Bruce Lee, My Brother is a dramatic biopic of the eponymous martial arts legend as told by his younger brother, Robert Lee. It revolves around Bruce Lee's life as a rebellious adolescent in Hong Kong until he sets off for the USA and conquers the world at the age of 18 with only US$100 in his pocket. 1940年11月27日李小龙出生于美国三藩市,取名振藩,父亲是粤剧伶人李海泉(梁家辉),母亲是何东家族的富家女何爱榆(钟丽缇)。长大了的李小龙(李治廷)在片场认識曹达华(张兆辉)的女儿曹敏儿(谢婷婷)一見倾心。他有三位少年好友:日後以艺名走红的小麒麟(欧阳靖)、奀仔(陈奂仁)和刘连光(张一山),他们不时与人动武闯祸。由于爱打架,李小龙拜葉问为师学习咏春,十七岁嬴得校际西洋拳比赛。一次为了拯救好友刘连光,李小龙得罪了黑道中人,父亲逼不得已送他回去美国,希望他在彼邦继续学业。1959年,李小龙踏上远洋邮轮,从此展开传奇的一页!