After over 900 years serving in Hell’s Courts, Justice Bao and his team visit the mortal realm on a mission. Working together with a mercenary female psychic Jia Tian Yu, they must put right a miscarriage of justice from 1,000 years ago, while solving new supernatural mysteries - all within 49 days.

To encounter spirits in their full horror glory and gain first-hand clues to the mystery that Justice Bao and team is solving, download Justice Boo: Spirit Hunter app via App Store or Google Play BEFORE you watch!

| Cast |

James Seah, Ferlyn Wong, Johnny Ng, Tay Ying, Glenn Yong, Benzo, Tang Shao Wei, Leon Lee


若想在自己的家中和剧里出现的鬼魂互动,目睹它们真确的恐怖模样,并从中最先获知剧情里还未揭晓的谜底线索,即刻到App StoreGoogle Play下载Justice Boo: Spirit Hunter应用程序。

| 演员 |

谢俊峰, 黄晶玲, 黄家强, 郑颖, 容启航, 钟伟权, 唐绍炜, 李龙祥