的基本资讯。接着,他们将介绍本地的阿卡贝拉社区团体。最后,主持人会示范玻璃竖琴的演奏方法。
The topic of this episode is western music. A silhouette artist skilfully cuts out the portrait of famous musician, Beethoven. The hosts visit the local Kids' philharmonic@sg to learn more about symphonic band. They meet up a local acapella group and also demonstrate how to play the glass harmonica. 第七集的主题是西方音乐。人像剪影师将用巧手剪出著名音乐家贝多芬的人像。主持人走访本地少儿交响乐团,了解交响乐团的基本资讯。接着,他们将介绍本地的阿卡贝拉社区团体。最后,主持人会示范玻璃竖琴的演奏方法。
The topic of this episode is Chinese music. A cartoonist is invited to draw and tell the story of musician Bo Ya and Zhong Ziqi. The hosts visit the Singapore Chinese Orchestra to learn more about Chinese orchestra. They also introduce the powerful 24 Festival Drums and how to make a rattle drum. 这集的主题是华乐。主持人请来漫画家,画出琴师伯牙与钟子期的故事。接着,拜访新加坡华乐团,了解华乐团的基本知识。他们也会带领观众,认识激昂澎湃的鼓乐表演 - 二十四节令鼓!最后,主持人会教导如何制作拨浪鼓。
The topic of this episode is Chinese music. A cartoonist is invited to draw and tell the story of musician Bo Ya and Zhong Ziqi. The hosts visit the Singapore Chinese Orchestra to learn more about Chinese orchestra. They also introduce the powerful 24 Festival Drums and how to make a rattle drum. 这集的主题是华乐。主持人请来漫画家,画出琴师伯牙与钟子期的故事。接着,拜访新加坡华乐团,了解华乐团的基本知识。他们也会带领观众,认识激昂澎湃的鼓乐表演 - 二十四节令鼓!最后,主持人会教导如何制作拨浪鼓。
The topic of this episode is theatre arts. An illustrator animates his drawings to tell the story of Shakespeare. The hosts visit the Esplanade to learn more about theatre arts. They visit a local theatre group to help out as backstage crew and also demonstrate how to work on a shadow theatre show.第九集的主题是剧场艺术。插画家把插画转为动画,呈现莎士比亚的故事。接着,主持人前往滨海艺术中心,了解剧场艺术的基本知识。他们也走访本地剧团,参与剧场表演的后台工作。最后,他们将示范"影子剧场"的做法。
The topic of this episode is theatre arts. An illustrator animates his drawings to tell the story of Shakespeare. The hosts visit the Esplanade to learn more about theatre arts. They visit a local theatre group to help out as backstage crew and also demonstrate how to work on a shadow theatre show.第九集的主题是剧场艺术。插画家把插画转为动画,呈现莎士比亚的故事。接着,主持人前往滨海艺术中心,了解剧场艺术的基本知识。他们也走访本地剧团,参与剧场表演的后台工作。最后,他们将示范"影子剧场"的做法。
The topic of this episode is juggling. Experts use 3D printing technology to help in narrating the story of juggling. The hosts invite a group of jugglers to share on juggling. The hosts visit a busker to learn about his life as a street juggler and also demonstrate how to make a DIY juggling ball.这集的主题是杂耍。专家用3D打印技术做出物品,协助讲述杂耍有关的故事。主持人也请来社区杂耍兴趣小组的成员,分享杂耍的基本知识。接着拜访街头杂耍艺人,了解街头杂耍的点滴。最后,他们将教导如何自制杂耍球!
The topic of this episode is juggling. Experts use 3D printing technology to help in narrating the story of juggling. The hosts invite a group of jugglers to share on juggling. The hosts visit a busker to learn about his life as a street juggler and also demonstrate how to make a DIY juggling ball.这集的主题是杂耍。专家用3D打印技术做出物品,协助讲述杂耍有关的故事。主持人也请来社区杂耍兴趣小组的成员,分享杂耍的基本知识。接着拜访街头杂耍艺人,了解街头杂耍的点滴。最后,他们将教导如何自制杂耍球!
The topic of this episode is sculpting. An artist sketches out the story of Michelangelo and the hosts invite a sculptor to share about sculpting. They also visit Singapore Mint to learn about the relief art on commemorative coins and medallion. The hosts also demonstrate how to make a paper mâché.这集的主题是雕塑!画家用写生的方式创作,协助讲述米开朗基罗的故事。接着,主持人请来雕塑家分享相关知识。他们也前往新加坡造币厂,认识纪念币和纪念章上的浮雕技艺。最后,主持人会示范混凝纸浆雕塑品的做法!
The topic of this episode is sculpting. An artist sketches out the story of Michelangelo and the hosts invite a sculptor to share about sculpting. They also visit Singapore Mint to learn about the relief art on commemorative coins and medallion. The hosts also demonstrate how to make a paper mâché.这集的主题是雕塑!画家用写生的方式创作,协助讲述米开朗基罗的故事。接着,主持人请来雕塑家分享相关知识。他们也前往新加坡造币厂,认识纪念币和纪念章上的浮雕技艺。最后,主持人会示范混凝纸浆雕塑品的做法!
The topic of this episode is photography. An artist uses cardboard to tell the story of the Father of modern photography. The hosts visit a photographer to learn more about photography. They also learn about film photography from a photography enthusiast and demonstrate how to do photo transfer.第十二集的主题是摄影。艺术家用纸皮做出艺术品,讲述"现代摄影之父"的故事。主持人也请来摄影师分享摄影的基本知识。接着,他们拜访摄影发烧友,认识逐渐淘汰的胶片摄影方式。最后,主持人将教导照片转印的做法。
The topic of this episode is photography. An artist uses cardboard to tell the story of the Father of modern photography. The hosts visit a photographer to learn more about photography. They also learn about film photography from a photography enthusiast and demonstrate how to do photo transfer.第十二集的主题是摄影。艺术家用纸皮做出艺术品,讲述"现代摄影之父"的故事。主持人也请来摄影师分享摄影的基本知识。接着,他们拜访摄影发烧友,认识逐渐淘汰的胶片摄影方式。最后,主持人将教导照片转印的做法。
The last episode is on Chinese Opera. Dough sculptor creates Mei Lan Fang’s sculpture for storytelling. The hosts visit artiste Nick Shen to learn about Chinese Opera, the hosts even have chance to act in Teochew opera. They also show how to paint a Chinese opera mask with the glass painting method.最后一集的主题是戏曲!面塑专家将捏出梅兰芳的面塑,协助主持人讲故事。主持人请来热爱戏曲的艺人沈炜竣,他不仅会分享戏曲的知识,还让主持人参与潮州戏曲表演!最后,主持人将教导以类似玻璃彩绘的方法画出脸谱。
The last episode is on Chinese Opera. Dough sculptor creates Mei Lan Fang’s sculpture for storytelling. The hosts visit artiste Nick Shen to learn about Chinese Opera, the hosts even have chance to act in Teochew opera. They also show how to paint a Chinese opera mask with the glass painting method.最后一集的主题是戏曲!面塑专家将捏出梅兰芳的面塑,协助主持人讲故事。主持人请来热爱戏曲的艺人沈炜竣,他不仅会分享戏曲的知识,还让主持人参与潮州戏曲表演!最后,主持人将教导以类似玻璃彩绘的方法画出脸谱。
Additional Information
Premiered | 2018 |
Genres | children and family, info-ed, older kids (7-12) |
Seasons | 1 |