A Night Under The Stars


In this new series Darren Lim and one of his 4 children, embark on a 2-day 1-night adventure with another pair of celebrity parent-and-child, to experience time away from city life. What will they discover in their escapades into the wild? 在林明伦和孩子的带领下,8 对艺人父母携同他们的孩子,展开前所未有的野外生活体验。没有手机和电脑,也没有舒适的床、冷气,更没有帮佣烹调的晚餐,两天一夜的野外生活会给这些城市父母和孩子带来什么样的感悟?

Liu Ling Ling
44 mins

Liu Ling Ling successfully gave birth to Caleb when she was 50 through In Vitro Fertilisation. Her biggest worry though is not being able to grow old with Caleb, so she hopes to create many good memories with him. She took 8-year-old Caleb on a camping trip to under the guidance of Darren. 50岁高龄才成功借由人工受孕生子的艺人刘玲玲,一直担心自己无法陪伴孩子成长,所以她希望透过这次的露营体验,尽可能地和祥祥留下美好的回忆。这一天她在明伦的带领下,母子俩在外岛上经历了许多难忘的第一次。

Liu Ling Ling

Liu Ling Ling successfully gave birth to Caleb when she was 50 through In Vitro Fertilisation. Her biggest worry though is not being able to grow old with Caleb, so she hopes to create many good memories with him. She took 8-year-old Caleb on a camping trip to under the guidance of Darren. 50岁高龄才成功借由人工受孕生子的艺人刘玲玲,一直担心自己无法陪伴孩子成长,所以她希望透过这次的露营体验,尽可能地和祥祥留下美好的回忆。这一天她在明伦的带领下,母子俩在外岛上经历了许多难忘的第一次。

Cavin Soh
44 mins

On this escapade, Calvin Soh and son Kayden join host Darren Lim and son to explore the wild in Pulau Ubin. Will Kayden like the special itinerary that Darren has planned? Under the stars, Darren and Cavin exchanged interesting views of how fatherhood has transformed them. 梽诚接受林明伦“离家出走”的邀约,带孩子苏晖能去野外露营。林明伦还根据晖能的爱好,安排了乌敏岛和樟宜一带的活动,性格慢热、耐性有限的晖能会喜欢吗?林明伦和苏梽诚聊起当爸爸的心路历程,会有何感悟?

Cavin Soh

On this escapade, Calvin Soh and son Kayden join host Darren Lim and son to explore the wild in Pulau Ubin. Will Kayden like the special itinerary that Darren has planned? Under the stars, Darren and Cavin exchanged interesting views of how fatherhood has transformed them. 梽诚接受林明伦“离家出走”的邀约,带孩子苏晖能去野外露营。林明伦还根据晖能的爱好,安排了乌敏岛和樟宜一带的活动,性格慢热、耐性有限的晖能会喜欢吗?林明伦和苏梽诚聊起当爸爸的心路历程,会有何感悟?

Chen Xiu Huan
44 mins

Darren Lim and celebrity Chen Xiu Huan set sail together with their daughters Kristen and Shalynn on his yacht to Seletar Island, an untouched gem in northern Singapore. The four will spend a night out there in the wilderness, take on wakeboarding challenge and go on a mangrove kayaking adventure! 林明伦终于和他的偶像陈秀环见面了!两人带着各自的女儿,乘搭明伦的帆艇来到了实里达岛。这个少为人知的地方隐藏在新加坡北部,荒无人烟。四人将在这里度过一夜、挑战紧张刺激的滑水活动、摸黑探索红树林!

Chen Xiu Huan

Darren Lim and celebrity Chen Xiu Huan set sail together with their daughters Kristen and Shalynn on his yacht to Seletar Island, an untouched gem in northern Singapore. The four will spend a night out there in the wilderness, take on wakeboarding challenge and go on a mangrove kayaking adventure! 林明伦终于和他的偶像陈秀环见面了!两人带着各自的女儿,乘搭明伦的帆艇来到了实里达岛。这个少为人知的地方隐藏在新加坡北部,荒无人烟。四人将在这里度过一夜、挑战紧张刺激的滑水活动、摸黑探索红树林!

Evelyn Tan
45 mins

The affable Evelyn Tan is our celebrity guest this episode! Evelyn has experienced almost all the interesting things out and about with her adventurous husband Darren and children. What novelty will Darren come up with this time to make their adventure an unforgettable one? 这一集的嘉宾是林明伦太座陈毓芸!林家向来热爱户外活动,陈毓芸也随老公到处趴趴走,新加坡好玩的地方几乎都去过了,林明伦这次会有什么新奇行程?在本岛某一处,他们将仿效游牧民族的原始生活方式,感受新体验!

Evelyn Tan

The affable Evelyn Tan is our celebrity guest this episode! Evelyn has experienced almost all the interesting things out and about with her adventurous husband Darren and children. What novelty will Darren come up with this time to make their adventure an unforgettable one? 这一集的嘉宾是林明伦太座陈毓芸!林家向来热爱户外活动,陈毓芸也随老公到处趴趴走,新加坡好玩的地方几乎都去过了,林明伦这次会有什么新奇行程?在本岛某一处,他们将仿效游牧民族的原始生活方式,感受新体验!

Charlyn Lin
45 mins

Charlyn Lin pays a lot of attention to her two children's development, even going back to school to study early education courses. Accompanied by Darren and son Dao Wei, Charlyn and 11-year-old son Zuhao set foot on Pulau Ubin where they experienced camping and other activities. 为了更好的教育自己的两名孩子,艺人林翠芳返校进修幼儿教育课程,希望在孩子成长的过程中,当个称职的母亲。在明伦和二儿子惟惟的带领下,翠芳和11岁的大儿子祖豪踏上乌敏岛,第一次体验野外露营的乐趣。

Charlyn Lin

Charlyn Lin pays a lot of attention to her two children's development, even going back to school to study early education courses. Accompanied by Darren and son Dao Wei, Charlyn and 11-year-old son Zuhao set foot on Pulau Ubin where they experienced camping and other activities. 为了更好的教育自己的两名孩子,艺人林翠芳返校进修幼儿教育课程,希望在孩子成长的过程中,当个称职的母亲。在明伦和二儿子惟惟的带领下,翠芳和11岁的大儿子祖豪踏上乌敏岛,第一次体验野外露营的乐趣。

Lina Ng
44 mins

What would an outdoor camp with your children be like? Host Darren Lim and artiste Lina Ng head to Sarimbun Scout Camp with their teen sons. From team building games to catching eels to a night out in the wilderness, will the two day adventure be too much a challenge for them? 学校露营是许多孩子的成长必经之路,但是和家长一起参与会是什么样的体会?这一集林明伦和黄嫊方带着他们的儿子,来到了莎琳汶童军营地参与团队游戏、动手获取晚餐食材、学习在野外生活的挑战。他们能否完成挑战?

Lina Ng

What would an outdoor camp with your children be like? Host Darren Lim and artiste Lina Ng head to Sarimbun Scout Camp with their teen sons. From team building games to catching eels to a night out in the wilderness, will the two day adventure be too much a challenge for them? 学校露营是许多孩子的成长必经之路,但是和家长一起参与会是什么样的体会?这一集林明伦和黄嫊方带着他们的儿子,来到了莎琳汶童军营地参与团队游戏、动手获取晚餐食材、学习在野外生活的挑战。他们能否完成挑战?

Zen Chong
44 mins

Together with Darren Lim and his son Dao Kai, Celebrity Zen Chong took his youngest son Jia Kai on a camping trip to Lazarus Island and Kusu Island. Jia Kai is more attached to his mother. Can Zen, who has always aspired to be the perfect father, manage this trip without the help of his wife? 育有两名孩子的章证翔,一心想成为孩子心中的完美爸爸。在明伦和恺恺的带领下,证翔父子前往外岛体验野外露营活动,这是他首次和6岁小儿子家愷单独出游。家愷比较黏妈妈,太太不在场,证翔能否管得住家愷吗?

Zen Chong

Together with Darren Lim and his son Dao Kai, Celebrity Zen Chong took his youngest son Jia Kai on a camping trip to Lazarus Island and Kusu Island. Jia Kai is more attached to his mother. Can Zen, who has always aspired to be the perfect father, manage this trip without the help of his wife? 育有两名孩子的章证翔,一心想成为孩子心中的完美爸爸。在明伦和恺恺的带领下,证翔父子前往外岛体验野外露营活动,这是他首次和6岁小儿子家愷单独出游。家愷比较黏妈妈,太太不在场,证翔能否管得住家愷吗?

Allan Moo
45 mins

Singer Allan Moo and his 9-year-old daughter Enya will embark on their first island camping experience to Pulau Hantu. With activities such as snorkelling, kite making, and pizza baking planned by host Darren Lim, will Allan Moo and his daughter experience an unforgettable time together? 歌手巫奇和9岁的大女儿恩雅,人生第一次的海岛露营体验,也是他第一次有机会和女儿单独出游。为此明伦特别选在美丽的韩都岛,精心策划了浮潜、做风筝、烤披萨等一系列亲子活动,要给这对父女留下难忘的回忆。

Allan Moo

Singer Allan Moo and his 9-year-old daughter Enya will embark on their first island camping experience to Pulau Hantu. With activities such as snorkelling, kite making, and pizza baking planned by host Darren Lim, will Allan Moo and his daughter experience an unforgettable time together? 歌手巫奇和9岁的大女儿恩雅,人生第一次的海岛露营体验,也是他第一次有机会和女儿单独出游。为此明伦特别选在美丽的韩都岛,精心策划了浮潜、做风筝、烤披萨等一系列亲子活动,要给这对父女留下难忘的回忆。

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