Inside OT
Brand-new reality-doc series Inside OT takes viewers right into the heart of operating theatres in Singapore, capturing the intensity, tension and happenings within. Each episode traces how doctors in different hospitals manage risks and overcome challenges for the well-being of their patients. 手术室,让人望而生畏,却也同时给人带来希望、重生。每一次上手术台,都有潜在的风险。每一个手术,都是一场战役。要如何面对?要如何接受?要如何战胜?《手术台上》,一个崭新的实况纪录片,真实反映本地各医院手术室内外的真实故事。
- Oldest First
- Newest First
Mdm Lim was diagnosed with breast cancer and needs to have her left breast removed. The forty one year old decides to undergo breast reconstruction, but this will be no simple procedure. Two surgical teams will be operating on her simultaneously, and the surgery is expected to take up to 8 hours. 患有第三期乳癌的林凤留,被告知必须切除整个左侧乳房。41岁的她,决定同时接受整形手术以重建乳房。不过,这将是一个相当复杂的手术。两支不同的外科团队会同时开刀。手术预计长达8小时。
Mdm Lim was diagnosed with breast cancer and needs to have her left breast removed. The forty one year old decides to undergo breast reconstruction, but this will be no simple procedure. Two surgical teams will be operating on her simultaneously, and the surgery is expected to take up to 8 hours. 患有第三期乳癌的林凤留,被告知必须切除整个左侧乳房。41岁的她,决定同时接受整形手术以重建乳房。不过,这将是一个相当复杂的手术。两支不同的外科团队会同时开刀。手术预计长达8小时。
Years ago, a bulge appeared in Mr Chua's groin area. Today, he has to undergo surgery for it, but his doctor promises it will only leave 3 small incisions on him. On the other hand, Mr Ong is undergoing cataract surgery. It will only be 20 minutes, but every minute will require the utmost caution. 十年前,蔡永恒的腹股沟区出现一个肿块;十年后,他实在痛得难受,不得不动手术了。医生答应他手术只会在他身上留下三个小切口。年过70的王振兴为了看美好的世界,决定接受白内障手术。手术只需短短20分钟,却是重要的20分钟。
Years ago, a bulge appeared in Mr Chua's groin area. Today, he has to undergo surgery for it, but his doctor promises it will only leave 3 small incisions on him. On the other hand, Mr Ong is undergoing cataract surgery. It will only be 20 minutes, but every minute will require the utmost caution. 十年前,蔡永恒的腹股沟区出现一个肿块;十年后,他实在痛得难受,不得不动手术了。医生答应他手术只会在他身上留下三个小切口。年过70的王振兴为了看美好的世界,决定接受白内障手术。手术只需短短20分钟,却是重要的20分钟。
Doctors face challenges head-on as they treat elderly patients in the operating theatre --- one suffering from third-stage colorectal cancer and another with a broken shoulder blade. We learn about a new, less invasive medical procedure for end-stage kidney failure patients to undergo haemodialysis. 高龄71岁,被诊断患有直肠癌第三期,他会不会接受医生的建议动长达7小时的手术呢?独居老妇意外跌倒,造成肩胛骨破裂。医生决定采用3D打印技术来完善手术。肾衰竭病人如何采用非手术性医疗方案,不必通过传统手术在手臂上建立瘘管来进行洗肾呢?
Doctors face challenges head-on as they treat elderly patients in the operating theatre --- one suffering from third-stage colorectal cancer and another with a broken shoulder blade. We learn about a new, less invasive medical procedure for end-stage kidney failure patients to undergo haemodialysis. 高龄71岁,被诊断患有直肠癌第三期,他会不会接受医生的建议动长达7小时的手术呢?独居老妇意外跌倒,造成肩胛骨破裂。医生决定采用3D打印技术来完善手术。肾衰竭病人如何采用非手术性医疗方案,不必通过传统手术在手臂上建立瘘管来进行洗肾呢?
For 2 years, 55 year old Royston has been tormented by neck pain. The surgery that can treat his problem also carries risks of its own and he has to make a difficult choice. 26 year old Afendi tore his ligament while playing football. His best chance of returning to the sports is through surgery. 55岁的Royston两年来饱受颈部疼痛的困扰。要治愈,就得动颈椎手术,但这手术存在风险,他必须做出艰难的抉择。26岁的Afendi,因为踢足球而撕裂韧带。唯有开刀,他才有机会重拾他热爱的运动。
For 2 years, 55 year old Royston has been tormented by neck pain. The surgery that can treat his problem also carries risks of its own and he has to make a difficult choice. 26 year old Afendi tore his ligament while playing football. His best chance of returning to the sports is through surgery. 55岁的Royston两年来饱受颈部疼痛的困扰。要治愈,就得动颈椎手术,但这手术存在风险,他必须做出艰难的抉择。26岁的Afendi,因为踢足球而撕裂韧带。唯有开刀,他才有机会重拾他热爱的运动。
Two elderly patients go under the knife at the National Heart Centre Singapore. One man gets an artificial aortic valve implant in a minimally invasive surgery, while the other has to undergo two surgeries; the first to remove a lung nodule and then another to remove a larger part of his lungs. 他,72岁高龄,被诊断患上老年心脏瓣膜病。医生决定采用不需要开胸的方式,为他植入人工主动脉瓣。68岁的他,原本准备创立公司,健康却出了问题,先后得动两次手术。但第二个手术后,却还是获得坏消息。
Two elderly patients go under the knife at the National Heart Centre Singapore. One man gets an artificial aortic valve implant in a minimally invasive surgery, while the other has to undergo two surgeries; the first to remove a lung nodule and then another to remove a larger part of his lungs. 他,72岁高龄,被诊断患上老年心脏瓣膜病。医生决定采用不需要开胸的方式,为他植入人工主动脉瓣。68岁的他,原本准备创立公司,健康却出了问题,先后得动两次手术。但第二个手术后,却还是获得坏消息。
Diagnosed with pancreatic cancer which is mostly incurable, a woman has to decide whether she should undergo a 7-hour-long operation to remove her affected organs, while doctors treat a sales trainer suffering chronic stomach pain and insomnia from hyperparathyroidism. How will their nightmares end? 50岁的她因甲状旁腺功能亢进而长期承受胃痛和失眠的困扰。医生决定替她动手术来终结她的噩梦。56岁的她在经历了两个星期的腹泻后,被诊断出患上难以治愈的胰脏癌。医生建议她进行一个长达七个小时的手术。
Diagnosed with pancreatic cancer which is mostly incurable, a woman has to decide whether she should undergo a 7-hour-long operation to remove her affected organs, while doctors treat a sales trainer suffering chronic stomach pain and insomnia from hyperparathyroidism. How will their nightmares end? 50岁的她因甲状旁腺功能亢进而长期承受胃痛和失眠的困扰。医生决定替她动手术来终结她的噩梦。56岁的她在经历了两个星期的腹泻后,被诊断出患上难以治愈的胰脏癌。医生建议她进行一个长达七个小时的手术。
Weighing 204 kg, Siddique has finally decided to turn his life around after a health scare. He will be undergoing bariatric surgery, but to achieve the best results, he will also have to put in immense effort before and after the operation to change his ways. Will he be able to do it? 健康亮起红灯后,重达204公斤的Siddique下定决心要逆转人生。他接受医生建议做减重手术。不过术前术后,他都必须作出最大努力,让手术达到最好效果。他做得到吗?
Weighing 204 kg, Siddique has finally decided to turn his life around after a health scare. He will be undergoing bariatric surgery, but to achieve the best results, he will also have to put in immense effort before and after the operation to change his ways. Will he be able to do it? 健康亮起红灯后,重达204公斤的Siddique下定决心要逆转人生。他接受医生建议做减重手术。不过术前术后,他都必须作出最大努力,让手术达到最好效果。他做得到吗?
It is do or die as doctors need to cut out the perforated small bowel of an elderly woman within two hours. A perforated appendix complicates surgery to treat appendicitis for a patient with an immune system disorder. A real estate agent discovers gallstones is the cause of her chronic stomach pain. 患有干燥综合征的她因阑尾炎被送进急诊科,没料到阑尾穿孔了;44岁的房地产经纪长期承受胃痛的煎熬,检查之下发现病因竟然是患有胆结石;高龄79岁的她因小肠穿孔而命在旦夕,必须在两个小时内紧急动手术。最后一集将走入急诊部,看医疗团队如何跟时间赛跑,抢救生命。
It is do or die as doctors need to cut out the perforated small bowel of an elderly woman within two hours. A perforated appendix complicates surgery to treat appendicitis for a patient with an immune system disorder. A real estate agent discovers gallstones is the cause of her chronic stomach pain. 患有干燥综合征的她因阑尾炎被送进急诊科,没料到阑尾穿孔了;44岁的房地产经纪长期承受胃痛的煎熬,检查之下发现病因竟然是患有胆结石;高龄79岁的她因小肠穿孔而命在旦夕,必须在两个小时内紧急动手术。最后一集将走入急诊部,看医疗团队如何跟时间赛跑,抢救生命。
Additional Information
Premiered | 2022 |
Genres | info-ed |