All That Glitters


Liu Mu endured a tragic past, forming a deep friendship with Jintiao and Jianzhi. They yearned for success but lost themselves along the way. Their lives took a dark turn when a murder shattered their world, with Liu Mu and Jintiao as prime suspects. As the investigation unfolded, it unveiled the disintegration of a once unbreakable friendship, leaving behind a trail of intrigue and betrayal. “六木”--林木森的父母和妹妹在他年少时死于车祸,从此寄人篱下。他结识了两位好友,傻气讲义气耐打的黄金条,寡言木讷坚定的何建志。三人读书不多,却都想要改变命运。他们奋力地走上金色大道,却在过程中逐渐迷失、丧失了人性……某一天,六木闯入洋房将建志开枪打死被全球通缉。逃亡中,三人反目成仇的往事层层揭开…

Liu Mu endured a tragic past, forming a deep friendship with Jintiao and Jianzhi. They yearned for success but lost themselves along the way. Their lives took a dark turn when a murder shattered their world, with Liu Mu and Jintiao as prime suspects. As the investigation unfolded, it unveiled the disintegration of a once unbreakable friendship, leaving behind a trail of intrigue and betrayal. “六木”--林木森的父母和妹妹在他年少时死于车祸,从此寄人篱下。他结识了两位好友,傻气讲义气耐打的黄金条,寡言木讷坚定的何建志。三人读书不多,却都想要改变命运。他们奋力地走上金色大道,却在过程中逐渐迷失、丧失了人性……某一天,六木闯入洋房将建志开枪打死被全球通缉。逃亡中,三人反目成仇的往事层层揭开…

Ep 1
46 mins

Jianzhi, threatened by gun-wielding Liumu, prompting him to confront doubts. CID investigator Wei Hao arrived, discovering Jianzhi murdered. Wei Hao found Jianzhi oddly familiar. Liumu and Jintiao fled abroad, recalling past. Due to parents' death, Liumu bonded with cousin Jiahui, forging strong ties. Fate turned friends Liumu, Jintiao, and Jianzhi into tragic foes. 建志被六木举枪威迫,要他回答心中疑虑……CID伟豪赶到,建志已然中枪毙命,家人被捆绑于房,伟豪觉建志似曾相识。六木和金条逃亡彼岸,忆起往事,因父母双亡...

Ep 1

Jianzhi, threatened by gun-wielding Liumu, prompting him to confront doubts. CID investigator Wei Hao arrived, discovering Jianzhi murdered. Wei Hao found Jianzhi oddly familiar. Liumu and Jintiao fled abroad, recalling past. Due to parents' death, Liumu bonded with cousin Jiahui, forging strong ties. Fate turned friends Liumu, Jintiao, and Jianzhi into tragic foes. 建志被六木举枪威迫,要他回答心中疑虑……CID伟豪赶到,建志已然中枪毙命,家人被捆绑于房,伟豪觉建志似曾相识。六木和金条逃亡彼岸,忆起往事,因父母双亡...

Ep 2
46 mins

Jintiao fell for Xiaomei, age gap led to teasing. Liumu sought Jianzhi's help, transporting valuables to a mansion. They aimed to become rich. Liumu's path diverged, turning into an escape. Detectives traced to hotel, they'd vanished. Wei Hao admitted his sister's relationship with Liumu. Liumu aided blind Zhenyu against harasser, but Zhenyu pretended not to know him the next day. 金条喜欢上大过他的小美,被取笑搞姐弟恋。六木叫建志来帮客人搬家,三人搬运宝物到豪宅,渴望变成有钱人……结果六木没走上致富之路...

Ep 2

Jintiao fell for Xiaomei, age gap led to teasing. Liumu sought Jianzhi's help, transporting valuables to a mansion. They aimed to become rich. Liumu's path diverged, turning into an escape. Detectives traced to hotel, they'd vanished. Wei Hao admitted his sister's relationship with Liumu. Liumu aided blind Zhenyu against harasser, but Zhenyu pretended not to know him the next day. 金条喜欢上大过他的小美,被取笑搞姐弟恋。六木叫建志来帮客人搬家,三人搬运宝物到豪宅,渴望变成有钱人……结果六木没走上致富之路...

Ep 3
46 mins

Jintiao challenged a youth but was defeated. Liumu intervened and he assisted an elderly person, argued with a driver. Liumu warned Zhenyu about her boyfriend, George, and confided in Zhenyu's mother, Xiaomei. Jintiao's wages were taken by Ah Tong, leading to a dispute with Jianzhi. At karaoke, Liumu and his friends met Zhenting and Jiahui, suspecting ill intentions from their two male companions. 金条不堪受辱,发出挑战,原以为对方个子小能轻易打败,却技不如人,决定拜师习武。。。

Ep 3

Jintiao challenged a youth but was defeated. Liumu intervened and he assisted an elderly person, argued with a driver. Liumu warned Zhenyu about her boyfriend, George, and confided in Zhenyu's mother, Xiaomei. Jintiao's wages were taken by Ah Tong, leading to a dispute with Jianzhi. At karaoke, Liumu and his friends met Zhenting and Jiahui, suspecting ill intentions from their two male companions. 金条不堪受辱,发出挑战,原以为对方个子小能轻易打败,却技不如人,决定拜师习武。。。

Ep 4
46 mins

Liumu and Jintiao evaded police pursuit, facing danger. Police questioned Zhenyu about Liumu. Liumu urged Zhenyu to end engagement with George, and he confessed feelings for Zhenyu. He played harmonica, shared connection over lost family. They shared a mutual understanding. Rocky spread rumors about Xiaomei, Jintiao defended her. Xiaomei treated him, he felt elated. 六木和金条逃避警方追击,险象环生。警方约谈珍玉,将六木列为嫌犯,要她提供六木资料……六木见珍玉不喜欢George,劝她退婚,还向她告白。六木吹奏口琴给珍玉听...

Ep 4

Liumu and Jintiao evaded police pursuit, facing danger. Police questioned Zhenyu about Liumu. Liumu urged Zhenyu to end engagement with George, and he confessed feelings for Zhenyu. He played harmonica, shared connection over lost family. They shared a mutual understanding. Rocky spread rumors about Xiaomei, Jintiao defended her. Xiaomei treated him, he felt elated. 六木和金条逃避警方追击,险象环生。警方约谈珍玉,将六木列为嫌犯,要她提供六木资料……六木见珍玉不喜欢George,劝她退婚,还向她告白。六木吹奏口琴给珍玉听...

Ep 5
46 mins

Liumu suspected Jintiao was being used for drug trafficking, flushed pills. Criminals sought compensation, but Yicong intervened. Xiaomei opposed Liumu's relationship with Zhenyu, causing a rift. Zhenting encouraged Zhenyu to pursue true love. Recalling memories from 12 years ago, Zhenyu felt melancholic seeing Zhenting unconscious. Sensing Liumu's kindness, Xuemin hid them secretly. 六木怀疑金条被人利用贩毒,将药片倒入马桶冲走,庆幸金条没当替死鬼。不法分子要他们赔偿,危急关头,幸得一聪解围。。。

Ep 5

Liumu suspected Jintiao was being used for drug trafficking, flushed pills. Criminals sought compensation, but Yicong intervened. Xiaomei opposed Liumu's relationship with Zhenyu, causing a rift. Zhenting encouraged Zhenyu to pursue true love. Recalling memories from 12 years ago, Zhenyu felt melancholic seeing Zhenting unconscious. Sensing Liumu's kindness, Xuemin hid them secretly. 六木怀疑金条被人利用贩毒,将药片倒入马桶冲走,庆幸金条没当替死鬼。不法分子要他们赔偿,危急关头,幸得一聪解围。。。

Ep 6
46 mins

Ah Tong owed debt, almost burned, saved by Jianzhi. Jianzhi liked Zhenting, manipulated by her to provoke Arthur. Liumu snooker-competed to aid debt for Jianzhi, finding it unaffordable. Zhenyu fled George, Liumu found her unconscious. Leigongpo discovered Jintiao and Liumu gambling, brutally beat them. Despite Xiaomei's objections, Liumu persevered in the relationship with Zhenyu. 阿通欠债险被烧死,幸亏建志把火扑灭。建志喜欢珍婷,珍婷却利用他来刺激Arthur。六木为了帮建志还债,赛桌球赚钱...

Ep 6

Ah Tong owed debt, almost burned, saved by Jianzhi. Jianzhi liked Zhenting, manipulated by her to provoke Arthur. Liumu snooker-competed to aid debt for Jianzhi, finding it unaffordable. Zhenyu fled George, Liumu found her unconscious. Leigongpo discovered Jintiao and Liumu gambling, brutally beat them. Despite Xiaomei's objections, Liumu persevered in the relationship with Zhenyu. 阿通欠债险被烧死,幸亏建志把火扑灭。建志喜欢珍婷,珍婷却利用他来刺激Arthur。六木为了帮建志还债,赛桌球赚钱...

Ep 7
46 mins

Liumu dispelled Hui Ming's jump. He gave premium bird's nest to please Xiaomei, but Zhenyu returned it. Liumu vowed to quit gambling. Rocky sought revenge on Jintiao; with Xiaomei's help, he confessed bravely. Jintiao felt guilty towards Jianzhi, while Liumu stayed indifferent. Xuemin helped them find new identities. A gambling loss led Liumu and a wealthy youth to one running naked. 六木略施小计让聪明打消跳楼念头。六木买了顶级燕窝讨好小美,珍玉得知钱是赌桌球而来,决定退还。六木不想珍玉生气...

Ep 7

Liumu dispelled Hui Ming's jump. He gave premium bird's nest to please Xiaomei, but Zhenyu returned it. Liumu vowed to quit gambling. Rocky sought revenge on Jintiao; with Xiaomei's help, he confessed bravely. Jintiao felt guilty towards Jianzhi, while Liumu stayed indifferent. Xuemin helped them find new identities. A gambling loss led Liumu and a wealthy youth to one running naked. 六木略施小计让聪明打消跳楼念头。六木买了顶级燕窝讨好小美,珍玉得知钱是赌桌球而来,决定退还。六木不想珍玉生气...

Ep 8
46 mins

Jiahui admired bold troublemakers but no courage to be one. Jianzhi noted hidden wild sides in people, unsure if he had one. Liumu promised better life to Zhenyu, but Zhenyu was content. Xuemin repaid Liumu's favor with a job. Jintiao was upset with Liumu, Jianzhi urged him to be independent. Zhenting changed view of Jianzhi after streaking video. Ah Tong confessed to killing someone. 家慧羡慕敢作敢当的坏学生,她想变坏也没勇气。建志说有些人坏在骨子里看不出,不确定自己是不是也这样。六木承诺给珍玉好的生活..

Ep 8

Jiahui admired bold troublemakers but no courage to be one. Jianzhi noted hidden wild sides in people, unsure if he had one. Liumu promised better life to Zhenyu, but Zhenyu was content. Xuemin repaid Liumu's favor with a job. Jintiao was upset with Liumu, Jianzhi urged him to be independent. Zhenting changed view of Jianzhi after streaking video. Ah Tong confessed to killing someone. 家慧羡慕敢作敢当的坏学生,她想变坏也没勇气。建志说有些人坏在骨子里看不出,不确定自己是不是也这样。六木承诺给珍玉好的生活..

Ep 9
46 mins

Jianzhi found Ah Tong a burden, nearly pushing him downstairs but stopped. Police didn't come, Ah Tong realized he hadn't killed. Abandoned by Arthur, Zhenting worried Zhenyu. Liumu vowed to protect Zhenting. Yicong shared his path to success. Jianzhi's drunkenness led to a relationship with Jiahui. Zhenting decided to offer herself to Arthur, forcing him to break up with a wealthy woman. 建志觉得阿通是累赘,竟萌起推他下楼的念头,庆幸最后悬崖勒马。阿通见警方没找上门,意识到没杀死人,后悔因害怕逃走没抢走

Ep 9

Jianzhi found Ah Tong a burden, nearly pushing him downstairs but stopped. Police didn't come, Ah Tong realized he hadn't killed. Abandoned by Arthur, Zhenting worried Zhenyu. Liumu vowed to protect Zhenting. Yicong shared his path to success. Jianzhi's drunkenness led to a relationship with Jiahui. Zhenting decided to offer herself to Arthur, forcing him to break up with a wealthy woman. 建志觉得阿通是累赘,竟萌起推他下楼的念头,庆幸最后悬崖勒马。阿通见警方没找上门,意识到没杀死人,后悔因害怕逃走没抢走

Ep 10
46 mins

Liumu and Jintiao planned an escape to Thailand. Finally, they managed to flee. 12 years ago, guided by Yicong, Liumu got into gold repurchase scheme, Jintiao embraced Muay Thai. Learning Liumu worked for Yicong, Zhenyu initiated breakup to not burden him. Jobless Jianzhi got Jiahui's encouragement. He thought Jiahui's pregnant, Jiahui admitted bluff, but revealed Zhenting knew their relationship. 六木和金条准备逃亡到泰国,发现码头贴有通缉他们的告示,最终两人侥幸脱身……

Ep 10

Liumu and Jintiao planned an escape to Thailand. Finally, they managed to flee. 12 years ago, guided by Yicong, Liumu got into gold repurchase scheme, Jintiao embraced Muay Thai. Learning Liumu worked for Yicong, Zhenyu initiated breakup to not burden him. Jobless Jianzhi got Jiahui's encouragement. He thought Jiahui's pregnant, Jiahui admitted bluff, but revealed Zhenting knew their relationship. 六木和金条准备逃亡到泰国,发现码头贴有通缉他们的告示,最终两人侥幸脱身……

Ep 11
46 mins

Jianzhi learned Zhenting's relationship with Arthur, upsetting him. Jiahui asked Liumu to find job for her. Impressed by Jintiao's Muay Thai progress, Liumu sponsored his study in Thailand. Jianzhi clashed with Haige due to his behavior towards Zhenting. Using thugs' attack, Jianzhi took Haige's belongings. Zhenting suspected pregnancy. Arthur's family pressure led to their breakup. 建志透过家慧知道珍婷和Arthur上过床,心情不悦。家慧要六木帮忙介绍工作。六木见金条泰拳练得颇有成绩...

Ep 11

Jianzhi learned Zhenting's relationship with Arthur, upsetting him. Jiahui asked Liumu to find job for her. Impressed by Jintiao's Muay Thai progress, Liumu sponsored his study in Thailand. Jianzhi clashed with Haige due to his behavior towards Zhenting. Using thugs' attack, Jianzhi took Haige's belongings. Zhenting suspected pregnancy. Arthur's family pressure led to their breakup. 建志透过家慧知道珍婷和Arthur上过床,心情不悦。家慧要六木帮忙介绍工作。六木见金条泰拳练得颇有成绩...

Ep 12
46 mins

Richard's gold repurchase plan attracted investors. He won big at a casino, sharing wealth principles with Liumu. Susakong saved Jiahui from an assault. Liumu gifted gold to Zhenyu, who initially refused but later accepted. Jintiao got injured stopping trouble caused by Peter. Xiaomei saved him and faced potential blindness. Jintiao vowed lifelong care for her. 黄金回购计划顺利吸引很多投资客,Richard夸赞六木,带他到赌场见识。六木把筹码输光,Richard却赢了一千万,分享致富准绳给六木。家慧险被客户侵犯...

Ep 12

Richard's gold repurchase plan attracted investors. He won big at a casino, sharing wealth principles with Liumu. Susakong saved Jiahui from an assault. Liumu gifted gold to Zhenyu, who initially refused but later accepted. Jintiao got injured stopping trouble caused by Peter. Xiaomei saved him and faced potential blindness. Jintiao vowed lifelong care for her. 黄金回购计划顺利吸引很多投资客,Richard夸赞六木,带他到赌场见识。六木把筹码输光,Richard却赢了一千万,分享致富准绳给六木。家慧险被客户侵犯...

Ep 13
46 mins

Liumu and Jintiao's escape plan failed, hid in a small inn. Liumu fell ill with a high fever. Jintiao used Leigongpo's methods to lower his temperature. A neighboring guest secretly recorded them. Jintiao reminisced about their friendships and successful careers. Jianzhi still cared for Zhenting, who considered herself a miserable woman, offering herself to him, but he rejected. 六木和金条逃亡不成躲藏在小旅店。六木发高烧,昏迷不醒,金条用雷公婆教的办法帮他降温。隔壁房客趁金条开门偷偷录影……

Ep 13

Liumu and Jintiao's escape plan failed, hid in a small inn. Liumu fell ill with a high fever. Jintiao used Leigongpo's methods to lower his temperature. A neighboring guest secretly recorded them. Jintiao reminisced about their friendships and successful careers. Jianzhi still cared for Zhenting, who considered herself a miserable woman, offering herself to him, but he rejected. 六木和金条逃亡不成躲藏在小旅店。六木发高烧,昏迷不醒,金条用雷公婆教的办法帮他降温。隔壁房客趁金条开门偷偷录影……

Ep 14
46 mins

Jintiao returned from Muay Thai training, dismayed to find Xiaomei's affection for a TV director, leading to disappointment. Liumu opposed Jiahui's cohabitation with a man, only to discover it was Susakong, seeking revenge for his ex-girlfriend. Jiahui's strong emotions for Susakong rendered Liumu's objections futile; he could only caution Susakong not to hurt Jiahui. 金条学成归来,前去找小美,发现小美和电视导演态度亲密,完全不把他当一回事,失望不已。六木反对家慧和男人同居,意外家慧喜欢的人竟是苏萨空。。。

Ep 14

Jintiao returned from Muay Thai training, dismayed to find Xiaomei's affection for a TV director, leading to disappointment. Liumu opposed Jiahui's cohabitation with a man, only to discover it was Susakong, seeking revenge for his ex-girlfriend. Jiahui's strong emotions for Susakong rendered Liumu's objections futile; he could only caution Susakong not to hurt Jiahui. 金条学成归来,前去找小美,发现小美和电视导演态度亲密,完全不把他当一回事,失望不已。六木反对家慧和男人同居,意外家慧喜欢的人竟是苏萨空。。。

Ep 15
46 mins

Jiahui introduced Susakong to her parents with a gold gift. Wei Hao suspected Liumu's motives in Jianzhi's murder were linked to Jiahui's case. Liumu used gold bars as a betrothal gift for Zhenyu, but she postponed the wedding. He reclaimed the gift to help Jianzhi financially, risking their engagement; Zhenyu insisted its return meant canceling the engagement. 家慧带苏萨空见父母,母亲嗤之以鼻,但看在金条份上没下逐客令……回现实,伟豪认为六木杀建志的动机和林家慧被杀案有关……六木以市值30万的金条作为迎娶珍玉的聘礼...

Ep 15

Jiahui introduced Susakong to her parents with a gold gift. Wei Hao suspected Liumu's motives in Jianzhi's murder were linked to Jiahui's case. Liumu used gold bars as a betrothal gift for Zhenyu, but she postponed the wedding. He reclaimed the gift to help Jianzhi financially, risking their engagement; Zhenyu insisted its return meant canceling the engagement. 家慧带苏萨空见父母,母亲嗤之以鼻,但看在金条份上没下逐客令……回现实,伟豪认为六木杀建志的动机和林家慧被杀案有关……六木以市值30万的金条作为迎娶珍玉的聘礼...

Ep 16
46 mins

Liumu helped Jianzhi with debts and brought him and Jintiao together to form a close-knit trio. Jianzhi sensed changes in Jiahui. Liumu took them to a karaoke bar, upsetting Zhenyu, leading to a breakup. Zhenyu faced danger, saved by Ah Ming. Liumu regretted, tried to reconcile, but Zhenyu remained firm, even injuring herself, which infuriated Xiaomei to the point of fainting. 六木帮建志还清债务,见他和金条都找不到工作,决定叫两人来帮他,三兄弟一起打天下。建志重遇家慧,感觉出她的转变。。。

Ep 16

Liumu helped Jianzhi with debts and brought him and Jintiao together to form a close-knit trio. Jianzhi sensed changes in Jiahui. Liumu took them to a karaoke bar, upsetting Zhenyu, leading to a breakup. Zhenyu faced danger, saved by Ah Ming. Liumu regretted, tried to reconcile, but Zhenyu remained firm, even injuring herself, which infuriated Xiaomei to the point of fainting. 六木帮建志还清债务,见他和金条都找不到工作,决定叫两人来帮他,三兄弟一起打天下。建志重遇家慧,感觉出她的转变。。。

Ep 17
46 mins

Xiaomei collapsed; Liumu quickly called an ambulance; Zhenyu regretted her actions. In 2023, Liumu's fever persisted. A deceitful neighboring guest demanded their money. Liumu and Jintiao overcame them. Jintiao, exhausted, cried, recalling his last tears for Xiaomei. Jianzhi excelled, earning Liumu's praise. Jiahui's past with Jianzhi caused her distress, hiding it from Susakong. 六木见小美晕倒,忙叫救护车,珍玉也后悔不已……回到现实,六木高烧不退,隔壁房客假意帮忙买药,实则拿两人逃犯身份威胁劫财...

Ep 17

Xiaomei collapsed; Liumu quickly called an ambulance; Zhenyu regretted her actions. In 2023, Liumu's fever persisted. A deceitful neighboring guest demanded their money. Liumu and Jintiao overcame them. Jintiao, exhausted, cried, recalling his last tears for Xiaomei. Jianzhi excelled, earning Liumu's praise. Jiahui's past with Jianzhi caused her distress, hiding it from Susakong. 六木见小美晕倒,忙叫救护车,珍玉也后悔不已……回到现实,六木高烧不退,隔壁房客假意帮忙买药,实则拿两人逃犯身份威胁劫财...

Ep 18
46 mins

Zhenting observed changes in Jiahui and Jianzhi. Jianzhi was grateful for Liumu's help. Jiahui tried to distance herself from Jianzhi, who thought it was performance-related. Liumu was saddened by Zhenyu's incurable eye disease. In 2023, Liumu and Jintiao fled the police. Zhenyu and Wei Hao worried about Zhenting's condition. Wei Hao pledged to uncover the accident's truth. 珍婷感触家慧和建志改变很多,建志感激六木的提拔。家慧努力想要淡忘和建志以前发生过的事并要他离开公司。建志觉得家慧是业绩输了借题发挥。。。

Ep 18

Zhenting observed changes in Jiahui and Jianzhi. Jianzhi was grateful for Liumu's help. Jiahui tried to distance herself from Jianzhi, who thought it was performance-related. Liumu was saddened by Zhenyu's incurable eye disease. In 2023, Liumu and Jintiao fled the police. Zhenyu and Wei Hao worried about Zhenting's condition. Wei Hao pledged to uncover the accident's truth. 珍婷感触家慧和建志改变很多,建志感激六木的提拔。家慧努力想要淡忘和建志以前发生过的事并要他离开公司。建志觉得家慧是业绩输了借题发挥。。。

Ep 19
46 mins

Wei Hao found a photo linking Zhenting to Richard. Yicong scolded Richard for unauthorized casino investments. Richard survived an assassination attempt with Jianzhi's help. Leigongpo tried to introduce a woman to Jintiao, but he declined. Jintiao, drunk, got hurt after being mistaken for harassing Xiaomei. Ah Tong sought Jianzhi's aid, and Richard invited Jianzhi to online gambling to repay him. 伟豪在珍婷房间找线索,不经意从照片中发现珍婷认识Richard……

Ep 19

Wei Hao found a photo linking Zhenting to Richard. Yicong scolded Richard for unauthorized casino investments. Richard survived an assassination attempt with Jianzhi's help. Leigongpo tried to introduce a woman to Jintiao, but he declined. Jintiao, drunk, got hurt after being mistaken for harassing Xiaomei. Ah Tong sought Jianzhi's aid, and Richard invited Jianzhi to online gambling to repay him. 伟豪在珍婷房间找线索,不经意从照片中发现珍婷认识Richard……

Ep 20
46 mins

Jintiao apologized to Xiaomei but secretly left money as compensation. Xiaomei discovered and returned it. Jintiao agreed to meet Ah Hua but demanded. Jianzhi's gambling addiction grew due to Richard's influence. Zhenyu asked Liumu for help investigating their neighbors' investments, uncovering his unintended involvement in illegal activities, with Yicong and his son wanting to scapegoat Jianzhi. 金条在六木的陪同下向小美道歉,表示以后不会再缠着她。小美发现金条偷偷塞钱作为赔偿...

Ep 20

Jintiao apologized to Xiaomei but secretly left money as compensation. Xiaomei discovered and returned it. Jintiao agreed to meet Ah Hua but demanded. Jianzhi's gambling addiction grew due to Richard's influence. Zhenyu asked Liumu for help investigating their neighbors' investments, uncovering his unintended involvement in illegal activities, with Yicong and his son wanting to scapegoat Jianzhi. 金条在六木的陪同下向小美道歉,表示以后不会再缠着她。小美发现金条偷偷塞钱作为赔偿...

Ep 21
46 mins

Liumu, facing imprisonment, fabricated a new romance to shield Zhenyu. Upon discovering the ruse, she sought to assist him by cashing out his gift and remained determined to marry him, despite Wei Hao's objections. The wedding was canceled as Liumu was arrested. In 2023, they were surrounded by police. Liumu chose to shoulder the responsibility and surrender, while Jintiao stood with him.

Ep 21

Liumu, facing imprisonment, fabricated a new romance to shield Zhenyu. Upon discovering the ruse, she sought to assist him by cashing out his gift and remained determined to marry him, despite Wei Hao's objections. The wedding was canceled as Liumu was arrested. In 2023, they were surrounded by police. Liumu chose to shoulder the responsibility and surrender, while Jintiao stood with him.

Ep 22
46 mins

Xiaomei helped Jintiao and Leigongpo against Ah Hua's bullying. Liumu was released from prison, rejected Yicong's apology. Liumu, uncertain about the future, felt heavy-hearted over Zhenyu, who was married to Ah Ming with his child. Ah Ming worried about custody, which unsettled Zhenyu. Jianzhi returned, he found Zhenting with Richard, feeling jealousy and regret for introducing them.

Ep 22

Xiaomei helped Jintiao and Leigongpo against Ah Hua's bullying. Liumu was released from prison, rejected Yicong's apology. Liumu, uncertain about the future, felt heavy-hearted over Zhenyu, who was married to Ah Ming with his child. Ah Ming worried about custody, which unsettled Zhenyu. Jianzhi returned, he found Zhenting with Richard, feeling jealousy and regret for introducing them.

Ep 23
46 mins

Zhenting found solace with Richard, surprising Jianzhi. Liumu discreetly visited Zhenyu and their daughter, but Ah Ming intervened. Jiahui and Jintiao sought Zhenyu upon learning of Liumu's release. However, her request for Liumu to stay away left them feeling she was indifferent. Richard led Jianzhi into shady dealings, while Jiahui asked Jianzhi to aid Liumu in seeking justice.

Ep 23

Zhenting found solace with Richard, surprising Jianzhi. Liumu discreetly visited Zhenyu and their daughter, but Ah Ming intervened. Jiahui and Jintiao sought Zhenyu upon learning of Liumu's release. However, her request for Liumu to stay away left them feeling she was indifferent. Richard led Jianzhi into shady dealings, while Jiahui asked Jianzhi to aid Liumu in seeking justice.

Ep 24
46 mins

Jiahui sought compensation for Liumu, Jianzhi warned her not to provoke Richard. Yicong scolded Richard for gambling, leading to a heated argument. Liumu admitted his prison past to Zhujie, and her ex-husband used their son as leverage, Liumu resolved it. Yicong suffered a stroke. Xuemin vented her suppressed emotions. Leigongpo gathered evidence of Ah Hua's mistreatment towards Jintiao. 家慧替六木索坐牢赔偿,建志劝她别招惹Richard。一聪教训Richard会惹祸上身,Richard反唇相讥...

Ep 24

Jiahui sought compensation for Liumu, Jianzhi warned her not to provoke Richard. Yicong scolded Richard for gambling, leading to a heated argument. Liumu admitted his prison past to Zhujie, and her ex-husband used their son as leverage, Liumu resolved it. Yicong suffered a stroke. Xuemin vented her suppressed emotions. Leigongpo gathered evidence of Ah Hua's mistreatment towards Jintiao. 家慧替六木索坐牢赔偿,建志劝她别招惹Richard。一聪教训Richard会惹祸上身,Richard反唇相讥...

Additional Information

Parental guidance advised for children below the age of 13