That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime: The Slime Diaries

关于我转生变成史莱姆这档事 转生史莱姆日记

"Wonderful Slime life! The popular TenSura 4-coma spin-off comic, ""The Slime Diaries"" which has sold over 500,000 copies in total is getting its very first TV anime adaptation! ""I finally got my hand on precious papers, so I decided to use it as a diary. For starters, let's write about... That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime. From that point on, my adventure... Err, adventure?"" Here we present you the ""Slime life"" story, depicting the daily life of the playful and humorous Rimuru along with his friends in Tempest!"「美妙的史莱姆人生!」累积销售量突破五十万册的高人气外传四格漫画『转生史莱姆日记』,这次成为转生史莱姆外传系列首部TV动画化的作品! 「因为取得了贵重的纸,所以我决定将至今发生的事以日记的形式记录下来。至于开头嘛…就写『转生后成为史莱姆』吧。然后再写下我的冒险…我的…冒险?」描绘了许多利姆路和坦派斯特的伙伴们诙谐幽默的日常生活,「史莱姆人生系」转生娱乐大作即将登场。

Ep 1 The Citizen In Town Of Monster
24 mins

Rimuru tried to write down his grandiose slime life into a diary, but there is too much stuff to write so he stopped. What unfolds right before him now is his daily life in Tempest. 度过了惊涛骇浪的史莱姆人生,现在利姆路决定将他的半生写成日记…然而,因为写起来内容实在太多了,所以他最后决定作罢。放下笔喘口气稍作休息,等待着他的是在坦派斯特的日常生活。

Ep 1 The Citizen In Town Of Monster

Rimuru tried to write down his grandiose slime life into a diary, but there is too much stuff to write so he stopped. What unfolds right before him now is his daily life in Tempest. 度过了惊涛骇浪的史莱姆人生,现在利姆路决定将他的半生写成日记…然而,因为写起来内容实在太多了,所以他最后决定作罢。放下笔喘口气稍作休息,等待着他的是在坦派斯特的日常生活。

Ep 2 The Wind Of Spring
24 mins

Spring finally arrives in Tempest. It's serene, but spring in another world is full of spectacle, with giant butterflies flying around. Rimuru wanted to fully enjoy his hard-earned day off, but he's unsure what to do. 春天造访了坦派斯特。为了提升城镇的粮食自给率,利姆路决定开垦广大的田地种植蔬菜。众人在利姆路的号召下跨越了种族的隔阂,一起努力下田工作。

Ep 2 The Wind Of Spring

Spring finally arrives in Tempest. It's serene, but spring in another world is full of spectacle, with giant butterflies flying around. Rimuru wanted to fully enjoy his hard-earned day off, but he's unsure what to do. 春天造访了坦派斯特。为了提升城镇的粮食自给率,利姆路决定开垦广大的田地种植蔬菜。众人在利姆路的号召下跨越了种族的隔阂,一起努力下田工作。

Ep 3 Summer In Jura
24 mins

It's finally summer in Tempest. However, this year's summer is apparently way hotter than it has ever been. Just what could be the cause? Could it be Rimuru? To change the mood and enjoy the summer air, Rimuru decided to teach Gobta and his friends the art of "Bug catching." 坦派斯特迎来了夏天。听说这里之前似乎并没有这么炎热,在得知这可能是自己造成的之后,利姆路不禁同时流下了冷汗及热汗。为了转换心情,他决定教哥布达等人进行夏季最具代表性的活动之一「抓虫」。

Ep 3 Summer In Jura

It's finally summer in Tempest. However, this year's summer is apparently way hotter than it has ever been. Just what could be the cause? Could it be Rimuru? To change the mood and enjoy the summer air, Rimuru decided to teach Gobta and his friends the art of "Bug catching." 坦派斯特迎来了夏天。听说这里之前似乎并没有这么炎热,在得知这可能是自己造成的之后,利姆路不禁同时流下了冷汗及热汗。为了转换心情,他决定教哥布达等人进行夏季最具代表性的活动之一「抓虫」。

Ep 4 A Day In Swimsuit
24 mins

The hot day continues in Tempest. As such, Rimuru and the gang decide to go check out the cool lake right near the forest. After changing into their swimsuit, everyone starts enjoying themselves... However, it seems that Shuna and Shion have something to say about Rimuru's swimsuit. 坦派斯特正值酷暑。来到森林另一头的凉爽湖泊进行探勘的利姆路等人换上了泳装、准备玩个过瘾…原本是这么想的,但朱菜和紫苑不知为何好像对利姆路的泳装有些不满…?

Ep 4 A Day In Swimsuit

The hot day continues in Tempest. As such, Rimuru and the gang decide to go check out the cool lake right near the forest. After changing into their swimsuit, everyone starts enjoying themselves... However, it seems that Shuna and Shion have something to say about Rimuru's swimsuit. 坦派斯特正值酷暑。来到森林另一头的凉爽湖泊进行探勘的利姆路等人换上了泳装、准备玩个过瘾…原本是这么想的,但朱菜和紫苑不知为何好像对利姆路的泳装有些不满…?

Ep 5 Summer Festival Recreation
24 mins

Rimuru is planning to hold a Japanese's traditional festival, the "Summer Festival". Food stall like takoyaki and yakisoba, yukata and bon-dance, and lastly, a firework. It's all things that don't exist in Jura, but that does not stop them from trying. 利姆路打算在这个世界举办日本夏天的宴会「夏日祭典」。吃路边摊准备的章鱼烧和刨冰、穿着浴衣跳盆踊,还有放烟火。魔物们开始准备要将这些全部重现出来…!

Ep 5 Summer Festival Recreation

Rimuru is planning to hold a Japanese's traditional festival, the "Summer Festival". Food stall like takoyaki and yakisoba, yukata and bon-dance, and lastly, a firework. It's all things that don't exist in Jura, but that does not stop them from trying. 利姆路打算在这个世界举办日本夏天的宴会「夏日祭典」。吃路边摊准备的章鱼烧和刨冰、穿着浴衣跳盆踊,还有放烟火。魔物们开始准备要将这些全部重现出来…!

Ep 6 Changing With Time
24 mins

It's finally time for Obon. Shizu is coming to the town as a spirit! Shizu wants to check on Rimuru who she heard to be living using a body that looks like hers, but what she found was Rimuru in a bunny girl outfit! A bunny girl who looks like Shizu...! 时间来到了盂兰盆节的季节,静小姐化为人魂回来了!她回来原本是打算看看以和自己相似的模样生活的利姆路现在过得如何的…结果却发现利姆路正穿着兔女郎装!?

Ep 6 Changing With Time

It's finally time for Obon. Shizu is coming to the town as a spirit! Shizu wants to check on Rimuru who she heard to be living using a body that looks like hers, but what she found was Rimuru in a bunny girl outfit! A bunny girl who looks like Shizu...! 时间来到了盂兰盆节的季节,静小姐化为人魂回来了!她回来原本是打算看看以和自己相似的模样生活的利姆路现在过得如何的…结果却发现利姆路正穿着兔女郎装!?

Ep 7 Demon Lord Has Arrived!
24 mins

Looking at Great Sage's retrospective, Tempest seems to be having a smooth sail... but then, the world's strongest Demon Lord, Milim Nava has arrived! Not just Tempest, but she has also taken over the show! Milim Diary-- starts now! 坦派斯特的发展看似一帆风顺……这个时候最古老的魔王蜜莉姆.拿渥突然来袭!利姆路不只是坦派斯特,就连标题都被她侵略了!「蜜莉姆日记」现在即将揭开序幕。

Ep 7 Demon Lord Has Arrived!

Looking at Great Sage's retrospective, Tempest seems to be having a smooth sail... but then, the world's strongest Demon Lord, Milim Nava has arrived! Not just Tempest, but she has also taken over the show! Milim Diary-- starts now! 坦派斯特的发展看似一帆风顺……这个时候最古老的魔王蜜莉姆.拿渥突然来袭!利姆路不只是坦派斯特,就连标题都被她侵略了!「蜜莉姆日记」现在即将揭开序幕。

Ep 8 Fruitful Autumn
24 mins

It's finally autumn in Tempest. Thanks to all the hard work, the citizen of Tempest now have stable supply of food, clothing, and shelter, allowing them to enjoy the taste of autumn. Thus, in order to maintain their quality of life for the winter, they begin the harvest festival. 坦派斯特迎来了秋天。如今城镇的文化水平提升,在食衣住方面也都有着不虞匮乏的稳定供给,已经有了能享受秋季美食的余裕。而为了让这份余裕带到冬天,所以集合大家之力开始进行丰收祭。

Ep 8 Fruitful Autumn

It's finally autumn in Tempest. Thanks to all the hard work, the citizen of Tempest now have stable supply of food, clothing, and shelter, allowing them to enjoy the taste of autumn. Thus, in order to maintain their quality of life for the winter, they begin the harvest festival. 坦派斯特迎来了秋天。如今城镇的文化水平提升,在食衣住方面也都有着不虞匮乏的稳定供给,已经有了能享受秋季美食的余裕。而为了让这份余裕带到冬天,所以集合大家之力开始进行丰收祭。

Ep 9 Winter's Arrival
24 mins

Right after the autumn festival, the season quickly changed into winter. Rimuru changed his clothes to one fits more for the time of the year. However, that only applies to when he's in human form. Yes, when he's a slime, Rimuru is actually walking around the Tempest winter all naked! 丰收祭过后随着季节的更迭,转眼间来到了冬天。冬季是容易发生火灾的季节。于是利姆路决定实施古早的巡逻文化「小心火烛」倡导活动。

Ep 9 Winter's Arrival

Right after the autumn festival, the season quickly changed into winter. Rimuru changed his clothes to one fits more for the time of the year. However, that only applies to when he's in human form. Yes, when he's a slime, Rimuru is actually walking around the Tempest winter all naked! 丰收祭过后随着季节的更迭,转眼间来到了冬天。冬季是容易发生火灾的季节。于是利姆路决定实施古早的巡逻文化「小心火烛」倡导活动。

Ep 10 Monster Town In Snow
24 mins

The heavy snow covered the street and blocked the door. Winter has finally arrived at Tempest. Rimuru, Milim, and Shion. They're kindred spirit who shares the same childish desire to dive into the snow. 积雪已经厚到不铲雪甚至开不了门的地步了。坦派斯特正式进入了冬天。童心未泯、心中隐藏着滑雪冲动的看来少说也有三个人。

Ep 10 Monster Town In Snow

The heavy snow covered the street and blocked the door. Winter has finally arrived at Tempest. Rimuru, Milim, and Shion. They're kindred spirit who shares the same childish desire to dive into the snow. 积雪已经厚到不铲雪甚至开不了门的地步了。坦派斯特正式进入了冬天。童心未泯、心中隐藏着滑雪冲动的看来少说也有三个人。

Ep 11 Where Is Santa Claus?
24 mins

"Could Santa actually be an Otherworlder?" Rimuru thought. Triggered by the idea, Rimuru decided to hold a big Christmas party in Tempest. With that in mind, welcome to Christmas in Tempest! 「圣诞老人该不会是异世界人吧?」…突发奇想的利姆路现在心里所想的,是在这里一定能过一场比在前世的世界还要更充实的圣诞节。…但恋人情侣可不准许!

Ep 11 Where Is Santa Claus?

"Could Santa actually be an Otherworlder?" Rimuru thought. Triggered by the idea, Rimuru decided to hold a big Christmas party in Tempest. With that in mind, welcome to Christmas in Tempest! 「圣诞老人该不会是异世界人吧?」…突发奇想的利姆路现在心里所想的,是在这里一定能过一场比在前世的世界还要更充实的圣诞节。…但恋人情侣可不准许!

Ep 12 Enjoying The New Year
24 mins

"Happy New Year"... That word brings more weight for Rimuru in this other world more than it was back in his previous world. To Tempest, it marks the end of an year overcoming so many crises. It is the time for people in Tempest to watch the first sunrise alongside a Rimuru kagami mochi. 「新年快乐!」…结束了年末一连串的繁忙活动后,坦派斯特和吉祥喜气的镜饼利姆路一起开始了新的一年!换上新年穿的特别礼服,大家一同迎接新年的到来。

Ep 12 Enjoying The New Year

"Happy New Year"... That word brings more weight for Rimuru in this other world more than it was back in his previous world. To Tempest, it marks the end of an year overcoming so many crises. It is the time for people in Tempest to watch the first sunrise alongside a Rimuru kagami mochi. 「新年快乐!」…结束了年末一连串的繁忙活动后,坦派斯特和吉祥喜气的镜饼利姆路一起开始了新的一年!换上新年穿的特别礼服,大家一同迎接新年的到来。

Additional Information

Genresaction and adventure, anime, comedy
Parental guidance advised for young children