Another Wok of Life
Zhen Bang is finally released from jail. You Yi, owner of hotpot restaurant Hui Tou Lu, admires Zhen Bang’s character and offers him a job. Zhen Bang begins a new chapter of his life but faces challenges from all fronts, including a past that continues to haunt him. With the help of Buffett, a girl that he saved, and his peers from Hui Tou Lu, Zhen Bang ultimately finds hope, and love. 颜振邦因误杀罪入狱,刑满获释后,获得火锅店“回头炉”老板李有义的赏识,聘请他为厨房助手,由此展开新生活。无奈无良少东李自成的处处针对,同时面对家人的离弃,加上往事的阴影,让振邦感觉四面楚歌,幸好有他曾经帮助过的巴菲特伸出援手,两人过后还谱出一段恋曲,与回头炉的三名伙伴一起携手闯出一片蓝天......
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Zhen Bang is finally released from jail. You Yi, owner of hotpot restaurant Hui Tou Lu, admires Zhen Bang’s character and offers him a job. Zhen Bang begins a new chapter of his life but faces challenges from all fronts, including a past that continues to haunt him. With the help of Buffett, a girl that he saved, and his peers from Hui Tou Lu, Zhen Bang ultimately finds hope, and love. 颜振邦因误杀罪入狱,刑满获释后,获得火锅店“回头炉”老板李有义的赏识,聘请他为厨房助手,由此展开新生活。无奈无良少东李自成的处处针对,同时面对家人的离弃,加上往事的阴影,让振邦感觉四面楚歌,幸好有他曾经帮助过的巴菲特伸出援手,两人过后还谱出一段恋曲,与回头炉的三名伙伴一起携手闯出一片蓝天......
The staff at Hui Tou Lu celebrate Wen Xin’s birthday together. Yet, You Yi finds out that his son, Zi Cheng, has stolen money to pay off his gambling debts. On the other hand, Zhen Bang finally leaves the prison after seven years. He moves to the Halfway House to begin the Community Based Program. He returns home, but is shocked to find his mother lying motionlessly in a pool of blood. 火锅店回头炉热火朝天,有义与众人给文心惊喜庆生围炉,却发现儿子自成赌博欠下赌债,竟跑回家里偷钱,过后却良心发现。。。
The staff at Hui Tou Lu celebrate Wen Xin’s birthday together. Yet, You Yi finds out that his son, Zi Cheng, has stolen money to pay off his gambling debts. On the other hand, Zhen Bang finally leaves the prison after seven years. He moves to the Halfway House to begin the Community Based Program. He returns home, but is shocked to find his mother lying motionlessly in a pool of blood. 火锅店回头炉热火朝天,有义与众人给文心惊喜庆生围炉,却发现儿子自成赌博欠下赌债,竟跑回家里偷钱,过后却良心发现。。。
Two years later, Zhenbang can finally remove the electronic monitoring tag on his ankle. He meets Buffett, who brings him to Hui Tou Lu. Zhen Bang requests for a job, but Zi Cheng rejects him. Everyone also finds out that all the staff at Hui Tou Lu are ex-convicts. Zi Cheng, burdened by debts, intends to flee. You Yi decides to help, unaware that it is all part of a scam orchestrated by Zi Cheng. 两年后,振邦解开追踪器,重获真正的自由。他再次遇上有过交集的巴菲特,被她带到火锅店。。。
Two years later, Zhenbang can finally remove the electronic monitoring tag on his ankle. He meets Buffett, who brings him to Hui Tou Lu. Zhen Bang requests for a job, but Zi Cheng rejects him. Everyone also finds out that all the staff at Hui Tou Lu are ex-convicts. Zi Cheng, burdened by debts, intends to flee. You Yi decides to help, unaware that it is all part of a scam orchestrated by Zi Cheng. 两年后,振邦解开追踪器,重获真正的自由。他再次遇上有过交集的巴菲特,被她带到火锅店。。。
As Tian Yong is injured, You Yi invites Zhen Bang to replace him at Hui Tou Lu. However, Zhen Bang is afraid to use a knife. You Yi does not force him, and Zhen Bang is moved by You Yi's vision for the restaurant. One day, Zhen Bang prepares Mapo Tofu for a new customer Yada, who suffers an allergic reaction after consuming it. Alex为妹妹出头,用热汤泼天勇,天勇被烫伤无法工作。振邦代班,却不敢用刀,有义还是网开一面。振邦被有义经营回头炉的初衷和理念打动,用心工作,让有义另眼相看。相较于自成的游手好闲,令有义不禁对儿子感到失望。自成赌博惨输二十万...
As Tian Yong is injured, You Yi invites Zhen Bang to replace him at Hui Tou Lu. However, Zhen Bang is afraid to use a knife. You Yi does not force him, and Zhen Bang is moved by You Yi's vision for the restaurant. One day, Zhen Bang prepares Mapo Tofu for a new customer Yada, who suffers an allergic reaction after consuming it. Alex为妹妹出头,用热汤泼天勇,天勇被烫伤无法工作。振邦代班,却不敢用刀,有义还是网开一面。振邦被有义经营回头炉的初衷和理念打动,用心工作,让有义另眼相看。相较于自成的游手好闲,令有义不禁对儿子感到失望。自成赌博惨输二十万...
Zhen Bang rescues Yada, but indirectly reveals that he is on psychiatric medication. Zi Cheng fails to deceive Zhen Bang into investing but refuses to cheat Wen Xin. Zhen Bang and Buffett discover the unconscious Tian Yong, who is told to amputate his arm to save his life. Zi Cheng swindles You Yi's old friend, Uncle Rong, of money. Buffett reveals her feelings for Zhen Bang in her dreams. 振邦临危不乱,果断辨识药物救了Yada,却也让众人获悉他曾经吃治疗抑郁症的药物。自成骗不到振邦投资...
Zhen Bang rescues Yada, but indirectly reveals that he is on psychiatric medication. Zi Cheng fails to deceive Zhen Bang into investing but refuses to cheat Wen Xin. Zhen Bang and Buffett discover the unconscious Tian Yong, who is told to amputate his arm to save his life. Zi Cheng swindles You Yi's old friend, Uncle Rong, of money. Buffett reveals her feelings for Zhen Bang in her dreams. 振邦临危不乱,果断辨识药物救了Yada,却也让众人获悉他曾经吃治疗抑郁症的药物。自成骗不到振邦投资...
Zhen Bang finds out that Buffett suffers from a sleepwalking condition. At work, he is tasked to deal with a difficult customer, but ends up getting praised for his dedication. Zi Cheng is injured by Han and Ah Lun when he asks for his money back, yet he takes it out on Zhen Bang. You Yi discovers that Zi Cheng has cheated Uncle Rong of his money. Disappointed, You Yi cuts ties with Zi Cheng. 巴菲特因为梦游,睡在振邦身边,两人惊醒。振邦被大吉派去招待挑剔的Ivan,认真的态度反而赢得赞赏。。。
Zhen Bang finds out that Buffett suffers from a sleepwalking condition. At work, he is tasked to deal with a difficult customer, but ends up getting praised for his dedication. Zi Cheng is injured by Han and Ah Lun when he asks for his money back, yet he takes it out on Zhen Bang. You Yi discovers that Zi Cheng has cheated Uncle Rong of his money. Disappointed, You Yi cuts ties with Zi Cheng. 巴菲特因为梦游,睡在振邦身边,两人惊醒。振邦被大吉派去招待挑剔的Ivan,认真的态度反而赢得赞赏。。。
Zhen Bang protects Buffett from harm when she sleepwalks. Zi Cheng extorts Han and Ah Lun using a video while You Yi decides to pass on his culinary skills to the rest and reconciles with Zi Cheng. Zi Cheng sends the video to Wen Xin as a precaution, but Zhen Bang convinces Wen Xin to file a police report. They seek revenge on Zi Cheng and You Yi hits his head in an attempt to protect Zi Cheng. 振邦彻夜守候,防止巴菲特因梦游出意外,巴菲特对振邦更添好感。自成跟踪Han和阿伦,发现他们非法交易...
Zhen Bang protects Buffett from harm when she sleepwalks. Zi Cheng extorts Han and Ah Lun using a video while You Yi decides to pass on his culinary skills to the rest and reconciles with Zi Cheng. Zi Cheng sends the video to Wen Xin as a precaution, but Zhen Bang convinces Wen Xin to file a police report. They seek revenge on Zi Cheng and You Yi hits his head in an attempt to protect Zi Cheng. 振邦彻夜守候,防止巴菲特因梦游出意外,巴菲特对振邦更添好感。自成跟踪Han和阿伦,发现他们非法交易...
Zi Cheng blames Zhen Bang for You Yi's death. At the funeral, Zhen Bang meets his father, Ah Hei. Buffett tells Zhen Bang to move back after realizing that he was scammed. Zi Cheng takes over Hui Tou Lu, but his mismanagement results in a decline of business. Han and Ah Lun create trouble for Zi Cheng, who retaliates by setting fire to their territory. 有义身亡,自成把有义的死怪罪在振邦身上,在丧礼上辱骂对方。振邦默然承受,过后发现自己的父亲阿黑也出席丧礼,震惊不已,可惜阿黑似有顾忌,匆忙离去。巴菲特同情振邦租屋受骗,让他继续住奶奶房间。。
Zi Cheng blames Zhen Bang for You Yi's death. At the funeral, Zhen Bang meets his father, Ah Hei. Buffett tells Zhen Bang to move back after realizing that he was scammed. Zi Cheng takes over Hui Tou Lu, but his mismanagement results in a decline of business. Han and Ah Lun create trouble for Zi Cheng, who retaliates by setting fire to their territory. 有义身亡,自成把有义的死怪罪在振邦身上,在丧礼上辱骂对方。振邦默然承受,过后发现自己的父亲阿黑也出席丧礼,震惊不已,可惜阿黑似有顾忌,匆忙离去。巴菲特同情振邦租屋受骗,让他继续住奶奶房间。。
Additional Information
Premiered | 2024 |
Genres | drama |
Seasons | 1 |