Scarlet Heart
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her. 张晓熟知清史,原本是繁华都市的一名白领,却因一脚踏空而穿越了时空的隧道,化身为十六岁的清朝少女马尔泰·若曦,进入风云诡变的宫廷之中。刚到清廷的她个性张扬,言行举止没有古代女子的保守温婉,反而豪爽大气,她和阿哥斗嘴;和格格打架,连皇上都笑说她是“拼命十三妹”。时光荏苒,当年那个任性的小姑娘渐渐长大,误打误撞被收编到皇上御前奉茶,从此卷入九子夺嫡的暗战之中无法自拔,个人情感夹杂在宫斗的惨烈中备受煎熬。八阿哥清风朗月八面玲珑,让若曦心生仰慕,加上闻知他对姐姐痴情,姐姐却心有所属与他貌合神离,让若曦由怜生爱。八阿哥的默默守护让若曦在彷徨孤独中有依靠,芳心终被打动。若曦全心全意接受八阿哥,更毅然求他放弃争夺皇位,奈何八阿哥最终选择江山,若曦深受打击。步步惊心的皇权争夺,四阿哥毫无戒心的坦诚让她义无反顾相信,当四阿哥下意识舍命相救,若曦决定一生追随。得知几位阿哥相继悲惨收场源于自己,若曦情绪崩溃,心灰意冷离开皇宫。经历几番爱恨嗔痴,若曦身心俱疲再也支撑不住,临终前,她彷佛听到一阵歌声,引她入梦。
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A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her. 身处2011年的白领张晓一觉醒来,发现自己来到了一个完全陌生的世界――清朝康熙年间的八贝勒府,被人...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her. 身处2011年的白领张晓一觉醒来,发现自己来到了一个完全陌生的世界――清朝康熙年间的八贝勒府,被人...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her. 四阿哥悄悄买了跌伤药给若曦,劝诫她最好别随便寻死,一番话让若曦决定既来之,则安之。若曦自告奋勇给姐...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her. 四阿哥悄悄买了跌伤药给若曦,劝诫她最好别随便寻死,一番话让若曦决定既来之,则安之。若曦自告奋勇给姐...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her. 众位阿哥齐聚一堂,纵情豪饮,十阿哥喝的有点多,偷偷跑出去吐,被若曦撞见,说正好有份贺礼送上,原来是...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her. 众位阿哥齐聚一堂,纵情豪饮,十阿哥喝的有点多,偷偷跑出去吐,被若曦撞见,说正好有份贺礼送上,原来是...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.自中秋节后,若曦一直情绪不佳,为自己不能掌握自己的命运而悲春伤秋。十阿哥一直郁郁寡欢,每天喝酒买醉,...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.自中秋节后,若曦一直情绪不佳,为自己不能掌握自己的命运而悲春伤秋。十阿哥一直郁郁寡欢,每天喝酒买醉,...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her. 十三阿哥突然与十四阿哥讨论起“平等自由”的事情,说这都是若曦口中的“现代人思想”,大家都觉得若曦老...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her. 十三阿哥突然与十四阿哥讨论起“平等自由”的事情,说这都是若曦口中的“现代人思想”,大家都觉得若曦老...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her. 元宵节至,若曦与巧慧上街看花灯,巧遇十三与绿芜,几人相约去好馆子吃喝,又遇到十四和众位公子。十四见...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her. 元宵节至,若曦与巧慧上街看花灯,巧遇十三与绿芜,几人相约去好馆子吃喝,又遇到十四和众位公子。十四见...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.太子弹劾的风波案过去,为讨好皇上欢心,建议各位阿哥一起随皇上出塞行围。皇上命八阿哥为监国,实际上是太...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.太子弹劾的风波案过去,为讨好皇上欢心,建议各位阿哥一起随皇上出塞行围。皇上命八阿哥为监国,实际上是太...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.若曦责怪十三阿哥爽约没去教自己骑马,十三发誓说今晚一定去,可半途中又被敏敏拉去叼羊,四阿哥主动提出可...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.若曦责怪十三阿哥爽约没去教自己骑马,十三发誓说今晚一定去,可半途中又被敏敏拉去叼羊,四阿哥主动提出可...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.废太子之事震动朝野,王公大臣都在纷纷猜测未来太子的可能,生怕站错了队。一众大臣都希望皇上收回成命,此...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.废太子之事震动朝野,王公大臣都在纷纷猜测未来太子的可能,生怕站错了队。一众大臣都希望皇上收回成命,此...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.若曦心中放不下八阿哥,冒死与皇上进谏,想以父子之情来打动皇上,希望他珍惜身边人,皇上略有触动。四阿哥...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.若曦心中放不下八阿哥,冒死与皇上进谏,想以父子之情来打动皇上,希望他珍惜身边人,皇上略有触动。四阿哥...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.被八阿哥救下的若曦暂时放下心防,满心幸福的躺在他怀中,享受着片刻温馨。两人分别后,若曦正在帐篷里发呆...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.被八阿哥救下的若曦暂时放下心防,满心幸福的躺在他怀中,享受着片刻温馨。两人分别后,若曦正在帐篷里发呆...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.为免太子对自己的伤起疑,八阿哥不得不在太子面前演一场戏,他嘱咐身边太监,见机将滚烫的茶水泼在自己身上...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.为免太子对自己的伤起疑,八阿哥不得不在太子面前演一场戏,他嘱咐身边太监,见机将滚烫的茶水泼在自己身上...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.若曦刚进帐篷,见到满屋的茉莉花,十分感动,知晓那是八阿哥派人送来的。两人在草场漫步,八阿哥情不自禁想...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.若曦刚进帐篷,见到满屋的茉莉花,十分感动,知晓那是八阿哥派人送来的。两人在草场漫步,八阿哥情不自禁想...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.当日弘旺踢了若曦一脚,若曦不卑不亢的态度被无意间经过的四爷看见,颇为赞赏,特地绘制了一个精致鼻烟壶送...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.当日弘旺踢了若曦一脚,若曦不卑不亢的态度被无意间经过的四爷看见,颇为赞赏,特地绘制了一个精致鼻烟壶送...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.转眼夏天已到,皇上到畅春园避暑,若曦在荷花池边偶遇四阿哥,被她拉到一艘小船上,两人在荷塘中划船聊天,...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.转眼夏天已到,皇上到畅春园避暑,若曦在荷花池边偶遇四阿哥,被她拉到一艘小船上,两人在荷塘中划船聊天,...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.太子跟皇上说自己在驯鹰,皇上龙颜大悦,让他做个表演,没想到群鹰失控,差点伤了皇上,还好佐鹰王子及时赶...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.太子跟皇上说自己在驯鹰,皇上龙颜大悦,让他做个表演,没想到群鹰失控,差点伤了皇上,还好佐鹰王子及时赶...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.九阿哥在城中喝酒,正巧遇见绿芜,知晓她是十三阿哥的人,便拉过来一番羞辱,好在十四及时赶到,将绿芜带走...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.九阿哥在城中喝酒,正巧遇见绿芜,知晓她是十三阿哥的人,便拉过来一番羞辱,好在十四及时赶到,将绿芜带走...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.四阿哥明确表示现在不能娶若曦,但暗许了她一个承诺,八阿哥也来问若曦是否后悔当初拒绝了她,可如今的形势...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.四阿哥明确表示现在不能娶若曦,但暗许了她一个承诺,八阿哥也来问若曦是否后悔当初拒绝了她,可如今的形势...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.四阿哥在若曦面前坦诚心迹,与若曦感情又进一步。此刻,十阿哥与明玉还在闹气,还在为元宵节灯笼气个不停,...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.四阿哥在若曦面前坦诚心迹,与若曦感情又进一步。此刻,十阿哥与明玉还在闹气,还在为元宵节灯笼气个不停,...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.若曦与十三阿哥畅谈心事,十三表面上放荡不羁,对什么事情都不在乎,可他其实暗中早已看透一切,他告诫若曦...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.若曦与十三阿哥畅谈心事,十三表面上放荡不羁,对什么事情都不在乎,可他其实暗中早已看透一切,他告诫若曦...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.若曦一病不起,太医诊治她长期忧思恐惧,要长期精心调养,但得知皇上已经同意绿芜作为伺候丫头去陪伴十三,...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.若曦一病不起,太医诊治她长期忧思恐惧,要长期精心调养,但得知皇上已经同意绿芜作为伺候丫头去陪伴十三,...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.若曦遇到明玉,两人破天荒的能在一起平静聊天,说出其实各自立场不同,所以才会一直争斗,如今事情过去,两...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.若曦遇到明玉,两人破天荒的能在一起平静聊天,说出其实各自立场不同,所以才会一直争斗,如今事情过去,两...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.若曦突然被皇上召见,原来是皇上要把她指婚给十四阿哥,但她心中想着四阿哥,竟然违抗圣意。皇上大怒,下令...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.若曦突然被皇上召见,原来是皇上要把她指婚给十四阿哥,但她心中想着四阿哥,竟然违抗圣意。皇上大怒,下令...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.若曦回房间时发现四阿哥送的木兰簪子和鼻烟壶都不见了,知道被同屋的春桃艳萍他们偷去了,若曦恩威并施,拿...
A car accident sends Zhang Xiao back in time into the body of one of her previous reincarnations, a 16-year-old aristocratic Manchu girl, Maertai Ruoxi, who lived during the Qing Dynasty. Despite knowing that she shouldn’t get involved in palace intrigue over the succession to the throne, Ruoxi became a pawn in the struggle, since she couldn’t help but love someone, as others came to love her.若曦回房间时发现四阿哥送的木兰簪子和鼻烟壶都不见了,知道被同屋的春桃艳萍他们偷去了,若曦恩威并施,拿...
Additional Information
Premiered | 2015 |
Genres | drama |