While We Are Young


Yang Xiao Shuai (Zong Zi Jie) is a troubled youth who comes from a broken family. After his stint in the boys’ home, he turns over a new leaf and aims to be a competitive swimmer. Tang Yi Jie (Calvert Tay) comes from a well-to-do family and excels in his studies. Being talented and good-looking, Yi Jie is well-liked by his teachers and peers. Both boys with different upbringing and personalities will eventually cross path with each other as they vie for the affection of a girl. Tang Yi Jie’s mother Fang Ting (Zoe Tay) is a righteous teacher who is highly respected by her colleagues and as well as her students. Fang Ting’s eldest son Yi Wei (Zhang Zhen Huan) was a passionate counsellor in his youth, he encouraged a delinquent, Zhong Ai (Rebecca Lim), to change her ways. She eventually becomes a teacher and marries him. They enjoyed a happy married life until Yi Wei’s employee Jia Yi (Denise Camillia Tan) decides to come in between them. Yi Wei nearly strayed, but with interference from his wife and mother, he eventually pulls himself away from Jia Yi’s advances. To complicate matters, Zhong Ai and Fang Ting have their differences when it comes to teaching methods and domestic matters. Will they be able to set aside their differences and work out a common solution when it comes to nurturing the Z generation youths? 杨小帅(宗子杰),母早逝,父是黑社会份子,不爱读书,之后结识损友,结果被送入感化院,洗心革面,在感化院通过中四考试但立下人生目标,要成为扬名国际的游泳健将。汤一杰(郑凯介),与生俱来的读书天分,在学校是校草。两个来自不同世界的男孩将会卷入一段复杂的三角恋。汤一杰的妈妈方庭(郑惠玉)个性豪迈爽朗,有江湖儿女气概,颇得学校同仁和学生的尊重。方庭大儿子汤一伟(张振寰)青少年时期是个非常有爱心的义工,因此认识当年差一点误入歧途的钟爱(林慧玲),鼓励钟爱当上老师,之后娶了钟爱。原本拥有幸福婚姻生活的一伟被修车行女职员郑嘉怡(陈楚寰)苦苦纠缠,几乎在感情上出轨,幸得母亲方庭和妻子钟爱的插手帮忙,才没铸成大错。方庭与钟爱,这两个同样是老师,又同样是妈妈的女人,一样有很大的代沟问题,在学校又是上司与下属的关系,对于教学方式,教育方针,两人意见作风分歧,闹对立;在家里,身份易位,成了媳妇与家婆,又同样身为妈妈,分别对两个同龄儿子的管教方式也有差异,搞分化。面对这些Z世代的青少年,她们最后要怎么放下两人之间的分歧,站在同一个阵线上呢?

Ep 1
46 mins

Though they are both teachers working at the same Junior College, Zhong Ai calls Fang Ting mother-in-law at home. They don't see eye-to-eye when it comes to the way they choose to discipline the students. Fang Ting's motherly style of teaching makes her popular with the students, whereas Zhong Ai is strict. Fang Ting's older son, Yi Wei, works as a car mechanic and her younger son, Yi Jie, studies at the same Junior College she teaches in. 方庭和钟爱都

Ep 1

Though they are both teachers working at the same Junior College, Zhong Ai calls Fang Ting mother-in-law at home. They don't see eye-to-eye when it comes to the way they choose to discipline the students. Fang Ting's motherly style of teaching makes her popular with the students, whereas Zhong Ai is strict. Fang Ting's older son, Yi Wei, works as a car mechanic and her younger son, Yi Jie, studies at the same Junior College she teaches in. 方庭和钟爱都

Ep 2
46 mins

Zhong Ai pays a visit to Xiao Shuai and accidentally overhears Uncle Ben and Aunty Mary discussing the possibility of her keeping Xiao Shuai as a toy boy. Shocked for his welfare, she insists that Xiao Shuai move in with her. Xiao Shuai on the other hand, gets put off by her distrust in him, and the two get into an argument. 钟爱来找小帅,无意中听到他的舅舅Ben跟富婆Mary讨论包养小帅的事,非常震惊,要小帅搬去跟她一起住。小帅因钟爱不信任他而感失望,两人不欢而散。

Ep 2

Zhong Ai pays a visit to Xiao Shuai and accidentally overhears Uncle Ben and Aunty Mary discussing the possibility of her keeping Xiao Shuai as a toy boy. Shocked for his welfare, she insists that Xiao Shuai move in with her. Xiao Shuai on the other hand, gets put off by her distrust in him, and the two get into an argument. 钟爱来找小帅,无意中听到他的舅舅Ben跟富婆Mary讨论包养小帅的事,非常震惊,要小帅搬去跟她一起住。小帅因钟爱不信任他而感失望,两人不欢而散。

Ep 3
46 mins

Yi Jie expresses his feelings for Bai Yun but Bai Yun rejects him stating that she regards him only as a friend. Yi Jie is disappointed. Later on, he secretly follows Bai Yun and discovers that she is visiting Xiao Shuai. He jumps to the conclusion that she likes Xiao Shuai and leaves in a huff. Actually Bai Yun was just there to ask for some help with her work. 一杰向白云示爱,白云却只把他当朋友,推掉他的邀约,一杰失望不已。过后一杰悄悄跟踪白云,发现她竟然去找小帅,以为白云喜欢小帅,愤然离去。其实白云只是拜托小帅帮她做作业而已。

Ep 3

Yi Jie expresses his feelings for Bai Yun but Bai Yun rejects him stating that she regards him only as a friend. Yi Jie is disappointed. Later on, he secretly follows Bai Yun and discovers that she is visiting Xiao Shuai. He jumps to the conclusion that she likes Xiao Shuai and leaves in a huff. Actually Bai Yun was just there to ask for some help with her work. 一杰向白云示爱,白云却只把他当朋友,推掉他的邀约,一杰失望不已。过后一杰悄悄跟踪白云,发现她竟然去找小帅,以为白云喜欢小帅,愤然离去。其实白云只是拜托小帅帮她做作业而已。

Ep 4
45 mins

Fang Ting brings Xiao Shuai for dinner at home one day and Zhong Ai is both surprised and elated. Zhong Ai tells Xiao Shuai about the goals set for him agreed between her and Fang Ting. If he manages to achieve the set goals, they will sponsor his swimming training abroad. Xiao Shuai accepts the challenge. At dinner, Fang Ting reveals her intention to let Xiao Shuai move into the house. Yi Jie violently objects and leaves in a huff. 方庭带小帅回家吃饭,钟爱意

Ep 4

Fang Ting brings Xiao Shuai for dinner at home one day and Zhong Ai is both surprised and elated. Zhong Ai tells Xiao Shuai about the goals set for him agreed between her and Fang Ting. If he manages to achieve the set goals, they will sponsor his swimming training abroad. Xiao Shuai accepts the challenge. At dinner, Fang Ting reveals her intention to let Xiao Shuai move into the house. Yi Jie violently objects and leaves in a huff. 方庭带小帅回家吃饭,钟爱意

Ep 5
46 mins

Xiao Shuai does not understand why Yi Jie hates him so much. Bai Yun knows the reason but can't bring herself to tell him. Yi Jie sees her and Xiao Shuai together and becomes upset. He pulls her away from him and tells Xiao Shuai that he does not like to see Bai Yun and him together. Finally Xiao Shuai realises that Yi Jie has a crush on Bai Yun, hence the animosity towards him. 小帅不解一杰为什么这么讨厌他,白云知道原因,却无法说出口。一杰看到白云和小帅在一起,不高兴地要拉白云离开,还说不喜欢白云跟小帅在一起。小

Ep 5

Xiao Shuai does not understand why Yi Jie hates him so much. Bai Yun knows the reason but can't bring herself to tell him. Yi Jie sees her and Xiao Shuai together and becomes upset. He pulls her away from him and tells Xiao Shuai that he does not like to see Bai Yun and him together. Finally Xiao Shuai realises that Yi Jie has a crush on Bai Yun, hence the animosity towards him. 小帅不解一杰为什么这么讨厌他,白云知道原因,却无法说出口。一杰看到白云和小帅在一起,不高兴地要拉白云离开,还说不喜欢白云跟小帅在一起。小

Ep 6
46 mins

Mary looks up Xiao Shuai and tells him that she can sponsor his overseas training trip. She even gives him a credit card to spend freely. After much struggle, Xiao Shuai finally accepts the card and confirms with his coach that he will be going for the overseas training after all. Zhong Ai learns about it and tries to talk him out of it lest he regrets it. Mary上门找小帅,表示将支助他出国参加集训的费用,还送上一张附属信用卡,让他随意花费。小帅挣扎一番,最后将卡收下,并告诉教练他会出国参加集训。钟爱得知,急忙劝他不要行差踏错,免得将

Ep 6

Mary looks up Xiao Shuai and tells him that she can sponsor his overseas training trip. She even gives him a credit card to spend freely. After much struggle, Xiao Shuai finally accepts the card and confirms with his coach that he will be going for the overseas training after all. Zhong Ai learns about it and tries to talk him out of it lest he regrets it. Mary上门找小帅,表示将支助他出国参加集训的费用,还送上一张附属信用卡,让他随意花费。小帅挣扎一番,最后将卡收下,并告诉教练他会出国参加集训。钟爱得知,急忙劝他不要行差踏错,免得将

Ep 7
46 mins

Jin Shun, Fang Ting's ex-classmate, spots Fang Ting and instead of going up to her to say hello, he leaves a black paper rose on her car. Fang Ting is pleasantly surprised when she sees it and immediately thinks of Jin Shun. When she gets home, she digs out old keepsakes and recounts the time in high school where she used to write love letters to Jin Shun but was rejected by him. 方庭的高中同学金顺偶然见到方庭,却没有表明身份,只在她的汽车上留下一朵纸折的黑玫瑰。方庭看到黑玫瑰,猜想是金顺,惊喜不已。回家后,她找

Ep 7

Jin Shun, Fang Ting's ex-classmate, spots Fang Ting and instead of going up to her to say hello, he leaves a black paper rose on her car. Fang Ting is pleasantly surprised when she sees it and immediately thinks of Jin Shun. When she gets home, she digs out old keepsakes and recounts the time in high school where she used to write love letters to Jin Shun but was rejected by him. 方庭的高中同学金顺偶然见到方庭,却没有表明身份,只在她的汽车上留下一朵纸折的黑玫瑰。方庭看到黑玫瑰,猜想是金顺,惊喜不已。回家后,她找

Ep 8
46 mins

Bai Yun gets chased out of the house by her mum. Fang Ting learns of it and decides to let Bai Yun stay at her home, in addition to letting Xiao Shuai stay over as well. Yi Jie is adamant that Xiao Shuai should leave. Xiao Shuai offers to sleep in the living room and Fang Ting is touched by his maturity, while disappointed that her own son's behaviour is so childish. 白云被母亲赶出家门,方庭得悉,决定收留她,并要小帅也搬来一起住。一杰不肯让步,要赶小帅离开。小帅懂事地说他可以睡客厅。方庭见小帅这么懂事,一杰却像个被宠坏的小孩

Ep 8

Bai Yun gets chased out of the house by her mum. Fang Ting learns of it and decides to let Bai Yun stay at her home, in addition to letting Xiao Shuai stay over as well. Yi Jie is adamant that Xiao Shuai should leave. Xiao Shuai offers to sleep in the living room and Fang Ting is touched by his maturity, while disappointed that her own son's behaviour is so childish. 白云被母亲赶出家门,方庭得悉,决定收留她,并要小帅也搬来一起住。一杰不肯让步,要赶小帅离开。小帅懂事地说他可以睡客厅。方庭见小帅这么懂事,一杰却像个被宠坏的小孩

Ep 9
46 mins

Business at the car repair shop is getting worse. Yi Wei discovers that Ah Hao has been stealing his business and confronts him. Ah Hao counters that Yi Wei has only himself to blame as he failed to upgrade himself and keep himself competitive. Yi Wei is deeply affected and turns to drinking to drown his sorrows. 修车行生意下跌,一伟发现原来阿豪另起炉灶,抢走他的生意。一伟跑去找阿豪理论,反被阿豪讥讽他没有提升自己,让修车行失去竞争力。一伟大受打击,只好借酒浇愁。

Ep 9

Business at the car repair shop is getting worse. Yi Wei discovers that Ah Hao has been stealing his business and confronts him. Ah Hao counters that Yi Wei has only himself to blame as he failed to upgrade himself and keep himself competitive. Yi Wei is deeply affected and turns to drinking to drown his sorrows. 修车行生意下跌,一伟发现原来阿豪另起炉灶,抢走他的生意。一伟跑去找阿豪理论,反被阿豪讥讽他没有提升自己,让修车行失去竞争力。一伟大受打击,只好借酒浇愁。

Ep 10
46 mins

A drunk Yi Wei goes back to the car repair shop. Jia Yi, who has long harboured feelings for Yi Wei, takes the opportunity to take "intimate" photos with him. Fang Ting is reunited with Jin Shun and is shocked that he is actually Bai Yun's uncle. Xiao Shuai and Bai Yun do not wish to cause inconveniences to Fang Ting's family and opts to leave. Jin Shun offers to let the two of them stay at his place instead. 一伟喝醉酒回去修车行,喜欢一伟的嘉怡乘他喝醉,拍下两人的"亲热...

Ep 10

A drunk Yi Wei goes back to the car repair shop. Jia Yi, who has long harboured feelings for Yi Wei, takes the opportunity to take "intimate" photos with him. Fang Ting is reunited with Jin Shun and is shocked that he is actually Bai Yun's uncle. Xiao Shuai and Bai Yun do not wish to cause inconveniences to Fang Ting's family and opts to leave. Jin Shun offers to let the two of them stay at his place instead. 一伟喝醉酒回去修车行,喜欢一伟的嘉怡乘他喝醉,拍下两人的"亲热...

Ep 11
46 mins

Fang Ting pays a visit to Jin Shun's home. She feels it is a good environment and decides to let Xiao Shuai and Bai Yun stay with him. Fang Ting and Jin Shun reminisce about the old times, reading the old love letters Fang Ting used to write to him. Fang Ting laughs at the fact that she wrote such sappy love letters. 方庭到金顺家看了环境后,决定让小帅和白云住下。方庭与金顺叙旧,发现金顺还收藏着当年自己写给他的情书。两人一起看着情书,觉得很好笑。方庭笑自己当年竟然会那么疯狂,写这么肉麻的情书。

Ep 11

Fang Ting pays a visit to Jin Shun's home. She feels it is a good environment and decides to let Xiao Shuai and Bai Yun stay with him. Fang Ting and Jin Shun reminisce about the old times, reading the old love letters Fang Ting used to write to him. Fang Ting laughs at the fact that she wrote such sappy love letters. 方庭到金顺家看了环境后,决定让小帅和白云住下。方庭与金顺叙旧,发现金顺还收藏着当年自己写给他的情书。两人一起看着情书,觉得很好笑。方庭笑自己当年竟然会那么疯狂,写这么肉麻的情书。

Ep 12
46 mins

Yi Ling tries to kill herself. Her parents are upset and bars visitors, even putting the blame on Zhong Ai for Yi Ling's suicide attempt. Zhong Ai suffers tremendous stress from the opinions of her principal and colleagues. 依玲自杀入院,其父母情绪十分激动,不让任何人探望,还怪罪于钟爱,指是钟爱鼓励依玲复课,依玲才会自杀的。校长对此也颇有微词,加上子乾等老师的讥讽,令钟爱承受了沉重的压力。

Ep 12

Yi Ling tries to kill herself. Her parents are upset and bars visitors, even putting the blame on Zhong Ai for Yi Ling's suicide attempt. Zhong Ai suffers tremendous stress from the opinions of her principal and colleagues. 依玲自杀入院,其父母情绪十分激动,不让任何人探望,还怪罪于钟爱,指是钟爱鼓励依玲复课,依玲才会自杀的。校长对此也颇有微词,加上子乾等老师的讥讽,令钟爱承受了沉重的压力。

Ep 13
46 mins

Xiao Shuai moves back into Fang Ting's house and decides to make peace with Yi Jie. Yi Wei encourages Zhong Ai to reconsider supporting Xiao Shuai's swimming aspirations. With his talent, it is worthwhile to pursue when young. Zhong Ai finally relents and decides to support Xiao Shuai's dreams. 小帅搬回方庭家,决定与一杰和平相处。一伟希望钟爱认真考虑支持小帅游泳的事,毕竟运动员寿命有时限,如果小帅有游泳的天分,就应该趁现在的黄金时期好好栽培他。钟爱听后,决定支持小帅出国参加集训。

Ep 13

Xiao Shuai moves back into Fang Ting's house and decides to make peace with Yi Jie. Yi Wei encourages Zhong Ai to reconsider supporting Xiao Shuai's swimming aspirations. With his talent, it is worthwhile to pursue when young. Zhong Ai finally relents and decides to support Xiao Shuai's dreams. 小帅搬回方庭家,决定与一杰和平相处。一伟希望钟爱认真考虑支持小帅游泳的事,毕竟运动员寿命有时限,如果小帅有游泳的天分,就应该趁现在的黄金时期好好栽培他。钟爱听后,决定支持小帅出国参加集训。

Ep 14
45 mins

Jin Shun decides to throw a party for the students. Fang Ting meets him to pass him the list of attendees and he hands her some old love letters in return, telling her to read them at home. At home, Fang Ting discovers a letter from him where he reveals that even though 30 years ago he rejected her, he has now fallen for her and would like to woo her. Fang Ting is elated. 金顺决定办同学会,方庭把出席同学名单交给他。金顺乘机将情书交给方庭,要她回家后才看。方庭回家后阅读,金顺在信中表示30年前他对方庭的表白没有动心,30

Ep 14

Jin Shun decides to throw a party for the students. Fang Ting meets him to pass him the list of attendees and he hands her some old love letters in return, telling her to read them at home. At home, Fang Ting discovers a letter from him where he reveals that even though 30 years ago he rejected her, he has now fallen for her and would like to woo her. Fang Ting is elated. 金顺决定办同学会,方庭把出席同学名单交给他。金顺乘机将情书交给方庭,要她回家后才看。方庭回家后阅读,金顺在信中表示30年前他对方庭的表白没有动心,30

Ep 15
46 mins

Jia Yi sent Zhong Ai the intimate photos she secretly took with Yi Jie, causing Zhong Ai to misunderstand. Bai Yun is cleaning her room when she discovers a hidden camera. Thinking that it belongs to Jin Shun, she leaves home and seeks shelter at Fang Ting's home without revealing the real reason. 嘉怡把自己偷拍与一伟的亲热照发给方庭和钟爱,导致钟爱对一伟产生误会。白云在打扫房间时,无意中发现画框上藏有电眼,以为金顺偷窥她,感到很震惊。她不敢回金顺家,也不敢对方庭说出此事,只是找借口在方庭家住一晚。

Ep 15

Jia Yi sent Zhong Ai the intimate photos she secretly took with Yi Jie, causing Zhong Ai to misunderstand. Bai Yun is cleaning her room when she discovers a hidden camera. Thinking that it belongs to Jin Shun, she leaves home and seeks shelter at Fang Ting's home without revealing the real reason. 嘉怡把自己偷拍与一伟的亲热照发给方庭和钟爱,导致钟爱对一伟产生误会。白云在打扫房间时,无意中发现画框上藏有电眼,以为金顺偷窥她,感到很震惊。她不敢回金顺家,也不敢对方庭说出此事,只是找借口在方庭家住一晚。

Ep 16
45 mins

Bai Yun reveals to Fang Ting that the real reason why she left home was because of the hidden camera she found. Fang Ting refuses to listen to Jin Shun's explanation and gets doubly depressed when she finds out her good friend is terminally ill. She decides to visit her friend. Seeing that Fang Ting is upset, Bai Yun avoids telling Fang Ting about You Wan's self mutilation. 白云终于把金顺装电眼的事告诉方庭,方庭怒责金顺,不听他解释,把白云带走。方庭身体不适,心情郁闷,又得知外地好友病入膏肓,命不长久,决定前往见她最后

Ep 16

Bai Yun reveals to Fang Ting that the real reason why she left home was because of the hidden camera she found. Fang Ting refuses to listen to Jin Shun's explanation and gets doubly depressed when she finds out her good friend is terminally ill. She decides to visit her friend. Seeing that Fang Ting is upset, Bai Yun avoids telling Fang Ting about You Wan's self mutilation. 白云终于把金顺装电眼的事告诉方庭,方庭怒责金顺,不听他解释,把白云带走。方庭身体不适,心情郁闷,又得知外地好友病入膏肓,命不长久,决定前往见她最后

Ep 17
46 mins

Yi Ling arrives at Fang Ting's house demanding for an apology from Yi Jie. Yi Jie refuses and the two get into an argument. Xiao Shuai happens to return home and he jumps to the conclusion that it was Mary who sent Yi Ling to harass Yi Jie. He angrily chases her away from the house. Yi Ling does not take it lying down and releases unsavoury photos of Xiao Shuai online. 依玲来到方庭家,要一杰当面向她道歉,一杰不肯。两人纠缠间,小帅正好回来,他因为Mary威胁他的事而心情不佳,见依玲纠缠小杰,生气下将她赶走。依玲怀恨在心,在

Ep 17

Yi Ling arrives at Fang Ting's house demanding for an apology from Yi Jie. Yi Jie refuses and the two get into an argument. Xiao Shuai happens to return home and he jumps to the conclusion that it was Mary who sent Yi Ling to harass Yi Jie. He angrily chases her away from the house. Yi Ling does not take it lying down and releases unsavoury photos of Xiao Shuai online. 依玲来到方庭家,要一杰当面向她道歉,一杰不肯。两人纠缠间,小帅正好回来,他因为Mary威胁他的事而心情不佳,见依玲纠缠小杰,生气下将她赶走。依玲怀恨在心,在

Ep 18
46 mins

Jia Yi slaps Zhong Ai, and Xiao Shuai jumps in to shield Zhong Ai. Yi Wei chases Jia Yi away. He is concerned that Jia Yi will return to cause trouble and takes turns with Xiao Shuai and Yi Jie to protect Zhong Ai. Jin Shun manages to catch the real culprit behind the hidden camera in Bai Yun's room, and clears his name. Bai Yun apologises to Jin Shun and the pair make up. 嘉怡上门刮了钟爱一巴掌,小帅维护钟爱,一伟气得将嘉怡赶走。他担心嘉怡会再来闹事,决定联合小帅和一杰,轮流保护她。金顺设下陷阱,终于捉到装电眼的人是房

Ep 18

Jia Yi slaps Zhong Ai, and Xiao Shuai jumps in to shield Zhong Ai. Yi Wei chases Jia Yi away. He is concerned that Jia Yi will return to cause trouble and takes turns with Xiao Shuai and Yi Jie to protect Zhong Ai. Jin Shun manages to catch the real culprit behind the hidden camera in Bai Yun's room, and clears his name. Bai Yun apologises to Jin Shun and the pair make up. 嘉怡上门刮了钟爱一巴掌,小帅维护钟爱,一伟气得将嘉怡赶走。他担心嘉怡会再来闹事,决定联合小帅和一杰,轮流保护她。金顺设下陷阱,终于捉到装电眼的人是房

Ep 19
46 mins

Jia Yi makes a police report and accuses Zhong Ai, Yi Wei and Xiao Shuai of physically hurting her, causing the 3 of them to be called in for investigation. Zhong Ai gets reported in the newspapers but Fang Ting defends her. Zhong Ai is touched. 嘉怡恶人先告状,报警称被钟爱、一伟和小帅打伤,导致三人被警方调查。报章报道初院老师伤人事件,钟爱成为众矢之的,方庭挺身而出为她辩护,钟爱感激。白云发现自己拥有嘉怡殴打钟爱的录像,决定以此洗脱钟爱的冤屈。

Ep 19

Jia Yi makes a police report and accuses Zhong Ai, Yi Wei and Xiao Shuai of physically hurting her, causing the 3 of them to be called in for investigation. Zhong Ai gets reported in the newspapers but Fang Ting defends her. Zhong Ai is touched. 嘉怡恶人先告状,报警称被钟爱、一伟和小帅打伤,导致三人被警方调查。报章报道初院老师伤人事件,钟爱成为众矢之的,方庭挺身而出为她辩护,钟爱感激。白云发现自己拥有嘉怡殴打钟爱的录像,决定以此洗脱钟爱的冤屈。

Ep 20
46 mins

Fang Ting discovers a tumour but refuses to undergo treatment, causing everyone to worry. Tian Cai gets his mom in trouble with the police when he tries to earn pocket money through illegal means. Out of desperation, he seeks Fang Ting's help. Fang Ting wants this to be a lesson to Tian Cai, and asks him to repent. Jin Shun tries to persuade Fang Ting to seek medical help as everyone cares about her but will she give in ultimately? 方庭身上发现肿瘤,却不肯做切

Ep 20

Fang Ting discovers a tumour but refuses to undergo treatment, causing everyone to worry. Tian Cai gets his mom in trouble with the police when he tries to earn pocket money through illegal means. Out of desperation, he seeks Fang Ting's help. Fang Ting wants this to be a lesson to Tian Cai, and asks him to repent. Jin Shun tries to persuade Fang Ting to seek medical help as everyone cares about her but will she give in ultimately? 方庭身上发现肿瘤,却不肯做切

Additional Information

Parental guidance advised for young children