Curious City
小岛国 大发现
"Curious City" aims to explore and discover the interesting facts around Singapore that goes unnoticed by the public. Armed with unlimited curiosity for the undiscovered, our 3 vibrant and young hosts will lead audiences every week on a fun journey to explore and learn about the many unknown and quirky facts that are hidden everywhere inside our island country. 秉持“求知欲就是人类不断进步“的精神!《小岛国大发现》这个节目就要带大家探索和了解更多有关新加坡大小事物。3位脑洞大开的鬼马主持人对生活充满奇思妙想,绝对“三个臭皮匠,胜过一个诸葛亮“。每周1次引领观众分其道而思之,并带领大众往知识盲区前进!
Cast & Crew
- Oldest First
- Newest First
What is Project Wolbachia? Do you know there is a place in Singapore that breeds mosquitoes professionally? Ever wondered what goes behind the scenes at the delivery service for your online shopping? How do they sort the parcels? How do the Traffic Police track speeding vehicles? "Curious City" has all the answers! 三位脑洞大开的主持人带着满头问号到处挖掘更多围绕在我们生活周遭的大小事务。 你是否知道本地有养蚊子场? 沃尔巴克计划是什么? 网购已经成为本地人的生活习惯之一,到底物流中心是如何运作让我们更快的收到包裹?你是否曾经担心自己超速违例?交通警察是如何捉超速的车辆...
What is Project Wolbachia? Do you know there is a place in Singapore that breeds mosquitoes professionally? Ever wondered what goes behind the scenes at the delivery service for your online shopping? How do they sort the parcels? How do the Traffic Police track speeding vehicles? "Curious City" has all the answers! 三位脑洞大开的主持人带着满头问号到处挖掘更多围绕在我们生活周遭的大小事务。 你是否知道本地有养蚊子场? 沃尔巴克计划是什么? 网购已经成为本地人的生活习惯之一,到底物流中心是如何运作让我们更快的收到包裹?你是否曾经担心自己超速违例?交通警察是如何捉超速的车辆...
Ever wondered what happens to the wood left behind from tree-pruning? Gardens by the Bay have an intricate power-saving system, have you seen it before? Who do you call when you discover a beehive in your home? How does the Rain Vortex at Jewel Changi Airport work? Do you know where does the water of Rain Vortex comes from? "Curious City" has all the answers! 你可否想过路边行道树被修枝后送到哪里?主持人带着问号来到的第一站,探索能源转换之巧妙...
Ever wondered what happens to the wood left behind from tree-pruning? Gardens by the Bay have an intricate power-saving system, have you seen it before? Who do you call when you discover a beehive in your home? How does the Rain Vortex at Jewel Changi Airport work? Do you know where does the water of Rain Vortex comes from? "Curious City" has all the answers! 你可否想过路边行道树被修枝后送到哪里?主持人带着问号来到的第一站,探索能源转换之巧妙...
Do you know that Singapore have one of the first floating closed-containment fish farms in the world? Have you ever wondered what happened during tunnel closure? Have you heard of the Ventilation Building for tunnel? How could you react when there is an emergency inside the tunnel? In this episode, follow our hosts out to the sea, and down to the undergrounds, to find out the answers! 三位主持人出海探索“3030愿景”新加坡自给自足的秘密!在海上的“封闭式浮动水产养殖场”有什么特别之处?另外...
Do you know that Singapore have one of the first floating closed-containment fish farms in the world? Have you ever wondered what happened during tunnel closure? Have you heard of the Ventilation Building for tunnel? How could you react when there is an emergency inside the tunnel? In this episode, follow our hosts out to the sea, and down to the undergrounds, to find out the answers! 三位主持人出海探索“3030愿景”新加坡自给自足的秘密!在海上的“封闭式浮动水产养殖场”有什么特别之处?另外...
How many types of police are there in Singapore? What are their respective duties? Have you ever wondered how many mails SingPost handles daily? What happened to those "problematic" mails? Let's explore the mysteries of the underwater world at S.E.A. Aquarium with our hosts! Do you know whether corals are plants or animals? How long is the life cycle of jellyfish? Stay tuned for the answers! 新加坡警察部队让小岛国成为全世界安全国家之一,新加坡一共有多少种警察?他们的职责是什么...
How many types of police are there in Singapore? What are their respective duties? Have you ever wondered how many mails SingPost handles daily? What happened to those "problematic" mails? Let's explore the mysteries of the underwater world at S.E.A. Aquarium with our hosts! Do you know whether corals are plants or animals? How long is the life cycle of jellyfish? Stay tuned for the answers! 新加坡警察部队让小岛国成为全世界安全国家之一,新加坡一共有多少种警察?他们的职责是什么...
The S.E.A. Aquarium have more to explore! Marine life require healthy diet too, what do they eat to enhance their immunity? How many mails must a postman deliver in a day? Heard of a smart mailbox in SingaporeDo you know what products are Made In Singapore? Have you see the watch-making process before? Find out more from "Curious City"! 主持人继续挖掘海洋馆的奥秘!海洋生物吃什么来增强免疫力?管理员还要潜入栖息地喂食鲨鱼!你知道在路上奔波的邮差们1天要递送多少件邮件?新加坡有智能信箱...
The S.E.A. Aquarium have more to explore! Marine life require healthy diet too, what do they eat to enhance their immunity? How many mails must a postman deliver in a day? Heard of a smart mailbox in SingaporeDo you know what products are Made In Singapore? Have you see the watch-making process before? Find out more from "Curious City"! 主持人继续挖掘海洋馆的奥秘!海洋生物吃什么来增强免疫力?管理员还要潜入栖息地喂食鲨鱼!你知道在路上奔波的邮差们1天要递送多少件邮件?新加坡有智能信箱...
What is the difference between soya sauce that is made traditionally and those made with modern technology? Do you know how masks that we use everyday are produced? The Singapore Zoo is home to more than 10 thousand animals, how do the staff make sure all of these animals are strong and healthy? Our hosts gets up close to a puma while it is having its routine check-up! 主持人继续挖掘更多新加坡制造产品背后的秘密。你可想过酱油有分几种?传统酿制和现代化生产的酱油有什么不同点?口罩成为国人的生活必需品...
What is the difference between soya sauce that is made traditionally and those made with modern technology? Do you know how masks that we use everyday are produced? The Singapore Zoo is home to more than 10 thousand animals, how do the staff make sure all of these animals are strong and healthy? Our hosts gets up close to a puma while it is having its routine check-up! 主持人继续挖掘更多新加坡制造产品背后的秘密。你可想过酱油有分几种?传统酿制和现代化生产的酱油有什么不同点?口罩成为国人的生活必需品...
We are back at the Singapore Zoo to check out how different meals according to different animals' diets are provided. We get to explore the Madame Tussauds Singapore wax museum and see the hard work that goes behind in keeping the wax figures in good condition. Our hosts continue to discover Jewel Changi Airport! What are the secrets of the indoor landscape in Jewel? 这一集主持人继续挖掘动物园的幕后秘密!动物的饮食与身心管理有多重要?动物厨房每天都准备哪些食物?新加坡的“名人收集库”在哪儿...
We are back at the Singapore Zoo to check out how different meals according to different animals' diets are provided. We get to explore the Madame Tussauds Singapore wax museum and see the hard work that goes behind in keeping the wax figures in good condition. Our hosts continue to discover Jewel Changi Airport! What are the secrets of the indoor landscape in Jewel? 这一集主持人继续挖掘动物园的幕后秘密!动物的饮食与身心管理有多重要?动物厨房每天都准备哪些食物?新加坡的“名人收集库”在哪儿...
PSA holds the title as the world's top transshipment port. How does the port utilize the automated system? Do you remember how a shopping mall smells like? We take a look at how fragrances are created to give different locations their unique scents. Food vending machines can be found everywhere in Singapore. Have you seen what goes behind in this industry? Find out more from "Curious City"!
PSA holds the title as the world's top transshipment port. How does the port utilize the automated system? Do you remember how a shopping mall smells like? We take a look at how fragrances are created to give different locations their unique scents. Food vending machines can be found everywhere in Singapore. Have you seen what goes behind in this industry? Find out more from "Curious City"!
Do you know how many eggs Singaporeans can consume daily? What goes on behind the scenes before eggs reach our markets and stalls? Edible flowers are becoming a popular ingredient in food presentation. What are their secrets? Robots help us in our everyday lives in many ways. Let's find out more about them! 你知道新加披人每一天吃多少颗鸡蛋?鸡蛋在被送到市场前,在农场里经过怎样的检验与流程?为什么大厨喜欢用食用花来点缀?食用花有何秘密让它成为盘上的明日之星?新加坡科技发达,机器人成为生活上的好帮手,你知道机器人的”语言”是什么吗?几岁的小孩开始学习编码?继续看节目长知识!
Do you know how many eggs Singaporeans can consume daily? What goes on behind the scenes before eggs reach our markets and stalls? Edible flowers are becoming a popular ingredient in food presentation. What are their secrets? Robots help us in our everyday lives in many ways. Let's find out more about them! 你知道新加披人每一天吃多少颗鸡蛋?鸡蛋在被送到市场前,在农场里经过怎样的检验与流程?为什么大厨喜欢用食用花来点缀?食用花有何秘密让它成为盘上的明日之星?新加坡科技发达,机器人成为生活上的好帮手,你知道机器人的”语言”是什么吗?几岁的小孩开始学习编码?继续看节目长知识!
We learn more about the trees that we can see everywhere in Singapore! Coffee or Kopi? We take a look at the many different versions of this favourite beverage of many Singaporeans. Do you know how do traffic lights work? What is a "Green Wave"? Bubble Tea culture has grown to be a part our lives, do you know if there is any real tea and milk in a cup of Bubble Tea? 路边行道树是在哪里培育的?植物医生用什么方式来替植物看诊?国家公园里有哪些稀有品种的野生动物?新加坡爱喝的咖啡到底有多少种泡法?你对咖啡有多了解呢...
We learn more about the trees that we can see everywhere in Singapore! Coffee or Kopi? We take a look at the many different versions of this favourite beverage of many Singaporeans. Do you know how do traffic lights work? What is a "Green Wave"? Bubble Tea culture has grown to be a part our lives, do you know if there is any real tea and milk in a cup of Bubble Tea? 路边行道树是在哪里培育的?植物医生用什么方式来替植物看诊?国家公园里有哪些稀有品种的野生动物?新加坡爱喝的咖啡到底有多少种泡法?你对咖啡有多了解呢...
The hosts explore the secrets and technologies used inside a movie theatre. And how is an IMAX theatre different? How are new HDB flats constructed? What kind of technology is used? We all know what the Gardens by the Bay's Supertrees are, but how are they maintained? Underneath the Singapore Botanic Gardens is a detention tank the size of 15 Olympic-sized swimming pools! What is its purpose? 这一集我们来到电影院挖掘电影播映的幕后秘密。IMAX放映系统有什么特别?本地有80%的人住在政府组屋...
The hosts explore the secrets and technologies used inside a movie theatre. And how is an IMAX theatre different? How are new HDB flats constructed? What kind of technology is used? We all know what the Gardens by the Bay's Supertrees are, but how are they maintained? Underneath the Singapore Botanic Gardens is a detention tank the size of 15 Olympic-sized swimming pools! What is its purpose? 这一集我们来到电影院挖掘电影播映的幕后秘密。IMAX放映系统有什么特别?本地有80%的人住在政府组屋...
What is a desalination plant? What goes on inside it? Have you ever noticed solar panels on the rooftops of HDB flats? We make our way up to see what there is to discover! Termites are common household pests. We learn how to prevent them from nesting in our homes. How are leftover food waste processed into fertilizers? Let's find out more about them! 新加坡一共有4座海水淡化厂,淡化海水的过程是怎样的?什么高科技的仪器能精准的检测水质?组屋天台有什么秘密?天台安装的太阳能板到底有何用途?白蚁是本地最常见的害虫之一...
What is a desalination plant? What goes on inside it? Have you ever noticed solar panels on the rooftops of HDB flats? We make our way up to see what there is to discover! Termites are common household pests. We learn how to prevent them from nesting in our homes. How are leftover food waste processed into fertilizers? Let's find out more about them! 新加坡一共有4座海水淡化厂,淡化海水的过程是怎样的?什么高科技的仪器能精准的检测水质?组屋天台有什么秘密?天台安装的太阳能板到底有何用途?白蚁是本地最常见的害虫之一...
In this episode, follow our hosts to discover more about the iconic Merlion statue and the stories of the Singapore Rivers! Let's explore the mysteries of Marina Bay Sands with our hosts! What goes on in the underground floors where the facilities for the working staff are. Find out more from "Curious City"! 鱼尾狮是新加坡文明的象征,你知道鱼尾狮是雌的还是雄的?新加坡有多少座鱼尾狮?节目中还会带大家认识新加坡河流和水源的故事!主持人来到滨海湾金沙,探索地下层的秘密!这里原来是职员的活动区,提供餐饮、清洗衣物等服务,到底有什么大发现呢?最后一集的节目,带你们继续长知识了解小岛国!
In this episode, follow our hosts to discover more about the iconic Merlion statue and the stories of the Singapore Rivers! Let's explore the mysteries of Marina Bay Sands with our hosts! What goes on in the underground floors where the facilities for the working staff are. Find out more from "Curious City"! 鱼尾狮是新加坡文明的象征,你知道鱼尾狮是雌的还是雄的?新加坡有多少座鱼尾狮?节目中还会带大家认识新加坡河流和水源的故事!主持人来到滨海湾金沙,探索地下层的秘密!这里原来是职员的活动区,提供餐饮、清洗衣物等服务,到底有什么大发现呢?最后一集的节目,带你们继续长知识了解小岛国!
Additional Information
Premiered | 2021 |
Genres | variety |