A Million Treasures
This is a 25-episode light-hearted modern drama. The female protagonist, Bai Xingxing is smart, and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven, and dares to take up a challenge. Just when all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend, Tang Xiyao devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. 白星星自幼聪明伶俐,学业成绩总是名列前茅,大学毕业后与男友汤喜耀进军商场,短短几年,就开了三间零售店,30岁不到,已赚了人生的第一个百万。这造成她过于自负,独断独行。当她知道死对头朱得冠开店与她竞争,完全不听喜耀之劝,就去找前律师男友Alex,要他马上向法庭申请禁制令,禁止对方开业。Alex有意再追回星星,对她的话百依百顺。 星星和喜耀到大酒店餐厅吃鸡饭,对服务和鸡饭品质不满,出言批评。餐厅大厨马达性格急躁,听不得批评,与星星展开口舌之争,星星扬言要告马达。马达唯我独尊,自以为是,手下厨师对他都噤若寒蝉,唯独林小宝这机灵小女生敢在老虎头上拔毛,见马达欺负新人阿路,用垃圾袋砸了马达一头垃圾。阿路担心小宝因此丢了饭碗,小宝却毫不忧虑,叫阿路放心吃喝,谈话间,小宝忽然哭了起来,说自己很寂寞,吓了阿路一跳,原来是小宝故意作弄,阿路啼笑皆非。 星星家庭简单,有一对视钱如命的父母有财和珊珊,还有语不惊人死不休的妹妹亮亮。有财喜欢喜耀,珊珊却觉得喜耀老跟在星星屁股后,小男人没出息,反希望星星与Alex旧情重燃。星星回家发现手机遗失,想起当天离开酒店时,在大门口遇见马达,被马达推翻在地,皮包里的东西都掉了出来,马达可能趁机顺手牵羊,偷走她的手机…
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This is a 25-episode light-hearted modern drama. The female protagonist, Bai Xingxing is smart, and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven, and dares to take up a challenge. Just when all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend, Tang Xiyao devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. 白星星自幼聪明伶俐,学业成绩总是名列前茅,大学毕业后与男友汤喜耀进军商场,短短几年,就开了三间零售店,30岁不到,已赚了人生的第一个百万。这造成她过于自负,独断独行。当她知道死对头朱得冠开店与她竞争,完全不听喜耀之劝,就去找前律师男友Alex,要他马上向法庭申请禁制令,禁止对方开业。Alex有意再追回星星,对她的话百依百顺。 星星和喜耀到大酒店餐厅吃鸡饭,对服务和鸡饭品质不满,出言批评。餐厅大厨马达性格急躁,听不得批评,与星星展开口舌之争,星星扬言要告马达。马达唯我独尊,自以为是,手下厨师对他都噤若寒蝉,唯独林小宝这机灵小女生敢在老虎头上拔毛,见马达欺负新人阿路,用垃圾袋砸了马达一头垃圾。阿路担心小宝因此丢了饭碗,小宝却毫不忧虑,叫阿路放心吃喝,谈话间,小宝忽然哭了起来,说自己很寂寞,吓了阿路一跳,原来是小宝故意作弄,阿路啼笑皆非。 星星家庭简单,有一对视钱如命的父母有财和珊珊,还有语不惊人死不休的妹妹亮亮。有财喜欢喜耀,珊珊却觉得喜耀老跟在星星屁股后,小男人没出息,反希望星星与Alex旧情重燃。星星回家发现手机遗失,想起当天离开酒店时,在大门口遇见马达,被马达推翻在地,皮包里的东西都掉了出来,马达可能趁机顺手牵羊,偷走她的手机…
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation....
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation....
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars...
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars...
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Bai Xingxing (Zoe Tay) is smart and has always done well in her studies. She is steady, driven and dares to take up a challenge. When all her peers are busy with romantic pursuits, Xingxing and her boyfriend Tang Xiyao (Zhang Wenxiang) devote their time and efforts to prepare for their careers after graduation. Xingxing is at the peak of her life - at the young age of 26, she makes her first one million dollars.
Additional Information
Premiered | 2006 |
Genres | drama |
Seasons | 1 |