The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 1 Ready for the Rush!
23 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 1 Ready for the Rush!

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 2 The Future King of Duels
23 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 2 The Future King of Duels

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 3 Rock the Rush Duel
22 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 3 Rock the Rush Duel

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 4 Rush Duel Resignation
23 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 4 Rush Duel Resignation

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 5 Breaking News!
22 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 5 Breaking News!

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 6 Rushing for Ramen
22 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 6 Rushing for Ramen

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 7 Disco Duel
21 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 7 Disco Duel

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 8 Rush Crushed Kid
22 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 8 Rush Crushed Kid

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 9 Dino Detours
22 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 9 Dino Detours

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 10 Behind You!
22 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 10 Behind You!

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 11 Hungry for a Duel
22 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 11 Hungry for a Duel

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 12 Drawing a Foul
22 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 12 Drawing a Foul

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 13 The Chosen One
22 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 13 The Chosen One

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 14 Curry Worries
21 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 14 Curry Worries

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 15 A Deep-Sea Duel
22 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 15 A Deep-Sea Duel

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 16 Clean-Up Operation
22 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 16 Clean-Up Operation

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 17 Purr-plexed!
23 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 17 Purr-plexed!

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 18 The Beat of Defeat
22 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 18 The Beat of Defeat

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 19 A Duel of Thrones
22 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 19 A Duel of Thrones

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 20 What Makes a Hero a Hero?
22 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 20 What Makes a Hero a Hero?

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 21 A Taste of Space
22 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 21 A Taste of Space

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 22 Cleaning Time!
23 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 22 Cleaning Time!

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 23 I'm Curious
23 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 23 I'm Curious

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 24 Helping a Friend
22 mins

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Ep 24 Helping a Friend

The series follows Yuga and his friends as they show off the delights of Rush Duels while under the watchful eye of the Goha Corporation that oversees the city.

Additional Information

Genreschildren and family, older kids (7-12)
Suitable For All Ages