

According to statistics, about 8 million people go missing globally each year. Why do people disappear and vanish without a trace? Are they cases of abduction, voluntary disappearance, crime or accidents? "Missing", a brand-new info-ed series, explores this painful social phenomenon. 人,为什么会突然不见,并从此了无踪迹?根据资料显示,地球上每年有8百万人,因为种种原因,从我们身边消失。有的是被诱骗拐带、有的是被强行掳走、有的是离家出走。不见了亲人的家属,心里承受的是什么样的煎熬和痛苦?

Ep 1 South Korea
46 mins

In South Korea, there are about 600 children under 18 years old, who have been missing for long term. The distressed parents travelled the whole nation distributing flyers and putting up banners, trying everything to find their loved one. However, it was to no avail even after 30 years of searching. 孩子失踪了,怎么办?韩国有大约600个,年龄低于18岁、长期失踪的孩子。他们的父母虽然活在等待和内疚之中,却心存希望的上网、派传单、挂布条,辛苦地找下去。有些家长找了30年、生了病,孩子仍然了无音讯。

Ep 1 South Korea

In South Korea, there are about 600 children under 18 years old, who have been missing for long term. The distressed parents travelled the whole nation distributing flyers and putting up banners, trying everything to find their loved one. However, it was to no avail even after 30 years of searching. 孩子失踪了,怎么办?韩国有大约600个,年龄低于18岁、长期失踪的孩子。他们的父母虽然活在等待和内疚之中,却心存希望的上网、派传单、挂布条,辛苦地找下去。有些家长找了30年、生了病,孩子仍然了无音讯。

Ep 2 Taiwan
47 mins

Each missing person represents a broken family. According to statistics from the Taiwan Police Department, Taiwan has nearly 25,000 people reported missing and more than 200 unknown bodies have been uncovered every year. Why do people go missing in Taiwan? 每一名失踪人口,代表一个破碎家庭。根据台湾警政署资料统计,台湾平均每年通报受理将近2万5千起失踪人口,两百多具无名尸体被发现的案例。茫茫人海,寻人好比大海捞针,怎么可能容易?

Ep 2 Taiwan

Each missing person represents a broken family. According to statistics from the Taiwan Police Department, Taiwan has nearly 25,000 people reported missing and more than 200 unknown bodies have been uncovered every year. Why do people go missing in Taiwan? 每一名失踪人口,代表一个破碎家庭。根据台湾警政署资料统计,台湾平均每年通报受理将近2万5千起失踪人口,两百多具无名尸体被发现的案例。茫茫人海,寻人好比大海捞针,怎么可能容易?

Ep 3 Malaysia
46 mins

In the past eight years, a total of 15,000 cases of missing children and teenagers have been reported in Malaysia. Why do people go missing in the broad daylight? In this episode, we delve into the stories of one father desperately searching for his missing son and a family trying to uncover the truths behind the disappearance of their father. 人生最痛,莫过于生离死别。马来西亚人口失踪问题严重,单单儿童青少年失踪案,8年来就接获1万5千宗投报。不论是主动或被动失踪,都已经敲响了国家安全的警钟。这些人失踪背后的真相,到底是什么?

Ep 3 Malaysia

In the past eight years, a total of 15,000 cases of missing children and teenagers have been reported in Malaysia. Why do people go missing in the broad daylight? In this episode, we delve into the stories of one father desperately searching for his missing son and a family trying to uncover the truths behind the disappearance of their father. 人生最痛,莫过于生离死别。马来西亚人口失踪问题严重,单单儿童青少年失踪案,8年来就接获1万5千宗投报。不论是主动或被动失踪,都已经敲响了国家安全的警钟。这些人失踪背后的真相,到底是什么?

Ep 4 India
45 mins

In India, 400 women and children go missing every day, with many of those missing girls being trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation. After being rescued, the victims still have to face discrimination while their perpetrators go unpunished. 印度每天有400名妇孺人间蒸发。其中有好些是被人口贩卖份子推入火炕的少女。当失踪少女获救后,她们仍然得面对邻里的歧视。肇事者事后,却逍遥法外。

Ep 4 India

In India, 400 women and children go missing every day, with many of those missing girls being trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation. After being rescued, the victims still have to face discrimination while their perpetrators go unpunished. 印度每天有400名妇孺人间蒸发。其中有好些是被人口贩卖份子推入火炕的少女。当失踪少女获救后,她们仍然得面对邻里的歧视。肇事者事后,却逍遥法外。

Ep 5 Singapore
46 mins

Why do people vanish without a trace? According to reports, there are more than 2000 cases of missing people being filed yearly in Singapore. While most missing individuals are eventually found safe and sound, some remain disappeared. In this episode, we delve into the stories that took place here. 新加坡没有普遍性的人口失踪现象,但是每年仍然有人不声不响地从我们身边消失。据报道,警方每年接获2000多宗失踪案。失踪的原因是什么?失踪的人背后,都承载了那些隐情?留下来的人又将何去何从?

Ep 5 Singapore

Why do people vanish without a trace? According to reports, there are more than 2000 cases of missing people being filed yearly in Singapore. While most missing individuals are eventually found safe and sound, some remain disappeared. In this episode, we delve into the stories that took place here. 新加坡没有普遍性的人口失踪现象,但是每年仍然有人不声不响地从我们身边消失。据报道,警方每年接获2000多宗失踪案。失踪的原因是什么?失踪的人背后,都承载了那些隐情?留下来的人又将何去何从?

Ep 6 Philippines
45 mins

Around 35,000 persons are reported missing each year in the Philippines. This equates to one person vanishing every 15 minutes. Some disappeared due to mental health while some are enforced disappearance. Their families often find insurmountable challenges trying to locate their loved ones. 在菲律宾,每15分钟,就有一人失踪。过往的失踪者当中有被强行掳走的异议分子,也包括许多精神病患。失踪者家属穷心剧力寻找至亲,却往往碰到难以逾越的困难而心力交瘁。黑暗的尽头会是一片曙光吗?

Ep 6 Philippines

Around 35,000 persons are reported missing each year in the Philippines. This equates to one person vanishing every 15 minutes. Some disappeared due to mental health while some are enforced disappearance. Their families often find insurmountable challenges trying to locate their loved ones. 在菲律宾,每15分钟,就有一人失踪。过往的失踪者当中有被强行掳走的异议分子,也包括许多精神病患。失踪者家属穷心剧力寻找至亲,却往往碰到难以逾越的困难而心力交瘁。黑暗的尽头会是一片曙光吗?

Ep 7 Cambodia
46 mins

Many Cambodians worked abroad in search of a better living but many ended up missing. In 1970s under the Khmer Rouge rule Cambodia has nearly 2 million of its people either dead or vanished without a trace. What is the truth behind the disappearance? 在柬埔寨,许多人为了生存而出国工作,却从此人间蒸发。而70年代柬埔寨经历红色高棉政权统治三年八个月期间,许多人不是死亡,就是失踪。这些人失踪背后的真相,到底是什么?

Ep 7 Cambodia

Many Cambodians worked abroad in search of a better living but many ended up missing. In 1970s under the Khmer Rouge rule Cambodia has nearly 2 million of its people either dead or vanished without a trace. What is the truth behind the disappearance? 在柬埔寨,许多人为了生存而出国工作,却从此人间蒸发。而70年代柬埔寨经历红色高棉政权统治三年八个月期间,许多人不是死亡,就是失踪。这些人失踪背后的真相,到底是什么?

Ep 8 Indonesia
45 mins

Last September, a tsunami swept across the city of Palu, Indonesia. Many were dead, while many went missing. Some bodies were not recovered and families continue to search for hope. A year of silence, a year of searching, and a year of waiting in anxiousness. But how long can this hope last? 去年九月,一场无情的海啸让许多印度尼西亚帕卢市居民家破人亡。这场灾害造成多人伤亡,至今仍有多人下落不明。对有些家属来说,只能无限的等待和寻找,因为遗体未被发现,就是一线希望。

Ep 8 Indonesia

Last September, a tsunami swept across the city of Palu, Indonesia. Many were dead, while many went missing. Some bodies were not recovered and families continue to search for hope. A year of silence, a year of searching, and a year of waiting in anxiousness. But how long can this hope last? 去年九月,一场无情的海啸让许多印度尼西亚帕卢市居民家破人亡。这场灾害造成多人伤亡,至今仍有多人下落不明。对有些家属来说,只能无限的等待和寻找,因为遗体未被发现,就是一线希望。

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