Healing Heroes


Patients entrust their health and lives to doctors, but doctors are human too, how do they learn to shoulder the weight of these lives? Journey with four young aspiring junior doctors into our first medical longform drama, where they learn to grow with senior specialists, as they face life and death and overcome challenges on their way to become professional doctors... 病人将生命与健康交在医生手里,可是医生也是人,他们要如何学习承担这生命之重?跟随四名年轻小医生一起走进本地首部医疗长寿剧,看他们如何在资深专科医生的带领下成长,克服挑战,守护生命。

Ep 1
23 mins

Baey Kian Heng is a consultant pediatrician and manages outpatient care at Woon Seng Tong Hospital. Chong Hao Nan, Phua You Xiao, and Ho Ren Hui encounter an emergency case. They manage to handle it with Chow Yi Ge and Khian Heng's help. Yanthy and her father, who suffered a drowning accident, are rushed to the hospital. A brain hemorrhage occurs during Dr Ong Jin Kok's brain surgery on Yanthy. 马建兴是温盛东医院的儿科顾问医生,兼管理门诊服务。新医生钟浩南、潘佑孝和何仁慧报到时遇到紧急状况...

Ep 1

Baey Kian Heng is a consultant pediatrician and manages outpatient care at Woon Seng Tong Hospital. Chong Hao Nan, Phua You Xiao, and Ho Ren Hui encounter an emergency case. They manage to handle it with Chow Yi Ge and Khian Heng's help. Yanthy and her father, who suffered a drowning accident, are rushed to the hospital. A brain hemorrhage occurs during Dr Ong Jin Kok's brain surgery on Yanthy. 马建兴是温盛东医院的儿科顾问医生,兼管理门诊服务。新医生钟浩南、潘佑孝和何仁慧报到时遇到紧急状况...

Ep 2
23 mins

Ekin is in grief when he overhears Yi Ge and Ren Hui talking about the death of his wife and two children in the shipwreck as he prepares to visit Yanthy after her surgery. Upon waking up, Yanthy cries looking for her mother, but Ekin cannot bear to tell the truth and lies that they have returned to Indonesia. Yi Ge bursts into tears as she, too, lost her mother at a young age. Yanthy完成手术,父亲Ekin打算探望女儿,不料却从亦格和仁慧的交谈中,得知妻子和两个孩子已在船难中罹难。Ekin痛不欲生,Y...

Ep 2

Ekin is in grief when he overhears Yi Ge and Ren Hui talking about the death of his wife and two children in the shipwreck as he prepares to visit Yanthy after her surgery. Upon waking up, Yanthy cries looking for her mother, but Ekin cannot bear to tell the truth and lies that they have returned to Indonesia. Yi Ge bursts into tears as she, too, lost her mother at a young age. Yanthy完成手术,父亲Ekin打算探望女儿,不料却从亦格和仁慧的交谈中,得知妻子和两个孩子已在船难中罹难。Ekin痛不欲生,Y...

Ep 3
23 mins

While patrolling the rooms, Yi Ge finds Ekin acting strangely and worries that he will hurt Yanthy. You Xiao laughs at Yi Ge's oversensitivity and takes the four of them out to eat. A doll suddenly falls from the sky on their way out of the hospital and the four of them look up in shock. They see Ekin standing on the roof with Yanthy in his arms as if he wants to jump down... 亦格巡房,发现Ekin行为怪异,担心他会伤害Yanthy。佑孝笑亦格过度敏感,硬拉着四人去吃东西。四小医生走出医院,一个布娃娃突然从天而降,四

Ep 3

While patrolling the rooms, Yi Ge finds Ekin acting strangely and worries that he will hurt Yanthy. You Xiao laughs at Yi Ge's oversensitivity and takes the four of them out to eat. A doll suddenly falls from the sky on their way out of the hospital and the four of them look up in shock. They see Ekin standing on the roof with Yanthy in his arms as if he wants to jump down... 亦格巡房,发现Ekin行为怪异,担心他会伤害Yanthy。佑孝笑亦格过度敏感,硬拉着四人去吃东西。四小医生走出医院,一个布娃娃突然从天而降,四

Ep 4
23 mins

The four doctors rush to the roof and Yanthy looks afraid. The four doctors are even more worried when Ekin tells Yanthy that he will take her to her mother. Ren Hui lifts the doll in her hand, causing Yanthy to reach out her hand to grab the doll, and Ren Hui takes the opportunity to hug her. You Xiao pins Ekin to the ground when Hao Nan convinces him to stand strong for his child. 四小医生立马冲上天台,Yanthy一脸惧怕,Ekin安抚说要带她去找妈妈,四人听了更加担心。仁慧扬起手上的布娃娃,Yanthy见

Ep 4

The four doctors rush to the roof and Yanthy looks afraid. The four doctors are even more worried when Ekin tells Yanthy that he will take her to her mother. Ren Hui lifts the doll in her hand, causing Yanthy to reach out her hand to grab the doll, and Ren Hui takes the opportunity to hug her. You Xiao pins Ekin to the ground when Hao Nan convinces him to stand strong for his child. 四小医生立马冲上天台,Yanthy一脸惧怕,Ekin安抚说要带她去找妈妈,四人听了更加担心。仁慧扬起手上的布娃娃,Yanthy见

Ep 5
23 mins

A fourth junior doctor, Wan Bok On, reports to the hospital on crutches with great enthusiasm. Suddenly, a girl named Yun Xi recklessly knocks him down. When Gavin passes by, he lifts him up and blames Yun Xi for bumping into a disabled man without helping him up. Gavin is worried about Bok On and insists to take him to the outpatient department for a check-up. 第四位初级医生温博安拄着拐杖来到医院报到,眼神充满了憧憬和期待。突然,一名女孩云汐莽撞地将他撞倒。佑孝经过,扶起博安,责怪云汐撞到残疾人士也不把对方扶起。佑孝担心博安...

Ep 5

A fourth junior doctor, Wan Bok On, reports to the hospital on crutches with great enthusiasm. Suddenly, a girl named Yun Xi recklessly knocks him down. When Gavin passes by, he lifts him up and blames Yun Xi for bumping into a disabled man without helping him up. Gavin is worried about Bok On and insists to take him to the outpatient department for a check-up. 第四位初级医生温博安拄着拐杖来到医院报到,眼神充满了憧憬和期待。突然,一名女孩云汐莽撞地将他撞倒。佑孝经过,扶起博安,责怪云汐撞到残疾人士也不把对方扶起。佑孝担心博安...

Ep 6
23 mins

Mr Kok, a patient who has abdominal pain visits the hospital but loses trust in Dr Wan Bok On upon seeing him on crutches. A gastroscopy appointment is arranged for him after Bok On excludes the possibility of gallstones through an ultrasound examination. Mr Kok has already checked the internet to determine that he has gastritis, so he is unhappy with Bok On's unnecessary testing. 病患Mr Kok腹痛上门,见博安拄着拐杖,对他信心顿失。博安安排Mr Kok做超声波检验,排除了肝胆结石后...

Ep 6

Mr Kok, a patient who has abdominal pain visits the hospital but loses trust in Dr Wan Bok On upon seeing him on crutches. A gastroscopy appointment is arranged for him after Bok On excludes the possibility of gallstones through an ultrasound examination. Mr Kok has already checked the internet to determine that he has gastritis, so he is unhappy with Bok On's unnecessary testing. 病患Mr Kok腹痛上门,见博安拄着拐杖,对他信心顿失。博安安排Mr Kok做超声波检验,排除了肝胆结石后...

Ep 7
23 mins

To ensure influencer and musical talent Yang Zhe Xu's artificial heart pump is functioning properly, Yi Shi performs a routine check for him. Zhe Xu suffers from dilated cardiomyopathy and is sad that he cannot pursue his dreams as there is no available heart transplant. Yi Shi encourages him to remain optimistic and convinces him he will recover with the advancement of medical technology. 亦诗给充满音乐才华的年轻网红杨哲旭做例常检查,确保他安装的人工心脏泵操作正常。。。

Ep 7

To ensure influencer and musical talent Yang Zhe Xu's artificial heart pump is functioning properly, Yi Shi performs a routine check for him. Zhe Xu suffers from dilated cardiomyopathy and is sad that he cannot pursue his dreams as there is no available heart transplant. Yi Shi encourages him to remain optimistic and convinces him he will recover with the advancement of medical technology. 亦诗给充满音乐才华的年轻网红杨哲旭做例常检查,确保他安装的人工心脏泵操作正常。。。

Ep 8
23 mins

Yi Ge is uneasy when Ren Hui returns home and asks about the situation at home as she has dirtied Ren Hui's carpet. Unaware of this, Ren Hui buys Indonesian souvenirs for everyone. Hao Nan feels guilty when Ren Hui buys gifts for Yi Ge, Gavin, and himself. Hao Nan also receives a text from Ren Hui inviting them to dinner tomorrow as she wants to cook Indonesian food. 仁慧回国,问起家里的情况,亦格为弄脏仁慧的地毯忐忑不安。仁慧不知情,不但给大家带回印尼土产,还给亦格、佑孝和浩南送上礼物。浩南为此深感内疚...

Ep 8

Yi Ge is uneasy when Ren Hui returns home and asks about the situation at home as she has dirtied Ren Hui's carpet. Unaware of this, Ren Hui buys Indonesian souvenirs for everyone. Hao Nan feels guilty when Ren Hui buys gifts for Yi Ge, Gavin, and himself. Hao Nan also receives a text from Ren Hui inviting them to dinner tomorrow as she wants to cook Indonesian food. 仁慧回国,问起家里的情况,亦格为弄脏仁慧的地毯忐忑不安。仁慧不知情,不但给大家带回印尼土产,还给亦格、佑孝和浩南送上礼物。浩南为此深感内疚...

Ep 9
23 mins

Uncle Heng, a regular patient, complains about new medicines. Kian Heng finds out from Sock Hoon that Kah Choi stopped purchasing certain medicines after signing a new contract. For the benefit of the patients, Kian Heng requests Kah Choi to repurchase them, but he rejects him on the basis that outpatient service is a money-losing business, and advises Kian Heng to not be exploited by patients. 门诊常客Uncle Heng为医院换了新药在柜台吵闹,建兴从淑芬口中得知...

Ep 9

Uncle Heng, a regular patient, complains about new medicines. Kian Heng finds out from Sock Hoon that Kah Choi stopped purchasing certain medicines after signing a new contract. For the benefit of the patients, Kian Heng requests Kah Choi to repurchase them, but he rejects him on the basis that outpatient service is a money-losing business, and advises Kian Heng to not be exploited by patients. 门诊常客Uncle Heng为医院换了新药在柜台吵闹,建兴从淑芬口中得知...

Ep 10
23 mins

While Bok On was attending to a young mum, Mrs Wee, he notices that her 10-month old baby shows signs of lethargy, and has urine which has a distinctive sweet smell. Bok On retrieves the diaper from the trash can outside the toilet, picks it up and starts smelling it. Yi Ge sees him and accuses him of being a pervert. Indifferent to explaining himself, Bo An ignores her and leaves. 博安给年轻妈妈Mrs Wee看病,发现10个月大的宝宝嗜睡,且排出的尿液散发着香气。博安过后在厕所外的垃圾桶捡起尿片...

Ep 10

While Bok On was attending to a young mum, Mrs Wee, he notices that her 10-month old baby shows signs of lethargy, and has urine which has a distinctive sweet smell. Bok On retrieves the diaper from the trash can outside the toilet, picks it up and starts smelling it. Yi Ge sees him and accuses him of being a pervert. Indifferent to explaining himself, Bo An ignores her and leaves. 博安给年轻妈妈Mrs Wee看病,发现10个月大的宝宝嗜睡,且排出的尿液散发着香气。博安过后在厕所外的垃圾桶捡起尿片...

Ep 11
23 mins

Yi Ge complains to Hao Nan and Ren Hui about Bok An. The two speaks well of Bok An, yet unexpectedly, news about Bok An smelling diapers goes viral online. Ren Hui questions the credibility of the photo, but Yi Ge says that she witnessed it with her own eyes, and did not expect it to be photographed. An online reporter listens to their conversation. 亦格向浩南和仁慧投诉博安,两人为博安说好话,谁料网上却传出博安闻尿片的事。仁慧质疑照片造假,亦格表示自己当时亲眼目睹,没想到会被人拍下来。网络记者莫飞把一切听在耳中。

Ep 11

Yi Ge complains to Hao Nan and Ren Hui about Bok An. The two speaks well of Bok An, yet unexpectedly, news about Bok An smelling diapers goes viral online. Ren Hui questions the credibility of the photo, but Yi Ge says that she witnessed it with her own eyes, and did not expect it to be photographed. An online reporter listens to their conversation. 亦格向浩南和仁慧投诉博安,两人为博安说好话,谁料网上却传出博安闻尿片的事。仁慧质疑照片造假,亦格表示自己当时亲眼目睹,没想到会被人拍下来。网络记者莫飞把一切听在耳中。

Ep 12
23 mins

Bok An's diaper-smelling scandal escalates, and patients in the clinic refuse to be seen by Bok An. Amidst the chaos, Kian Heng comes forward to soothe the public anger. He questions Bok An and Yi Ge. Kah Choi receives a complaint letter and reprimands Bok An and Yi Ge's dereliction of duty. He orders a press conference for Kah Choi to explain to the public and restore the hospital's reputation. 博安丑闻持续发酵,病人在门诊中心吵着不让博安看诊,场面混乱。建兴出面解决,安抚病人情绪,并向博安和亦格

Ep 12

Bok An's diaper-smelling scandal escalates, and patients in the clinic refuse to be seen by Bok An. Amidst the chaos, Kian Heng comes forward to soothe the public anger. He questions Bok An and Yi Ge. Kah Choi receives a complaint letter and reprimands Bok An and Yi Ge's dereliction of duty. He orders a press conference for Kah Choi to explain to the public and restore the hospital's reputation. 博安丑闻持续发酵,病人在门诊中心吵着不让博安看诊,场面混乱。建兴出面解决,安抚病人情绪,并向博安和亦格

Ep 13
23 mins

Mrs Wee rushes forward to speak up for Bok An. Meanwhile, Sister Ang also brings Mrs Wee's daughter, Tian Tian's medical report. Kah Choi announces the results of the report, confirming that Tian Tian suffers from Maple Syrup Urine Disease. Upon hearing this diagnosis, Mrs Wee breaks down. With the witness and physical evidence in place, Kah Choi warns reporters to stop spreading false rumours. Mrs Wee赶到替博安说话,淑芬也拿着其女儿甜甜的检测报告赶过来。佳才公布报告结果,证实甜甜患有枫糖尿

Ep 13

Mrs Wee rushes forward to speak up for Bok An. Meanwhile, Sister Ang also brings Mrs Wee's daughter, Tian Tian's medical report. Kah Choi announces the results of the report, confirming that Tian Tian suffers from Maple Syrup Urine Disease. Upon hearing this diagnosis, Mrs Wee breaks down. With the witness and physical evidence in place, Kah Choi warns reporters to stop spreading false rumours. Mrs Wee赶到替博安说话,淑芬也拿着其女儿甜甜的检测报告赶过来。佳才公布报告结果,证实甜甜患有枫糖尿

Ep 14
23 mins

Mdm Lau sees Dr Wan Bok On and apologizes to him for falsely accusing him the last time, but he responds coldly towards her. Subsequently, Hao Nan treats her for the corn on her foot, and even gives her the massage slippers he bought for his grandma. This pleases Mdm Lau greatly, and she praises him in front of Kian Heng. Kian Heng recognizes Hao Nan's achievements. Mdm Lau找博安看诊,也顺便为上次错怪他的事道歉,却被博安冷漠对待。后来浩南帮Mdm Lau悉心治疗脚上的鸡眼,还把买给阿嫲的按摩鞋送给她,深得Mdm Lau

Ep 14

Mdm Lau sees Dr Wan Bok On and apologizes to him for falsely accusing him the last time, but he responds coldly towards her. Subsequently, Hao Nan treats her for the corn on her foot, and even gives her the massage slippers he bought for his grandma. This pleases Mdm Lau greatly, and she praises him in front of Kian Heng. Kian Heng recognizes Hao Nan's achievements. Mdm Lau找博安看诊,也顺便为上次错怪他的事道歉,却被博安冷漠对待。后来浩南帮Mdm Lau悉心治疗脚上的鸡眼,还把买给阿嫲的按摩鞋送给她,深得Mdm Lau

Ep 15
23 mins

Yun Xi was declared brain dead by the hospital. Kym, the organ transplant coordinator, discusses organ donation with Ruo Xin and Fu Quan. Because Yun Xi was under 21 years old, parental consent must be sought. Ruo Xin, unable to come to terms with the fact that Yun Xi was brain dead, drove Kym away. Fu Quan hid in the toilet to cry, and makes the final decision upon calming down. 云汐被医院判定脑死,器官移植协调员Kym前来跟若欣和福泉商议捐赠器官的事宜,因云汐未满21岁,捐赠器官必须征求父母同意。。。

Ep 15

Yun Xi was declared brain dead by the hospital. Kym, the organ transplant coordinator, discusses organ donation with Ruo Xin and Fu Quan. Because Yun Xi was under 21 years old, parental consent must be sought. Ruo Xin, unable to come to terms with the fact that Yun Xi was brain dead, drove Kym away. Fu Quan hid in the toilet to cry, and makes the final decision upon calming down. 云汐被医院判定脑死,器官移植协调员Kym前来跟若欣和福泉商议捐赠器官的事宜,因云汐未满21岁,捐赠器官必须征求父母同意。。。

Ep 16
23 mins

Ruo Xin finds out that Dr Dexter Ong Jin Kok and Dr Chow Yi Shi are husband and wife, and that Yi Shi is also the attending doctor of the organ transplant recipient. She questions if Jin Kok purposely did not save Yun Xi for the sake of Yi Shi's patient, and overturns the decision to donate organ. Yi Shi consoles Jin Kok, reminding him that doctors are not gods, and cannot save everyone. 若欣发现敬国和亦诗是夫妻,而亦诗也是受赠者的主治医生,质疑敬国故意不救治云汐,是为了成全亦诗的病患...

Ep 16

Ruo Xin finds out that Dr Dexter Ong Jin Kok and Dr Chow Yi Shi are husband and wife, and that Yi Shi is also the attending doctor of the organ transplant recipient. She questions if Jin Kok purposely did not save Yun Xi for the sake of Yi Shi's patient, and overturns the decision to donate organ. Yi Shi consoles Jin Kok, reminding him that doctors are not gods, and cannot save everyone. 若欣发现敬国和亦诗是夫妻,而亦诗也是受赠者的主治医生,质疑敬国故意不救治云汐,是为了成全亦诗的病患...

Ep 17
23 mins

Jin Kok agrees to an invitation to treat a difficult case in the United States. Yi Shi was unhappy that he did not discuss it with her first. Jin Kok invites her to come along, but she could not leave her patient. Later, Yi Shi asked for leave, unbeknownst to Jin Kok. Bok An sneered at Jin Kok, and claims that he is going on vacation with Yi Shi. Jin Kok throws a fist at him in a fit of anger! 敬国获邀到美国医治棘手的案例,觉得机会难逢而答应,亦诗不满敬国没有跟她商量。敬国邀亦诗同行...

Ep 17

Jin Kok agrees to an invitation to treat a difficult case in the United States. Yi Shi was unhappy that he did not discuss it with her first. Jin Kok invites her to come along, but she could not leave her patient. Later, Yi Shi asked for leave, unbeknownst to Jin Kok. Bok An sneered at Jin Kok, and claims that he is going on vacation with Yi Shi. Jin Kok throws a fist at him in a fit of anger! 敬国获邀到美国医治棘手的案例,觉得机会难逢而答应,亦诗不满敬国没有跟她商量。敬国邀亦诗同行...

Ep 18
23 mins

In order to get close to Hao Nan, Dou Fu Hua comes to the clinic again. Ren Hui knows that she is not the childhood friend that Hao Nan thinks she is. Unexpectedly, Hao Nan's unintentional remarks annoys Ren Hui, so she promises Dou Fu Hua not to expose her little secret. Ren Hui points out that she can pursue what she loves, but should not pretend to be sick while wasting medical resources. 豆腐花为了接近浩南,又来挂诊,仁慧看出端倪,正想拆穿她不是小四眼时,不料浩南一句无心的话,惹恼了仁慧...

Ep 18

In order to get close to Hao Nan, Dou Fu Hua comes to the clinic again. Ren Hui knows that she is not the childhood friend that Hao Nan thinks she is. Unexpectedly, Hao Nan's unintentional remarks annoys Ren Hui, so she promises Dou Fu Hua not to expose her little secret. Ren Hui points out that she can pursue what she loves, but should not pretend to be sick while wasting medical resources. 豆腐花为了接近浩南,又来挂诊,仁慧看出端倪,正想拆穿她不是小四眼时,不料浩南一句无心的话,惹恼了仁慧...

Ep 19
23 mins

Ren Hui sees an 11-year-old boy Jerry and suspects that he has alopecia caused by stress. Jerry's mum claims that she does not put any pressure on him, so Ren Hui asks Kian Heng for help. Kian Heng finds opportunity to chat with Jerry alone, and learns that Jerry pulls his own hair to vent his emotions and stress. Kian Heng suggests Jerry's mum bring him to seek psychological counselling. 仁慧为11岁男生Jerry看诊,怀疑他是压力导致秃头症,Jerry妈妈口口声声没有给孩子压力,仁慧只好向建兴求助。。

Ep 19

Ren Hui sees an 11-year-old boy Jerry and suspects that he has alopecia caused by stress. Jerry's mum claims that she does not put any pressure on him, so Ren Hui asks Kian Heng for help. Kian Heng finds opportunity to chat with Jerry alone, and learns that Jerry pulls his own hair to vent his emotions and stress. Kian Heng suggests Jerry's mum bring him to seek psychological counselling. 仁慧为11岁男生Jerry看诊,怀疑他是压力导致秃头症,Jerry妈妈口口声声没有给孩子压力,仁慧只好向建兴求助。。

Ep 20
23 mins

Dr Choo Kah Choi brings Sister Ang to a restaurant for dinner, and chats about the past with the intention of rekindling their friendship. However, Sister Ang sighs and laments that things will never be the same. Kah Choi sends her back to the hospital. Just as he was about to gift her with a present, she receives a phone call and leaves in a hurry, much to his disappointment.佳才带淑芬来到一家餐厅用餐,聊起过往的事,有意勾起往昔的情谊,淑芬却唏嘘说事过境迁,再也回不到过去。佳才送淑芬回到医院,正想送出礼物...

Ep 20

Dr Choo Kah Choi brings Sister Ang to a restaurant for dinner, and chats about the past with the intention of rekindling their friendship. However, Sister Ang sighs and laments that things will never be the same. Kah Choi sends her back to the hospital. Just as he was about to gift her with a present, she receives a phone call and leaves in a hurry, much to his disappointment.佳才带淑芬来到一家餐厅用餐,聊起过往的事,有意勾起往昔的情谊,淑芬却唏嘘说事过境迁,再也回不到过去。佳才送淑芬回到医院,正想送出礼物...

Ep 21
23 mins

Hao Nan starts to suspects that Ren Hui is his childhood friend after Gavin notices how the girl in his childhood photo looks vaguely familiar. Yi Ge also confirms that Gavin has seen Ren Hui's photo album when they were helping her move furniture in her home. Hao Nan realises that Ren Hui is indeed his childhood friend, and could not understand why she had not opened up about this.浩南怀疑仁慧就是小四眼,看着手机里儿时的旧照片,被佑孝无意中看到,觉得这个小女生很眼熟,猛然想起是小时候的仁慧...

Ep 21

Hao Nan starts to suspects that Ren Hui is his childhood friend after Gavin notices how the girl in his childhood photo looks vaguely familiar. Yi Ge also confirms that Gavin has seen Ren Hui's photo album when they were helping her move furniture in her home. Hao Nan realises that Ren Hui is indeed his childhood friend, and could not understand why she had not opened up about this.浩南怀疑仁慧就是小四眼,看着手机里儿时的旧照片,被佑孝无意中看到,觉得这个小女生很眼熟,猛然想起是小时候的仁慧...

Ep 22
23 mins

On her way to Hao Nan's house, Ren Hui meets Dou Fu Hua, who assumes that she must have revealed her secret. Ren Hui explains herself and encourages Dou Fu Hua to befriend Hao Nan as her true self. Feeling relieved, her appetite grew and starts eating shrimp balls which she was unknowingly allergic to. She develops rashes all over her body and even has difficulty breathing...仁慧上浩南家,遇到豆腐花,豆腐花以为是仁慧揭穿她的身份,气恼不已。仁慧解释,并鼓励豆腐花以真实身份和浩南交往。豆腐花怨气一消,食欲大增...

Ep 22

On her way to Hao Nan's house, Ren Hui meets Dou Fu Hua, who assumes that she must have revealed her secret. Ren Hui explains herself and encourages Dou Fu Hua to befriend Hao Nan as her true self. Feeling relieved, her appetite grew and starts eating shrimp balls which she was unknowingly allergic to. She develops rashes all over her body and even has difficulty breathing...仁慧上浩南家,遇到豆腐花,豆腐花以为是仁慧揭穿她的身份,气恼不已。仁慧解释,并鼓励豆腐花以真实身份和浩南交往。豆腐花怨气一消,食欲大增...

Ep 23
23 mins

Dou Fu Hua could not be rescued, Ren Hui is guilt-stricken due to her passing. Feeling worried, Yi Ge brings Ren Hui to visit the columbarium, where Ren Hui meets Dou Fu Hua's sister and grandma. Ren Hui was lambasted as Dou Fu Hua's sister was unable to accept her death. Dou Fu Hua's grandma also expressed that she never wants to see Ren Hui again, saddening her greatly.豆腐花因抢救失效而死去,仁慧内疚不已。亦格担心,拉仁慧到豆腐花的吊唁处,遇到豆腐姐和阿嬷,仁慧被两人责备。豆腐姐无法接受豆腐花的死,驱赶仁慧...

Ep 23

Dou Fu Hua could not be rescued, Ren Hui is guilt-stricken due to her passing. Feeling worried, Yi Ge brings Ren Hui to visit the columbarium, where Ren Hui meets Dou Fu Hua's sister and grandma. Ren Hui was lambasted as Dou Fu Hua's sister was unable to accept her death. Dou Fu Hua's grandma also expressed that she never wants to see Ren Hui again, saddening her greatly.豆腐花因抢救失效而死去,仁慧内疚不已。亦格担心,拉仁慧到豆腐花的吊唁处,遇到豆腐姐和阿嬷,仁慧被两人责备。豆腐姐无法接受豆腐花的死,驱赶仁慧...

Ep 24
23 mins

Yi Ge, Gavin, and Hao Nan rushes into Ren Hui's house to find her in what seems like a pool of blood. After being consoled by her friends, Ren Hui decides it is time to get out of the funk and get back to work. However, still fearful of making mistakes, she is unable to refuse any patient's requests and gets lead around by the nose. Depressed, she submits her resignation to Kian Heng.亦格、佑孝和浩南冲进仁慧家,发现她倒在血泊中,震惊不已,后发现是虚惊一场,决定留下陪伴仁慧。经众人开解后,仁慧决定走出阴霾..

Ep 24

Yi Ge, Gavin, and Hao Nan rushes into Ren Hui's house to find her in what seems like a pool of blood. After being consoled by her friends, Ren Hui decides it is time to get out of the funk and get back to work. However, still fearful of making mistakes, she is unable to refuse any patient's requests and gets lead around by the nose. Depressed, she submits her resignation to Kian Heng.亦格、佑孝和浩南冲进仁慧家,发现她倒在血泊中,震惊不已,后发现是虚惊一场,决定留下陪伴仁慧。经众人开解后,仁慧决定走出阴霾..

Additional Information

Some Disturbing Scenes